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C e n t r a l 1st W a r d

C e n t r a l 1st W a r d
Upcoming Events
November 26Temple closed
November 27 Thanksgiving
December 2RS Party 7:00pm @old bldg
December 4-6 Live Nativity and Creche festival at Temple Building
East Lawn begins at 6:00pm
December 7 First Presidency Christmas Devotional
December 12Ward Primary Nativity 6:00pm @ old bldg
December 24,25 & 31Temple Closed for Christmas & New Year

Central News

A place where friends and family meet to uplift one another in the Central 1st Ward
of the Pima Stake of the Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints
A Monthly Newsletter
Extra! Extra!


Young Men


Bishop Rob Pursley 348-9504

Jeff McCormies -- 428-3263
Jeremy Hughes --348-1607

President Tom Pursley 651-1115

Sister Marva Bryce -- 428-0578

call Kerry Wilson at 428-6444 for an

appointment with the bishop.

Young Women

Ward Bulletin

President Sherrie Greer-- 245-4127

Sister Jamie Biggers test@ 480-980-2736

email to

President Carol Parris -- 651-6568

High Priests
Leader Ross Ferrin -- 428-0242

Elders Quorum
President David Allred -- 242-8187

Page 10

Missionary Corner

Scout Campout

Elder Colton Cook

Cub Track Meet

and Trunk or Treat

Young Women in

Welcome to the
Householder Family

Page 3

Page 4&5

Page 6

Things of eternal worth cant be bought. You came here

with one life to spend. Dont spend it all on stuff.

We are always thankful to those people who serve so willingly

Relief Society

Our Amazing Youth

Primary Children

New Stake Presidency

Page 2

Ward Council

Issue #44 -- November 2014


President Thomas S. Monson

President Christi Larson -- 965-6598

Building Schedule

Sunday School

Brother Kay and Sister Sharon Taylor -428-5799

President Bill Allred -- 428-9462

Ward Mission
Leader Darvil Boren 428-5017


Schedule the building far in advance. It

fills up quickly!

Ward Newsletter
Sister Tracy Pursley -- 428-6370

call Brother Boren if you have a friend you call Sister Pursley or send your news item
would like to share the gospel with or if you for the next newsletter edition to
would like to feed the missionaries. We always welcome
your good news!

The lighthouse of the Lord beckons to all as we
sail the seas of life. Our purpose is to steer an
undeviating course toward our desired goaleven
the celestial kingdom of God. A man without a
purpose is like a ship without a rudder, never
likely to reach home port. To us comes the signal:
chart your course, set your sail, position your
rudder, and proceed.
Our Father provided the sun, the moon, and the
starsheavenly galaxies to guide mariners who
sail the lanes of the sea. To us, as we walk the
pathway of life, He provides a clear map and
points the way toward our desired destination. He
cautions: beware the detours, the pitfalls, the traps.
We cannot be deceived by those who would lead
us astray, those clever pied pipers of sin beckoning
here or there. Instead, we pause to pray; we listen
to that still, small voice which speaks to the depths
of our souls the Masters gentle invitation, Come,
follow me [Luke 18:22].

Ours is the responsibility to be worthy of all the

glorious blessings our Father in Heaven has in
store for us
There are those who struggle every day with
challenges. Let us extend to them our concern, as
well as a helping hand. As we care for each other,
we will be blessed.
May we remember the elderly and those who are
homebound. As we take time to visit them, they
will know that they are loved and valued. May we
follow the mandate to succor the weak, lift up the
hands which hang down, and strengthen the
feeble knees [D&C 81:5].
May we be people of honesty and integrity, trying
to do the right thing at all times and in all
circumstances. May we be faithful followers of
Christ, examples of righteousness, thus becoming
lights in the world [Philippians 2:15].

President Thomas S. Monson

Excerpt from New Era Message 2014

Page 1

Central Ward
Meet Our New
Stake Presidency
November 2nd was an important day in
our Pima Stake. A new Stake Presidency
was called. We want to thank President
Tyler, President Bryce and President
Schmidt for the time, service, and
inspiration that they have given to all of
President Tyler was given a
promotion at work and moved to the
President Grant - President Beus - President Day
Phoenix Valley last year. He has been
commuting each week for over a year to continue his service to us! He is a great man and we will
miss him.
We are also excited to have a new Stake Presidency. President Mark Beus from the 1st ward
was called as President. He called President Vaughn Grant from the 4th ward as his 1st
counsellor and President Chan Day from the Central 2nd ward as his 2nd counsellor.
President Mark Beus -- President Beus grew up in Orangeville California. He went on his
mission to West Virginia. Following his mission, he went to a Junior College and met his wife,
Marcy, at the Institute there. He finished his degree at Sacramento State University. He was the
Seminary teacher in Pima for 19 years and now works at the EAC Institute as both a teacher and
now as the Institute director. He was the Bishop of the Pima 1st ward and was the senior bishop
of the Stake. He has 6 children and 1 grandchild. He likes to play basketball and loves ice-cream
of all flavors. Maybe we should have an stake ice-cream social...?
President Vaughn Grant -- President Grant grew up in Thatcher. He went to Thatcher High
School and married his high school sweetheart, Ruth Claridge following his mission to Perth
Australia. He went to NAU and ASU. For 10 years he flew and sold helicopters all around the
world. For the past 23 years he has been an insurance salesman. He has been serving on the high
council and in the temple. He has four children and seven grand children. He says that he used
to really like to play racquetball and softball, but now he likes to spend his free time with his
grand children.
President Chan Day-- We are so lucky to know President Day from when the Central 1st
and Central 2nd wards were just the Central Ward. He now lives in the Central 2nd ward in
Elmer Estates. He is a lawyer here in the valley. He was formerly the bishop in the Morenci/
Clifton area where he still practices law. He went to school at BYU and married Sarah. They are
still avid BYU fans. They have three cute young daughters. President Day was serving in the
Central 2nd Ward bishopric when he was called to the Stake Presidency.
We are in good hands with this new Presidency. It will be a joy to learn from their inspiring
words in upcoming conferences.
Page 2

