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Ring Rolling

Ring Rolling

Ring rolling

Table of Contents
1.1. Ring rolling ................................................................................................................................. 2
1.1.1. Model setup ...................................................................................................................... 2 Preface: Incremental forming processes ....................................................................... 3 Different types of rollers and their modeling ................................................................ 4 Special Controls ...................................................................................................... 6 Detailed explanation of the needed features ................................................................ 18 Further elements of modelling .................................................................................. 23 Special features of Postprocessing ............................................................................. 30 Potential problems, solutions and trouble shooting ....................................................... 31 Final remarks to the model setup .............................................................................. 32
1.1.2. Demos&Examples ............................................................................................................ 33

1.1. Ring rolling

Figure 1.1. Ring rolling (example)

1.1.1. Model setup

Ring rolling (hot and cold), axis of rotation, free rotating dies, local coordinate systems, table press, process control,
simufact.kinematics, RAW, MERW
This chapter will show in general how to set up a ring rolling model in simufact.forming. For this purpose both the
individual components of ring rolling simulation models and the required parameters are explained. In addition special
instructions for enhanced analysis of results are given.

Ring Rolling

Model setup

Practical experience and/or insight of real ring rolling processes, basic knowledge in simufact.forming - corresponding
to Quickstart and chapters 1 to 6 of the simufact.forming Tutorials, preferably some training with simufact.forming
and first practical experiences to model and run simulations.
Some features introduced in this chapter require special licences and are not included in the basic package
of simufact.forming. Preface: Incremental forming processes

All rolling processes including ring rolling are incremental forming operations. Final shape of the parts is not generated
by transformation of a die contour into the part (such as closed/impression die forging) but by sequential, repetitive
local interaction of dies with simple geometries to the part. Depending on the process (flow rolling, radial forging,
ring rolling, open die forging, axial die rolling) some thousands of cycles may occur. For simulation purposes those
real working cycles again have to be divided into small incremental time steps. Despite optimized and simplified setup
this will lead to a very high number of incremental steps to be calculated.
Additionally plastic zones of incremental forming processes (the zone where the part is interacting with the tools) are
very small compared to the overall part size and need to have an appropriate mesh size resolution. Such plastic zones
are moving often through the part volume in a cyclic manner. Due to the fine mesh requirements an appropriately
high number of elements is used.
In order to minimize the real process loads (forces, moments), often a high number of cycles combined with high
process velocities (e.g. high rpm) are used. Especially for rotating parts this may cause problems. In such cases one
has to take care not to exceed a maximum displacement of an element edge per time step. Beside all other effects
mentioned before, this will determine the number of time steps to be calculated.
Thus simulations of incremental forming processes like ring rolling are very sophisticated. In order to get a stable
and fast simulation with accurate results, please read carefully the following instructions and adjust all the described
parameters to your special application. Parameters in this tutorial are recommendations only.
"Standard forming process"

large deformation zone ("contact area")

shape formation by transforming the geometries of the dies into the part
several operations (if necessary)
large process loads (forces, moments, ...)
Incremental forming process

small, moving deformation zone (small "contact areas")

Ring Rolling

Model setup

--> highly sensitive parameters

large free surfaces
--> impact on convergence, geometry when remeshing
stepwise forming by moving simple dies, numerous types of kinematics
--> input, display, calculation
--> many small time steps Different types of rollers and their modeling

Basic idea
In fact ring rolling devices consist of different types of rollers. First of all their model generation is introduced. Afterwards one will find common control settings as well as complementary modules of a complete setup. The objective
is to give the right understanding of the several setup modules and hence to individual ring rolling devices as well as
enabling the user to model several rolling processes respectively.
Types of rollers
In this context, types of rollers means types of kinematics and not the different functions like e.g. king roller, axial
roller, etc. In terms of different kinematics one knows:
stationary and moving rollers:
referring to the displacement (translation) of the axis of the roller, not to rotational movements
moving rollers:
with defined movements (direction and velocity)
self-controlled moving paths, especially controlled by:
by given process control
engine-driven and driven by friction (drag-rollers):
referring to rotational movements of rollers
orientation and location of roller axis:
... identical to global coordinate axis
... parallel to global coordinate axis
... non-parallel to global coordinate axis
Of course all roller types can be combined in one project.
Modeling features for rollers
All previously mentioned types of rollers can be described by using the following features (for further details please
go to Section The extent of features needed depends on your process.
Table Presses (insert: Press -> Manual -> Press Type "Tabular Motion (Translation & Rotation)")
In simufact.forming rigid dies move neither translationally nor rotationally unless one defines a motion by a Press
or special kinds of mounting are enabled using Die Inserts. While most of the predefined presses pretend a purely
translational motion in global Z- direction (by defining velocities, strokes, energies), table presses offer a broader

Ring Rolling

Model setup

range of motions to be applied: one can determine simultaneous translational motions in all main directions and
one driven rotation by using tabulated time-velocity, stroke-velocity and time-stroke dependencies with nearly an
unlimited number of sampling points. Furthermore one can define a tabulated diameter-velocity function whereas
the diameter corresponds to the actual measured diameter of the ring determined by one of the Special Controls
mentioned below. Last but not least table presses enables to describe force-velocity dependencies. Please note
that this type of table press supports translational motion in global Z- direction only! Hence its application and
combination with other important ring rolling features is restricted. This table type is often used to characterize
hydraulic presses for non-incremental bulk forming operations.
Rotation Axes
If one wants to define an engine-driven rotation by using a table press, a Rotation Axis is needed to define the axis
used for the rotation and the sense of rotation. Rotation axes can be either identical to or parallel to or non-parallel
to the global coordinate system. Each rotation axis is coupled with the geometry of the die it belongs to per user's
definition and will move during the simulation along with the die translationally, but not rotationally.
Frictionally driven rotations do not need a rotation axis but will be defined using a global or local coordinate system.
Die Inserts
In simufact.forming rigid dies move neither translationally nor rotationally unless one defines a motion by a press
or special kinds of mounting are enabled using Die Inserts. Mounting a rigid die is possible for each of the 3
translational directions (along X-, Y-, Z- direction) as well as for each of the 3 rotatory directions (around X, Y, Zaxis) individually and enables for all those directions to determine whether the rigid die is freely moving, whether
the motion is determined by a press or whether the movement is controlled by the force of a generic spring or whether
the rigid die is stationary, i.e. not moving in selected directions. Freely moving dies will be moved (translational or
rotatory) by contact with the workpiece and/or deformable tools. A typical application for such dies are drag-rollers
(driven by friction). One can combine die inserts with presses or generic springs if applicable.
Local Coordinate Systems
Clear definition of directions of both translation and rotation will be done by a coordinate system. Unless there
is no other definition present, this is stated to be the global, cartesian coordinate system. And this is valid for all
bodies unless specified differently. This global coordinate system can be visualized by fading in "zero planes". The
orientation of the system is to be seen on its symbol down left in the graphics window. More flexibility especially for
defining several motion directions which are not parallel to the global system is given by local coordinate systems.
In such one can define a coordinate system being valid for a given rigid die only. It can be used for easy setup of
table presses, die inserts or generic springs, if the direction of motion is not parallel to the global axes. Each local
coordinate system is coupled with geometry of the rigid die it belongs to per user's definition and will move during
the simulation along with the die translationally, but not rotationally. Each geometry can own one local coordinate
system only, whereas translation or rotation can be activated independently.
A table press can operate different dies with different local coordinate systems. For instance one can define inversely
moved dies in one table press. Another typical application are drag-rollers (driven by friction) with non-parallel
coordinate systems compared to the global one. Engine-driven rotations with non-parallel axis for dies without die
insert need to have a rotation axis, for those with die inserts a local coordinate system. Rotation axes and local
coordinate systems are defined in the same sub-menu.
Local coordinate systems are valid for FE- simulations only. FV- simulations are not supported. Please run ring
rolling simulations only with FE. All kinds of post-processing data refer to the global coordinate system. Local
coordinate systems are always cartesian ones and follow the right-hand-rule (notation conventions for vectors in
three directions).
There are two different types of springs to define position-dependent forces on rigid tools in simufact.forming:
Springs ("Die type" -> "Die spring"): acting translationally only in one global coordinate direction that can be
selected. Deflection is limited in both directions (compression, release), spring definition orientated on application. The position of the spring-mounted die can be relative to a second one if applicable. Combinations with a

Ring Rolling

Model setup

die insert or a local coordinate system, and thus the flexibility resulting form this, are not supported. For instance
one cannot model a drag-roller (driven by friction) by using springs. As substitute one can assume frictionless
conditions without rotation.
Generic springs ("Die type" -> "Generic spring"): acting in up to 3 translational and one rotatory direction in the
local coordinate system. If there is no local coordinate system present or an existing one is not activated, generic
springs act per definition in the global one. Deflection of generic springs is unlimited in principle but generic
springs tend to reach the minimum absolute value of force. The definition of generic springs is mathematically
orientated. The position of the die with a generic spring is always relative to its initial position. Generic springs
need to be combined with a die insert. Like this generic springs can e.g. be used to model drag-rollers.
Both types of springs are described separately in another chapter in more detail. Thus they will not be discussed
here any further. Possible applications of springs for ring rolling simulations can be a) to define a self-controlled
motion of measurement rollers for the Special Controls mentioned below, b) to approximate the rotational motion
of rollers with unknown kinematics by using torsion springs (e.g. axial rollers) or c) to center a ring by using springloaded rollers. In such cases please note that two identical springs working in opposite direction do not effect any
stabilizing or centering because the total sum of forces is equal to zero (forces compensate each other completely).
Special Controls
Above mentioned modelling features define a die motion either by (fixed) given characteristics or tool motion
results from current contact conditions or resultant forces acting on the tools (process-controlled motion). However,
both control mechanisms do not have any feedback-control-circuit (closed-loop-control) to the current process state,
especially to the ring diameter. To integrate this closed-loop-control into a model (because real ring rolling processes
work that way), simufact.forming offers special controls for axial-radial ring rolling as well as for radial-profile
rolling. Those kinds of controls have to be added to the model similar to a press (Press / Kinematics / RAW and
MERW) - how to set up such closed-loop-controls is explained in the next paragraphs.
The usage of such special controls is an option for ring rolling simulations. If you have a chance to
predefine all movements in a proper way, it is recommended to use your known kinematics. Especially
when starting to simulate ring rolling processes it is clearly recommended to simulate known processes
not using a special control first. This way material behavior, thermal effects and all other settings can
be checked, adapted and optimized. For this you can use recorded logger data from your machine in
the simulation using table presses. Later on you can start to implement advanced settings and controls.

