M1 Revision Notes

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M1 Revision

Modelling Terminology
Particle a body whose dimensions are so small compared with the other lengths involved that its
position in space can be represented by a single point
- mass acts at a single point
Bead a particle that is assumed to have a hole drilled through it so that it may be threaded on a
bead or wire
Lamina a flat object whose thickness is small compared with its width and length
Uniform Lamina a lamina in which equal areas have equal masses
Rigid Body an object made up of particles, all of which remain at the same fixed distances from
each other whether the object is at rest or in motion
- remains straight
Wire a rigid body in the form of a thin thread of metal
Rod an object all of whose mass is concentrated along a line. It is assumed to have length only and
its width and breadth are neglected
Uniform Rod a rod in which equal lengths have equal masses
- mass acts at centre of rod
Non-Uniform Rod a rod where equal lengths do not have equal masses. If a rod is not described as
uniform, then it is non-uniform
Light Object an object whose mass is so small compared with other masses being considered that
the mass may be considered to be zero.
Light String same tension throughout string
Inextensible String or Inelastic String a string whose length remains the same whether motion is
taking place or not
- same acceleration for both particles
Smooth Surface a surface that offers so little frictional resistance to the motion of a body sliding
across it that friction may be ignored
- no friction
Rough Surface if a surface is not described as smooth then it is rough and frictional forces must be
taken into account
Smooth Pulley has no friction in its bearings
- Same tension in string both sides of the pulley
Peg a pin or support from which a body may be hung or on which a body may be at rest. There is
only one point of contact between the peg and the body in either case. The peg may be smooth or
- reaction force perpendicular to surface
Plane Surface a completely flat surface the Earths surface is usually modelled as a plane surface

Uniform Acceleration Formulae

The formulae learn them

v u at
s ut 21 at 2
s vt 21 at 2
v 2 u 2 2as
u v

These only work where acceleration remains constant

Displacement (s) (a vector quantity) - distance in a given direction
Velocity (u and v) (a vector quantity) speed in a given direction. If the velocity is negative that the
object is going in the opposite direction
Acceleration (a) - (a vector quantity) rate of change of velocity over time
Deceleration also known as retardation acceleration will be negative
Average Velocity =

total displacement
total time

Gravity always acts vertically downwards - use g 9.8ms 2

Vertical Motion ALWAYS draw a diagram and specify which direction you are taking as positive
Velocity -Time Graphs Gradient represents acceleration
Area under graph represents distance
It is useful to know that the area of a trapezium is
h is the distance between them


a b h

where a and b are the parallel sides and

ALWAYS write down the formula that you are using if you do this and substitute in wrongly you will
be allowed one error and still get the method mark. If you do not do this you must substitute correctly
(including signs) to get the method mark
Momentum and Impulse often part of kinematics questions take direction into account
Momentum - mv - units newton-seconds (Ns)
Impulse change in momentum ( mv mu ) or force time ( Ft ) - units newton-seconds (Ns)
Conservation of Linear Momentum total momentum before = total momentum after
In a collision between two particles A and B, there will be an impulse from A to B and from B to A.
These will be of the same magnitude but opposite signs (dependant on the direction)


Jun 05 Q1
In taking off, an aircraft moves on a straight runway AB of length 1.2 km. The aircraft
moves from A with initial speed 2 m s . It moves with constant acceleration and 20 s later
it leaves the runway at C with speed 74 m s . Find

the acceleration of the aircraft,



the distance BC.

(Total 6 marks)

Examiners comment on this question

The question was generally well answered, though by no means fully correctly by all. Some launched
straight into using their standard equations without quite understanding the actual situation: e.g. a
number found only the distance AC, failing to deduce the distance BC; and some appeared to
assume that the point C was beyond the end B of the runway. However, most could make good
progress with most of this question. It was also slightly disappointing to see a number of candidates
unable to handle accurately the units involved, e.g. taking 1.2 km as 1.2 m


Jun 03 Q3
A competitor makes a dive from a high springboard into a diving pool. She leaves the
springboard vertically with a speed of 4 m s upwards. When she leaves the springboard,
she is 5 m above the surface of the pool. The diver is modelled as a particle moving
vertically under gravity alone and it is assumed that she does not hit the springboard as
she descends. Find

her speed when she reaches the surface of the pool,



the time taken to reach the surface of the pool.



