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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hallo guys ! Welcome back with me Miraj Maulana on The Famous Talk Show.
How are you all ? I hope youre okay.
Because tonight Ill follow you all to see and hear about Indonesian proud of young man.
WOW fantastic ! I think its a good topic.
Oh yeah, I know you curiously about this topic.
Ok, I hope you dont go anywhere because Ill invite someone has made Indonesian proud of
them and Ill talk to them about it.
Ok, we invite Satria Fajar Pangestu !
S : Hi, good evening sir !
M : Good evening, nice to meet you ! Please take a chair !
S : Nice to meet you too ! Thanks !
Ok, now we invite one more again Ruby Umbara !
R : Hallo Mr. nice to meet you !
M: Nice to meet you too ! Please take a chair !
I hope you dont go anywhere, because after it Ill come back !
M: Ok, still with me Miraj Maulana on The Famous Talk Show.
By the way, how are you ?
R : Im fine. How about you Mr. ?
M: Im very well, thanks !
And you Satria ?
S : Im okay. I think you look so glad tonight !
M: Oh, really ? Im glad maybe because tonight I can meet with genius person.
S : Oh, thank you so much !
R: Thats right ! I think thats good news for me. You said us genius person.
Thank you brother !
M: You are welcome bro ! Thats all the fact !
Oh yeah, I heard all about you.
You made Indonesian proud of you. Ist true ?
R : Mmm I dont about it. I dont know is it proud to me or no ?
But Im proud of myself, because I brouth Indonesian to International world.
M: How about you Satria ?
S : I think Indonesian proud of us, because of all it.
M: WOW WOW WOW. Give applause !
Oh yeah, I heard you are the winner of Physic International Competition ?
S : Alhamdulillah. Im the winner in this competition although Im not sure !
M: Proudly ! You still youg man but you can bring Indonesian to International world.
WOW fantastic ! Congratulation on all your success !
I like so much about what you got !
R : Oh, yes thank you ! But you dont say to much it !

M: Oh, Im sorry !
Well, what do you think about it ?
S : I think, Im so proud of myself. Its amazing achivment for me.
M: And you ?
R : Im still not sure about it. Maybe because its my first amazing achivment.
M: What do you hope from all this ?
S : I hope I can protect it and Im hoping for follow that competition next year and be the
winner again !
M: How about you Ruby ?
R : I hope thats all can helpfully for me and for Indonesian.
M: Thats right. I like it !
Can you give some suggestion for all Indonesian people that they are like you, and
Indonesian can proud of them ?
R : Ok, Of course !
Im just have one suggestion for you. If you want like me, you should read a book, read
read and read, because from reading you can be a genius person, so because of that
Indonesian will proud of you !
M: Please ! Can you give other people some suggestin ?
S : Ok, I hope you all dont forget to pray to god ! Please, you should always pray to god !
If you want like us !
M: WOW fantastic ! Give applause !
I hope you dont go anywhere, because after it Ill come back again!
M: Ok, still with me Miraj Maulana on The Famous Talk Show.
Please drink ! Do you know it ?
S : No, I dont !
R : What is it sir ?
M: Its Bandrek, did yoy know ?
R : Oh, I, did !
S : I like so much !
M: Yoooooo Bandrek !
Oh yeah, Thank you ! You attended on The Famous Talk Show, I hope you can attend again
here !
R : Ya ya
S : Nice to meet you, see you next sir !
M: I knew Indonesian has a thousand gold brian young man. They are one of them.
Now, I invite you other young man to make creation for this Love Country, Indonesian and
make Indonesian proud of you !
Im Miraj Maulana.
Thank you have watched The Famous Talk Show.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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