Ring rolling processes have to be simulated in 3D. Hence, all subsequent informations, settings and
definitions refer to 3D- modelling. There are many other rolling applications that can be simulated
much faster and much more effectively in 2D. For all special settings, particularities and peculiarities
of 2D- simulations (i.e. mesh types) please refer to the related tutorials. Special Controls

Typically the translational and rotational velocities of the dies are used to calculate the finite element solution. But
for most incremental forming processes the velocities are usually not predefined for the whole process. Within the
real machine the current status positions, dimensions and forces is continuously measured and used to calculate
updated speeds and feeds using closed-loop control. For industrially relevant simulations of such processes the same
control loop must be implemented in the simulation. Simufact.kinematics, an optional model of simufact.forming,
contains two such control-loops. To enable process control within each increment, the whole control algorithm was
integrated into the finite element solver, including the required measurement of positions, dimensions, forces and
other status quantities. This avoids the typical division of a finite element simulation in setting the velocities during
the preprocessing, analysis in the postprocessing and repeated preprocessing to adjust the velocities. The result is a
fast and robust closed-loop process control. In the preprocessing you are using application-orientated higher-order
settings, the rest is done by simufact.kinematics.

Ring Rolling

Model setup

Figure 1.2. Closed-Control-Loop of simufact.kinematics

Control-loops in simufact.kinematics do not comply with real device controls exactly but fulfill the
needs of the selected control type with a specially developed algorithm accordingly in a common sense.
This algorithm is mostly based on a geometry only. Hence one will detect sometimes deviations to real
kinematic behavior.

Simufact.kinematics contains different control approaches for all applications - like ring rolling - where
special kinematics are not known (because they are process-controlled) or preparation of known kinematics is too costly - i.e. some open die forging applications - or predefinition with supported functions
is not possible (i.e. orbital forging). Radial-Axial-Ring Rolling (RAW)

For Radial-Axial-Ring Rolling one defines typically the rotational speed of main rollers, the translational motion of
the dragged mandrel and the axial motion of the axial rollers. The rotational speed of axial rollers and their radial
motion is often controlled by machine controllers internally. Additionally the ring will often be guided by one or
two dragged centering rollers. Herewith position of ring centre can be stabilized and controlled displacement of ring
centre can be used to influence fill-up of profiled rings. Centering rollers move on a circular path whereas their current
positions are based on current ring diameter - this is controlled by the machine. In simufact.forming those controls
will be done by simufact.kinematics "RAW".
In order to add an RAW-control, please select Insert (or "right-mouse-click" the inventory window) / Press / Kinematics and then select RAW. Please press OK. Following dialog appears:

Ring Rolling

Model setup

Figure 1.3. Dialog for RAW-control

This dialog contains 5 areas:
General settings for main rollers and determination of ring diameter
Settings for the control of centering rollers
Settings for the control of axial rollers
Settings for the control of the mandrel
Settings for the control of the remesh
All four control algorithms of the RAW - centering rollers, axial rollers, mandrel and mesh - can be activated/deactivated independently. After setting the parameters and closing this dialog, the RAW control will appear in the inventory
window like a press object and can now assigned to the process. Typically centering rollers will be assigned to the
RAW control within the process tree. If no centering rollers are used or if they are not controlled by RAW, the RAW
control can be used for the process without any die assigned to it - please compare the paragraph "diameter-tables"
Models containing an RAW control have to be oriented as shown in the dialog pictures thus: ring axis
parallel to global Z-axis and all translational motions of mandrel in Y-direction must have a positive
orientation (increasing values). Otherwise simulation will not work and may abort with ambiguous error
General settings
Please assign herein the main roller. If required for the determination of the ring diameter, one can and has to specify
diameter of main roller. If the option
is activated, the maximum roller diameter will be taken automatically from the roller geometry and used in the dialog-box. By defining an Start increment one can decide when

Ring Rolling

Model setup

RAW-control shall start. Before the RAW-control starts, all specified axial and center rollers will not be moved during
the simulation in the controlled translations and rotations. But they are present for the simulation and all other settings
and specifications (i.e. dragged rotation) are active. Depending on the stability of initial contact situation it may make
sense to start RAW-control or main roller rotation or both after a certain time delay compared to the start of mandrel
feed. This may support formation of stable initial contact areas.
is a help to specify the diameter automatically for one time only. If one is changing
diameter in the model after using this feature, the new value will not be taken over automatically. It has
to be done manually. Therefore it is clearly recommended to build up the complete geometrical model
and to define all object names before running RAW-dialog.
option always determines maximum diameter based on XY- dimensioning in the inventory window. If the assigned roller in the model (in the process tree) has been rotated around X- or
Y- xis, the feature does not work properly and should not be used.
In order to determine ring diameter including calculation of ring centre point one can select between two options,
which shown in the next figure:
Bonding Box (enveloping cuboid)
Bonding Box is called the smallest enveloping cuboid of a body having side faces parallel to global cartesian
coordinate system. The edge length in Y-direction of this enveloping cuboid around the ring will be used as current
ring diameter during simulation. Use this very simple approach especially in case of centering rollers spanning
whole axial height of the ring, thus guiding the ring on its largest diameter accordingly. But you can freely define
the Z-dimensions of the bonding box and thus determine the ring diameter for a specific area only. This makes
sense in particular case of centering rollers having smaller axial height than the ring and shall guide a profiled ring
only in specific areas of its axial hight. For this specify Z min. and Z max. accordingly. If Z min. and Z max.
are equal, for example the preset 0, the Z-dimension of the bonding box is unlimited and thus the complete axial
hight of the ring is considered.
The Bonding Box method does not require any further consideration in the model setup.

Figure 1.4. Determining ring diameter for RAW-control

Metering Roll
By using this approach ring diameter will be calculated from diameters of main roller and metering roll and from
their distance. In order to use this option one has to assign within the RAW dialog one die of the process tree to
the metering roll and to specify the diameters for both main roller and metering roll. Especially for profiled rings
accurate selection of the related diameters is needed to gain an exact positioning of the centering rollers. This method
is very useful for profiled rings, if centering rollers shall touch the ring in a given height only or if improved and
closer guidance is needed when outer profile of the ring gets filled continuously. Measuring roller can be profiled
as well. Compared to Bonding Boxes this method is more accurate in terms of measuring changing local diameters
(local profile - also dependent on local profile fill-up), but it will consume more CPU- time.

Ring Rolling

Model setup

Metering rolls are defined as rigid dies that shall contact the ring at the defined position without affecting diameter
growth of the ring. Best way to do this is to use spring mounted bodies. If the metering roller rotates (dragged
roller) a generic spring with suitable die insert has to be used. But in most cases the rotation of the metering roll
is not needed and frictionless contact can be assumed. Then a die spring can be used. When defining the spring,
please take into account that for profiled rings the outer local diameter does not grow necessarily all the time, it
might become smaller while rolling occasionally. Only once if fill-up of the profile has been reached, it will grow
continuously and can become larger than initial diameter. Normally, modelled initial position of metering roll is as
much in -Y that even if the maximum ring diameter has been achieved, the metering roll can't reach this position.
Die spring used for the measuring roller is in compressed condition with +Y given as direction of elongation. The
maximum elongation has to be defined in such a way that measuring roller can be moved to the smallest possible
diameter of the ring all the time. Within the first solver increment measuring roller will get contact with the ring
and will after this move along with ring (diameter) by keeping contact.
Please define for generic springs as well as for die springs a spring force and spring stiffness with more moderate
values in order to avoid any negative impact on the rolling process (metering roll shall not effect any deformation
on the part). On the other hand please don't define values close to zero - this may cause numerical problems. Only
in particular cases spring force should drop 100 N and stiffness 1 N/mm. Please set heat exchange to workpiece to
zero. There is no need to define a local rotation axis or local coordinate system unless measuring roller is defined
as drag-roller.
Please make sure that the diameter of the metering roll is large enough compared to the ring diameter.
In simufact.forming contact between workpiece and die is calculated based on element nodes of the
workpiece and the die faces not considering the element faces of the workpiece - hence small diameters
of the metering roll lead to fluctuating ring diameters measured (comparable to a gear wheel). This
will cause an instable calculation. Following figure shows such unsuitable conditions - there is no
penetration present but improper combination of geometries and mesh-sizes.
Normally there is no need that the metering roll rotates. If the metering roll does not rotate, there is
no need to use a circular round one. In such a case one can use also flat, square or similar designs.
This will lead to stable contact conditions and accurate diameters measured if the ring moves in Xdirection. If using non-circular round designs please define in the RAW dialog the Y-dimensioning
of the measuring tool instead of a diameter.