State two physical factors which have been ignored in the model.
(Total 8 marks)

Examiners comment on this question

The equations for constant acceleration were well known and generally applied
appropriately. Mistakes did however tend to arise with candidates failing to allow for the
different directions of motion at different stages so that the sign used with the velocity had
to be carefully taken into consideration. A significant number of candidates also insisted
on making the question quite a lot longer than necessary by splitting the motion up into
separate parts (e.g. to the highest point and then down) and doubling (or more) the
number of calculations required. Some candidates also lost a mark by failing to round
their answers appropriately, i.e. by giving their answer to 2 or 3 significant figures where
they had used g as 9.8. In part (c) an appeal to air resistance was frequently correctly
given, though quite a number also incorrectly stated that the mass/weight of the diver had
been ignored in the model.


Jun 03 Q7
Two trains A and B run on parallel straight tracks. Initially both are at rest in a station and
level with each other. At time t = 0, A starts to move. It moves with constant acceleration
for 12 s up to a speed of 30 m s , and then moves at a constant speed of 30 m s . Train
B starts to move in the same direction as A when t = 40, where t is measured in seconds.
It accelerates with the same initial acceleration as A, up to a speed of 60 m s . It then
- 1
moves at a constant speed of 60 m s . Train B overtakes A after both trains have reached
their maximum speed. Train B overtakes A when t = T.

Sketch, on the same diagram, the speed-time graphs of both trains for 0 < t T.


Find the value of T.

(Total 12 marks)

Examiners comment on this question

Most candidates were able to sketch the speed-time graphs reasonably well: several
spent too long in trying to produce an accurate diagram on graph paper, though some
who did not do so had graphs where the gradients of the two sloping parts were nowhere
near parallel. In part (b), a fairly common misunderstanding (or misreading) of the data
given assumed that the trains were level at the time when B reached its maximum speed.
Most had some idea that the areas under the two graphs must be equal; but the algebraic
manipulation required to set up a correct equation for T and then solve it was too
demanding for the majority of candidates.


Nov 04 Q6
Two cars A and B are moving in the same direction along a straight horizontal road. At
time t = 0, they are side by side, passing a point O on the road. Car A travels at a
constant speed of 30 m s . Car B passes O with a speed of 20 m s , and has constant
acceleration of 4 m s .

the speed of B when it has travelled 78 m from O,



the distance from O of A when B is 78 m from O,



the time when B overtakes A.

(Total 11 marks)

Examiners comment on this question

This was a good source of marks for many with many fully correct solutions seen. The first
two parts were very well done. In part (c), some equated speeds rather than distances;
also some failed to realise that one needed to use a general expression (in an unknown
T) for A as well as B. A number of candidates used a trial and error approach, somehow
plucking a value of 5 out of the air and verifying that it worked. Such an approach is not
to be encouraged as it can scarcely apply to more complex problems where there might
be more than one solution to the relevant equations and one may not know if the one
discovered is the appropriate one.


Jan 05 Q1

A particle P of mass 1.5 kg is moving along a straight horizontal line with speed 3 m s .
Another particle Q of mass 2.5 kg is moving, in the opposite direction, along the same
straight line with speed 4 m s . The particles collide. Immediately after the collision the
direction of motion of P is reversed and its speed is 2.5 m s .

Calculate the speed of Q immediately after the impact.



State whether or not the direction of motion of Q is changed by the collision.



Calculate the magnitude of the impulse exerted by Q on P, giving the units of your
(Total 7 marks)

Examiners comment on this question

Virtually all candidates realised that they had to apply the principle of conservation of
momentum and made a reasonable attempt to do so. Mistakes tended to arise in relation
to the signs of the terms, with some taking no account of the directions of motion. Many
too failed to make clear the direction in which they were taking their unknown velocity as
positive in their equations. A clearly drawn diagram would have helped both candidates
and examiners. In finding the impulse, again most knew what to do in principle but errors
arose in the signs of the terms. The units of the answer for the impulse were often

Moment a measure of its capability to turn the body on which it is acting. Units are newton-metres
(Nm) It is defined as the force multiplied by the perpendicular distance.
Equilibrium a rod or lamina is in equilibrium if

the resultant force in any direction is zero (forces up = forces down)

the component of the resultant force in any direction is zero
the sum of the moments about any point is zero

Uniform Beams the mass of the beam / rod / plank acts at the centre
Non-uniform Beam you do not know where the centre of mass is (unless the question tells you) but
it still exists somewhere!
Tilting if a beam is on the point of tilting then the only support that has a vertical force is the one that
the beam is tilting about. There are no other vertical forces acting on the beam
Weight or Mass check which is given in the question!


