Chapt 17

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Chapter 17 Water Use and Management

1. The total amount of water on the Earth ____________ from year to year and the hydrologic cycle
A. stays about the same; moves it from one place to another place
B. increases; captures it from the incoming solar radiation
C. increases; gains water from the Earths interior
D. decreases; moves it from one place to another place
E. decreases; loses water to the atmosphere
Answer: A
Question Classification: Knowledge

2. Transpiration is the way plants

A. return large amounts of water to the atmosphere.
B. absorb water from the atmosphere.
C. absorb water from the ground.
D. return large amounts of water from the atmosphere to the ground.
E. respire using water.
Answer: A
Question Classification: Knowledge

3. Evaporation is
A. the way plants absorb water.
B. liquid water turning to vapor well below boiling temperature.
C. liquid water boiling to produce water vapor.
D. the way water seeps into the ground.
E. the process of water becoming a liquid at a lower temperature.
Answer: B
Question Classification: Knowledge

4. Natural evaporation processes are mainly driven by

A. living plants.
B. radiative heat from the ground.
C. solar energy.
D. the natural instability of liquid water.
E. radiative heat from the Earths core.
Answer: C
Question Classification: Knowledge

5. The process of _____________ explains why your ice cubes shrink when they have been left in the
freezer for a long time.
A. evapotranspiration.
B. evaporation.
C. disintegration.
D. sublimation.
E. transpiration

Answer: D
Question Classification: Knowledge

6. The amount of water vapor that air can hold _________. Warm air is able to hold _____ humidity when
compared to _____ air.
A. varies greatly; more; cold
B. varies greatly; more; hot
C. changes sometimes; less; cold
D. stays about the same; the same; cold
E. stays about the same; the same; hot
Answer: A
Question Classification: Comprehension

7. Saturation point is the maximum amount of water vapor that

A. can be added to a certain volume of air.
B. air at a certain temperature can hold.
C. air can give up if it cools 5 degrees.
D. a certain amount of solar heat can evaporate.
E. air can give up if it cools 5 degrees.
Answer: B
Question Classification: Knowledge

8. Relative humidity is a measure of water vapor in air compared to the

A. maximum vapor air can hold.
B. average vapor that air holds.
C. maximum vapor air can hold at that temperature.
D. maximum vapor that volume of air can hold.
E. minimum vapor air can hold at that temperature.
Answer: C
Question Classification: Knowledge

9. Condensation is the process of water molecules

A. aggregating when the saturation point is exceeded.
B. aggregating when temperatures rise.
C. aggregating from solid to gaseous form.
D. disaggregating with an input of solar heat.
E. disaggregating from solid to gaseous form.
Answer: A
Question Classification: Knowledge

10. The dew point is

A. another word for relative humidity.
B. the temperature at which a certain concentration of water vapor will begin to condense.
C. the temperature at which rain will turn to snow.
D. the humidity level that a certain temperature of air can hold without producing condensation.
E. the temperature at which snow will turn to rain.

Answer: B
Question Classification: Knowledge

11. Condensation nuclei such as smoke or dust can make water vapor
A. less dense.
B. evaporate more easily.
C. reach dew point more slowly.
D. condense more easily.
E. condense less easily.
Answer: D
Question Classification: Knowledge

12. Which of the following statements regarding the water budget is false?
A. Eventually even groundwater makes its way to the oceans.
B. Circulation patterns in the oceans are an important factor in distributing heat on the Earth.
C. Circulation systems on land, in the ocean, and in the atmosphere balance the water budget.
D. Most of the evaporation in the water budget equation occurs over tropical rainforests.
E. All of these statements are true.
Answer: D
Question Classification: Comprehension

13. Most water in the atmosphere has evaporated from the ocean, and ______ rain falls back into the sea.
About ________ percent of the earths total rain falls on land.
A. most, 10
B. most, 20
C. less, 55
D. less, 70
E. None of these, most water in the atmosphere does not evaporate from the sea.
Answer: A
Question Classification: Knowledge

14. Rain drops that form in high, cool, humid clouds sometimes fail to reach the ground because
A. lower air layers are warmer and less saturated and reevaporation occurs.
B. gravity pulls them apart as they near the Earth resulting in precipitation.
C. convection currents keep them in a layer above the ground.
D. lower layers of air are colder, freeze them, and they stay in the atmosphere as ice crystals.
E. None of the above, in general, when rain drops form, they fall to the ground.
Answer: A
Question Classification: Comprehension

