Vision-Mission Examples

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Possible Vision Statements

Vision Statement
Our vision is to provide a happy, caring and stimulating environment where children will
recognize and achieve their fullest potential, so that they can make their best
contribution to society.
[Name of School District] is a place where:
everybody is welcomed and you are not alone
we [work, learn, achieve....]together
we respect and care for everyone and everything around us
[Name of School District] sets high standards of learning and celebrates the
achievements of each child
[Name of School District] is a place where everyone is different and has importance.
Vision Statement
Our vision is that children leave school with:
A set of moral values -- honesty, integrity and good judgement.
A complement of basic skills -- linguistic, mathematical, scientific, artistic, physical and
An enquiring and discriminating mind and a desire for knowledge.
Strong self-esteem and high personal expectation.
Tolerance and respect for others.
We value the partnership which exists between school, parents and community and the
part it plays in realizing this vision.
Vision Statement
The School Vision is a simple statement of the type of school we wish to see. In some
aspects it is a reflection of what we have already achieved, in others it is a statement of
how we would like to develop the School. Overall it is the common aim for everything
we do from preparing lessons, to working with the children, to recruiting new staff, to
improving the facilities
S__ R___ H____ School is:
... a place of excellence where children can achieve full potential in their academic,
creative, personal, physical, moral and spiritual development.
a caring place where children and adults feel they make a contribution and are
valued as individuals.
a place of moral values where children learn respect for themselves and others.
Vision Statement
R_____ H____ School [District] will challenge children of all abilities to achieve
excellence in a wide range of academic, cultural and sporting activities.

It will equip children for the demands and opportunities of the twenty-first century by
offering a differentiated, effective and rigorous curriculum as an entitlement to all.
A professional and highly motivated staff, in partnership with parents, will encourage
each child to achieve his full potential.
In a disciplined and caring environment, based on mutual respect, each child will be
valued as an individual in his/her own right and his/her moral development encouraged.
Possible Mission Statements
Mission Statement
[Name of school or district] recognizes that each child is an individual; that all children
are creative; that all children need to succeed. Therefore, [Name of school] respects the
individual needs of children; fosters a caring and creative environment; and emphasizes
the social, emotional, physical, intellectual development of each child.
Mission Statement
[Name of school or district] seeks to create a challenging learning environment that
encourages high expectations for success through development-appropriate instruction
that allows for individual differences and learning styles. Our schools promote a safe,
orderly, caring, and supportive environment. Each student's self-esteem is fostered by
positive relationships with students and staff. We strive to have our parents, teachers,
and community members actively involved on our students' learning.
Mission Statement
[Name of school or district] strives to be a community of learners in which all members
use their minds well and care about one another. We engage with challenging
academics and the unique resources of our city and region in order to become active
citizens and responsible stewards of our world.
Mission Statement
The multi-ethnic community, parents, business partners, administrators, students, and
staff work together to create an academic, physical, emotional, social, and safe
environment where everyone can learn and respect one another. We care about
ourselves and others to create, support and maintain powerful, engaged learning in the
Arts and Sciences. We dare to use innovative techniques to enhance life long learning
through technology, the multiple intelligences, varied instructional strategies, and
interdisciplinary units. We share our cultural backgrounds to nurture growth,
responsibility, and productivity by celebrating our diversity within a positive school-wide
atmosphere and by promoting sportsmanship, school spirit, and pride in ourselves
through our daily studies and our educational accomplishments.
More mission statements for schools and districts can be found at:

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