Born For Greatness 11 Reasons You WerenGÇÖt Made For Life in A Cubicle

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Born For Greatness: 11 Reasons You

Werent Made For Life In A Cubicle

Were all born for greatness. Were all born to be explorers, leaders and legends. Were all born
to make our mark and change the world.
Were born to forge our own paths, find our own adventures and to make a name for ourselves.
Were born to cross oceans, build bridges and change lives. None of us were born to live in
None of us came into the world imagining our path ending in front of a wall. None of us saw our
boldest ambitions and lifelong dreams enclosed in a box, surrounded by the shrill echo of ringing
phones and printing paper.
None of us dreamed of lives that consisted of doing the same thing, day after day, year after year.
The 9-to-5 was a death sentence our parents succumbed to, but not us. We wouldnt be like them.
We were born to be somebody. We were born to exceed the limits and dare to do what they
We were born to be extraordinary, to defy the walls and the concrete parking spaces that kept
them shackled and chained from true happiness.
So what happened? When did you decide your path of greatness wasnt worth it? When did you
succumb to the same fate of your parents? When did we decide that cubicles werent so bad and
maybe greatness could just wait until later?
You may have forgotten, but I havent. I know youre better than this. This isnt your life. Your
life is about creating something real. Your life is about being spontaneous and free. Your life is
supposed to be bold and grand.
Youre supposed to procure envy from your peers and gain the respect and admiration of your
own parents. Youre supposed to be flying above, not trapped inside. You were born for
greatness, you were born for fame. In case you forgot, here are all the reasons you werent born
to live in a cubicle:

You never fit inside a box

Even in school, you refused to let the lines become boundaries of your artistic endeavors. You
created abstract art from the coloring pages of your conformist peers.

You turned lessons into experiences and always found your own way. You were a trendsetter, a
leader, a wild card. You didnt conform to the rules then, so why now?

You cant sit still

Youre getting up every 30 minutes for coffee breaks you dont need and bathroom runs youve
already taken. In high school, you vowed youd never work for a job with chairs and now youre
glued to one.

Business clothes make you itchy

These arent the clothes you want to spend your hard-earned money on. You are an
expressionist, an artist. You create a style that no one can replicate.

You have more fight in you than the copy machine deserves
You have too much fight in you to take it out on paper jams and office politics. Youre supposed
to be leading protests and fighting for your rights. Youre supposed to be out there making a
difference, not making enemies of men and women in Ann Taylor pantsuits.

Youre not supposed to work for the weekend

When you were a kid, you imagined every day of your grown-up life as the weekend. Finally
free from the shackles of parents and teachers, you would bask in seven days of independence.
You imagined doing anything you wanted whenever you wanted. Why would you grow up only
to give your power to someone else?

You have more to say than what can be conveyed at a water cooler
You have things to say. Your conversations arent to be limited by seconds at the company water
tank. Youre supposed to be like the philosophers and literary idols you worshipped, thirsty for
conversations that last well into the night.

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