Figure 1.5. Too small measuring roller

If applicable one can measure ring diameter and ring centre point also by using two metering rolls
positioned opposite to each other. One may place the second metering roll at the same side like main
roller (rigid tools are allowed to penetrate each other). Within the RAW-dialog please select this
second die as main roller and specify its diameter as main roller diameter accordingly. The "real" main
roller does not have any other meaning for the RAW-control than determining the diameter. This is
not valid for MERW-control where the main roller will be fed by the control-algorithm.
Control of centering rollers
The RAW-control permits up to two centering rollers and can position them corresponding to the current ring diameter
in such that they are touching the ring very precise and herewith centering and stabilizing the ring. This can be done


Ring Rolling

Model setup

by using an offset value if applicable. This kind of control is purely geometrical based. For positioning purposes of
centering rollers it is assumed that their center points are moving on an arc which is given by a radius and a center
point (please see figure below). Within the RAW-dialog one activates centering rollers and defines their diameter.
For this, one can tick on
optionally. Please describe the arcs by specifying Length and Height of
center point and Radius of the arc. Please note that length and height are related to signs (+/-) and herewith their
positions in +X and -X will be defined. This must correlate to their positions into the model. Centering rollers can't be
positioned by penetrating the ring during the simulation. While animating the kinematics ( ) centering rollers will
follow the predefined arc. Center points and radiuses will be shown as a spoke. Heights of centering points have to be
always +X or -X but never equal to zero. If necessary please specify a very small height.

Figure 1.6. Specifying centering rollers for Radial-Axial-Ring Rolling

By using an offset, one can regulate how close the ring shall be guided. The offset value will be added to the current
ring diameter by taking into account the sign before the new position of centering rollers will calculated. Positive signs
lead to a more loose guidance. By defining a negative offset for one centering roller and a positive one for the opposite
one it is possible to shift the centre point of the ring and hence influencing profile fill-up.
in order to position the centering roll like the RAW-control would do in the beginning of a
simulation. Positioning within the model visualizes all the parameters selected and makes sure that centering rollers
are positioned properly at the right side of the ring. Having centering rollers in their initial position before simulation
starts may stabilize the initial contact formation (especially if one has defined a start increment - time delay - for the
RAW-control or for the rotation of the main roller using a suitable table press). In other situations it may be better
not to start with positioned centering rollers.


Ring Rolling

Model setup

is supporting the setup one time only. Subsequent changes on inputs or model will not
be updated automatically. This has to be done manually. It is clearly recommended to build up the model
first and define RAW-control afterwards.
process already.

works only when RAW was assigned to a

By using Switch force threshold one can switch-off position control of the related centering roll if the absolute force
in global X-direction exceeds the given maximum value. Once position-control was switched-off it can't be activated
again even if the force drops below the limit. Once the position control has been switched-off, the force in global
X-direction on the particular centering roll will be maintained at the specified force. At the same time translational
movements remain possible in global X-direction only. Movement and position of the particular centering roll result
from this. If you switch both centering rolls from position control to a constant force, please consider that opposite
forces on the ring neutralize each other and do not have any centering or stabilising effect.
Centering rollers need to have a rotation axis. Its position will determine the centre of the roller used by the RAWcontrol. Centering rollers can be either free driven drag-rollers or assumed to be frictionless. If being a drag roller
(with rotation) all degrees of freedom need to be fixed in the die insert. Only rotation around Z-axis is to be allowed.
Centering rollers are not allowed to have a (activated) local coordinate system - hence free rotation is possible around
axes parallel to the global Z-axis only.

If simulation aborts after the very first increments this might be caused by unsuitable settings of centering
roller control. In such cases one can find error messages like "iterative penetration checking" within the
log-file. To check this, one may shift centering rollers to +Z-axis as long as the rollers do not touch the
ring anymore. Doing this enables one to check by postprocessing first increments whether the positioning
was carried out properly. In order to get a fast responses please specify output divisions with a large
number (compare the forming control dialog).
Control of the axial rollers
Up to two axial rollers can be controlled either translational or rotatory (or even in mixed condition) independently.
Please assign the die to the axial rollers and activate Mill stand position and/or Rotation roll as required.
Mill stand position shifts the related axial roller translational in global Y-direction depending on the displacement of
ring centre point. If the (missing) top of the axial roller is positioned on the axis of the ring, compare the following
figure, the tangential velocity of the axial roller slows down linear in the same extent as the tangential velocity of the
ring. This makes it much easier to define rotation speed for the axial roller and enables a slip less dragged rotation.
Using "automatic with positioning" the particular axial roll will be moved in the first calculation increment (or in the
specified start increment) such that this condition is fulfilled. The movement is done with complete contact and friction
calculation, thus it can be very instable when bigger distances are used. Using"automatic without positioning" this
positioning of the axial roll in the first calculation increment is omitted and the shift of the axial roll depending on
the movement of the ring centre starts once the condition for the position of the (missing) top of the axial roll has
been fulfilled by the ring growth.
Because rigid bodies are allowed to penetrate each other there is no need to do collision checks with mandrel or other
bodies. For stability reasons the axial rolls are only shifted in -Y-direction and do not follow an interim reduction of
the ring diameter or temporary shift of the ring center to the main roller.
Rotation roll controls the number of revolutions of axial rollers depending on the tangential velocity of the ring based
on its outer diameter with contact to the axial roller. To do so, axial rollers need to have an axis of rotation which is
properly oriented with respect to the sense of rotation. They are not allowed to have die inserts and local coordinate
systems. One can combine RAW-control for rotation with a table press for translational motions.


Ring Rolling

Model setup

Figure 1.7. Axial roller for RAW-control

Control of the mandrel
Normally the translational movement of the mandrel in the model will be predefined using a table press. But in reality
the feed of the mandrel is frequently determined or limited by the maximum force on the mandrel. To model this
behaviour in the simulation, activate the control of the mandrel in the RAW dialog, select the die used as mandrel and
specify the switch force threshold. With this the mandrel is initially moved in global Y-direction as defined in the
model. Once the specified switch force (absolute value) is reached for the first time, a one time switch is done and the
force on the mandrel will be maintained at this constant value. Movement and position of the mandrel will then result
form this. It will never be switched back to the movement defined in the model. The process ends once the process
time specified in the table presses or in the forming control is reached. The complete stroke of the mandrel will then
generally not match the target of the table press, but it will be bigger or smaller.
Control of the remeshing
To mesh the ring a special ringmesher is provided (please compare Section It enables to use different mesh
sizes in tangential (rolling) direction for a "critical part" and for the rest of the ring, with the position and size of a
critical part defined by the user. This enables to mesh the radial rolling gap with a finer mesh than the rest of the ring.
This is especially use full if considerably more forming is done in the radial rolling gap than in the axial rolling gap
("axial corrective stretching"). This will support the reduction of overall number of elements and will shorten CPU
time consumption.
The RAW-control can be used to start remeshing if the predefined zone with finer mesh size has nearly passed the
radial roll gap (see next figure). When activating this feature please specify the sense of rotation of the ring based
on the definition inside the RAW-dialog. Positioning and dimensioning of the critical part of the initial mesh need to
be done by your self matching this setting. Taking over the initial mesh settings for the remeshing, the critical part
will be located properly after every remeshing operation. RAW-controlled remeshing acts additionally to the standard
settings of the remeshing object and becomes active only if the predefined zone has nearly passed completely the
radial roll gap. Independent on RAW-controlled remeshing it may happen, that reaching any other remeshing trigger
criterion a remeshing starts even if the predefined zone has not yet reached its "remeshing position".


Ring Rolling

Model setup

Figure 1.8. Remeshing based on RAW-control (Overview)

In any case there are three things should be attended to:
1. The selected critical part with the finer mesh should be large enough to avoid too much time-costly remeshing
operations. If its too small, additional time needed for remeshing operations may over-compensate time savings
obtained by reducing number of elements. To get an optimum approach for a model one can check within the
LOG-file, when and why remeshing took place. If remeshing operations are carried out based on other remeshing
criteria or if so called "forced remeshing" occurs before the specified zone of the ring has passed the radial roll gap,
RAW-control does not have any influence. Regarding forced remeshing more details can be found at: separation
in Section (see below).
2. Do not specify tangential element size in the rest of the ring too large. It may cause problems to calculate contact
conditions to the different rollers used (axial rollers, centering rollers, metering roll) properly. Please compare
related topic to Figure 1.5 above.
3. For every remeshing operation with different tangential mesh sizes, state variables need to be transformed from finer
to coarser elements. In principle this will lead to inaccuracies and averaging. But this influence is quite marginal for
stable simulations and tangential results that are distributed uniformly. Additionally minimal interpolation errors
may occur when mapping state variables from an old to a new mesh. Normally this influence can be neglected too.
Nevertheless one should check calculated force distribution for the presence of discontinuities after remeshing if
applicable. Micro-structural related state variables may react sensible on interpolation errors caused by frequent
repeating remeshing operations, too.
As soon as RAW-control is activated in the model, the current ring diameter can be used to control translational and
rotational velocities of rigid tools. This is also valid if non of the four control-algorithms mentioned before are used.
Differing to the standard rule that the moving tools have to be assigned to the presses, in this case the RAW-control
can be assigned to the process without specifying a tool belonging to it.
To make use of this feature one has to define a table press (Insert or right-mouse-click the inventory-window / Press
/ Manual ... / Press-Type "Tabular Motion (Translation & Rotation)") and select Table type "Diameter/Velocity" to
define a diameter-dependent velocity. Please make sure, that an ascending order of the diameter values is specified
herein. Doing so, the defined table press can be used like any other table press in the model. It can be combined with
die inserts and/or generic springs, too, to enable highest possible flexibility. Radial-Profile-Rolling (MERW)

Specific radial-profile-rolling processes can be subdivided into the three phases inner profile fill-up, outer profile fillup and calibration as shown in the figure below. Often radial infeed-velocity is controlled depending on which of
the three phases is currently present. The transition between the phases are determined by specific outer ring diameters. Following description of such MERW-controlled radial-profile-rolling assumes a machine with locally fixed
mandrel and translational as well as rotational driven main roller. The model may optionally contain a centering
roller that moves on an arc like shown above for RAW-control. In simufact.forming the "MERW" feature of the
simufact.kinematics module will realise that. It's named by the machine type used to develop the control.