Jun 04 Q4

1 m

2 m
6 m

A plank AE, of length 6 m and mass 10 kg, rests in a horizontal position on supports at B
and D, where AB = 1 m and DE = 2 m. A child of mass 20 kg stands at C, the mid-point of
BD, as shown in the diagram above. The child is modelled as a particle and the plank as a
uniform rod. The child and the plank are in equilibrium. Calculate

the magnitude of the force exerted by the support on the plank at B,



the magnitude of the force exerted by the support on the plank at D.


The child now stands at a point F on the plank. The plank is in equilibrium and on the
point of tilting about D.

Calculate the distance DF.

(Total 11 marks)

Examiners comment on this question

Parts (a) and (b) were generally well done. Nearly all realised that they had to take
moments and also fully appreciated that a moment was force x distance. Many correct
solutions were seen though quite a number of candidates lost a mark through giving their
answers to an inappropriate degree of accuracy with 4 or more significant figures. Part (c)
caused more problems for many, with many assuming that the values of the reactions
were unchanged from the previous parts of the question, others assuming that the
reaction at D (rather than B) was zero.


Jun 06 Q5

90 cm

A steel girder AB has weight 210 N. It is held in equilibrium in a horizontal position by two
vertical cables. One cable is attached to the end A. The other cable is attached to the
point C on the girder, where AC = 90 cm, as shown in the figure above. The girder is
modelled as a uniform rod, and the cables as light inextensible strings.
Given that the tension in the cable at C is twice the tension in the cable at A, find

the tension in the cable at A,



show that AB = 120 cm.


A small load of weight W newtons is attached to the girder at B. The load is modelled as a
particle. The girder remains in equilibrium in a horizontal position. The tension in the cable
at C is now three times the tension in the cable at A.

Find the value of W.

(Total 13 marks)

Examiners comment on this question

Although this was well done by many, it appeared to provoke a lot of crossing out with
often multiple attempts made to parts (b) and (c), with working then continued in the
space for other questions. Most could do part (a) successfully. In part (b), a forwards
approach, taking moments, was adopted by many, though a number adopted a
verification (backwards) approach, showing that two moments were equal if the distance
was as given. In part (c) a number of correct solutions were seen; the common error
among weaker candidates was to assume that the answer gained in part (a) still applied
to this new situation: this then required only one equation in one unknown and
considerably shortened the work required.

Statics and motion of a particle

Force a vector quantity can be added together using the triangle law or parallelogram rule
Equilibrium a system of forces is in equilibrium if their lines of action pass through a single point of
action and their resultant is zero
Limiting Equilibrium a body is on the point of moving ( F R )
Friction - a force which opposes motion.
Until it reaches its limiting value the magnitude of the frictional force is
just sufficient to prevent relative motion.
The limiting value of the frictional force is R, where R is the normal
contact force and is the coefficient of friction.
For all rough surfaces 0 F R
For a smooth surface F 0
When a body begins to move the frictional force takes its limiting value
R and acts in the direction opposite to the direction of relative motion

Newtons Laws of Motion

A particle will remain at rest or will continue to move with constant velocity in a
straight line unless acted on by a resultant force
The force applied to a particle is proportional to the mass m of the particle and
the acceleration produced F ma
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction

Weight - mg always check whether the question specifies weight or mass



Jun 04 Q1



A particle of weight W newtons is attached at C to the ends of two light inextensible

strings AC and BC. The other ends of the strings are attached to two fixed points A and B
on a horizontal ceiling. The particle hangs in equilibrium with AC and BC inclined to the
horizontal at 30 and 60 respectively, as shown in the diagram above. Given the tension
in AC is 50 N, calculate

the tension in BC, to 3 significant figures,



the value of W.
(Total 6 marks)

Examiners comment on this question

The majority of candidates scored well on this question and made a good start to the
paper. Most realised that they had to resolve the forces. However, a surprising number
took the magnitudes of the tensions as the lengths of the (sloping) sides on the given
triangle, effectively assuming that the given triangle was a triangle of forces. Such
candidates often went on correctly into the second part of the question by resolving
vertically. A number of candidates also confused weight and mass in part (b).



