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Pokemon Learning League

Business Proposal

Written By
Timothy Whitfield

(Episode opens with Serena, Ash, Pikachu, Cilan, Bonnie, Iris,

Axew and Clemont coming into the ports of Castelia City on an
early partly cloudy morning with a little sea breeze. The tall
buildings of the city envelop them as they come into Prime Pier.)
Ash: There it is, guys.
(Clemont, Bonnie and Serena marvel at the tall skyscrapers of
the city.)
Clemont: The architecture here is really incredible.
Serena: You said it.
(The ship docks into the harbor, the crew brings the stairs out,
set them in place and they all get off. Bonnie glances over to
the audience and speaks to them.)
Bonnie (casually): Oh, good morning, guys.
Dedenne: Dede.
Cilan (casually): Hello, there.
Serena (casually): Hey.
Ash (casually): Morning.
Pikachu: Pika-chu.
Clemont (casually): Hello.
Iris (casually): Hi.
Axew: Axew.

(They head on down Mode Street. Moments later, they come to

Studio Castelia, which has a closed sign on the door. They look
inside and see some of the various paintings, mobiles and
Serena: Some of them look really good.
Cilan: They sure do.
Serena: How about we see the rest of them later?
Ash: Of course, Serena.
Pikachu: Pika, Pikachu.
(They continue on down. Moments later, they go down Castelia
Street. As they go along, they see some of the various stores on
Serena: There sure are a lot of different stores around here.
Bonnie: Yeah.
Dedenne: Dede.
Bonnie: Hey, Ash. Are there any other good places around
Ash: Oh, you bet there are, Bonnie.
Pikachu: Pika, Pika.
(Just then, Serenas stomach grumbles. She puts her hands
around it and blushes.)
Serena: Oh, Im getting hungry.

(Iriss stomach also grumbles.)

Iris: Oh. (Chuckles.) Lets go get some breakfast.
Axew: Axew.
(They continue on down the Street. Moments later, they come
to a restaurant. It has a board in the window that shows the
breakfast specials for the day & some menu items and has an
outdoor table set.)
Ash: Hey, how about here, guys?
(The others nod in agreement and they go inside.)
All (in awe): Wow!
(They marvel at the interior architecture, from the pillars to the
cone-shaped lights hanging from the ceiling. An employee
stands at the entrance. She has maroon hair in two pigtails,
brown eyes, wears a blue short-sleeved uniform short with
black pants and shoes.)
Employee: Hello, there. How can I help you guys out today?
Cilan: Could we have a table for six, please?
Employee: Very well. Let me show you to it.
(She hands each of them a menu and shows them to their table,
which has a TV set hanging on the wall above it.)
Employee: Someone will be here to serve you shortly.
Iris: All right. Thank you.

Employee: Youre welcome.

(She walks away. A few minutes later, they are served steamed
rice, tamagoyaki, miso soup, onigiris, milk toast, cinnamon
waffles, cinnamon muffins, apple blender pancakes fruit juice &
orange juice.)
Ash: It all looks great.
Pikachu: Pika.
Cilan: All right, lets eat.
(They all start eating. As they chew, they give a really satisfied
All (contently): Mmm.
Serena: This is really amazing.
Bonnie: Yeah.
Dedenne: Dede.
(Just then, Cilan sees Lex over near the entrance. The employee
hands him a menu and walks him over to the table next to
Lex: Hey, everyone.
Bonnie: Hey, Lex.
Lex: How are you all doing?
Cilan: Were doing fine. How about you?
Lex: Im great.

Cilan: Thats good. What brings you here?

Lex: I thought Id come and try the food here.
Ash (understanding): Oh, okay.
(He sits down and goes through the menu. He ponders for a
Bonnie: So, where are we going to do after this?
Cilan: Youll see soon enough, Bonnie.
Bonnie: All right, then.
(They resume eating their food. Now, we pan over to Lex, who
is still looking through the menu.)
Lex: Oh, that looks good.
(He puts the menu down on the table. A waiter comes over and
places a glass of juice on the table. He has brown hair, blue
eyes, wears a grey shirt, a black vest, dress pants and black
Waiter: You ready to order, sir?
Lex: Yes, Ill have a Syrniki and a Baked French Toast Casserole.
Waiter: All right. Will that be all?
Lex: Yes.
Waiter: Very well. Itll be out to you soon.
Lex: Thank you.

