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{Tawassul (Seeking means / intercession to
Allah) by the special virtue of the Awliyya'u
(Friends of God}

Poem by:
Shaykh AbdulAbdul-Razaaq ibn Shaykh Ahmad
Malamii AlAl-Kusawiyyu (Niger Republic)
Chorus (of the Poem) by:
Shaykh Ahmad Sukayrij
Translated by:
Muqadam Sulayman Odetayo
Download MP3 Audio of this poem (Recited by Adh-Dhaakir Mukhtar Shu'aib, Kogi) here;

Bismillahi Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem # Wa salaa-llahu 'alaa Nabiyyi'l Kareem

In the name of God, the Most-Compassionate, the Most-Merciful # May God's blessing be upon
the Noble Prophet (SAW)

CHORUS (couplets1 to 3);

1- Yaa Himmat ash-Shaykh ihdirii *** lanaa bi aadhaa'l-Mah'dar

1- "Oh! The Magnanimity(Spiritual Strength) of the Shaykh, Abide *** with us in this

2- wa li-tah'tafii bi nazratin *** tah'tii lanaa bi zafar

2- "and bestow upon us in gazing *** what brings upon us real ease".

3- wal-takshifii maa hammanaa *** min maradin wa-l-faqri.

3- "And remove from us all what ails us *** in ailments and poverty".

4- wal-tar'hamii wal-tar'fahii *** min mud'hishaati dahari.

4- "And bless me and exalt me # from the viccissitudes of our times".

5- wal-takrumii bi 'atfatin *** wal-tasbulii bi Sitri.

5- "Honour me with greatness # and cloak me with respite"

6- Wal-tarfa'an 'an kullinaa # kullu shuruuri'l-Asr

6- "And remove from everyone of us # every evil wiles of the era".

7- waf'taha 'alaynaa Rabbanaa # maa fiihi khayru'l-'umri

7- "And liberate upon us, our Lord # whatever encapsules the goodness of life".

8- wa'skub 'alaynaa Rahmatan # mithla-'nsikaabi'l-qatari

8- "And drop upon us true Mercy # like the droppings of dew-drops".

9- wa'jri 'alaynaa faydatan # jar'yaa kajrii'l-Ja'afari

9- "And make to flow out upon us # flood-gates like the outpourings of grace".

10- wam'nun 'alaynaa bil-ghinaa # wa bi-'uluumi l ghurari

10- "Have mercy on us with wealth(bestowed) # and with the choicest vials of knowledge"

11- bijaahi Khatmil Awliyaa # Qaa'idi ahli dhikri

11- "By virtue of the Seal of Sanctity # the Pillar of the people of (GOD's)remembrance".

12- wa bi-Aliyyi'l-Haraazimi # wa dhaaka bil fakhri hari

12- "And by Ali al-Harazim # that is a pride in gentility".

13- wa bi-saleeli'l-Mushrii # Jaami'i sirri'l Ab'hari

13- "And by the offspring of al-Mishry # compendium of the rarest of secrets".

14- bijaahi qutbinaa'l Aliyyi # wa bi-Tamaasiini duri

14- "By virtue of our elevated Pole # and by (Ali) Tamasini's round".

15- wa bi-Riyaahii Ibrahaam # Saleeli 'Abdul-Qaadir

15- "And by Ibrahim Riyahi # the scion of Abdul-Qadir".

16- bijaahi Taazi Damrawii # Muhammadi'l-Hirqi's-siri

16- "By virtue of Tazi ad-Damrauwi # Muhammad-l-Arabi, secretive".

17- wa bi-Shinjeeti'l-'alami # Al-Haafizi'l-Mush'tahari

17- "And by shaykh the handwriting of wisdom # (Muhammad) al-Hafiz the famous one".

18- Bijaahi Ghaalii'l-Qadari # Kadhaaka Fuutii'l-'Umari

18- "By virtue of (Muhammad) al-Ghali, powerful # similarly that of Umar al-Futi".

19- bijaahi faali man ghadaa # fii'n-Naasi 'aalii'l-Qadari

19- "By virtue of (Mawlud) Fal who arose # amongst men exalted in post".

20- wa bi-Muhammad badinaa # mur'ghimi anfi'l-Munkiri

20- "And by Muhammad Badd, our bard # who rubs the snouts of critics in the dust".

21- bijaahi 'Arabii as-saa'ihi # wa bi-saleeli'l Ahmari

21- "By virtue of Muhammad-l-Arabi Saahi # and by the offspring of Al-Ahmar".