Central Ward

Welcome Home Missionaries!
Christmas Events
December 2nd
Relief Society Devotional
7:00 @ Old Central Bldg
December 12
Ward Primary Nativity
6:00 @ Old Central Bldg
Santa is rumored to attend!

We are proud of all of our Central 1st Ward

missionaries. It is exciting when they leave
and wonderful when they return home. We
look forward to seeing Sister Amanda Greer,
Elder Trenton Pursley and Elder Travis
Skinner in the next month or so. Sister
Greer will be home in the beginning of
December and will stay with us until she
leaves to BYU for spring semester. Elder
Pursley will be home on the 3rd of January
and will be attending EAC. Elder Skinner
will be home on the 6th of January and will
be going back to ASU. We look forward to
hearing their homecoming talks.

December 4th - 6th

Performances at 6:00, 6:45, 7:30, and 8:15

At the Building by the Gila Valley Temple Lawn
Dress Warm. Bring a Blanket if Desired.
Friends and Family are welcome to enjoy the Nativity, Creche
Festival, and walk around the Temple.
Page 9

Central Ward

Central Ward
Brother Jeff Green

Primary Children
Pima Cub Track Meet

Central 1st Ward really knows how

to throw a good party! Just ask
Thanksgiving Ward Dinner this past
month, and they
will tell you about
the fantastic turkey
that Ross Ferrin
slow cooked in his
Brother Bigler and the McBrides
pit. They would tell
you about the creamy potatoes, delicious gravy,
mouthwatering side dishes and of course the
PIES! It was a fun night to share with family and
friends. Thank you Relief Society and High
Priests for making it so delicious!
Angie and Lloyd Adams

Welcome to the Ward

Article by - Sister Jennifer Knight

On November 1st, the cub

scouts had a great time
competing at the cub scout
track meet in Pima.
showed their skills at the
standing long jump, sit up and
push-up competition, 50 yard
dash, and softball throw. They
all did a great job and had fun
cheering each other on!
Traci Brimhall, Jayden Masten, Leland Thompson, Derek Cameron,
Christian Marshall, Ben Knight, Amy Lee, Renee Layton

--Meet the Householders

We are the Householders! We were married in

2011 in the Gila Valley Temple and we have a one
daughter, Kloee, who will be two in January! We
were both raised here in the Gila Valley and are so
happy to be now raising our own family here. We
really enjoy being outdoors and doing things like
snow skiing and water skiing. We both love to
play and watch pretty much every sport. Denver
is doing what he loves, working on the family
farm. Right now they are really busy, working
hard to pick cotton. Jessica is loving being a mom
and getting to spend most of her time at home.
She also works part time at Mount Graham
Regional Medical Center as a Nurse which she really enjoys! Kloee loves playing outside! She
REALLY loves when she gets to play with her cousins but, her favorite is going to visit her Dad at
work and getting to ride on the tractor with him! We are excited to be in Central!

Page 8

Save the Date-December 12th 6:00pm @ the

Old Bldg is the
Annual Ward
Primary Nativity.
Everyone is

Our Primary was in charge of this

years tri-ward Trunk or Treat at the
ramada. Many ghosts and goblins
came out and had fun earning
candy at the booths and visiting
decorated cars . Rumor has it that
there was even a dunking booth,
featuring Brother McCormies!
Page 5

Central Ward

Our Amazing
--Scout Overnight Campout -Did you know that there is a plane
wreck on West Peak of Mt. Graham? I
didnt. The scouts decided that they wanted
to take a hike and camp out to go up and
find it. Here are the picture for proof that it
is there. Wow! What an adventure for the
boys and leaders. This is a trip they will
never forget!

Central Ward

Young Women in Excellence

Each year the Young Women
celebrate the goals that they have
reached throughout the year. They bring
their projects and share their experiences
with all of the girls, leaders, and families
who attend.
organized by Christiana Johnson. She
used the activity to fill one of the 10 hour
projects required to earn her young
woman medallion. She chose the theme
of making good choices. She centered
the theme around the words of the
Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland - If you dont know
where you want to go, then it doesnt matter which path you
She asked many girls to share experiences in each of the
values and had Kyla Allred sing a solo. There were decorations
and refreshments. It was a nice evening. Good job girls, and
Christiana by poster and Kyla singing
good job Christiana!

The youth enjoyed a fun activity at

Brother Hughes house this past month.
They had dutch oven cobbler of all different
kinds. Each group brought their favorite
variety with apple being the most popular.
They had a bon fire, watched a short movie
and played a mean game of Red Rover. Oh
to be young again!

Brother Windsor with the scouts

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Brother Hughes in the plane

Haley Greer and Sam Masten

Page 7

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