Reference source not found

15. The rainiest or snowiest zone on the mountain in the diagram above would be in the area marked
A. from A to B.
B. from B to C.
C. from C to D.
D. at A and at D.
E. at C and at D.
Answer: A
Question Classification: Application

16. The rainshadow on the mountain in the diagram above would be in the area marked
A. from A to B.
B. from B to C.
C. from C to D.
D. at A and at D.
E. at A and at B.
Answer: C
Question Classification: Application

17. Air moving in the direction indicated in the diagram above will become warmer as it moves from
A. B to D.
B. A to B.
C. C to A.
D. D to A.
E. None of these is correct.
Answer: A
Question Classification: Application

18. Air moving in the direction indicated in the diagram above will become dryer as it moves from
A. B to D.
B. A to B.
C. C to A.

D. D to A.
E. None of these is correct.
Answer: A
Question Classification: Application

19. Residence time of water in oceans is a measure of the

A. age of the oceans.
B. average amount of time a water molecule spends in the ocean.
C. average amount of time needed for the entire ocean to be replaced by rainfall.
D. time an average water molecule spends in one region before it circulates to another.
E. average time it takes for a water molecule to make its way back to the ocean.
Answer: B
Question Classification: Knowledge

20. The hydrologic compartment that contains the greatest amount of fresh water is
A. groundwater.
B. the Great Lakes.
C. living organisms and biomass.
D. ice and snow.
E. clouds in the atmosphere.
Answer: D
Question Classification: Comprehension

21. Water enters groundwater by

A. infiltration.
B. entering the runoff stream.
C. transpiration.
D. interception.
E. sublimation.
Answer: A
Question Classification: Knowledge

22. The zone of saturation is the portion of groundwater where

A. water vapor turns to liquid.
B. an aquifer is deepest.
C. all soil or rock pore spaces are filled with water.
D. all soil or rock pore spaces are filled with air.
E. the water table ends.
Answer: C
Question Classification: Knowledge

23. The place where aquifers are most likely to be contaminated is at

A. artesian springs.
B. seeps and other outlets.
C. recharge zones.
D. all discharge and recharge areas.

E. the zone of aeration.

Answer: C
Question Classification: Knowledge

24. The amount of water in aquifers in the United States is

A. nearly as great as the amount of surface water in the United States.
B. higher than all the Great Lakes together.
C. only a small portion of surface water in the United States.
D. over thirty times greater than all surface water in the United States.
E. about the same amount as all surface water in the United States.
Answer: D
Question Classification: Knowledge

25. The atmosphere has the greatest ________ of the earths hydrologic compartments.
A. water volume
B. turnover rate and smallest water volume
C. discharge rate and water content
D. residence time for water
E. All of these.
Answer: B
Question Classification: Comprehension

26. A countrys renewable water supplies are generally made up of

A. surface runoff and infiltration into accessible aquifers.
B. seasonal flooding and infiltration into accessible aquifers.
C. seasonal flooding and seasonal flooding.
D. rivers running through the country.
E. water used from an aquifer.
Answer: A
Question Classification: Knowledge

27. Which of the following factors is the most important factor in determining whether a country is water
rich or water poor?
A. Population density.
B. Country size.
C. Humid climate.
D. Rivers running through the country.
E. Renewable water supplies.
Answer: E
Question Classification: Comprehension

28. The United States has a drought cycle that brings dry periods about every ____ years.
A. 100
B. 60
C. 30
D. 10

E. 5
Answer: C
Question Classification: Knowledge

29. Withdrawal is the total amount of water

A. lost in transmission, due to evaporation or leakage.
B. taken from rivers, lakes or aquifers.
C. used in manufacturing or agriculture.
D. altered or polluted in human activities.
E. lost due to chemical transformation because of human use.
Answer: B
Question Classification: Knowledge

30. Technically speaking, when water is consumed it

A. has been used.
B. is no longer suitable for any other purpose.
C. is no longer available for other purposes.
D. is lost to evaporation or leakage.
E. is available for other uses.
Answer: C
Question Classification: Comprehension

31. Human water withdrawals have been increasing at about ___________ rate as worldwide population
A. the same
B. half the
C. one third the
D. three times the
E. twice the
Answer: E
Question Classification: Knowledge

32. In general, water use in poor countries is dominated by

A. agricultural use.
B. domestic needs.
C. industrial activities.
D. use as drinking water.
E. all of these are sectors that are used about equally in poorer countries.
Answer: A
Question Classification: Knowledge

