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The Peacock King of the Vedic Yezidi People The Yeridis are 2 Kurdish speaking people who live in North- em Iraq, Syria, Iran, and Turkey. They number 500.000-600 000 in the Middle East and another 200,000 settled across India. There have been many conflicting myths ‘about the Yezidi people and reli- gion yet most of these are based ‘on Christian and Muslim writings and are not first hand accounts. ‘As a Yezidi | hope to shed some light upon the ancient and rich Vedic culture of our people, a reality that is overlooked by other writers on the subject, In this ar- ticle | present the spiritual tradi- tions of my people from within the perspective of our ancient culture and beliefs In my research | have found that we Yezidi share a common spiritual connection with the Hin- dus of India. tn fact the Yezidi people are originally from South- ern India and Sri Lanka, Satana of Northern India where they are known as Yaudheya or Yaudheya Gana. Yaudheya was ancient con- federation who lived in the area between the Indus River and the Ganges River. {In the Mahabharata the Yaud- heya tribe belong to the kingdom of Yauddheya or Yodheya which lay close to the kingdom of the Pandavas. The Yaudheya kingdom ‘was founded by Yaudheya and the Yaudheya bloodline is mentioned {321 | pecemBer! 2013 in the Mahabharata and by Bhish- ma. Samrat Yayati's fourth son ‘was Anu, Anu's eighth son was Ma- hamana. Ushinara was the son of Mahamana and his rule extended ‘over most of the Punjab. ‘Ushinara's son was Nriga and Nriga son was Yaudheya. It is from Yaudheya that the royal bloodline of Yezidi tribe lives on through Sheikis, Magis, and the Brahmins. In the Mahabharata the Yaudheya took part in the Kuruskshetra war, ing with the Kauravas. In the Mahabharata the Yaudheya tribe belong to the kingdom of Yauddheya or Yodheya which lay close to the kingdom of the Pan- davas. The Yaudheya king- dom was founded by Yaud- heya and the Yaudheya bloodline is mentioned in the Mahabharata and by Bhishma. Samrat Yayati’s fourth son was Anu. ‘After the Kurukshetra War the Yaudheya fled India and migrated to what become the kingdoms of the Sumerians, Assyrians, Mecca and the Egyptians. Following a star called Rudra or Al Gol the Yaudheya were led to the promised Holy Land called Al-Kuds. Al-Kud become Kurdistan and the Meda Empire of Zoroa: trianism. Kurdistan gets it name By Yerial Aluilwah from Sanskrit, Afghanistan, Turk- menistan etc. Sumerian takes it ame from two Sanskrit sources Sumeru the sacred mountain in Vedic religion, and Arya or Irian in Sumerian, The Sumerian, Kurds, Turkomans and Persians were all called Arya. Arya is a Vedic title that means Noble. The Peacock King ‘The Cosmology of the Yezidi is very complex and so radically different that its hard to give a complete view of our religion. The Yezidi faith contains elements of Vedic, Sumerian, Babylonian and Zoroastrianism. The Yezidis are polytheistic but believe in a sin- gle creator called Asura Mazda or Brahman. Asura Mazda created a set of lesser gods, and three sets of angels called Amesha, Spen- tas, Yazatas and Fravashis and the Six Great Angels. The universal supreme deity is Melek Taus or ‘Tawsi Melek, or the Peacock King. The name Melek is is cognate for Moloch of ancient Babyton mean ing King, and Taus meaning Pea- cock. The Supreme Brahman cre- ated Melek Taus in order to give the transcendental Supreme God a vehicle with which to create and administer the universe. Melek Taus is part of the cosmic energy that form from Brahmai In order to assist Melek Taus and the Seven Great Angels, Brah- ‘man created the gods and goddess HINDU TODAY “The author with Sheik, 2 Yezid Elder in Lalish, lragi Kurdistan in 2012. Lalish is considered as the original Sacred Garden af Eden by the Yeridi People, of creation. Vishnu, Surya, Indra ete are avatars of Brahman and not separate from him. From the cosmic rainbow the Seven Great Angels first emerged from the rain- bows of cosmic light. Each of the seven colors are collectively the seven Great Angels. The seven Great Angels were originally part of Melek Taus, the primal rainbow incarnation, who became the cos- mic rainbow's seven colors. Of the seven colors formed Melek Taus became associated with blue, blue being the spiritual color of spiritual world and heavens, which is the source of all colors. Brahman and the Creation ‘At the start of creation Me- lek Taus was both the first form of Brahmanand one of the Seven Great Angels. In the Meshefe Re, the Yezidi Black Book, which deals with the creation of the universe, ‘one passage describes the Great Angels and their role in universe. HINDU TODAY ‘The Meshefe Re states that the Surpreme Lord Brahman created a cosmic pearl. Melek Taus sat upon this pearl until it exploded and then become the physical uni- verse. Then came the seven days ‘of creation, the first day which ‘the Supreme Brahman was cre- ‘ated was Sunday. On that day he created an angel whose name was Azraill also called Azazel, the high- est Angel of them all After the Seven Great angels ‘were created the Earth was pro- duced from the divine essence of ‘the pearl. For a billion years the ‘earth