Nov 03 Q3


A heavy suitcase S of mass 50 kg is moving along a horizontal floor under the action of a
force of magnitude P newtons. The force acts at 30 to the floor, as shown in the diagram
above, and S moves in a straight line at constant speed. The suitcase is modelled as a
particle and the floor as a rough horizontal plane. The coefficient of friction between S and
the floor is 53 .
Calculate the value of P.
(Total 9 marks)

Examiners comment on this question

Candidates began to recover a little in question 3, with a fair number of correct
approaches and only an odd mark or two dropped for algebraic or arithmetic errors. There
were though still a significant number of candidates who thought that the normal reaction
was simply 50g. A number of candidates also lost a mark by failing to give their answers
to no more than 3 s.f. (in a calculation which has used g as 9.8): several appeared to think
that one decimal place was an appropriate degree of accuracy.



Jun 03 Q4

20 N

A parcel of mass 5 kg lies on a rough plane inclined at an angle to the horizontal, where
tan = 34 . The parcel is held in equilibrium by the action of a horizontal force of
magnitude 20 N, as shown in the diagram above. The force acts in a vertical plane
through a line of greatest slope of the plane. The parcel is on the point of sliding down the
plane. Find the coefficient of friction between the parcel and the plane.
(Total 8 marks)

Examiners comment on this question

It was pleasing to see rather fewer candidates than has sometimes been the case simply
writing down R = mg cos a. Most realised that they had to resolve in two directions.
Some mistakes did however arise from candidates failing to have the friction acting in the
right direction. Work was not always well presented with expressions such as sin 35 or
cos 54 written down. Sometimes candidates appeared to mean the correct thing by this,
but often scripts provided a considerable challenge of interpretation to examiners!


Motion up or down a plane

Resolve parallel and perpendicular to the plane
Friction OPPOSES motion read the question carefully so that you are sure which way the
body is moving
Draw a clear diagram with ALL the forces
Remember - tan


Connected Particles
Write the equation of motion F ma for each particle separately and solve simultaneously
Tension in a string is equal for both particles but acts in opposite direction
Thrust occurs when a body is supported from below
Jerk on a string before the string becomes taut treat each particle completely separately and
there in no tension in the string. After the string becomes taut you can work with the whole
system or each particle separately
Acceleration is the same for the whole system while there is tension in the string
Beware of questions where the string breaks, a body hits the ground etc, draw a NEW diagram
and show the remaining forces



Jun 03 Q6
A particle P of mass 3 kg is projected up a line of greatest slope of a rough plane inclined
at an angle of 30o to the horizontal. The coefficient of friction between P and the plane is
- 1
0.4. The initial speed of P is 6 m s . Find

the frictional force acting on P as it moves up the plane,



the distance moved by P up the plane before P comes to instantaneous rest.

(Total 11 marks)

Examiners comment on this question

This question tended to be handled very well or rather poorly. In part (a) there was
sometimes some confusion between the frictional force and the resultant force, though
candidates then often proceeded correctly in part (b). There were also a number who lost
a mark for failing to given their answer to part (a) to an appropriate degree of accuracy
again (i.e. 2 or 3 significant figures). In part (b), some correct answers were seen, but
frequently candidates missed out a force (e.g. the weight) in writing down the equation of
motion to find the acceleration of the particle. A clear diagram with the forces clearly
marked would have helped candidates here to sort out the Mechanics of the situation


Jun 06 Q6
A car is towing a trailer along a straight horizontal road by means of a horizontal tow-rope.
The mass of the car is 1400 kg. The mass of the trailer is 700 kg. The car and the trailer
are modelled as particles and the tow-rope as a light inextensible string. The resistances
to motion of the car and the trailer are assumed to be constant and of magnitude 630 N
and 280 N respectively. The driving force on the car, due to its engine, is 2380 N. Find

the acceleration of the car,



the tension in the tow-rope.


When the car and trailer are moving at 12 m s , the tow-rope breaks. Assuming that the
driving force on the car and the resistances to motion are unchanged,

find the distance moved by the car in the first 4 s after the tow-rope breaks.


