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Monica Bhagavan

February 3, 2012
Travel Essay: Rough Draft
What stretches hundreds of miles into dense jungles and high mountains, once guarding great
empires once within? The Great Wall of China stands out and tall from its lush green surroundings, while
displaying its prominence to outsiders. The light blue sky and the green forests combine colors in the
distance, but the beige wall stands out. Looking at the Great Wall, one can realize the power it holds
being built from the time of the 5th century. Embraced with history from ancient times to presents,
travelers not only walk the great wall, but they can feel the times it has been through. Conquering all
terrain, the Great Wall stands tall as it passes through the miles of dark green forests. And as being on of
the great wonder of the world, visiting the Great Wall of China it exceeds its title with its dominance and
presence. The Great Wall flows like a stream through the land, risings and twisting with the terrain. From
its great history, its scenic views, and its powerful feeling, the Great Wall is a extraordinary wonder
everyone must see.
The extensive building project, first undertaken by the Qin dynasty, was led by the first emperor
of China, Shihuangdi, in the 3rd dynasty continued for another two millennium. Although the Wall may
look like one, it is essentially numerous walls, many of them built parallel to each other. Needing
protecting from the nomadic warriors in the north, the Chinese dynasties built the Walls essentially for
protecting, but as time passed they came to symbolize the power the Chinese dynasties had. Snaking
through more than 5500 miles of terrain it held out many of the northern barbaric tribes such as the
Mongols and Xionghu who posed threats to the Chinese. The Qin and the Han dynasties initiated this
process in the 3th and 4th century while completion did not end until the Ming dynasty (who was
responsibility to major rebuilding and addition of the wall) completed the process in the 14th century.
Even though the Great Wall is a architectural achievement, it took many lives and deaths in the process of
its construction. While visiting the Wall travelers learn about the valuable history, but also can enjoy the
various sights and scenes.
Just like in its history, soldiers once stood atop looking for the enemy, travelers can now enjoy
that same beauty that surrounds these Walls. Although many travelers believe all of the wall is the same,
it is quite the opposite providing a diverse sections for every traveler. Balding is best known section and
its view include the closest part of the Wall to Beijing. This section is the easiest to access and safer
because of the number of people who visit this section. Also because it is the most crowded, there are
much more accessible delicious Chinese food vendors and merchants for all a travelers supplies and
souvenirs. Another section of the wall Mutianyu is a little farther out than Badaling but provides a
beautiful lush surrounding and has a ski lift to take travels up the wall. Simatai and Jinshanling are
adjacent sections that show the true Great Wall because of the original constructions. This section is for
adventure loving, hikers that want to get a feel for what the wall was really like. Even though some parts
of the wall is blocked off, it is still a worthwhile view for true history lovers. The hike between these two
areas is about 6 hours and should be taken with seriousness, as hiking these walls is an intense process. At
Shanhaiguan, Olds Dragon Head, travelers can view the part of the wall the just out into the sea along
with Panjiakou Reservoir, sunken part of the Great Wall, and Huangyaguan a section with water run-off
controls, well-preserved towers, challenging hiking and striking scenery. Throughout all the hiking,
looking at scenery, and staring at awe at the Wall in the distance a treavler cannot go to the Great Wall

without finding themselves in a military pass. These passes or forts served as posts for soldiers and
supplies. Inside many of these, is small dilapidated rooms overrunning with vines and plants. As National
Geography states that many of these posts were filled with soldiers working shifts without sleep and
finding them bonding with the Wall, the only thing they see in the mile of isolation. These posts gives a
feeling of what it must have been like to live in one of these while sharing its history. No matter what type
of adventurer comes to the Wall, just like Chinas food there is something for everyone.
Waking up as the sun beams through the tall skyscrapers of Beijing, China, I start to get ready for
my great adventure of today. Packing food, snacks, a small blanket, a first aid kit, and 4 bottles of fresh
water a person might think that I was ready to head out into the jungle. Well, in a way I was heading into
a jungle, a jungle of ancient architecture and brick that stretches of thousands of miles. Yes, The Great
Wall of China was in my itentary for today along with a good 4 hours hike through one of the most
beautiful parts of it all. I headed out with comfortable shoes and made sure I took the right bus as I found
myself staring at the scenes outside. Fading away from the busting and ever moving Beijing, I suddenly
say the Wall in the distance. It was the first look I had of it in days, since I saw out of my small plexiglass airplane window, while landing at the Beijing airport. As it got closer and closer, I realized the size
of it all. About 200 feet all, its no wonder Britannica mentions that The wall provided the frontier
protection from their near neighbors as they were with the threat of barbarian invasions or raids. It
seemed impossible to penetrate such a large thing. I headed out of my bus and climbed stairs until I
reached the top Balding part of the wall. Too crowded with people, but a spectacular view of Beijing I
took my pictures and started my hike with my tour group to Simatai and Jinshanling. Even though we
were walking the steep and numerous ups and downs made it challenging, but the view and feel was all
worth it. I could feel the power the Wall had for China as I looked at my surroundings of green forests.
Sometimes branches came into the pathway as vines made the Walls ancient beauty more prominent. The
smell of dirt and rock lingered in the air as my shoes stepped on brick laid over centuries ago. In total the
hike was a hard 7 hours but when he got to Jinshaling, it was spectacular, This section of the Wall
remained untouched by remodeling and showed the true architectural dominance the China once had to
build such a thing. We stopped for food, a couple of times at one of the food vendors carts, Steaming
noodles in hot broth with pieces of tofu filled my mouth as I enjoyed the spicy and tangy feel it gave me.
Our tour group took a bus and train back to Beijing and I dozed off to sleep as the sun beams faded
behind the Great Wall of China.

The Great Wall of China, located in the northern border, is not only a historical landmark
but a symbol of the powerful Chinese dynasties it protected. Its scenic views through dense
forests to vast deserts surround the 5000 mile wall. Its ribbon like structure winds and bends
through the terrain as travelers walk along embracing the Wall. From hiker, adventures, to
photographers the Wall provides something for every traveler up for a little challenge. It is a
destination, that everyone should see it understand how much humans can accomplish.

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