remained barren and then suddenly the earth erupted into a series of intense and violent ‘earthquakes and volcanic activity In order to save the young earth from being further destroyed, Brahman sent Melek Taus to se- date the Earth and endow it with cosmic colored rays which created life. Melek Taus in his Atam form descended into the physical di. mension and in his seven colored rainbow form he manifest as the peacock af the seven colors He then flew to every part of the world in order to bless it, f- nally landing in the area of Lalish or Eden. It was here that Melek Taus was able to calm the Earth with the seven rays of color. Adima and Hevea With the Earthin its final stages of evolution, Melek Taus set out to create mankind. Melek Taus took the Avatar of Enki and rose from the Sea, and in Eden he created from his own seeds Adimas and Hevea or Adamu and Ninki as they were named in Sumerian. However the first creation was without a soul, so Enki breathed life into them, creating the Soul from God. When Adima rose to his feet, Enki turned him around so that he would face the Sun. He in- formed him that there was some- 133) | 2013 | DECEMe: thing more powerful then him and that he was the great Sun Mithra. He also directed Adima to pray to the Sun three times a day just like the Brahmins do today when they recite the Gayatri Mantra. However Adima grew lonely. Upon seeing this Enki created 2 wife for him whom he named Hevea or Ninki in Sumerian. Enki gave to Adima and Heva the Rig Veda and verbalized the prayers that Adima and his descendants chant to this day. Around the world these words were used to pray during worship. Enki spoke to them in 72 languages since ‘Adima and Hevea were destined to have 72 sons and 72 daughters. ‘They would then populate the 72 regions of the Earth. Adima and Heva enrolled in a competition to see which one will bring forth the Yezidi bloodtine. ‘They both stored their seeds in jars and then after a period of incuba- tion the jars were opened. The He- veas jar was opened and found to be full of insects and vermin, while within Adimas' jar a beautiful baby boy was found. The Yezidis are the descendants of this very same boy. Because of his desire to see mankind leave Eden, the God Enki secretly taught Adima and Hiva the ways of gods. Yet divine Anu saw this and sent Melek Taus’ brother El or Yahva of Rig Veda to throw them out of Eden. Upon doing so there was war in the heavens and Enki, appearing as Shiva raged war for the freedom of mankind. He took with him the Asuras and was thrown out of Eden into the fire of Hell, where he became the god ‘of Underworld and ruler of Ghost, Goblins and Demons. He took the mystic name of Sa- (34) | pecemBeR! 2013 tan and became the focus of devo- tion for those in the Underworld. Yet because of Lord Shiva’s devo- tion to God (Brahman) he cried for 40,000 years filling the jars with his tears. These tears quenched the fires of Hell. The Supreme Being Brahman seeing this was moved and he awarded him with the po- sition as the worshipable deity of the Earth Planet Melek Taus, the Peacock King The Yezidis maintain that Me- lek Taus, or the Peacock King is manifest in all religions. Melek Taus also sends prophets to lead the Yezidi to help them maintain their commitment to the spiritu- al path of Melek Taus. One such prophet is Zoroaster. According to the Yezidi Zoroaster appeared on Earth in 60008.C in order to lead the Aryans to the right path of Ahura Mazda, (an Avatar of Me- lek Taus.) Zoroaster is said to have helped form the spiritual cul- ture of the Arya homeland. He reformed the Yezidi Arya faith by merging the Rig Veda with new el- ‘ements such as the Avesta. These are just some of the Melek Taus Avatars that are wor- shiped within Yezidi tradition. + Ahura Mazda of Zoroastrian + Apolloonius/Apotlo + Azazel of Semites ‘© Shaitan word of Satan in Islam ‘+ Shiva/Rudra of the Hindus + Melek /Molech of Babel and Canaanite ‘+ Mithra of Hindus and Zoroas- trian + Murugan / Skanda / Sanat Ku- mara of Hindus of Canaanite and Babel + King Melchizebek of Canaanite + Enki / Ea of Sumerians + Shamash of Sumerians + Osiris of the Egyptians + Dyaus - Nahusha or Greek Dio- nysus © Mahamrityunjaya / Msaw / Masiha Mahesha / Shiva of the Hindus. Yezidi tradition states that Me- lek Taus first appeared after the creation of Adima to his descend- ‘ants as Lord Shiva. Shiva expanded himself into the four main avatars of Rudra (although in some stories Rudra is first Avatar before Shiva), Murugan is the son of Shiva and Shakti. Some of his alternate titles are Skanda, Sanat Kumara, Karttikeya, and Sub- ramamiya Swami. In Yezidi Murugan is considered a reincarnated form of Shiva, for the Father and Son are of one soul. Dyaus-Nagusha, and Mashia, ‘and Mahamrityunjaya. Shiva is a god of yoga, meditation, and tan- tra and the god of the underworld, ghost and goblins. He took upon himself the divine form of Satanan, as the god of Hell. He is held by the Yezidi to have sacrificed him- self and then to have arisen from death in the fires of Hell, From his cremation he was reborn as the Peacock King of the Universe and as the god of Uni- versal Awakening. Dyaus was the first Avatar that