Ring Rolling

Model setup

Figure 1.9. Process phases and infeed control for radial-profile-rolling

Basic idea of MERW is a linear slow down of radial infeed-velocity of the main roller, starting at initially small
outer ring diameter and ending at a larger ring switch diameter. Initially outer ring diameter may decrease caused by
beginning of profile fill-up. While the current outer ring diameter is smaller than at the beginning of the process, initial
infeed-velocity is active (phase 1). As soon as ring diameter starts to increase, infeed velocity will slowed down linearly
(phase 2). When reaching the predefined switch diameter, infeed velocity will slowed down to the smaller calibration
velocity (phase 3). This process runs until desired final outer diameter has reached. Afterwards some revolutions
without any infeed motion will occur. Following figure shows the dependencies of MERW-control described herein.

Figure 1.10. Radial infeed-velocity of MERW-controlled main roller


Ring Rolling

Model setup

Determination of current outer ring diameter and of ring centre point is always made by a metering roller. The current
ring diameter is calculated by using the initial ring diameter and the displacements of metering and main roller in
Y-direction. Hence diameter of both metering and main roller will not be considered. With increasing profile fillup the contact point (or area) between ring and main roller might change. Hence, current diameter calculated may
slightly deviate from the real one. This can be observed on real machines which are working with the same measuring
principle, too. With increasing fill-up, measured ring diameters tend to be smaller than the real ones. Hence guidance
provided by centering rollers becomes closer while rolling. Rolled rings may become slightly larger as given by the
MERW-controller. By adapting initial ring diameter one can compensate this if required. Guidance of centering rollers
can be influenced by an offset additionally.
In order to set up MERW-control please select Insert (or right-mouse-click the inventory- window) / Press / Kinematics. Select MERW from the list and press OK . Following dialog appears:

Figure 1.11. MERW-control dialog

Models containing MERW-control have to be oriented like shown in the dialog pictures, thus: ring axis
parallel to global Z-axis, all motions of main roller in Y-direction and centering point of the mandrel
has to be equal to X=0 and Y=0. Otherwise simulation will not work and may abort with ambiguous
error messages.
By defining a Start increment one can decide when MERW-control of the centering roller shall start. Before that increment has reached during the simulation, centering rollers will hold its position defined in the model. After reaching
the specified increment centering roller will be positioned by MERW-control. This time delay may support stabilizing
of the process until a definite, robust and proper contact situation between ring, main roller and mandrel has reached
and ring has started to rotate. Infeed-motion and rotation of the main roller will be started always at the beginning
of the solver run.
Radial infeed of the main roller can be specified by defining Start velocity of roll, End velocity of roll and Calibration velocity. Direction of main roll determines its infeed direction. Positive means motion in global +Y and negative
in global -Y- direction. Nr. Rotations specifies the number of revolutions after calibration cycle without any infeed


Ring Rolling

Model setup

motion. Max. press time determines the end of the process (time limit): the process stops, even if the desired final
ring diameter including the specified number of roll-out rotations has not yet been reached. On one hand it makes
sense from technological point of view to limit rolling time. It enables to use known values from shop-floor and too
much cooling of the ring will prevented. On the other hand it is a safety-setting to avoid endless simulation loops in
case the desired ring diameter cannot be reached under the conditions selected. Percentage-value of the simulation
progress relates always to this time limit. Simulation succeeds (exit 3004) if either the final diameter (after absolving
the given numbers of roll-out rotations after calibration) or if the maximum time limit has reached. This means that
reaching the time limit is not an error in the sense of the simulation. Please input a constant Rotation speed for the
main roller. Sense of rotation is given by definition of the axis of rotation in the model.
Specify Initial outer diameter of the workpiece, Switch diameter of the workpiece and Final outer diameter of the
workpiece to complete the settings for the control of Figure 1.10 (above). By activating this option:
maximum diameter will be determined automatically from the model and will be used in the dialog.
The MERW-control allows an optional centering roller and can position it corresponding to the current ring diameter
in such that it is touching the ring very precise and herewith centering and stabilizing the ring. This might be done
by using an offset value if applicable. This kind of control is purely geometrical based. For positioning purposes of
centering roller it is assumed, that the centering point is moving on an arc, which is given by a radius and a centering
point (please see MERW-dialog figure above). Within the MERW-dialog one activates centering roller and defines
its diameter. For this one can tick on
optionally. Please describe the arc by specifying Length and
Height of center point and Radius of the arc. Please note that length and height are related to signs (+/-) and herewith
their positions in +X and -X will be defined. This must correlate to their positions into the model. Centering roller can't
be positioned by penetrating the ring during the simulation. While animating the kinematics (
follow the predefined orbital path: Centering point and radius will be shown as a spoke.

) centering roller will

is a help to specify the diameter automatically for one time only. If one is changing
diameter in the model after using this feature, the new value will not be taken over automatically. It has
to be done manually. Therefore it is clearly recommended to build up the complete geometrical model
and to define all object names before running MERW-dialog.
option always determines maximum diameter based on XY- dimensioning in the inventory-window. If the assigned roller in the model (in the process tree) has been rotated around X- or
Y-axis the feature does not work properly and should not be used.
Please specify the names of Main roll, Metering roll and Centering roll in the lower part of the dialog. Assign
MERW-control to a process and afterwards main roller to MERW-control. The metering roll has to be a rigid body and
to be positioned in the model in such, that it is contacting the ring at a desired location without influencing ring growth.
For this it is recommended to use a spring loaded body. Shall the metering roller be dragged (by friction) please use a
Generic Spring with proper die insert. But mostly there is no need for rotating this roller, hence frictionless contact
can be assumed. In that case you can use a Die spring. As the current ring diameter will be determined base on the
current displacement of the metering roll relative to its initial position, it is necessary to have contact between ring
and roller as a starting condition. Thus the "Die spring" die is in released condition with same direction of motion as
main roller (+Y or -Y). The maximum elongation has to be defined in such that it allows measuring roller to be shifted
to the maximum possible ring diameter. Please note that typically such "Die spring" dies are not able to keep stable
contact in the early beginning of the process, characterized by decreasing diameters of profiled rings. The diameter
measured in that phase tends to be slightly too large but it is always smaller than the initial one. It does not play any
role for infeed-velocity control cause it will start only then if the diameter measured is larger than initial one. But the
guidance of the ring by centering roller might be less closer than normal.
Please define for Generic springs as well as for Die springs spring force and spring stiffness with more moderate values
in order to avoid any negative impact on the rolling process (metering roll shall not effect any deformation on the part).
On the other hand please don't define values close to zero - this may cause numerical problems. Only in particular
cases spring force should drop 100 N and stiffness 1 N/mm. Please set heat exchange to workpiece equal to zero. There
is no need to define a local rotation axis or local coordinate system unless measuring roller is defined as drag-roller.
Please make sure that the diameter of the metering roll is large enough compared to the ring diameter.
In simufact.forming contact between workpiece and die is calculated based on element nodes of the


Ring Rolling

Model setup

workpiece and the die faces not considering the element faces of the workpiece - hence small diameters
of the metering rolls lead to fluctuating ring diameters measured (compare to a gear wheel). This will
cause an instable calculation. Figure Figure 1.5 shows such unsuitable conditions - there is no penetration
present but improper combination of geometries and mesh-sizes.
Normally there is no need that the metering roll rotates. If the metering roll does not rotate, there is no
need to use a circular round one. In such a case one can use also flat, square or similar designs. This will
lead to stable contact conditions and accurate diameters measured if the ring moves in X-direction. If
using non-circular round designs please define in the RAW dialog the Y-dimensioning of the measuring
tool instead of a diameter. Detailed explanation of the needed features

Following informations refer to and shall give a more detailed insight on this topic, except for springs and special
controls. Springs will be described in another chapter of this tutorial. Special controls have been described above
already. Table press

To add a table press please select Insert (or right-mouse-click the inventory- window) / Press / Manual ... and select
from Press type menu "Tabular Motion (Translation & Rotation)". Following dialog appears (see next figure). After
confirming your setting by clicking OK, a new press symbol appears in your inventory window. One can assign now
the press to the related process as well as the related tools (one or more) to the press. It is possible to assign more than
one press to a process and to combine it with RAW- or MERW-control if required. Even combination of table presses
with another press type in one process is possible. In some cases this may lead to constraints for the table press, thus
you need to check on this in you particular case. Normally the combination of table presses with other press types is
not relevant for ring rolling applications. Like many other objects table presses can be stored within simufact.forming
database and be used for other projects as well.

