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Degree / Exam
B.Tech in Civil Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Delhi Public School,R.K. Puram
Delhi Public School,Noida

GPA / Marks(%)

P.Singh, A. Tulsani, G. Tiwari,'Methodology of construction of driving cycle', Environment & Planning, under review
Winner, Bending Moment, North Zone, All India Civil Engineering Quiz, 2010
Runner up, Tensigrity Quiz, conducted by Civil Engineering Society, IIT Delhi, 2010
Urban Habitat Summit Fellow, amongst 350 international delegates, held by Min. of Urban Development, 2009
Represented IIT Delhi at 3rd Urban Mobility India Conference, held by Min. of Urban Development, 2010
Ranked inside top 100 thrice in National Science Olympiad, across 2050 centres in India, 2003-2007
Awarded Gold Medal for academic excellence for 7 consective years by DPS Society, 2000-2006
Awarded inaugural Honour Badge for exemplary all round performance by DPS Noida, 2005
Awarded 52 certificates for academic excellence in school, featured in Times of India as a young achiever

Structures and Building Department, SNC Lavalin Infra., Noida (May, 2011 - July, 2011) :
Designed 4.5 ML underground reservoir for Delhi Jal Board, tendered cost of INR 36.95 million
Incorporated finite element and 3-D frame analysis leading to optimization of reinforcement and concrete
Led to reduction in project cost by 6%; Awarded Certificate of Appreciation for performance in internship

Structural Department,L&T-MHI Boilers, Larsen & Toubro, Faridabad (May, 2010 - May, 2010) :
Designed secondary steel support structure of 2*660 MW boiler, Jaypee Power Plant,Nigrie,M.P
Performed load computational analysis on 35m boiler supporting structure and designed steel joints
Recommended changes in joint design leading to 6% base material savings and 10% strength increase

Construction of Urban Driving Cycle (May, 2009 - May, 2011) :
Encapsulated entire real time Delhi traffic in a 20 min. speed time plot; was the only undergraduate in team
Designed methodology to compress 14 hour base data to 1800 seconds speed profile for 4 modes of transport
Methodology scored over past researches as cycle had min. deviations from base data and universal applicability
Cycle recreated at International Centre for Automotove Technology, Manesar for emission norms; paper under review

Design of Green Bamboo Geodesic Dome (Jan, 2010 - Apr, 2010) :

Led a team of 5 to design 4m diameter bamboo geodesic dome; structure hurricane and earthquake resistant
Innovated joint design leading to faster deployability and increased strength; ideal for relief structures and sheds
'Best Display' in Shanghai Expo 2010 & 'Best Project in Civil Engineering' IIT Delhi Open House 2010

Brand Management in Change Continuity Continuum (Jan, 2011 - May, 2011) : <div>
Ploted major industries on change-continuity matrix; grouped brand elements on basis of change continuity forces
Developed flowing stream strategy for managing high continuity-change forces in Brand Management
"Brand Management in Change-Continuity Continuum", under review in Journal of Change Management</div>


Debating & Literary Activities :
Winner, Priyadarshini Memorial Debate, Hindu College, amongst 32 colleges, 2008
Runner up, Inter Hostel English Parliamentary Debate, 2011
Runner up, Inter Hostel English Extempore Competition, 2010
Octofinalist, 5th IIT Delhi International Parliamentary Debate (IITD PD), amongst 52 teams, 2010
Runner up, inaugural Debating Premier League, IIT Delhi, 2011
Compered Dhoom, Bollywood Music night in OAT in Rendezvous with over 9000 attendees, 2010
Winner, Word games in Marathon, Inter Hostel Competitive event, 2009
Represented IIT Delhi at 5 international debates like Mukherji Memorial Debate, Premchand, Polemic
Panel Member: Currently one of the 4 nominated members on the advisory panel of the club, 2011-12
Awarded 'Significant Contribution to English Debating and Literary Club', 2010-2011