came from the re- birth of Shiva and is said to have emerged fram his energy. He is also called Bagha which is rooted in the Sanskrit word Bhagavan or God. He is Androgynous as well. In HINDU TODAY the West he is known as Dionysus and Bacchus. Mahamrityunjaya is the great conqueror of death and the Yezidi hold that he appears as a bat and a serpent. These are his spiritual forms as Death and the Under- work Murugan the Peacock Rider Murugan is the son of Shiva and Shakti. Some of his alternate titles are Skanda, Sanat Kumara, Karttikeya, and Subramamiya Swar mi. In Yezidi Murugan is consid- ered a reincarnated form of Shiva, for the Father and Son are of one soul. Murugan is the highest form of the Peacock King Melek Taus. Murugan like Melek Taus is the king of the universe and moves through the universe as a young boy astride a peacock, or some- times simply as a peacock. Muru- gan's sacred animals include the peacock, the snake and the cock. ‘The snake denotes that the energy ‘of Murugan is divine. This energy is brought to spiritual awakening by reaching Godhead through a sexual awakening of the Kundalini. The cock denotes his status as a solar deity. Murugan is one of the seven angelic beings within the Vedic text and he is referred to as Sanat Kumara. The Yeridi identify the Kumaras as the brothers who assisted Sanat in the creation of the world and in the enlighten- ment of mankind ‘Another name associated with Murugan is Karttikeya which is de- rived from Krittika, a Sanskrit name for the Pleiades. The Pleiades are the source of the primal union between the male and female principles and it is manifested as a spiralling energy. HINDU TODAY This primal union created a vesica pisces, the eye and seed of life, These vesica pisces represents the omniscience of the primal cre= ator, Melek Taus. They were color- ed green or blue-green. The mid- dle color reflects the sexual union between the male and female leading to the procreation of the universe, This energy lead to the creation of universe and came from their sexual union. Thus the combination of the blue-green color produced a ‘Son of God! in the form of a Solar Dragon and of the Peacock ‘Sanat Kumara resides |In the sacred center of the Earth called Shamballa. Kumara has several names, each name relates to the Sahasra centers of the different Systemic Existences. At the Supra-Cosmic plane, he is called Sanatana, in Yezidi he's called Satan, At the Cosmic plane, it is Sanandana, and on Earth, it is Sanat Kumara. It is Sanat Ku- mara that resides in Shamballa In the Mahabharata, Sanat Ku- mara come down to help in the divine plan of Creation, Sanat was reborn as son of Krishna and he was named Pradyumna, On com- pletion of his spiritual quest with Lord Krishna, he again gets back to his original form and posit and takes to the throne of Sham- balla as Sanat Kumara. Sanat Kur mara is the planetary Lord. He receives his energy from higher spiritual planes in the month of Aries, and transmits them to the spiritual Hierarchy called the An- nunaki. The Annunaki are identi- fied as the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades. Sanat is the highest spiritual planet for the devotees of Melek Taus. This planet is said to be located in the Pleiades and is the home to advance devotees of Sanat. Only the most spiritually advanced devotees, mystic yogis and seers go to the realm of Sanat after death, Sanat is ruled over by Murugan (who is also known as Sanat) in his Peacock form. This planet of the Peacock King is the desired destination and hope for all the Yezidi people, During their lives the Yezidi strive to dedicate their lives to the Peacock King. Our greatest hope upon leaving this mortal world is to reach that final and greatest destination, the Planet of Sanat Murugan EIT Yeridi Abflwah was born in Shingal, a holy village ofthe Yer and named Nallein Tifany Sowilo. At 13 years of age she received her religious name Yevi ALtiwah. She is from 2 long line of Magi or Mal. The Mal are a caste of ancent religious and ritual leaders who read the sacred ‘Avesta and other chants, do puias and practice divination and astrology. Cur- rently she is working on her religous diploma in Zoroastrian studies from Zoraastran College in Los Angeles and Yerid studies from Lalish Religious Cok lege based in Iraq. Abiwah practices Shakti Yoga witha focus on Lord Shiva and Lord Kesha and holds Yora Cer- ‘ction from the Yogananda Fellowship of Los Angeles, Sanskrit Manira Cer cation from the Vedic Council of Vedic Astology and Advance Level Certfic- tion fram the American Collegeof Vedic Astrology. In 2012 Arsiwah founded the Shiva Bhakt Book Trust forthe distribu- tion of free Bhagavad Gita and 25 an anne store featuring books on Mys- tim and Siddhis, incense, essential ois and deity worship paraphernalia The Shiva Ghaks Book Tust dstrbutes free books, eds dvds on Sidchis and Vedic ‘opis to students 25 wel, The Trust of- fers tutoring on Vedic and Yeni culture and deity worship. Yerdi Absiwah is a proctsing Mai and offers Puja services, Vedic astrology, Vedic gemstone consult ing. gemstones sales anc Mantra. 12013 | DECEMBER [35]

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