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GBS205 Assignments: Week 1 - Set 1

Note: There are six assignments due in Week 1. You will need to keep scrolling down to
view all the assignments.

Assignment 1 Case Problem

Case Problem: Analysis and Evaluation [10 points]
This assignment addresses Course Competency 1

Case 1-7, pg 17
Chapter 1

Go to chapter 1, page 17, find the item labeled "1-7 Court Opinions." Complete all the
questions for the Case. In addition to the case questions in the textbook, submit the exercise
for evaluation listed below.
Choose one type of opinion: majority, concurring, or dissenting. Write a paragraph to justify
why it is important to our legal system. Include an example (real or fictitious) to support your
Remember, your answers should be specific, concrete, and concise. Answers must be in your
own words. Take the time to review the course grading standards.

Assignment 2 For Review

Expanded Review Question [10 points]
This assignment addresses Course Competencies 1 and 2.

For Review Question 1, pg 64

Knowledge and Comprehension:
Go to chapter 2, page 64. Respond to For Review Question 1. In addition to the review
question, complete the expanded activities listed below.
Chapter 2

Think of an current event/issue that might be affected by judicial review. Write a paragraph
detailing how judicial review would influence this.
Is judicial review still beneficial to our legal system? Why or why not? You must reference a
real-world issue and/or case to support your opinion.
Remember, your answers should be specific, concrete, and concise. Answers must be in your
own words. Take the time to review the course grading standards.

Assignment 3 Case Study

External Case Study: A Question of Ethics [10 points]

This assignment addresses Course Competencies 2 and 12.

Case Study: read the case below and answer the questions which follow.

Chapter 3

A Question of Ethics
Linda Bender, in her application for registration as a stockbroker with A. G. Edwards & Sons,
Inc., agreed to submit any disputes with her employer to arbitration. Bender later sued her
supervisor and employer (the defendants) for sexual harassment in violation of Title VII of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits, among other things, employment discrimination based
on gender. The defendants requested the court to compel arbitration. The district court judge
denied the motion, holding that Bender could not be forced to waive her right to adjudicate
Title VII claims in federal court. The appellate court reversed, ruling that Title VII claims are
arbitrable. The court held that compelling Bender to submit her claim for arbitration did not
deprive her of the right to a judicial forum, because if the arbitration proceedings were
somehow legally deficient, she could still take her case to a federal court for review. [Bender v.
A. G. Edwards & Sons, Inc., 971 F.2d 698 (11th Cir. 1992)]
1. Does the right to a post arbitration judicial forum equate to the right to initial access to a
judicial forum in employment disputes? Should you grant the defendants request? Why or
why not?
2. Should the fact that reviewing courts rarely set aside arbitrators' awards have any bearing on
the arbitrability of certain types of claims, such as those brought under Title VII? Why or why
not? You must include an example (real or fictitious) to support your conclusion.

Assignment 4 Case Problem

Case Analysis and Application [10 points]

This assignment addresses Course Competency 2

Case 4-3, pg 113

Chapter 4

Go to chapter 4, page 113, find the item labeled "4-3 Commerce Clause." Complete the
discussion for the Case. In addition to the case discussion required in the textbook, complete
the exercise for application listed below.
Conduct and internet search for NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) and review
the basics of the agreement. Does NAFTA fall under the commerce clause? Why or why not?
Use real-world examples or statistics to support your answer.

Assignment 5 Research and Report

Article Review [20 points]

This assignment addresses Course Competencies 2 and 11

Scope & Topic
Article Review Assignment Legal Environment. Research a current article that
discusses how a law, or set of laws, affect a specific company and/or the entire
business community. The article should be written no earlier than 2006.
The purpose of the article review is to supplement course content and provides you
with experience in researching, evaluating and critiquing real-world issues as they
relate to concepts presented in the course materials. You should read your article at
least three times to gain enough understanding to write a proper review.
Resources and Research
You will use sources other than the textbook for this assignment. The internet,
online library, industry publications, periodicals, professional journals, newspapers
and books are acceptable. Be sure to cite all sources properly. Review the writing
standards and plagiarism link at the left before starting the assignment.

1, 2, 3, & 4

The article you choose must also be in-depth and professional. Opinion pieces, blog
entries, Wikipedia pages, and one- or two-paragraph summaries are not acceptable.
If you need help getting started, visit the SCC Library online at At the right of the page, you will find a column
labeled Ask A Librarian. Library assistance is available 24/7.
Report Requirements
The written article review will be one half to one page (maximum), single spaced
using a font size no larger than 12 point. It should include the following sections, in
1. Basic bibliographic information. List the title, author, publication name and date.
If you found the article online, please include the exact URL.
2. Brief summary of the article. Explain the article in your own words. This summary
will be one to two paragraphs in length. Be concise!
3. Analysis and Critique. This section should be your main focus of this
assignment. Draw some of your own conclusions about how the issue discussed in
the article will affect people and businesses in the real world. Three to four
paragraphs. Answer the following:
What specific laws?
How will this affect business?
How does this issue affect you personally? If it does not directly affect you,
describe how it would affect the general public.

Assignment 6 Review of Final Project

Final Project [5 points]
This assignment addresses all Course Competencies


1. Go to the GBS205 course overview page.

2. Click on the link to the Week 5 Assignments.
3. Scroll down: in Assignment 2, you will find a red link to the final project
4. Review all the requirements for the final project
In your assignment document, include a sentence verifying you have read
and understand all requirements.
If you have any questions, this is the time to ask. The final project is a multi-part
assignment with items due in weeks 2 and 5. A list of approved topics will be sent to
you in a class update and with the graded assignments from Week One.

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