(He takes the menu and walks away. Lex looks up to the TV,
and gets an intrigued look on his face. He looks over to the
Lex: Hey, guys.
Ash: What is it?
Lex: Look.
(He points up to The TV and they look up. Pan up to it and see
Lance is on it.)
Lance: Hello, this is Lance from Blackthorn City in Johto and Id
just like to say: Ohayo, Unova!
(Fade out and the theme music plays over a beautiful scene of
the Sun rising over Castelia City.)
Announcer: From UBS News, this is Ohayo, Unova! With David
Gibson and Katie Sawyer.
(Fade in to the news desk with the anchors David Gibson and
Katie Sawyer. David has brown hair, black eyes, a suit and tie,
dress pants and dress shoes. Katie has brunette hair, red eyes,
a work dress, stockings and flats.)
David: Good morning, everyone. Im David Gibson.
Katie: And Im Katie Sawyer.
David: At the top of the hour, the Champion, Alder has
announced the hes going to challenge Lance the Dragon

Katie: Thats right. Trainers from around the region are getting
ready for this big event. Not since the Unova league has there
been this much hype. Its going to be a good one.
David: Yes, it will be. Later on, well be talking with Lance live
via satellite and see how he feels about it.
Katie (inquisitively): How do you think itll turn out, David?
David: I dont know, Katie, but I know its going to be a lot of
Katie: Thats good. Now, have you ever wanted to have
Pokemon Contests in Unova? Well, trainers everywhere are
going nuts because its finally coming here. Starting next
month, theyll get to join in on it.
David: You know, I have to say, Ive always enjoyed the kinds of
combinations that could be done in them and the final battles.
Katie: You said it. Coming up, a scientist has come up with a
way to enhance a Pokemons attack power.
David: Oh, thatll be interesting, and theres been talk about the
first animated Pokemon feature set to classical music in the
works. Will it be a good thing? Stay tuned to find out.
(It goes to commercial. Pan back down to the gang.)
Ash (amazed): Thats really cool.
Pikachu (agreeing): Pika.
Iris: Thatll be an interesting battle to see.

Serena: Yeah.
(They continue eating. A few minutes later, they pay the bill
and head for the exit.)
Employee: Thank you for coming. We hope to see you again.
(They leave and head on down the street.)
Cilan: So, Lex, what made you decide to come to Castelia?
Lex: I heard theres going to be an art festival coming up in a
few days.
Clemont: That sounds pretty good.
Lex: Yeah, it will be.
Ash: Where are you staying at?
Lex: Oh, in a hotel on Gym Street called the Castelia Holiday
Iris: Thats nice.
Axew: Axew.
(They continue on through. Moments later, they pass by a store
that is selling unique Pokemon items & food. They stop and see
some of the very special ones in the display case.)
Serena (intrigued): Those are some interesting stuff.
Cilan: Yeah. Well come back later to get some of that.
(They resume on down the street. As they go on, they see many
of the other places on the street. One store sells special

Pokemon medicine, and another has attack mentors waiting to

help out. Moments later, they come to the Central Plaza.)
Lex: What do you guys say we take a break here?
(They all nod their heads in agreement. Moments later, we see
each of them are relaxing in different ways. Pan down to Ash,
Serena and Iris laying on their backs and looking up at the sky.)
Ash: Doesnt this feel good, you guys?
Pikachu (agreeing): Pika.
Iris: It sure does.
Axew: Axew.
Serena: Yeah.
(They all sigh with comfort.)
Iris: So, Serena have you done anything interesting?
Serena: Yes. I just caught a Pancham.
Iris: Thats great. How about you, Ash?
Ash: Its been great. Theres been a lot of great places there.
You should visit some of them.
Iris: Oh, okay.
Ash: Yeah. What have you done, Iris?
Iris: Ive visited a new Safari Zone that opened near Cianwood
Ash: Thats pretty cool.

Iris: Yep. You guys should check it out.