Figure 1.12. Table press dialog

First of all please select Table type. Names of the selectable types stand for their special dependencies included
(y=f(x)) and are valid for all three possible translations as well as the rotation. Possible dependencies are: time-velocity,


Ring Rolling

Model setup

stroke-velocity or time-stroke and above mentioned diameter- velocity. Table presses enable force-velocity functions
too. This type of table press supports translational motion in global Z-direction only. (Combination with typical ring
rolling features is restricted. It is widely used for hydraulic presses (for non-incremental processes)). Please select
Units for the given table columns according to the table type and all other requirements. For time-stroke dependencies
please specify any rotation as cumulated angle - multiple values of 360 are possible and make sense. Stroke of a die
is always relative to its initial position in the model.
Fill in related values line-by-line and confirm after each line by clicking Add. Repeat whenever needful. By clicking
Modify or Delete one may correct input values or change table properties accordingly. Values of the first column
can't be change. One have to delete complete line and add corrected one. But one can also change all Values in the line
- even in first row - and afterwards add this line before deleting the old line. Every line has to be completed, so every
column has to be filled. It is not possible to use different times or strokes in the first column for separate directions.
If required you have to prepare your data accordingly.
One can import table values also from csv-files. csv-files must use commas as separator between columns and pointsign as decimal separator. Every csv-file contains 5 columns and as many lines as needed according to the table format.
It is not allowed to contain headers, only values are permitted. To read in a csv-file please click Read and select
related file from browser. Check the table type and the units after the import! This information is not included in the
csv-file. The import of a csv-file always deletes al existing table data. Importing of table values is a very comfortable
option especially when importing a large number of lines (i.e. machine data-logger to simulate an existing process to
calibrate simulation settings and parameters). By clicking Write you can export defined tables back to a csv-file.
When setting up complex kinematics for different directions you may ask what kind of table press should
be used. Simufact.forming processes all types of table presses properly. For internal use all defined
tables will be converted lossless. For all dies without die insert a time-velocity dependency will be
used internally, for those with die inserts a time-stroke dependency accordingly. (This does not apply
to diameter and force dependent table functions). Thus you may be able to save some back and forward
All table presses used in a process need to have the same overall process time. By definition this time describes the
simulated time of the process. One can reduce this time by changing it inside the forming control under stroke (as
usually default setting "0" does not mean zero but the time is determined by the table press(es)). Special controls as
well as abort criteria may shorten this time too.
Table presses are independent from the predefined step control used inside the forming control. Especially all given
times, strokes and velocities (sample points) do not interact with calculation of time increments of the solver run.
Hence they may not be meet exactly (i.e. one defines a sample point at 1 s process time but the solver uses internally
time increments at 0.99 s and 1.01 s). The smaller the step size, i.e. the more time increments are used, the smaller a
possible deviation. For ring rolling applications normally a large number of time increments will be used, hence this
is usually not an issue. Tables with a large number of sample points for a steady kinematic function in principle lead
to very small deviations and in most cases the exact compliance of each value is not needed.
Usually table presses will be combined with fixed number of time steps. Following this logic one may ensure exact
match between given and used sample points: For the initial time of each calculation increment the current velocity
of the die will be determined from the table - if required by linear interpolation between to sample points. During
duration of a running increment this velocity is kept constant. By synchronizing the given times in the table (where
applicable indirectly based on the stroke) with step control it is possible to get identical points. In a "theoretical" table
hence the given moments of time are multiples of the time step. But in the "practical" table used in simufact.forming
time sample points should be shifted about 10% of the time step to early times while keeping all other values constant
(time = theoretical time - 0.1 x time step). This ensures that a the begin of each calculation increment the table values
for the new increment are used. Rotation axes and local coordinate systems

Rotation axes and local coordinate systems define translational as well as rotational directions in which table presses,
die inserts (see next paragraph) and generic springs affect rigid dies. Following dependencies exist:
rigid dies without die insert and with table press


Ring Rolling

Model setup

parallel to global coordinate system: no local coordinate system necessary
non-parallel to global coordinate system: can be transformed by superimposing translations within global coordinate system -> must have for Finite Volume, for FE problems is better to use local coordinate system and
die insert
axis of rotation without any influence
only driven rotation possible, always with axis of rotation, no local coordinate system necessary, sense of
rotation is given by direction of axis of rotation
rigid tools with die insert
parallel to global coordination system: neither axis of rotation nor local coordinate systems necessary
non-parallel to global coordinate system: local coordinate system should be used, for table presses as well
as for generic springs - but not for die inserts - transformation by superimposing translations within global
coordinate system possible too, must have for Finite Volume (only table presses, no generic springs)
axis of rotation without any influence
driven (by table press or by generic spring) or dragged around global coordinate axis: neither axis of rotation
nor local coordinate system necessary, sense of rotation is positive (mathematically) around global coordinate
axis, please adjust signs of table press or springs if applicable
driven or dragged around axis parallel to global coordinate system: axis of rotation is sufficient (origin of the
3 possible axes parallel to the 3 global coordinate axes is the initial point of defined axis of rotation), local
coordinate system possible, sense of rotation is positive (mathematically) around selected coordinate axis,
please adjust signs of table press or springs if applicable
driven or dragged around non-parallel axis: local coordinate system necessary, sense of rotation is positive
(mathematically) around local coordinate axis, please adjust signs of table press or springs if applicable
Axis of rotation and local coordinate system are geometry related properties but not die related ones. They can be
defined within the same dialog. To call this dialog please select within inventory or process window a geometry, rightmouse-click, and select Rotation axis / local System .... Following dialog appears:


Ring Rolling

Model setup

Figure 1.13. Dialog for axis of rotation and local coordinate system
By activating
one can define axis of rotation by three mouse clicks and local coordinate system by a
fourth one. All mouse-clicks will be assigned to the corner points of the selected stl- facets of the geometry. First
three clicks form a circle. Axis of rotation will go through the centre point of the circle described and will be oriented
orthogonally to it. Length of axis will be chosen automatically so that it will exceed boundaries of the geometry on
both sides. Typically one places mouse-clicks on peripheral curves of either a cylinders front face, a cones bottom
face or similar suitable surfaces of the geometry selected. Fourth mouse-click defines the X-direction of the local
coordinate system. Z-direction corresponds to axis of rotation and origin to the initial point of axis of rotation. Positions
of selected points will be shown as numbered ones in ascending order. By using < and > one may select, which point
will be set with next mouse-click, hence a click can be repeated and the old point will be overwritten.
is not activated, one may define coordinates of initial and end point of axis of rotation manually as
well as local coordinate system. Origin of the local coordinate systems should always be the initial point of axis of
rotation. Orientation of this local coordinate system (X-, Y- and Z-axis) will be given by three vectors starting in the
origin. These vectors need to be cartesian ones and must follow right-hand-rule. Inactive
enables one
to correct all values created by mouse-clicks afterwards, i.e. to assign them to their exact position. Adjust length can
be used to define length of axis of rotation in such that it exceeds both sides of the selected geometry a little bit.
(upper left corner) turns the direction of the axis of rotation (and herewith sense of rotation) as well as Z-direction
of the local coordinate system.

(upper left corner) deletes both axis of rotation and local coordinate system.

After defining local coordinate system one has to activate or deactivate use for Translation and/or use for Rotation.
Use for rotation is activated by default but not use for Translation. Hence one can describe translation and rotation
independently in global or local coordinate systems. But please note, it is not possible to use different local coordinate
systems for translation and rotation.
After definition of axis of rotation and/or local coordinate system has been finished, the symbol for the geometry
selected gets changed within inventory- and process-window from


. Please select button

from "Dis-


Ring Rolling

Model setup

play"-toolbar to visualize defined axis of rotation (will be shown as black arrows with red arrowhead).
again can be
used to make the local coordinate system visible inside the model-window by a black arrow with yellow arrowhead. If
the local coordinate system is not activated for both rotation and translation one can see inside the model-window two
different coordinate systems which are slightly shifted to each other and will have different orientations. Visualization
of local coordinate systems will determined by the die insert. Freely moving systems are to be seen as drawn lines
with arrowheads, other motions by broken lines without arrowhead.
Because axis of rotation and local coordinate systems are properties assigned to a geometry, each geometry can be
used within a project with consistent axis of rotation and local coordinate systems only. If necessary one has to import
or create a geometry several times if different approaches regarding axis of rotation or local coordinate systems shall
be used.
For the same reason axis of rotation and local coordinate systems will shifted along with the geometry if this is
moved by translation or rotation during the model setup. Hence definition may differ dependent on where the selected
geometry is located - either in the process- or in the inventory-window. One may take advantage of this by selecting
that geometry (either within process- or inventory-window) which is more suitable positioned for planned definition
of axis of rotation and local coordinate system. This is recommended especially if one wants to input the related values

All orientation statements during postprocessing always relate to global coordinate system. Local definitions will not considered. Die Inserts

In previous chapters and paragraphs the terms dies with or without die insert have been used. Die inserts define special
mountings of a rigid die. With them one can define individual motions in each of the three translational as well as for
each of the three rotational degrees of freedom (DoFs) of rigid dies. Possible definitions are:
Fixed, hence no motion in the defined direction is allowed,
Press, hence determination of a motion by a press which is assigned to the same rigid die,
Generic spring, hence determination of a motion by the reaction force of the generic spring which is assigned to
the same rigid die (note: Finite Volume does not support generic springs).
free motion, hence a motion which is determined by forces affecting the rigid tool in given direction. By definition
a free motion is given if neither Fixed, nor Press nor Generic spring are selected for a direction.
To add a die insert please select Insert (or right-mouse-click the inventory-window) / Die type / Die insert / Manual ...
The following dialog appears wherein above mentioned motions can be defined. Please note that not all combinations
are possible. One may observe that activating one option may deactivate another one. Before pressing OK please
check all settings finally. For all Finite Volume applications (not to be used for ring rolling) one has to specify the
mass of die. For all Finite Element simulations this setting will not be taken into account.