Liters used per person


33. On the graph of domestic water use per person above, each letter represents a country. Which of the
following is most likely?
A. A is the United States; B is China.
B. B is the United States; A is China.
C. A is the United States; B is Canada.
D. B is India; A is China.
E. A is India; B is China
Answer: A
Question Classification: Application

34. The Ogallala Aquifer supplies water to ___________ and once held more water than the surface water
A. Californias Central Valley, in the world
B. the Rocky Mountain states, in the United States
C. the central Plains states, in the world
D. most of New England, in the United States
E. Arizona and Las Vegas, in the United States
Answer: C
Question Classification: Knowledge

35. Withdrawal of groundwater often causes subsidence, a situation where

A. aquifer volume decreases sharply.
B. withdrawals exceed recharge rates.
C. water quality and water tables fall.
D. porous rocks settle and ground level falls.
E. wells dry up.
Answer: D
Question Classification: Knowledge

36. In some regions groundwater withdrawals can contribute to sinkholes, in which

A. ground level over a large area sinks.
B. buildings slowly settle at odd, perilous angles.
C. empty underground caverns suddenly collapse.
D. small (about 3 feet across) holes start appearing in the ground.
E. holes for wells need to be deeper and deeper because of a change in the water table.
Answer: C
Question Classification: Knowledge

37. Subsidence and sinkholes

A. can, with difficulty, be reversed and the ground surface raised again.
B. are probably a permanent loss of an aquifer.
C. are a consequence of saltwater intrusion.
D. leave gaps in the bedrock that then fill up with salt water.
E. increase the total area of recharge zones.

Answer: B
Question Classification: Knowledge

38. A method of increasing water supplies that has been successful, if expensive, is
A. desalinization by reverse osmosis.
B. cloud seeding.
C. towing icebergs by ship from polar regions.
D. altering the climates convection currents.
E. None of these methods are successful.
Answer: A
Question Classification: Knowledge

39. One of the consequences of the Aswan High Dam in Egypt is the
A. increase in the need for buying fertilizer.
B. increase in the occurrence of schistosomiasis.
C. decline in the Mediterranean fisheries.
D. Both B and C are consequences of the Aswan High Dam in Egypt.
E. All of these are consequences of the Aswan High Dam in Egypt.
Answer: E
Question Classification: Knowledge

40. The activity that uses the greatest share of US household water is
A. bathing.
B. drinking and cooking.
C. flushing the toilet.
D. washing clothes and dishes.
E. watering lawns.
Answer: C
Question Classification: Knowledge

41. Principal problems that have resulted from the construction of large dams include the relocation of
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
Question Classification: Knowledge

42. Many experts think that in the future, water conflicts will be a major cause of international conflict.
Currently, however, there are no international conflicts over water.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
Question Classification: Knowledge

43. Human activity such as deforestation can affect rainfall.

A. True
B. False
Answer: A
Question Classification: Knowledge

44. Charging a higher proportion of real costs rather than subsidies has led to water conservation.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
Question Classification: Knowledge

Short Answer/Essay Questions

45. Create a concept map using the following terms: aquifer, condensation, evaporation, groundwater,
infiltration, recharge zones, residence time, saltwater intrusion, sinkholes, sublimation, subsidence, water
table, withdrawal.
Answer: For a total of 50 points (Note: The numbers can be changed to fit your assessment needs.)
50 =
Identified all factors accurately; Used appropriate hierarchy all of the time; Used appropriate
linking terms all of the time; Drew a concept map
40 =
Identified all factors accurately; Used appropriate hierarchy most of the time;Used appropriate
linking terms all of the time; Drew a concept map
30 =
Identified most factors accurately; Used appropriate hierarchy most of the time; Used appropriate
linking terms most of the time; Drew a concept map
20 =
Identified some factors accurately; Sometimes used appropriate hierarchy; Used appropriate
linking terms most of the time; Drew a concept map
10 =
Only identified two factors accurately; Used inappropriate hierarchy; Sometimes used appropriate
linking terms; Drew a concept map
Identified less than two factors accurately; Used inappropriate hierarchy; Used inappropriate
linking terms; Did not draw a concept map

46. After graduation you are moving to southern California for a great job. You will need to change your
water consumption habits because you have been living in an area with plenty of water and it has not been
an issue (Note: Use your own region if it is applicable). Describe five things you can do to conserve water
(2 points for each accurate action).

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