Letter of Recommendation Template

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8 October 2007

Dear St' or Madam::

As the Dean of Publish Design at China Cental Academy of Fine Aits Beijing , Iam
writing witli great pleasure to recommend Ms . Shi Lu to ihe Application of Master
program in your distinguished depMtment.
Ms . Shi took my daas of Operations research during 2005 to 2007.. This, "was mi
advAiiced level undergraduate course tfiAt was designed for those who exhibit
exceptionally good performances in both Applied Publish Design and Communications
design in tiie previous years. Ms .
Shi was one of the best students Ihad in these classes .. Iwas impressed by lie:' Affluences
in design skills to demonstrate Misweis in strong logical Mid precise manners. "While most
of her peers could only plicate strategies from textbook samples, Ms.. Shi usually
approached tire solution in innovative ways by consulting recent publicAtions and
Journals, Her dear luiderstAiidings to tiie complication of modern design theories tidiness
to Ac-couiiting projects made ha' achieve a good mark during final exam. It is also worth
mention the level of confidence and diligences that Ms .. Shi demonstrated in my classes


were estraoidiiiMy. HerpresentAtions in the dasses were always well prepared and well
spoken .Foi' discussions in tiie seminars, she participated.

Ibelieve her strong academic performances in tiie transcript are really self
explanAtory Jiowever, what impressed me much were her extracurricular activities, when
Ms.. Shi was the acting Officer' in Public RelAtions for ihe school, she liad helped us with
numerous tasks, mduding budgets, schedules, and contacts .. Hei' meticulous manner and
efficiencies in problem solving "were outstanding even in the standM'd of the
professionals . The Department Board and Ihighly praised hei' to tiie Graduate School
for mMiy times tlirough out tiie events.. More over, her Athletic- contributions to our
department were also impressive. With her personal effort, shehad our department
honored for a Gold Mid a Bronze Medal in the University sport competition. However; I
respect her decision to pursue her' Master's degree in the GermAiiy Mid Iliave strong
confidence that she will equally succeed..
At die end, Iwould like to summarize Ms. Shi Lu as a promising student tfiAt is confident,
and intelligent. Ibelieve hei' ability to cany out independent researches and projects are
among the best in hei' ages.. Wiih your most distinguished program, Ibelieve she will
further' Advance her' understandings in tiie field and gain more valuable experiences m
practices .. Therefore ,Istrongly recommend her' for admission, without reservation, and

would appreciate your' most favorable considerations to her Application.

Yours sincerely.

Professor Ma Juncnen
Dean of Publish Design At Cliina CentrAl Academy of Fine Aits Beijing
Tel: 0686-10-804 19811

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