Ring Rolling

Model setup

Figure 1.14. Die Insert dialog

Die inserts are marked in the inventory and in the process window with the symbol
. They are assigned to rigid dies
on their own or in combination with generic springs or presses. If a local coordinate system is activated, the directions
refer to it. If not they refer to the global coordinate system.
In simufact.forming rigid dies will neither move translational nor rotatory unless there is assigned press
motion and/or "die insert" definition. There is no need for "die insert"-definition if either the die has
been fixed in all directions or it moves by given press-definition in one direction and all other directions
are fixed.
Hence this definition is necessary for special combinations of motions only. Generic springs always
have to be combined with such "die insert" definitions.
Technical background for former users of simufact.formingGP:
By assigning a "die insert"-definition to a tool it becomes a load controlled body. All other rigid tools
will be treated as velocity or spring controlled bodies internally. Further elements of modelling

Only kinematic settings of ring rolling applications were discussed so far. In addition to this important issue one has
to know further aspects of modelling and simulating ring rolling that shall be described now. All informations refer
to Finite Element (FE) simulations (FV is not used for ring rolling). Please select only FE when defining the process
and related properties (Process Definition / Solver). Meshing
Simufact.forming offers a powerful and specifically developed mesher for ring rolling, the Ringmesher. It is clearly
recommended to use only this mesher for both initial meshing and remeshing operations defined within the remesh
object. Ringmesher creates a consistent hexahedron mesh which is oriented to the ring in axial, radial and tangential
direction accordingly. It enables to create high quality meshes with the most accurate element type for such kind of
processes - the hexahedron element - whereas the number of elements used is less compared to other types of elements


Ring Rolling

Model setup

and hence the calculation time is reasonable with respect to the complexity of the process. Tetrahedrons should not
be used for ring rolling.
Next picture shows the principle of the ringmesher: First of all a cross section is meshed with Quad-elements (2D) subsequently rotated by 360 to get a 3D- mesh out of hexahedron elements. Finally cross sections will be adapted to
the shape and roundness of the ring accordingly without changing element structure.
Figure 1.16 compares obtained results of meshing a simple rectangular ring between standard mesher (overlay-hex)
and ringmesher. Uniformity of the ringmesher can be seen.

Figure 1.15. Functional principle of Ringmesher

Figure 1.16. Comparison of hexahedral meshes created

by Overlay HexMesher (left) and RingMesher (right)
Ringmesher works completely different to Overlay-Hex-mesher with cylindrical basic coordinate system and should not be confused. Both are using axial, radial and tangential orientations of the mesh but
starting mesh creation and further meshing principle is completely different (overlay-hex creates first
of all mesh-core which is then projected onto surface of geometry to be meshed). This is well suited
for nearly round structures, round structures with radial holes or material accumulation. Ringmesher
enables to create better, high-quality meshes for rings and much more flexibility in terms of ring axis.


Ring Rolling

Model setup

As well ringmesher shall not be confused with "overlay-hex-mesher with template". This kind of ring
template is the precursor of the ringmesher, uses an other projection and adaption of the base mesh to
the geometry and is provided only for compatibility to old models. It is not supported anymore. To get
optimal results again use the ringmesher.
To create an initial mesh (double-click or right-mouse-click followed by Show / Create Mesh ... on the meshing-symbol assigned to the workpiece
or ) and select first of all Ringmesh as Mesher (given by default when using the
process type ring rolling). The initial 2D-mesh of the cross section can be checked by pressing Preview before one
starts with 3D mesh creation. This option enables quick check whether the used settings create a suitable mesh in
terms of shape quality (ring profile) and number of elements. Advanced enables to do additional settings as follows:
Given element sizes in axial, radial and tangential directions determine how many elements one will create. As
known this has a huge influence on CPU-time will consumed later on. For tangential direction element size can
be different for "critical" and "uncritical" parts (deformation zone). Please compare "Control of the remeshing" in
Section Maximum allowed ratio of tangential element size to radial/axial element size is allowed to exceed
factor 1.3. Related warning messages when start the simulation can be ignored. Edge angle determines the minimum
angle which has to be there to detect an edge and to consider it during meshing. For ring rolling applications large
values (80) are recommended to make sure that only (real) rotary edges (circumference) will detected.
Ring centre point is recommended to be determined automatically, cause it will change while rolling. Please check
proper orientation of ring axis (X, Y, Z). On demand size and position of "critical" part and its deviating element
size can be defined herein.
Maximum refinement level and outline quality affect only the cross sectional 2D-mesh not its 3D-rotation and
adaptation of roundness and profile/shape of the ring. Maximum refinement level defines how often radial and axial
element size are allowed to be halved to get an exact cross section of the ring. Outline quality is an abstract test
statistic - default is 0,0001. This should be changed by decimal powers on demand. For suitable combination with
maximum refinement level smaller values will lead to improved mapping of ring contour. To check impact of these
settings one can use above mentioned preview feature.
Refinement box
Refinement boxes affect only the cross sectional 2D-mesh not its 3D-rotation and adaptation of roundness and
profile/shape of the ring, too. Dimensioning of the box in axial (U) and radial (V) direction will be defined within
cross sectional plane relative to - automatically determined - centre point of the ring. Usage of such boxes is limited
due to changing diameters of the ring. It can be used to define it for outer diameters of profiled rings to get more
accurate results.
Initial Meshing starts by clicking
- after the meshing process is ready - OK - mesh will transferred to the model.
Thereby a remesh object with the selected settings will created and assigned to the workpiece. It is labelled within
inventory- and process-window as:
- all settings can be found at Advanced . Remeshing criteria can be differ from
those of the initial meshing i.e. to start with coarser mesh for the first increments and to become finer if needed at
the end of simulation. The remesh object contains also information when remeshing shall start. By default it starts if
strain change exceeds 0.4. One may input higher values due to the uniform deformation process, i.e. 0.6. There are
other criteria available but normally not used.
Changed settings of the remesh object will not be overwritten necessarily when creating a new initial
mesh and assigning this to the workpiece. All settings, even refinement boxes, meshing and remeshing
criteria will be overwritten not before one has answered Yes to the question: "Do you wish to use the
initial mesh parameters for remeshing?". Be careful when answering this question: Yes will overwrite
all settings of the remesh object, including the remesh criteria. In doubt select No and check and adapt
the remesh object manually.


Ring Rolling

Model setup

If CAD-data of the final ring geometry or intermediate stages are available it may make sense to load
this data also and to mesh them in a dummy process. It enables to check mesh settings for this geometries
in terms of number of elements used as well as proper shape mapping, especially for profiled rings.

Tubular rings with locally nearly constant wall thickness (which can change with time) can be meshed
also effectively by using the sheet mesher. For thinner wall thicknesses it creates less number of elements
than ringmesher. There is one precondition before just trying: it must exist definite edges between front/
end surfaces and circumferential surfaces. Stabilizing
In general in simufact.forming mass-dependent inertial- and dampening-effects will not be considered. Normally their
impact on forming processes (excluding some special cases) is marginal. This leads especially for ring rolling simulations to tilting and wobbling of the ring which is maybe higher than compared to reality. It may cause deviations
while ring starts to enter profiled shape of rollers too. Full consideration of inertial and dampening effects is possible
in general. But this approach would consume multiples of CPU-time.
For ring rolling applications there are two much more effective approaches to avoid over scaled tilting and wobbling
of the ring. Next figure shows the two different approaches. Both can be defined by opening the forming control (
in the process window - either double-click the symbol or tag it, then right-mouse-click and select Properties). All
settings are described herein are options - if the ring is stable in the simulation, there is no need to use these options
and you can simulate without stabilizing.
Weight force can be considered as a volume-related load and holds down the ring (by using the weight force but not
by inertial effects). If simultaneously a bolster plate (rolling table) is integrated into the model an explicit stabilizing
effect can be observed. Main disadvantage of this approach is the costly calculation of large contact areas to the
bolster plate. On the other hand with this friction and heat transfer between ring and bolster plate can be considered.
If this is not desired, no friction and no heat transfer can be assumed. But the ring may contact the bolster plate
only sporadic and short time in many real processes. Stabilizing the ring by using this approach may not model
reality in a proper way in this cases.
Very effective and fast is the usage of special stabilizing springs. These springs will increase the (internal) stiffness
of the model without creating continuously acting forces. Doing so there is no need to insert a bolster plate. One can
define either springs operating downwards to a "virtual" bolster plate and hold down the ring as a whole or stabilizing
springs within the ring which act on nodes facing each other. This suppresses relative movements between the
nodes along ring axis and hence tilting of the ring. How strong this stabilizing shall work can be influenced by the
magnitude of spring stiffness.
To model the heat transfer, the bolster plate can be positioned in the model in such that there is no (mechanical)
contact to the ring. Then the heat transfer can be modelled by using the "near contact tolerance" option of the contact
table (pure thermal contact).