Serena: All right.
(Just then, they see flocks of Fletchinder, Pidgeotto and
Tranquill flying overhead.)
All: Ahh.
(Now, we pan over to Lex and Cilan sitting on a bench.)
Cilan: Hows it been going with those prank videos?
Lex: Very well. Some of them have been really crazy.
Cilan (intrigued): Really?
Lex: Oh, yeah. Everyones come up with some of the wackiest
things to do, but its a lot of fun.
Cilan: Thats good. By the way, are you going to show one of
your models at the festival?
Lex: Of course. Its back at the hotel.
Cilan: Thats good. Ill bet its going to be good.
Lex: It will be.
(Now, we pan over to Bonnie and Clemont playing with their
Pokemon. Bonnie searching around for Dedenne.)
Bonnie (playfully): Now, where did you go?
(She looks around the field. Now, we do a dolly shot behind a
tree to find Dedenne hiding underneath it.)
Dedenne: (giggling) Dede.

(Now, we cut to Bonnie scoping near the tree.)

Bonnie: Hmm.
(She ponders for a moment and gets an idea. She looks behind
the tree, looks up it, then down below it and spots it on the
lower trunk.)
Bonnie: Ah-ha!
(She gives it a little tickle on the belly. Then, it runs up on her
shoulder and snuggles her on the face. Now, pan over to
Clemont and Luxio with some targets set up.)
Clemont: All right, Luxio. Hit many of these targets as you can.
Luxio: Luxio.
Clemont: Okay. Luxio, use Discharge!
(It charges up and releases a large amount of yellow electricity
at the targets, hitting them and knocking them down.)
Clemont: Great job.
Luxio: Luxio.
(Bonnie and Dedenne come over to them.)
Bonnie: Hey, Clemont. Hows the practicing?
Clemont: Its going well.
(Luxio nods its head and Clemont goes over to the knocked
down targets. As he sets them back up, Clemont spots a young
man named Mark Todman, who is thinking about something.
He has red hair, amber eyes, is around Cilans age, and is

wearing glasses, a blue t-shirt, beige pants, has six PokeBalls on

his belt and has black sneakers.)
Bonnie: Whats wrong?
(He points over to Mark.)
Bonnie: Oh. What do you think hes doing?
Clemont: Lets go see.
(They walk over to him. Mark sees them coming over.)
Mark: Um, hello there.
Clemont: Hi. Im Clemont.
Bonnie: Im Bonnie, and this is Dedenne.
Dedenne: Dede.
Mark: Nice to meet you both. Im Mark Todman.
Clemont: I was wondering, what are you thinking about?
Mark: Its just an idea for a new television show.
Clemont: I see.
Mark: Yeah. Im going to try to pitch it to the UBS network
executives sometime tomorrow.
(Ash and the others come over to them.)
Ash: Whats going on over here, you two?
Bonnie: Oh, yeah. Mark, these are the rest of our friends.
All: Nice to meet you.

Mark: Thanks. Same to you.

Bonnie: He was just about to tell us his idea for a new show.
Serena: Really?
Clemont: Yeah. (He turns to Mark.) So, whats the show about?
Mark: Its basically a game show where you have to answer
general questions about Pokemon in the first two rounds.
Then, in the next two, you have to guess the price of some
items. Finally, when it comes down to two contestants, they
have to put in a final showcase battle and whoevers the victor
wins the prize of their choice.
Ash: Thats cool.
Mark: Have you made anything to show to them?
Mark: Yes. (He goes into his bag and pulls out miniature sets
and a written treatment.) I have highly detailed miniature sets,
the location, a series treatment written out and I have the
budget worked out.
Lex: Well. You really know what youre doing.
Mark: Thanks.
Lex: If I can give you one suggestion, how about writing out a
business proposal?
Mark: All right, but how is one written out?
Lex: Well, let me show you.

(He pulls out the Pokepilot from his pocket, turns it on, looks
through it and pulls up an example of one proposal.)
Lex: To start with, you write out an executive summary.
Include an overview of some of your achievements and
accolades. After that, state the objective of your proposal and
make sure its written in a specific & measurable way.
(As he explains, a section of the proposal gets highlighted and
animated images move to the words on the page.)
Cilan: All right, now what?
Lex: Next, compose a market analysis section. In this part, you
describe the competition in great detail, as well as provide
information about their product & service offerings, the target
markets, their strengths & weaknesses and the market share.
Also, highlight any growth segments youve found through
Mark: Okay, whats the next part?
Lex: Now, you describe your idea. When doing this, bring up
what the idea is about, why the reader should be interested in
it, when you plan on doing it, where its going to be done and
whos your target audience.
Iris: All right, what else?
Lex: Next, write out a financial analysis section. For this one,
outline the projections for the revenues and expenses related

