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Tafsir Exam

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Uzma Sultana
Year 2 Advanced Program

1- Translation:
And how is it that museebah/suffering has struck you, even though you struck suffering twice as
much? you said Where/how did this come upon us?, Say It is from your own selves .
Verily, Allah SWT has power over all things.

And what you suffered on the day the two armies met, was by the permission of Allah SWT that
He would know who the true believers were and know who the hypocrites were. When it was said to
them come fight in the way of Allah SWT or defend, they said if we knew that there would be
fighting, we would have followed you. They were closer to Kufr on that day than to Iman. They
say that which is not in their hearts. And Allah SWT knows what they hide.
Those who said about their brothers Had they listened to us, they would not have been killed.
Say: prevent death from you ownselves, if you are truthful
2- Commentary:
These above verses are in reference to the hypocrites who pretended to be muslims. These verses also
give reason and wisdom behind the hardship and defeat of Muslims in the Battle of Uhud.
Muslims had lost the battle of Uhud after they came very close to winning. They suffered the loss of
70 Muslims, including Hamza ( R), the uncle of Prophet SAW. Prophet SAW was seriously
injured in this battle. Muslims were very disturbed about the defeat and also they started to wonder
why they suffered it.
In the beginning of these verses, Allah SWT is addressing the sahaba and referring to the loss that
the muslims received in Battle of Uhud ie the loss of 70 muslim lives while muslims had won the
Battle of Badr previously and at that time they had killed 70 disbelievers and captured 70
disbelievers, therefore twice as many.
Allah SWT wanted to remind the muslims that even though they were defeated they actually had
given their enemy a bigger blow previously and Allah SWT wanted them to think positively .
The verse then mentions the muslims saying to themselves in disbelief- how did this happen to us?
The muslims were depressed and started to question themselves as to how they could have nearly won
and then lost the battle. Allah SWT then says to the Prophet SAW to say to them that it is from
their ownselves that they had earned this. Background to this verse is that Prophet SAW had
asked a group of archers to stay on top of the hill, and do not leave their station. The group of
archers moved from their station in the assumption that the battle was over to collect booty and the
disbelievers then surprisingly struck the muslim army which ultimately led to their defeat.
So this verse also explains that the muslims did not follow or failed to carry out the order of Prophet
SAW. This verse also refers to what Umar ( R) has mentioned regarding this verse that muslims
were punished for taking ransom from disbelievers who were captured during the battle of Badr in
exchange for their freedom. Battle of Uhud was lost, 70 muslims were martyred and Prophet
SAW suffered injuries. It is then that Alah SWT revealed this verse.

Allah SWT then says in the following verse that whatever you suffered on that day was only by
the leave of Allah SWT. This verse speaks about the trial on this day that the muslims faced.
Those who were true and steadfast remained in the battlefield and ended up getting injured or
giving their lives for the sake of Allah and those who fled the battlefield when it truly mattered were
weak in their Iman. In this way Allah SWT wanted to see and show who ture believers were and
who hypocrites were. These verses are describing the traits of a hypocrite. These hypocrites were
asked to come and fight in Uhud or atleast defend, and they refused saying that if they knew how to
fight they would have followed them. They did not consider it a winning war as Muslims were up
against 3000 men in the enemys army and also gave an excuse saying that if they would have
fought using the strategy they gave and inside Madina they would have fought along with the
Then the verse continues and Allah SWT says that these hypocrites were closer to kufr/disbelief
than to Iman. This verse actually describes the various levels of hypocrisy or the various stages of
hypocrisy a man can go through. Sometimes they can be closer to Iman, sometimes being close to
absolute kufr or sometimes somewhere in between. But on this day, Allah SWT says that these so
called believing hypocrites who only pretended to be muslims were closer to kufr than to Iman.
Allah SWT then says that these hypocrites said with their mouths what was not in their hearts.
They never planned on fighting in the way of Allah SWT. They knew that the enemys army was
in large numbers and the enemy was all fueled up with taking revenge from muslims for their defeat
in battle of Badr. Even though it was clear from the situation that there would be fighting these
hypocrites said that if only they knew, they would have fought and Allah SWT knows everything
and knew what they were hiding in their hearts.
Then in the following verse mentions that these hypocrites advised their brothers to stay with them
and not go out, if they would have listened to them they would not have died in the battle.
Allah SWT then says in the following verse addressing these hypocrites that if they speak the truth
then how they can avoid death while staying at home as death will comes to a person even if they
were at home or in a battlefield.
Lessons that we can derive from the verses above:
1- Having Tawakkal In Allah SWT.
Everything and anything that happens is by the leave of Allah SWT. So if we receive any
good or any calamity, is is by the will of Allah SWT.
2- Allah SWT always wants us to look to the bright side of things. When the sahaba were
disappointed at their loss, Allah SWT reminds them about the bigger defeat they gave to the
kuffar earlier. The trials could also be a way of strengthening our Iman.

