Table of Contents) For The Project

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AMV College of Accountancy

COMP 3 IT Concept and System Analysis and Design

Suggested Outline(which will serve as the

table of contents) for the Project
PART 1 Summary of Proposal
System Title
Proponent/s of the System
Description of the System
PART 2 - Technical Description


Design of the Proposed System

A. Introduction
Background of the Study
General Objective of the System
Specific Objectives of the System
Project Scope and Limitation
Significance of the System

Data Design and Process Specifications

Data Flow Diagram
Entity Relationship Diagram
Database and Table Structures
Data Dictionary

B. Analysis of the Current System

User Interface Design Specifications

System Menu
Designs of Individual

Assessment of the Current System

Hardware Setup
Software and Applications
being Used
Personnel Involved
Data Processing
System Investigation
Data Flow Diagram
Entity-Relationship Diagram
Users Interview

Problem Definition
Users Requirement Analysis

Report Requirement Specifications

Summary of Report
Report Designs/Layout
System Requirement Specification
Hardware Requirements
Software Requirements
Human Resource

A. Suggested Inclusions for the Outline
To help you present your project documentation, you can follow the suggested inclusions below:
PART 1 Summary of Proposal
System Title:
-come up with the most appropriate title that will capture the whole proposal
Proponents of the System:
-Include the name, address and contact details of the proponent
Description of the System:
You can include/discuss the overview of proposed system
1. What is the basic purpose of the system?
2. Who will benefit from it? Describe the geographical area and population to be served.
3. How does this system help fulfill the institutions mission and fit into the framework of IT industry?
4. How is this system unique? Is it similar to other systems but covers a different area? Does it employ a
new approach?
5. Why does this system deserve prioritization more than others competing for attention?
Timeframe (Gantt chart)
-You can include/discuss the anticipated duration of time to the completion of the system
1. What exactly must be done in order to achieve the desired outcomes?
2. When will this system be implemented? Will it occur over a discrete time period or be an ongoing
3. Who will carry out system activities? What are their qualifications?
- Be sure to give a complete details of activities in the in the attachment.

PART 2 - Technical Description

Background of the Study
-You can include/discuss the following:
Overview of the organization, its mission and history of the company
1. What is the mission and history of the company?
2. What are the companys qualifications to accomplish this system?
- Description of Problem, Need or Value
1. What are the problems, needs and/or values that justify the system?
2. Who specifically experiences this problem or need and/or supports the value?
3. What data exists that validates your perception of the problem, need or value?
4. How will the problem, need or value change through this system?

Objectives of the System

-Include the general and specific objectives of the system, what
your proposal wants to
Significance of the System
-You can enumerate who will benefit from this system and discuss the following:

1. What immediate and long-range results are expected? Will these results help the institution
and others? Change peoples lives, the IT industry and the world?
2. How will the results impact your constituents or community?
3. How serious are the need and necessity for immediate action?
Analysis of the Current System
Assessment of the Current System
Hardware Setup
-You can include the existing hardware inventory of the concerned department/unit that
serves as the venue of your study. The existing inventory of hardware/peripherals can be
used in your proposal, if applicable.
-Describe the hardware setup or equipment currently being used by the company to store
and process data and generate reports.
Software and Applications being Used
-You can include the existing software and other applications of the concerned
department/unit that will be affected by your proposal.
-Enumerate and discuss the software and other application systems being used by the
company to process and generate reports.
Personnel Involved
- You can include the existing personnel of the concerned department/unit, their roles and job
functions as well as their level of computer literacy.
-Who are the personnel involved in the processing of data and information?
Describe each of their responsibilities.
Data Processing
- How do the department involved process data to produce essential information for the toplevel management?
System Investigation
- Provide the different diagrams below to clearly define the current system
Data Flow Diagram
Entity-Relationship Diagram
Users Interview
Problem Definition
- Enumerate and discuss the problems defined and encountered by users
Users Requirement Analysis
- Enumerate and discuss the possible requirements set by them to improve data processing
Design of the Proposed System
Data Design and Process Specifications
Data Flow Diagram
Entity Relationship Diagram
Database and Table Structures
Data Dictionary
User Interface Design Specifications
System Menu
Designs of Individual Form/Screen
Report Requirement Specifications
Summary of Report Requirements

- Enumerate and describe the existing and the possible required reports of the system
Report Designs/Layout

System Requirement Specification

Hardware Requirements
- Describe the required hardware of the proposed system. Draw the hardware/network setup if necessary.
Software Requirements
-Enumerate the required software and other application needed to develop the proposed
Human Resource Requirements
- Discuss the required personnel to operate and maintain the proposed system.
Proponents Data
(Attach the curriculum vitae of the proponent)
B The System Deliverables

A final report for the subject adviser following the format

An oral presentation using multimedia of not more than 20 minutes, if required.

COVER PAGE (SOFTBOUND) use your assign color

TITLE (Arial, 15)

A Research Paper
Presented to the
College of Accountancy
University of Santo Tomas
Espana, Manila

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Course Requirement
In Computer 3
1 Semester, 2014-2015
List of Names

Submitted to:
Imelda Marollano, MSCS
CompLec Professor

Lab Teacher, Master

CompLab Professor

November 2014

Arial, 12


Font style and size = (Arial 12)

Margin: left = 1.5, Right, top, bottom = 1inch
Prepare 2copies of draft documents

Dates to Remember:
1. Nov 7 to 14 = final defense
PART 1 - Prepare POWERPOINT to discuss briefly:

Background of the Study
Specific Objectives of the System
Project Scope , Limitation and Delimitation
Significance of the System
Hardware Setup
Software and Applications being Used
Data Flow Diagram
Entity-Relationship Diagram
Normalization (level 0 only)
Part II Visual Basic output

AFTER DEFENSE: prepare the following:

Soft bound (Edited documents)
Date final submission: Nov 17, (Monday) c/o Mr. Bernard Sanidad (Computer teacher)


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