to your idea, and also include a projected return on the

Serena: And whats left?
Lex: Finally, you include a call to action. What you want to do is
create a sense of urgency by providing a deadline for when the
reader should respond and provide your contact information,
as well.
Ash: Gee, writing a good proposal can be tricky.
Lex: It is, which is why Im going to show you something.
Bonnie: Okay, Lex.
Dedenne: Dede.
(Pan up to an upper panel show a blank document divided up
into different sections.)
Lex: You guys ready?
Ash: Yeah.
Pikachu: Pika.
Lex: All right, then. Here, this woman is going to propose a new
kind of Pokemon medicine to a company. What do you think
her description is going to be?
Cilan: Its going to talk about what shes done before for others
and mention that she wants to help troubled trainers with
Pokemon training.

Lex: All right, Cilan. Now, how do you think shell talk about the
competition in here?
Iris: Shell talk about the kinds of medicines the other
companies have out that have a similar effect, the services they
provide and bring up their strengths and weaknesses.
Lex: Good one, Iris. How do you think shell describe her idea?
Clemont: Shell state its for a new kind of Rare Candy, its for
any trainer, shell start on it in a few weeks, and itll all be done
in her hometown and tells them that if they pick it up, itll be
more convenient for trainers.
Lex: Very well, Clemont. Now, whats her financial analysis?
Mark: She outlines the cost of it, how much they could make
from it and how much of the investment theyll get back.
Lex: Okay, Mark. Lastly, what sort of call of action should she
Ash: She gives them a month to respond and gives the company
phone number and the address.
Lex: Very good, Ash. Great work, guys.
Mark: Thank you, Lex.
Lex: No problem, Mark.
(He turns off the Pokepilot and puts it back in his pocket.)
Lex: So, Mark, you ready to do it?
Mark: Yes, I am.

Serena: Thats good. Lets see if the viewers wants to do it

before we get started.
Clemont: Okay, then. (He glances over to the audience.) You
guys want to do it? (He casually waits for an answer from the
audience for one second.) Oh, all right.
Mark: You guys do this a lot?
Cilan: Yeah, we do.
(Dissolve to a new blank document.)
Bonnie: Okay, lets do it. What do you think he should talk
about at the beginning? (She casually waits for an answer from
the audience for two seconds.) Some of whats he done so far
and whats he looking to do with his idea. Sure, why not.
Ash: Now, how should he describe what the competition has?
(He casually waits for an answer from the audience for two
seconds.) What other game shows are being produced, what
they have to offer and what their strengths and weaknesses
are. All right, then.
Serena: Okay, how do you think he should describe his idea?
(She casually waits for an answer from the audience for two
seconds.) He should talk about what its about, where its going
to be set at, why they should do it, who the main audience is
and when hes going to do it. All right.
Cilan: Now, what should his financial analysis state? (He
casually waits for an answer from the audience for two

seconds.) How much itll cost, what could be made from it &
how much of the investment theyll make back. Very good.
Iris: Finally, what should be his call to action? (She casually
waits for an answer from the audience for two seconds.) Tell
them to respond in a few months and give them the studio
phone number & address. Okay.
(Dissolve back to the gang in the plaza, and Serena casually
Serena: Thanks a lot, you guys.
Mark: Thanks for that suggestion, Lex.
Lex: Youre quite welcome.
(Mark puts his stuff back into his bag.)
Bonnie: Say, Mark. You want to come and relax with us?
Mark: Of course I can.
(Moments later, they resume what they were doing.)
Mark: Really? Thats pretty interesting.
Lex: Yeah, it is. It wasnt easy building it, but it was all worth it
and it came out great.
Mark: So, which one are you working on now?
Lex: Im currently working on a life-size model of a Milotic.
Mark: Oh, thats cool.
(Ash comes over to them.)

Ash: Hey, Mark. You want to do some training?

(He thinks for a minute.)
Mark: Sure thing.
(They all turn to the audience.)
All: Thank you, guys.
Pikachu: Pika.
Axew: Axew.
Dedenne: Dede.
(Dissolve to moments later, where Ash and Mark are doing
some training, Bonnie and Iris are playing with each other and
the others are laying out on the grass.)
Clemont: Well that was an interesting episode. Did you enjoy
it? (He casually waits for an answer from the audience for one
second.) Oh, okay. Well see you next time.
(They all casually wave goodbye the audience and they continue
relaxing. We pan up to the sky, and it then irises out, ending
the episode.)

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