22- 'Abdi'l-Wahaabi'l-Anwaari # Khaleefi sirri'l-Akbari

22- "Abdul-Wahhaab the enlightened # custodian of the greatest of secrets".

23- bijaahi Haaji'l-'Alawii # waalid dhaaka'l-Mushri

23-"By virtue of Hajj al-Alawi # father of that great dynasty".

24- bijaahi Qutbi'l-Haajji dhaa'l- # 'Abda-Laawii Saqari

24-"By virtue of the Qutb,al-Hajj # that's Abda-Lawi, the falcon".

25- bijaahi 'Abdullahi huwa # Waalidu Gawthi'l-'Asari

25-"By virtue of Abdullah,who was # the father of the Succour of the times".

26- bijaahi Shaykh Ahmadaa # Saleeli Haafizi siri

26-"By virtue of Shaykh Ahmad # son of al-Hafiz, a mover".

27- bi-dhaal 'Iyyash Ahmadaa # wa bi-sukayriji duri

27-"Likewise Ahmad al-Iyyashi # and by Sukayrij, epitome".

28- bijaahi Qutbi 'Asrinaa # Bar'haama sami'l-Qadari

28-"By the Qutb(The Pole) of our time # Barham, the power-personified".

29- bijaahi khayri'l-'Anbiyaa'i # wa'l-Mursaleena'l-Ghurari

29-"by the Virtue of the best of all Prophets # and of all the Messengers of yore".

30- wa aalihi wa sah'bihi # min haashimi wa'l Mudari

30-"And his households and companions # from Hashim and Madar".

31- war'ham katheera'z-Zalali # 'Abdur-Razaaqi'n-Najari

31-"and bless in manifolds of facets # Abdul-Razaq, the Nigerien".

32- Al-kuusawiyyu'l-Mallamii # wa bi-Inyaasii hari

32-"The native of Kusa, the Mallami(blameworthy) # and by Inyass the freeborn".

33- wa aadhi'hi tawassalii # bil-Awliyya'i-d-Durari

33-"For this is my intercession cry # to the Priviledged Assembly of the Saints".

34- wa kullu man da'aa bihaa # bijahi sirri'l-Qadari

34-"Whosoever pray with it # by virtue of the secret Power".

35- yanaalu maa yat'lubuhu # min Rabihu bi'l Athari

35-"Attains whatever he yearns after # from his Lord with certainty".

36- Jarrib ayaa man yab'taghii # sirri'l-Ghinaa wa'l Ajari

36-"Imbibe it oh! you who seeks after # the secret of wealth and great rewards".

37- Salli wa Salim Al-Ilah # 'alaa Nabiyyi'l-Az'har

37-"Peace and blessings of GOD # be upon the Prophet, the Efflorescent".

38- Muhammadi wa aalihi # wa sah'bihi wa Zumari

38-"Muhammad,and his kin # and his kith,and his hordes"


~Allahummah sali alaa sayiddinaa Muhammad (Oh Allah, Bless our Master Muhammad),
~al-faatihi limaa ughuliqa (the Opener of what has been Closed),
~wal-khaatimi limaa sabaqa (the Seal of what had gone before(Antiquity)),
~naasiri-l-haqq bil haqq (Helper of the Truth by the Truth),
~wal-haadii ilaa siraatika-l-mustaqeem (the Guide to Your Straight path),
~wa alaa aalihi, haqqa qadrihi wa miqdaarihi-l-adheem (and upon his households, as is the due of
his immense position and grandeur)!
Al-Jawhar al-Fard fii Mad'hi Qutb al-Fard min madaa'ihi ash-Shaykhanaa wa Qudwatinaa
wa Mawlaanaa Ash-Shaykh Abdul-Razaaq ibn Shaykh Ahmad Malamii At-Tijaanii AlInyaasii Al-Kawlakhy An-Najarii (Hafizahu-llahu)......Li Fareed Asrihi wa Gawth Zamaanihi
wa Mawlaanaa Ash-Shaykh Al-Hajj Ibrahim Niasse (RTA)
{The Unique Jewel in Praise/Eulogy of the matchless Spiritual Pole, from the eulogies of our
Shaykh, Epithet and Master, Shaykh Abdul-Razaq son of Shaykh Ahmad Malami Tijani
Niass Kaolack Niger (May God protect him).....(dedicated) to the Unique personage of his
time and Succour of his Age and our Master, Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse (May Allah be pleased
with him)}.
The book was borrowed from the library of; Sidi Ibrahim (Baye) and Sidi Aliyyu Uthman
Bashir ibnaan (sons of) Shaykha Ummuhani Niasse at Kano State, Nigeria

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