Ring Rolling

Model setup

Figure 1.17. Available approaches for stabilizing and guiding the ring
Weight force can be activated inside the forming control under Advanced / Miscellaneous...Gravity. Please do not
forget to select the right Direction.
Stabilizing springs can be set in the forming control under Advanced / Stabilizer. Please check right orientation of
axis of rotation and select a suitable Stiffness for the different spring types. This has to be calibrated by testing several
values from case to case. Please vary the stiffness by changing order of magnitude by some decimal powers. One
should consider that stabilizing springs do affect not only undesired wobbling and tilting but also the desired "filtering"
of the ring into profiled rollers in the early phase of the process. One has to find the right compromise between these
obverse effects. In general an over scaling of the stabilizing effect should be avoided. Step control

Usually for ring rolling simulations a fixed number (manually defined by user) of time steps is used. As a thumb-rule
the number of time steps should be defined in such a manner that tangential motion of a driven roller with contact to
the ring does not exceed one third of tangential element length of the ring per time step. Number of time steps can
be defined in the forming control dialog: symbol in the process window - either double-click the symbol or tag it,
then right-mouse-click and select Properties / Step control. Select mode "Fixed time steps" and activate Fixed afterwards specify desired number of time steps. By clicking the button ... right next to the input field one can activate
a sub-dialog to calculate the number of time steps based on the above mentioned thumb-rule (see next figure).


Ring Rolling

Model setup

Figure 1.18. Calculation of the number of time

steps based on tangential element length of the ring
Please follow this sequence of actions to be done: select drop down list Point of the Press --> this point has to be
defined previously by using main menu Tools / Define points ... The point should be located on a representative outer
diameter of the driven main roller. To define the point open the dialog, click on a desired point of the main roller,
select Add and Close the dialog. <-- previously defined point will appear in the drop down list, select it. Next step is
to check the Distance per step. This value is calculated already as one third of tangential element length of the critical
part of the ring. All other setting are taken over automatically and can't be changed. By confirming OK the calculated
number of steps will be set to the forming control. Calculated value can be overwritten all the time.
Herein described sequence is a help only to support completion of the forming control. Calculated number of time steps will taken over one time only. If one changes whatever setting is influencing this value
it will neither calculated again nor overwritten automatically. It has to be done manually.
One-third-thumb-rule keeps users on the save side (no slippage is assumed). Dependent on the desired accuracy of the results one may run a simulation also with explicit less number of time steps. It
can be stated that using a tangential distance step is equal up to a half of the tangential element size may
not lead to any problem. In some cases two thirds are possible, too. Be careful when trying to set higher
values than mentioned. It can cause problems.
Calculation of time steps does not consider radial and axial infeed-velocity. Number of time steps is
hence dependent on number of revolutions but not from local deformations. In case of fast rotating rollers
simulations become particular costly. Increasing motor speed at constant infeed-velocities (hence real
process time keeps constant too) will lead to an increase of time steps and CPU-time consumption. But
there should be a reasonable amount of forming left within each time step to achieve a stable simulation. Friction
Caused by locally small contact areas, which are characterised by the discretization, i.e. the meshing, the friction
modelling of ring rolling processes is based on more the demands of the simulation than on possibly existing measured
friction values. In general friction of the driven rollers should be defined as high as needed to ensure a stable rotation
of the ring. Dragged-rollers should be modelled with low friction. The upper friction value is limited by possibly
occurring local distortions of the element. This is especially applied to rollers with (local) slippage, i.e. profiled rollers
or axial rollers. In case of profiled rings a too large friction value may affect material flow in radial and axial direction
and hence lead to underfill problems of the ring.


Ring Rolling

Model setup

Typically Coulomb-friction value of 0.4 for driven rollers and 0.2 for dragged-rollers should be used combined with
arctan- friction approach. If local element distortions within contact zones occur or improper material flow in profiled
areas can be observed, one may decrease these values or change over to the shear-friction approach. In case of the
ring does not rotate stably, one option is to change over to the - more costly - bilinear friction approach. Bilinear or
arctan-friction approach can be selected in the forming control: - either double-click the symbol or tag it, then rightmouse-click and select Properties... / Friction. The usage of the combined friction law is possible too. Suitability of
the IFUM friction model is not yet approved.
If one has underfill problems with profiled rings in reality and simulation shows the same effect, the friction values are
adjusted and calibrated well. When using dragged-rollers one should check whether they can approximated as nonrotating and frictionless. This will help to stabilize simulation and saves CPU-time. Contact and separation

Detection of contact and loosening of contact - so called separation - influence stability, CPU-time as well as results
of ring rolling simulations particularly strong. Related parameters can be found in the forming control:
- either
double-click the symbol or tag it, then right-mouse-click and select Properties... / Contact and possibly additionally
within the optional contact table.
Contact detection can be adjusted by the parameters contact Tolerance and contact BIAS. Normally one can use
default settings (typified by "0"). If the simulation is not converging properly or separation is delayed, it might be
useful to set contact-BIAS to large values of 0.95 ... 0.995. This will shift contact tolerance into the dies. Delayed
separation can be seen through element distortions at the roll-gap. But it may caused by other factors (i.e. friction),
too. Poor convergence can be seen through high number of iteration cycles (check sts-file) and related messages which
refer to penetrations (check log- and/or out-file). It may help to define a fix contact value manually. Default value is a
twentieth of smallest tangential element length. For test purposes try to set a twentieth of axial or radial element size
by consideration of refinement level. Enlarging this contact tolerance value may help to overcome bad performing
In order to achieve stable conditions a force, larger than zero, has to pull away a node from the die for contact separation
to occur. Separation is especially needed for all nodes passing the roll-gap exit. Separation can be influenced by
defining Separation type and maximum number of Several releases / increment. One should check these values.
Separation type determines either which force, stress or portion of flow stress have to be exceeded to separate the
node from the die. To use a stress-based criteria is recommended because it is independent mesh fineness compared to
force-based criteria. Usage of flow-stress based criteria may make sense to reduce influence of material characteristics
on separation but there is not so much experience with that. Several releases / increment determines how often the
contact status of a node can be changed within one increment. Use either very small values of 0 ... 5 possibly 10 or
a high value of about 100.
Generally speaking "difficult made" and "few" separations will shorten CPU-time but there is increasing danger of
"bad" results and aborted simulations due to mesh distortions. Too large separation stresses lead to spotted stress-,
strain- and temperature values at the surface, hanging nodes, distorted meshes (and herewith more remeshing operations) and may cause simulation abort. Too small separation stresses may lead to instable and slow simulations. The
influence of several releases per increment can be discussed in similar way. High separation criteria and high numbers
of releases per increment often result in the same outcome like the combination of their low/low- values. But to use
lower values for both saves CPU-time and is recommended herewith.
Separation does not only influence the local results, but the ring growth, too. Particularly within the calibration phase,
thus at low ring growth velocities, a too difficult separation can restrain the ring growth. In this case, use very low
separation stresses, if needed well below 1 MPa. The maximum number of releases per increment may be kept below
10 at the same time.
Surface facets
Another important aspect for every contact calculation is the shape and quality of surface facets of rigid rollers. A
more uniform facet distribution and facets with similar edge lengths help to improve contact algorithm. If you have
analytical CAD-data, thus no STL but STEP, IGES or a native format, it can be imported by using the option "quality
facets" and a Facet Sag which tends to be small. To do so please select Insert (or right-mouse-click the inventory
window) / Model / CAD import ... activate "Quality facets" and try out (by pressing " Preview ") different settings
of Facet sag. Note that too small values of facet sag will lead to too many surface facets.


Ring Rolling

Model setup

Within simufact.forming one can create uniform surface facets by right-mouse-clicking a geometry within the inventory-window followed by Modify geometry / Surface remesh. A new geometry with different surface facets will
be created. Compared CAD import with the option "quality facets" one can use additional refinement boxes to maintain a low number of surface facets. Doing that, one should have in mind that an already discretized surface will be
discretized again what may lead to quality issues. General aspects

Heat transfer
There is no special aspect of modelling heat transfer for ring rolling applications. Caused by typically long process
times one should check very carefully calculated temperatures. Calibration of processes should always contain temperatures. Because of large free surfaces of the ring the influence of heat transfer to environment and emissivity on
temperature calculation is stronger than for other forming processes.
Any symmetry axis orthogonal to ring axis extremely supports stable calculations. This requires not only a symmetric
ring but also an axial ring growth which develops symmetrically - please check this carefully before using it. In addition
stabilizing effects might become too strong and hence suppress real tilting or "hide" wrong kinematics.
Flow lines and particles
... can be used as usual. Flow lines particularly support the user to check whether the cross sections of the ring remain
Previous and next stages
Within a simufact.forming project the ring rolling stage can be combined of course with previous or next stages. Please
take the possibility of transformation from axial-symmetric (2D) - often used for previous upsetting - into 3D- model
into consideration. With Release 11 also vice versa transformation can be used, thus e.g. finished rings can be forged
axial-symmetric again.
Combination with cooling-, heating- or heat treatment stages is possible, automatized stage controls, too..
Most of the time ring rolling simulations are stable enough to use the fast Iterative-Sparse-Solver. If problems occur
the Multifrontal-Sparse-Solver can be tested on demand. Feel free to try other solvers - even if no general experience
Parallelizing features
CPU-time consumption can be reduced by using parallel-computation. Unless the Iterative-Sparse-Solver is used two
options are available: Domain-Decomposition-Method (DDM) and Multithreading. Multithreading is not available for
the Iterative-Sparse-Solver, but DDM is. Especially the DDM-method can induce speed-up factors of 2 or more. But
please keep in mind that the calculation time of ring rolling simulations results from the high number of calculation
increments. The models them self normally have a rather moderate size. These are not the ideal preconditions for
parallel-computing using many domains. Special features of Postprocessing

It the model contains either a RAW or a MERW-control, ring diameter and ring growth velocity can be plotted for the
workpiece with a history plot (open
of the "result actions" toolbar). To check kinematics, translational motion of
axes can be plotted based on position and velocity of related reference points. Plotting rotation speed of drag-rollers
enables one to assess stability of ring rotation.
Thickness evolution of the ring is possible by using contour plots or animations. In order to enable that, one has to
activate it before starting the simulation within the forming control:
- either double-click the symbol or tag it, then
right-mouse-click and select Properties... / Output results -> Thickness.