State how you have used the modelling assumption that the tow-rope is
(Total 13 marks)

Examiners comment on this question

For those who could handle connected bodies, parts (a) and (b) proved to be
straightforward; however, others found difficulty in sorting out the forces acting on each
body, showing failure to understand the basic mechanics involved in the situation. In part
(c) candidates could recover provided they realised that the situation was now different
from that in part (a): however, those who simply carried their answer from (a) to use here,
without attempting to find a new acceleration, gained no credit. Answers to part (d) were
generally disappointing with very few apparently showing awareness of the implications of
the fact that the rope was inextensible.



Nov 03 Q7

1 .4 m
B (0 .4 k g )

A (m k g )
1 m

The diagram above shows two particles A and B, of mass m kg and 0.4 kg respectively,
connected by a light inextensible string. Initially A is held at rest on a fixed smooth plane
inclined at 30 to the horizontal. The string passes over a small light smooth pulley P fixed
at the top of the plane. The section of the string from A to P is parallel to a line of greatest
slope of the plane. The particle B hangs freely below P. The system is released from rest
with the string taut and B descends with acceleration 15 g.

Write down an equation of motion for B.



Find the tension in the string.



Prove that m =




State where in the calculations you have used the information that P is a light
smooth pulley.

On release, B is at a height of one metre above the ground and AP = 1.4 m. The particle
B strikes the ground and does not rebound.

Calculate the speed of B as it reaches the ground.


Show that A comes to rest as it reaches P.

(Total 16 marks)


Examiners comment on this question

In part (a), several evidently did not understand what was meant by an equation of
motion, though many managed to recover by actually producing the relevant equation in
their working for part (b). In part (b), most could produce an equation for the tension, but
several again lost a mark by failing to give their answers to an appropriate degree of
accuracy (again 2 or 3 s.f.). In part (c), most could write down the equation of motion for
A, but several fudged the working which required proof that the answer was exactly the
given fraction: several produced a decimal and verified that the given fraction was
(approximately) the same. It was though disappointing to see a number of candidates
failing to make any attempt to resolve the weight when considering the motion up the
inclined plane. In part (d), few realised the significance of the modelling assumption as
implying that the tension was constant throughout. Part (e) was generally well done, but in
part (f) the majority failed to find a new acceleration and simply assumed that the
acceleration was still g/5. For those who did, there were still some problems with the signs
given to the various quantities and fully correct solutions here characterised the stronger

Vectors have both size and direction

Magnitude size of the vector found using Pythagoras Theorem
Unit Vectors vectors of magnitude 1 in the direction of the x and y axes
Position Vector the position of a point relative to the origin
Position vector = start position + t (velocity vector)

- where t is time

Relative position the position of A relative to B the vector from A to B

Relative Velocity the velocity of A relative to B means how much faster is A than B
Collisions For a collision to occur, bodies must be in the same place at the same time
All the equations used in this mechanics can be used in vector questions
Distance the magnitude of a position vector or a relative position vector
Speed the magnitude of a velocity vector or relative velocity vector
Bearing measured from the NORTH in a CLOCKWISE direction



Jan 07 Qu 3
A particle P of mass 2 kg is moving under the action of a constant force F newtons. When t = 0, P
has velocity (3i + 2j) m s and at time t = 4 s, P has velocity (15i 4j) m s . Find

the acceleration of P in terms of i and j,



the magnitude of F,


the velocity of P at time t =6s.

(Total 9 marks)

Examiners comment on this question

In part (a) most candidates knew the method and it was often fully correct but a number failed to
find the magnitude of the force in the second part, with some, subtracting the squares of the
components instead of adding them. Part (c) was well answered.



Jan 08 Qu 6

A particle P is moving with constant velocity (5i + 8j) m s . Find


the speed of P,


the direction of motion of P, giving your answer as a bearing.


At time t = 0, P is at the point A with position vector (7i 10j) m relative to a fixed origin O. When
t = 3 s, the velocity of P changes and it moves with velocity (ui + vj) m s , where u and v are
constants. After a further 4 s, it passes through O and continues to move with velocity
(ui + vj) m s .

Find the values of u and v.



