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ITM 533
IT Project Logistics and Contract Management
"So you want to be a Project Manager
Anthony S. Mike
Trident University


An old proverb states that plans are established by seeking advice and that the wise listen
to it (Proverbs, 2014). There are many tidbits of advice that an aspiring Project Managers (PM)
should pay attention too. Mark Phillipy has eight tips for PMs that include being prepared to
learn, look for a mentor, understand and follow defined processes, and communicate well (2014).
While being rudimentary advice Phillipys tips cover some deep truths that should be listened to.
Being in a mentor/mentee relationship will provide on going guidance that help to further a
career. As with any job discipline, understanding and following defined processes will show that
the user is a professional. Those wanting to work as a PM for information technology (IT)
projects, understanding different software development models is advisable. This paper will
discuss some of the commonly used approaches in the field and if there is a one size fits all
method that works, while offering some advice to the unseasoned project manager.
Noted models that have been adopted by software developers include the prototyping,
rapid application development, component assembly and the system development life cycle
(SDLC) models (Stylus, 2007). Will one work for every project? Is one better than another, or
are there other models that are better suited for specific types of projects? Ambler (2011) says
that we need to be flexible and use the right tool for the job.
As in any project the first step is to define the scope. In this stage the PM should be
working with the principles to decide what the end product will look like, and then reverse
engineer it, and set scheduling goals, to break the project down into realistic requirements and
timeframes that can be met. During this time an idea of which design model should be discussed
and put into the plan. Without knowledge of different methodology we would most certainly be a


one sided manager. Would we use the same model to design a web application as we would to
design and build a new network backbone? Here is where some of Phillipys advice is needed.
As a PM we should have a rounded understanding of the available tools to maximize all
resources, leading to the notion that the one type works for everything, wanting. While deciding
that a specific model works for the project the PM is cautioned to be open to change.
Russell Kay (2002) said that waterfall models, those that feed the next stage from a
previous stage, were outdated at the turn of the 21st century. While he mentions spiral models
that revisit earlier stages and incremental builds that allow testing of different parts before the
finished product is formed, all models have one main requirement; good communication at every
stage. Without communication it would be impossible to capture all requirements, discuss other
courses of action when something isnt working, and to gauge progress.
A young PM would be wise to seek advice and a seasoned PM would be wise to temper
their advice. In many instances offering unsolicited advice can just lead to discontent or even
disregard. Veteran PMs can guide their young colleagues by discussing past experience without
offering advice. If advice is asked for then seasoning it with open-ended questions can help the
asker feel more involved in arriving at the best course of action. If advice is not taken it is never
a good idea to flaunt their mistakes. Ambler (2011) recognizes that working with an active team
requires working in an evolutionary method. Since the information technology (IT) market is in
an ever-expanding mode, those who wish to manage projects in the IT field should look to both
existing and new approaches to oversee their work process. Being open to the opinions of others
is the key to many a success. If you cannot trust the collective experiences of team members, the
team might not be best suited for the job.


In a 2003 article about Project Mapping(Kwon, R.), the essayist relays that the plans
were changed once their scope started to be refined. The author discusses the need to

continuously evaluate how we work, which resembles parts of a spiral model mentioned in Kays
article. The article explains that a large, well-known, company did not rest on its laurels and past
accomplishments while recognizing that there is always room to grow. For the IT PM this should
be engrained in their work ethic. Andrew Spencer sums up why many projects fail by saying that
too many PMs hide behind their chosen methodology (2013). This again fortifies Amblers
position that is no one method that will handle all situations.
While these writers are correct in their assertions, there is one model that should be
considered required reading for the IT PM. The SDLC model gives a great basis for managing IT
projects. It is considered a Classical Life Cycle or Linear Model or Waterfall Method (Stylus,
2007). Kay may believe that this is an outdated model, but this author realizes that understanding
some basics is the start to any good foundation. Good PMs learn from others. Great PMs will
learn from others and use certain aspects of many models to hasten their success.
Of course not all IT projects are software designs or builds. There are network builds and
upgrades, server design and refreshes, layer one infrastructure installations and many other
projects ranging in scale from a few thousand dollars into the billions. While SDLC has been
accepted in software development anyone can gain valuable knowledge from this model.
The six stages of a typical SDLC are as follows (Tutorials, 2014):
1) Planning and requirement analysis
3) Designing the architecture

2) Defining requirements
4) Building or developing the product


5) Testing the product

6) Deployment and maintenance

Understanding these stages allows the PM the basic big picture to be visualized. While every
project will have different requirements and issues, these simplified stages are a universal
snapshot of many. From here the PM can adapt to the situation and implement other methods
during different stages.
This is what Scott Ambler and Associates did. They expanded on the classic form SDLC
and came up with the Agile SDLC (Ambysoft, 2014). They have taken some of the basic
precepts of SDLC and created a more interactive approach to managing a software project. Their
stages consist of conception, inception, construction, transition or deployment, production and
finally retirement. This revised model has more coordination and collaboration between the team
and the stakeholders allowing for more feedback and redefining scope or design along the way.
Some might even say that the Agile SDLC is the blend of spiral and waterfall methodology.
While there are many methods to managing a project, there are some foundational areas
that should be adhered too. Learning from the past, whether from a mentors experience or your
own, understanding different methodologies and not being beholden to one, and being able to
recognize that communicating is key. Kays example and Amblers agile SDLC share this
common thread; interactive communication allows for a better end result in a ever changing
The best advice that can be given to the new PM is to seek counsel, seek understanding,
dont be rigid in your method, communicate early and often, and to take the basic stages of
SDLC and use it as a guideline to develop the approach to fit the project. Never fit the project to
the method.


Proverbs, (2014). Retrieved from;
Phillipy, M., (2014). 8 tips for the project manager. Retrieved from;
Stylus Inc, (2007). The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Retrieved from
Ambler, S.W. (2011). Evolutionary software Development: How data activities fit in. Retrieved
Kwon, R. (2003) Project Map: Evaluating Project Management Practices. Retrieved from;
Spencer, A., (2013). Why Do So Many Projects Fail? Retrieved from;
Tutorials, (2014). SDLC Overview. Retrieved from;
Ambysoft, (2014). The agile system development life cycle. Retrieved from;

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