Quizzing :
Winner, India Quiz, 2011 and Winner Audio Visual Quiz, IIT Delhi, 2009
Runner up, All Asia Bournvita Quiz Contest conducted by Derek'o Brian, 2004
Runner up, Quizzathlon, IIT Delhi, 2011
Runner up, Variety Quiz, IIT Delhi,2011
Runner up, Audio-visual quiz, Rendezvous, 2010
Runner up, Business Quiz, amongst 20 college teams, E-Summit, IIT Delhi, 2011
Fourth out of 302 teams, Columban Open Quiz, St.Columba's school, New Delhi, 2004
Runner up, National Science Quiz, National Science Center, New Delhi, 2003

Social Work: Founding Team, Avanti Fellows :

PanIIT initiative and Stanford BASES Winner; aims to provide higher education to the underpriveledged students
Reached out to 1000 underpriviledged students across 100 schools in Delhi to select 20 fellows
Collaborated with Brilliant Tutorials to provide free competitive exams coaching for 2 years to 20 students
Initiated the internal IITD program, facilitating one to one mentorships to 20 IIT Delhi fellows

Awarded 'Outstanding Contribution to Board of Recreational & Creative Activities', Aravali Hostel, 2010-2011

Marketing & Publicity Coordinator,Rendezvous (May, 2011 - Present) :
Leading a team of 30 to carry out all sponsorship and publicity related activities
Raised Rs. 50 lacs worth cash sponsorship of which Rs 26 lacs is in advance; extremely critical for fest success
Introduced new concept of annual association with BRCA clubs leading to higher advance generation
Finalized 8 artists to perform at International Music Festival and DLF Promenade as outside venue for prelims
Conceptualized Run up to Rendezvous, series of on ground and online activities, generating publicity and revenue

Overall Coordinator, Entrepreneurship Development Cell (May, 2011 - Present) :

Leading team of 40; revamped events to differentiate students and startups leading to 50% participation increase
Restructured cell to give it official status by incorporating it in the Academic Interaction Council, AIC
Nested cell with Alumni Affairs (AAIP) and Incubation Cell (FITT) ensuring funding and networking
Recreated Entrepreneur Helpdesk to build a pool of 30 mentors to aid 15 startups in parntership with IIMA
Organized Techsparks, North India's biggest startup showcase and Mentor Rendezvous, Delhi to aid campus startups
Sessions by big corporates like Ajay Chowdhury, HCL, Rahul Sharma, Micromax, Rita Soni, Nasscom
Concieved new events like Business Simulation, Sparks, B-plan across 20 colleges to increase participation by 70%

Key Roles in Marketing (May, 2009 - May, 2011) :

Coordinator, Tryst,2011
Led a team of 15 to garner sponsorship for the festival worth Rs.8 lacs
Engaged with Microsoft, Intuit, Essec, RackyourBrain to create customized events to suit brand and students
Activity Head, Marketing Rendezvous,2010
Single handedly responsible for bringing Anushka Sharma,Yash Raj Films raising festival profile
Generated tremendous outreach with MTV, Radio City, Cafe Coffee Day, PVR, HT; worth Rs 30 lacs
Coordinator,Entreprenuership Development Cell, eDC,2010-2011
Generated Rs 6 lacs worth of sponsorship and partnered with CNBC, Yourstory and Dare for startup publicity
Conceived TEDxIITDelhi, part of famous TEDx series, highlight of E-Summit 2011

Positions of Responsibility in Debating Activities (Feb, 2011 - Mar, 2011) :

Chairman, Debating Premier League,2011
Conceived the inaugural edition in a league format with 8 teams and 150 participants
Event helped groom new speakers; highlight of the BRCA non-competitive events
Convenor,6th IIT Delhi Parliamentary Debate, February 2011
Led a team of 20 to manage rounds, marketing, logistics and food with over 60 debates and 40 teams
Hostel English Debating and Literary Club Representative
Instrumental in helping EDLC win the Best Cultural Club via effective organization, 2009-2010
Awarded Best Representative of English Debating and Literary Club, BRCA, 2009-2010

Horseriding,listening to different genres of music, playing cricket and football

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