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ow to Delete an LSMW Projcet, Subproject and Object.

# 1
run transaction LSMW
hoose which project subproject orelse object needs to be
deleted and then click on delete button
-----Re: how may types of windos are there in SMRTFORMS?not in scripts?
# 4
we have four types of windows in smartfors.
1.main window
2.secondary window
3.copies window window
------Re: what the use of OK_CODE in BDC?
# 1
BDC_OKC0DE will store all the ok codes in the BDC program,
when you pass the Fields to a scrren after filling the
fields we need to ick any button to move other screens,
so here the Button will be have a OK_CODE internally to
know this we do the recording of the Program, after that we
will store this OK code in the BDC_OKCODE field to trigger
the next operation.
------------Re: which command is used to flushes the database buffer?
# 3
$tab is command which flushes database buffer.
------Re: how to change the package of an object?i.e a report stored in ymadhuri packa it should be changed to ysaru
# 2
GOto SE38-->
Goto-> Object dictionary entry->
Click on change button->
Remove previouis package name.
Enter your new package name.
Click on save.
If you want a new request you can create.
-----------Re: what is need of function group for function modules whereas there is no nee
d of for subroutines?
# 1
Hi Friend
Plz go through these 3 points , carefully absorb and it

might be clarified your doubts.

1)Need of function modules is to avoid the lengthy and
faster accessing data,how means,suppose for example: i want
the previous month first day and last day based on Today
date(means day Sunday or Monday or etc)Actually today date
is 19Apr2008,Saturday. I want previous month first day and
last day, ie first day is 1Mar 2008 it is Sunday or Monday
or Tuesday etc and like last date 31Mar 2008 is Monday or
Tuesday etc. Generally you need to write lengthy coding , so
to avoid lengthy coding just u use date function module in
coding and pass the parameters, it will give the out put to
u(just few lines of coding)
2)Function groups means, some related function modules are
grouped in to one function group.
For Example: For date lot of different date function modules
are available in SAP R/3, so these function modules are
grouped in to one Function group.
3)Subroutines are used in only with in the program.
Frequently used part of program is keep in to subroutines.
Globally not available. But where as Function modules are
available in central library of R/3 and global access.
If any doubts plz contact me via mail :
---------Re: If i work in an implementation project will i have to register with SAP?What
is the process of blue printing?What is the role of an abapper in implementatin
project? Regards,
# 2
Hi above answer is wrong.
This is correct one
u don't want to register with sap, just u can work only that
project. everything do company.register with sap is company's
work. that is not developer.
blue print meals, suppose one company wants to start sap,
ie. newly development. at that time technical managers
prepare some blue prints, means how many developers need to
develop project (for abap,sd,mm etc)
that blue print contains the what are the aims and goals of
company. in implementation project abapers will do develop
thereports,scripts,bdcs etc according to there requirement.
Re: What is the role of an abapper in support project?What is the ticket concept
in support project?Who raise the ticket and who resolve it?Let me know the comp
lete procedure?
# 1
In support project, abaper role is to support project. how
means support people will raise tickets(problems occur in
reports etc) and send to abapers with some id. abapers will
do the work. and they contact to support people that id.

In support project there should a SAP Support Team and the

Team members had given an ID , If the user gets any errors
he can issue the tickets to that iD for a particular Consultant.
-----------Re: what is cardinality?how it works in ABAP?
# 1
The cardinality (n:m) describes the foreign key
relationship with regard to the number of possible
dependent records (records of the foreign key table) or
referenced records (records of the check
The left side (n) of the cardinality is defined as follows:
n=1: There is exactly one record assigned to the check
table for each record of the
foreign key table.
n=C: The foreign key table may contain records which do
not correspond to any record of
the check table because the foreign key field is empty.
This can occur for example if the
field of the foreign key table is optional, in which case
it does not have to be filled.
The right side (m) of the cardinality is defined as follows:
m=1: There is exactly one dependent record for each
record of the check table.
m=C: There is at most one dependent record for each
record of the check table.
m=N: There is at least one dependent record for each
record of the check table.
m=CN: There may be any number of dependent records for
each record of the check
-----------Re: can labels generate in smartforms?if yes how?
# 1
Labels generation is not possible in smartforms.
---------Re: what is manue table field in NAST table?what is its purpose in sap scripts?
# 1
NAST used for message status of script that whether form
is executing correctly or there are any issues,is form is
ready to print,whether it is revised , changed ,saved etc.
-------Re: whai is the transaction code or table to see all print programs
# 2
-------Re: what is the transaction code to create LOGO in sap scripts?
# 4

There is no transaction code for creating Logo in scripts.but

U can create the logo with color or black and white, and save
this one with tiff or jpeg file format.
After creating u can upload it through se78 or by run the
transaction RSTXMLDC from abap editor
-------Re: How to create Reports with Radio Buttons, which gives sales information, Del
ivery information and Billing information. plz mention the detail coding Tahnks,
# 1
see the example
Parameter: sales_information radiobutton group g1.
Delivery_information radiobutton group g1.
Billing_information radiobutton group g1.
u write it for selection criteria.
then u write the event
at selection-screen on radiobutton group.
u write query for each one here.
when u select first one, first query is executed, then
second executed for second etc.
---------Re: How to Create an Interactive List based on the selection criteria specified
for the customer number for displaying the customer information on the basic lis
t, their corresponding order details on the secondary list. Plz specify the codi
ng details. Regards, Rahul
# 1
Hi rahul, i think u r newer and also learning abap.
i am giving the idea to u. u just follow my points.
in selection criteria u use select-options statement
eg: select-options <field> for <table-field>
here <field> is name of field and
<table-field> is name of table filed( ur field customer no)
u write a query for basic list in start-of-selection block.
and u must write hide statement after first sql query only.
hide is mainly used to display secondary lists. then u write
write At line-selection event for secondary lists.
in this event u write sy-lsind=1 for first secondary list
and for second secondary list sy-lsind=2. so on. up to u can
write 20 secondary lists, but only one basic list.
---------Re: What is the process of project flow n sap?In context to project flow what ar
e the role of an abapper?

# 1
Project flow contains 5 Phases. These 5 Phases are called
ASAP methodology.
Phase 1: Project Preparation
Phase 2: Business Blueprint
Phase 3: Realization
Phase 4: Final Preparation
Phase 5: Go Live and Support
Plz go through this link for detailed information.
Mainly Abaper is involved in Phase:3.
He/She develothe objects according to Business blue
prints(Tech Spec).
-------Re: What is the role of an abapper in developement process? What is the process
of technical specification and how it is carried out?
# 1
Abaper main role is to develop the objects according to
Technical Spec.
Functional people develop the Functional Spec according to
the client requirement. they will send to technical people.
Tech lead is changed the Functional spec to Technical spec
and forward to Abapers. Abapers will develop the objects by
using spec
--------Re: What is the role of an abapper in developement process? What is the process
of technical specification and how it is carried out?

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