Find the total time taken for P to move from A to a position which is due south of A.
(Total 13 marks)


Examiners comment on this question

In parts (a) and (b) most were able to find the speed of the particle and were also able to obtain an
appropriate angle associated with it. Many were then unable to use this angle correctly to obtain
the correct bearing.
There were a great many correct solutions for (c), but also many incorrect attempts. The majority
of errors tended to come from those candidates who had not read the question carefully enough and
did not incorporate the velocity vector (5i + 12j) into their working or from those candidates
making errors with directions. Many candidates were able to visualise the situation well, realising


that 7i was involved, even though they may have made earlier errors in interpretation.

Jun 07 Qu 7
A boat B is moving with constant velocity. At noon, B is at the point with position vector
(3i 4j) km with respect to a fixed origin O. At 1430 on the same day, B is at the point with
position vector (8i + 11j) km.

Find the velocity of B, giving your answer in the form pi + qj.


At time t hours after noon, the position vector of B is b km.


Find, in terms of t, an expression for b.


Another boat C is also moving with constant velocity. The position vector of C, c km, at time t
hours after noon, is given by
c = (9i + 20j) + t(6i + j),
where is a constant. Given that C intercepts B,

find the value of ,



show that, before C intercepts B, the boats are moving with the same speed.
(Total 14 marks)


Examiners comment on this question

There was some evidence that a number of weaker candidates were unable to complete this
question but it wasnt clear whether they ran out of time or simply couldnt do it.
In parts (a) and (b) some candidates confused the use of position vectors and velocity vectors.

This was well answered by most candidates. Where errors did occur they often involved
adding the position vectors, not dividing by the time or miscalculating the time or else doing
the subtraction incorrectly or the wrong way round.
Particular examples:
errors in dividing by 2.5, particularly the j-component of the vector.
errors in time, using 2.3 or 4.5 hours.
some candidates changed the time into minutes, others into seconds.
not enough care was taken in looking at the compatibility of length and time units.
use of inappropriate formulae to solve the problem.
A few candidates clearly did not know how to deal with it at all.


This was often correct. Errors that did occur were usually in the position vector, either using
8i + 11j or else leaving it out completely. Also some candidates used a position vector for v.
A few candidates found the speed or velocity. However for those who had an answer to part
(a) most were successful in carrying it correctly forward into this part.


Most knew they had to equate the position vectors but a number did not then go on to equate
coefficients of i and j. Those that did were largely successful in getting the right values out.
Others tried to solve the equation for by crossing out all the ts or all the is and js.
Some tried to divide vectors whilst others just substituted in random values for t.


Relatively few got full marks here. Most, who got part (a) correct ,were able to get the first
mark. Common errors seen were finding the position at t = 3 and then using Pythagoras, or
else using v t. Some candidates just stated that the vectors were the same. Many of those
who did carry out the correct calculations either left it at that, without making a statement, or
else declared that the velocities rather than the speeds were equal. There were a few
instances where 6i + 2j was taken as the second speed, with no obvious connection to their


previous work, using the fact that the speeds must be equal! A few also guessed in part (d)
and then placed this value at the end of a page of incomprehensible working in part (c).

Jan 06 Q6
[In this question the horizontal unit vectors i and j are due east and due north

A model boat A moves on a lake with constant velocity (i + 6j) m s . At time t = 0, A is at

the point with position vector (2i 10j) m. Find

the speed of A,


the direction in which A is moving, giving your answer as a bearing.


At time t = 0, a second boat B is at the point with position vector (26i + 4j) m.

Given that the velocity of B is (3i + 4j) m s ,


show that A and B will collide at a point P and find the position vector of P.

Given instead that B has speed 8 m s


and moves in the direction of the vector (3i + 4j),

find the distance of B from P when t = 7 s.

(Total 16 marks)

Examiners comment on this question

Part (a) was generally well answered, most knowing how to calculate a speed from a
velocity. In part (b), most calculated an angle, but as often as not failed to give any
indication which angle it was in relation to the data; they then often failed to deal with the
angle correctly to find the correct bearing. Candidates should be encouraged to show
clearly their working and, if they are calculating an angle, which angle in a figure it is. In
part (c), most correctly equated the two general position vectors to find a value of t, but
some failed to make the full check to ensure that the value of t obtained produced equality
for both coordinates (hence implying a collision). Part (d) proved to be more
discriminating. Several could not find the new velocity of B correctly (given its magnitude


and direction though with the direction not given in the form of a unit vector); however, a
number of candidates did manage to pick up the method marks here by proceeding
correctly with what they thought the velocity was.


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