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Demon’s Souls


Here I have written all of the scripted dialogue that I have triggered by
assisting and talking to Ostrava of Boletaria.

Even though I recorded them the old fashioned way, which means I merely
wrote down his words as he was speaking, I am confident that I have
included all of his words and with little to no errors. If however you spot an
inconsistency or you believe that I have misquoted him, you can send me a
message to discuss about it.

Also, if you happen to discover a conversation missing from this document,

please let me know about it, along with what triggers it if possible.


Boletaria Palace


When you first meet Ostrava, if you arrive from


"Please! Help me! I'm trapped; Surrounded by dreglings."


"That was a bold jump! A surprise indeed! Well, now that you are here, pray thee,
fend off these dreglings."

After you rescue him:

"My thanks for your brave rescue. I am Ostrava of Boletaria. Accept this as a token
of my gratitude."

The first time you talk to him after you receive the brass telescope:
"Now, I must go. There is something for me to take care of."

The second time and onwards:

"No matter how far I venture, only the soul starved remain. Is there a single sane
person left in Boletaria?"

If you attack him:

"What on earth are you doing?!"

"Please, you must not! I thought we were allies!"


When he calls for you behind the steel gate:

"Hello! You yonder! Over here! It's me, Ostrava! Look at me, again surrounded by
evil warriors. Could you, perhaps, help me one last time?"

"Clear out the soldiers at the far end of this passage, if it pleases you."

"The Lord's Path, just down yonder, has degenerated into a feeding ground for
flying dragons. Have your wits about you."

After you clear out the soldiers:

"Thank you. That makes twice. Thanks to you, I can now forge ahead. This is a
token of my gratitude. Please accept it."

The first time you talk to him after you receive the dark moon grass and

"This is bad... Not a single person left... Why on Earth? How did all of this happen...

In the Nexus

(After you help him in 1-2)

First time you talk to him:

"At its peak, Boletaria was a grand kingdom."

"The king, his knights and his subjects were modest and plain, but also steadfast
and compassionate."

"In the distant southern kingdom, Boletaria was known as paradise on earth."

"But look at what has become of us now! I refuse to believe that this is what Father
wished for our great land..."

Second time:

"Here in Boletaria, we speak of the legend of The Two swords and the Last Hero."

"The Two Swords, are Demonbrandt and Soulbrandt. One sword banishes that
which befouls man, and the other banishes man himself."

"The Last Hero is Old King Doran. King Doran is the everlasting One, founder of
Boletaria and protector of The Two Swords."

"Hah hah, of course, only according to legend!"

"But in the dark state of our land, legends are all we can depend upon..."

Third time:

"King Allant led Boletaria with a round table of brave knights."

"The royal Twin Fangs, Vallarfax and Biorr, Alfred, the knight of the tower, Metas,
the knight of the lance, and the brave tribesman, Long Bow Oolan and his fearsome

"But today, Boletaria is an abysmal mess. Vallarfax was lost and Biorr slipped
through the fissure, never to be heard from again. All the rest, along with Boletaria,
have been devoured by the fog, and will soon be pray for the Demons."

"The Boletarian knights are no longer."

"But perhaps our age will see the rise of new heroes, such as yourself."

If you walk away while conversing with him, then talk to him later:

“What was the hurry just now? Surely you can spare a mere moment.”

Boletaria Palace cont.


When he is being attacked behind the gate:

"For the love of all that is holy, open this gate!" (rough/comical estimation, if you
have recorded the actual words, please let me know)

After you lift the gate:

"Thank you for rescuing me."

After you defeat his adversaries:

"You saved my life. This is the third time, I am truly indebted to you."

"This is...all I have, but please accept it."

"Now, I must go. My father the King awaits me just over there."


When you talk to him on the stairs:

"Oh, it's you, is it?"

"My father is up above. Well, what's left of him, anyway. He's transformed into a
fiendish Demon."

"I began this quest in a search for truth, but it seems I was a fool to even try."

"Please kill my father. In his degenerated state, he can only bring peril to the

"This key...fits the Boletaria mausoleum. Inside the mausoleum are my father's two
swords, Soulbrandt and Demonbrandt."

"Use them to bring an end to his madness."

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