Ring Rolling

Model setup

Usually ring rolling processes will performed with a high number of output results (output divisions) - also to be
set within the forming control - in order to check frequently progress of the simulation and to get results close to a
possible abort or other problems. Hence the result folder becomes extremely large. One may open properties of results
within process tree) to select and delete results on demand. This is very efficient for the SPR-files, which
are needed only for a restart or a next stage. Potential problems, solutions and trouble shooting

Several problems and possible model errors were discussed already in previous paragraphs. Following bullet points
will summarize these issues along with their causes and possible solutions:
Poor convergence at early beginning of simulation or early abort (within first 50 increments) - first increments
might be critical with respect to stable contact conditions and initialization of ring rotation.
Check initial positioning inside the model (at least 3 contact points, no penetration (consider the mesh), position
of edges, ...), adapt model accordingly
Infeed tools first of all without rotation of driven rollers, start rotation slowly not before stable contact is present
For RAW- and MERW-controls check initial position of centering roller with contact to the ring and/or start
control with a time-delay and/or change contact by using off-set (closer or farther)
For RAW- and MERW-controls shift centering rollers up in +Z-direction as long as there is no more contact to
the ring - check positioning
Start with many output divisions (one result file per increment) to enable more detailed analysis
Check given kinematics - review used units
Ring does not start rotating or sticks during simulation
Increase friction, check friction law (Coulomb) and friction approach (bilinear)
Infeed-velocities and strokes too large?
Temperature evolution realistic? Temperature too high?
Check material data
For RAW- and MERW-controls check guidance of the ring by centering rollers - use positive off-set for looser
Review kinematics - if driven rollers were approximated as dragged ones (i.e. axial rollers with unknown rotation
speed) - change approach - use instead transformation of rotation speed of the ring (possible with Release 11)
or predefine either rotation speed or torsion spring
local mesh distortions in contact areas, hanging nodes, ring surface after roll-gap exit very rough, spotted stress-,
strain- or temperature values on the surface
Separation too difficult: decrease separation stress, increase number of several releases per increment
"Too much contact": increase Bias (approx.. 0.995 or higher but smaller than 1), decrease contact tolerance
Friction creates local deformation or temperature spots: reduce friction, test shear-friction law and arctan-approach, reduce if necessary amount of dissipation (Forming-control / Friction), i.e. the fraction of the friction
work converted into heat, but the influence of this tends to be low
Check temperatures and heat transfer coefficients
Check material data
Review kinematics: can slippage be seen where slippage is in reality?


Ring Rolling

Model setup

Remeshing problems, inconsistent cross sections after remeshing

Increase edge angel within remeshing object
In general poor convergence, contact problems
Import rollers by using "Quality Facets option combined with small "Facet Sag" or remesh surface in
Vary contact tolerance and BIAS
Vary step control
Change to Multifrontal-Sparse-Solver, test different solvers
When using DDM: try another number of domains, another decomposition method or deactivate DDM for test
Review kinematics, check initial position of rollers
instable simulation, ring "flutters", non-circular or wrong shape
Review kinematics, check initial position of rollers, if the same happens in reality - try to optimize the process
(a kinematics that will not or only badly work in reality, will not work in the simulation, too)
Check material data and temperatures
Check friction, contact, separation and time step settings
Check stabilizing settings Final remarks to the model setup

Recommended steps for beginners
Ring rolling indeed is one of the most complex and sensible processes in both reality and simulation. It will take time
(and one should take it) to set up a model, check the model finally and calibrate the process. One has to develop step
by step a feeling for this kind of simulation. Don't start with a ring which failed several times already in the shopfloor and needs to be delivered tomorrow.
Better to start with a stable and well known process. Often this enables to predefine all motions and simulate first
of all the process without any kind of control. Please use existing logger-data and import them as a table press for
instance. Thus one can test first of all basic settings like material data, friction, thermal properties and adjust it to
the process if necessary.
Second step could be to simulate afterwards a similar ring (in terms of material, dimensions and shape) which was
failed in the shop-floor (underfill, ...). Is it possible to simulate the failure / defect? With the same settings? Can the
desired final diameter be reached?
Third: add now suitable control if applicable. Does reality and simulation still match? Have the control setting to be
adjusted? Does is match to real control settings?
After getting satisfying results in all test runs one can trust now the settings and start to simulate more complex parts
or even new and unknown geometries. Always consider that real machines often use much more sensors and actuators
so that simulation maybe will not match exactly (especially for roundness) . Small deviations are normal.
What's to do if rotation speeds are unknown?
If one have a driven roller with unknown rotation speed and what can't be controlled by RAW axial roller control and
if one know that rotation drive power is less than compared to other rollers, then proceed as follows:
First of all assume the roller as a dragged one. If results do not match, please analyze the calculated rotation speed,
correct it if required (smoothen, increase, decrease, ...) and define by using a table press desired rotation speed. Similar


Ring Rolling


way is to use a generic torsion spring in order to enforce related rotation speed what can be used after analyzing and
adjusting the values as a table press.
Final remark
It can be stated in general: ring rolling processes that do not work in reality, won't work in simulations too. It follows
vice versa: a simulation does not run properly either uses wrong settings and assumptions, inputs are missing or real
process does not work at all.
If real process works well and simulation fails, mostly the assumptions are wrong, data are not complete, used measuring devices may not work properly, material types were interchanged, data are from different batches, recorded
kinematics and initial positions do not match, etc. Please check again carefully all settings step by step.

1.1.2. Demos&Examples
Compared to other chapters of this tutorial one will not find for ring rolling simulations any step by step or click by
click instruction to build up a model (there are too many different subtypes and possible combinations of the process).
But one can find in simufact.forming "Demos & Examples" a number of different ring rolling models, showing the
right application of all features and settings mentioned in this tutorial. It enables all users to adapt their own models to
their specific process. Basic handling of simufact.forming and model setup are described in chapters 1 to 6. Chapter
7 and following contain more detailed step by step instructions for several types of models. Further information and
tips are provided with the simufact.forming manual.
Demos & Examples is one of the available applications of the simufact.forming program group and can be found in the
Windows start menu:
. Application examples of ring rolling processes are located in "Advanced
Examples" / "Ring Rolling", see next figure. The installation of Demos & Examples is optional. If you can't find it
you can install it separately from your DVD.

Figure 1.19. Ring rolling applications in Demos & Examples


Ring Rolling


Following models for ring rolling applications are included in simufact.forming Demos & Examples:
01 ring rolling 3D FE
Basic and simple example with rectangular ring - no control is used.
02 ring rolling 3D FE
Fictitious process for rolling an inner roller-bearing-ring. Contains two table presses but no control. Axial rollers
are free-rotating around a non-parallel axis (related to ring axis).
03 ring rolling 3D FE
General process example for RAW control with rectangular ring. Diameter calculation uses a bonding box. Axial
rollers are driven translational and rotatory by table presses and will fed in radial direction simultaneously with the
mandrel. Upper axial roll will be moved in axial direction additionally.
Exercise 1:
Convert the model to axial rollers being dragged but still can be moved translational. Minimize number of table
presses used in the model.
Tip: Define local coordinate system for rotation but not for translation. Define mounting / die insert, delete
rotation from table press, use one table press for mandrel and lower axial roller if possible.
Exercise 2:
Use measuring roller for diameter calculation..
Tip: add new die, read in / create measuring roller geometry and assign it, create spring and assign it, don't forget
to define thermal and friction parameters, decide to use either free-rotating (dragged) or frictionless conditions,
adjust RAW-control settings.
04 ring rolling 3D FE
Example for a process using a table press with diameter-velocity-dependency. The diameter is determined using a
RAW-control with measuring roller. For demonstration purposes a relatively small freely rotating measuring roller
is used. In a "proper simulation" a measuring roller with bigger diameter or a non rotating measuring beam - as
explained earlier - should be used.
05 ring rolling 2D3D FE
Example for a process chain consisting of upsetting, preform operation, piercing and result transfer from 2D to 3D.
The ring rolling process uses an RAW-control and is very similar to "03 ring rolling 3D FE".
06 ring rolling 3D FE
Basic example for MERW-controlled process. Ring to be rolled has inner and outer profile.
07 ring rolling 3D FE
Advanced example for RAW-process: ring with rectangular cross section. Please have attention to the translational
motions of the axial rollers. We are allowed to show an animation only.
In addition one should have a look to "Basic examples" / "Rolling" and "Advanced examples" / "Rolling", i.e. for :
01 rolling 3D FE
Axial-die-rolling of a profiled ring. Ring tilts while rolling temporarily out of the die. This is not by accident and
may not be suppressed by stabilizing features. Hence stabilizing is inactive. Because there is an equal sense of
rotation for both die and roller, application of the calculation of time increments based on one-third-rule does not
make sense.


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