3- Calamities that befall on us could be the result of our doing. So we should try not to disobey
Allah SWT and His hokum.
4- Before we start pointing fingers at others for any problem or calamity, we look into our own
heart and our own self and think how much we contributed to the calamity.
5- To ask dua from Allah SWT and place out trust in Him when in times of Calamity.
6- Saying Hasbunallahu wa nimal Wakeel. This was the Sunnah of Prophet Ibrahim and
Prophet Muhammed SAW.
7- Balancing our Iman and not being a hypocrite. Even as believers, we have our moments when
sometimes hypocrisy reeks from us. Allah SWT does not like a hypocrite. So we should try to
be truthful and honest. Even when our Iman fluctuates from time to time we should try to be
on the other side of the scale.
8- Being steadfast at times of weakness and holding on to out Iman. Just like the time when the
hypocrites fled the battlefield the true believers were steadfast. They earned the ultimate reward
the Raza of Allah SWT.
9- Fighting in the way of Allah SWT Allah SWT has mentioned the virtues of a martyr
1- They have a beautiful after life, they fly around as birds, and they would wish to come back
to this life only to be martyred again and again.
2- Allah SWT will provide well for them in this life and the akhirah.
3- They earn the ultimate pleasure of Allah SWT His Raza.
In todays day and age we do not have battles to physically fight, but there are other battles
raging in the Ummah and fighting against it is considered Jihad of this day and age. Fighting
our own nafs is a jihad in itself. A person who dies defending his property, his own life, faith and
family is also considered a martyr.
10- Every living thing will taste death. Kullu nafsin Zaiqatul Maut.
Death is something that we cannot avoid. If it is time for us to die we will certainly die at the
moment prescribed. It is mentioned in a hadith that death seeks us out faster than our Rizk.
Try to cheat death is impossible. So we should make haste of the time and our life in this world
before our time is up.

Those who answered Allah SWT and the Messenger SAW after what they suffered, for those
who did good of them and feared Allah SWT is a great reward.

Background & Commentary:

Allah SWT revealed these verse on the following day of Uhud and is in reference to the day of
As the kuffar were on their way back after defeating muslims in the battle of Uhud, the stop midway and plan on going back and attacking the musslims forces and finishing them off.
When Prophet SAW heard about this, He commanded his army to march and fight the kuffar.
The muslim army at this point was injured, battered and depressed. Prophet SAW ordered the
men who were in the battle of Uhud to stand up and march on. Even the ones who could not walk
was helped up and even such an injured person stood up at the command of Allah SWT and His
Prophet SAW and they marched on to Hamra-al Asad. These sahaba did not doubt on their
battered bodies, and their hearts remained unflustered and created fear and awe in the enemys
heart, they ended up going back to Makkah to fight the battle at a later time.
In these verses Allah SWT is addressing those sahaba, who were injured and suffering, who
marched on along on the day of Hamra al-Asad on the Command of their Creator and their
Prophet SAW and among them were those who did good deeds and feared Allah SWT, Allah
SWT says that there is great reward waiting for them.
The sahaba who are being praised in this verse had 3 particular characteristics as mentioned in the
1) These sahaba who were wounded in battle of Uhud without any hesitation joined the
army again.
2) These sahaba had the virtue of Ihsan
3) These sahaba also had the virtue of Taqwa.
Lessons that we can derive form this verse:
1- True Tawakkal in Allah SWT
2- Having and developing the virtue of Ihsan ie doing good and earning good deeds.
3- Having Taqwa ie fearing Allah SWT and keeping ourselves away from impermissible things.
Now a days, we struggle with our our nafs in simple things, trying to do good and end up doing
something impermissible. So we should try to develop this virtue that is very pleasing to Allah
4- Making an intention to please Allah SWT. No matter what the physical state of the body
having an intention especially a good one, even if its not possible for us to do the deed, still
earns reward in Allah SWTs eyes. Even if its the tiniest of deeds or just house hold chores,
making an intention to please Allah SWT, reaps rewards.

5- As mentioned with previous verses, saying Hasbunallahu Wa Nimal waqeel and placing our
trust with Allah SWT.
3- Do Sarfe Tahqeeq
Taleel Qawala here was Aswaba - Baab Ifaal; Haft Iqsam Ajwaf Wowi ( taleel); Fel
Mudare Maroof; WMzG and Kum Mafool.

- Like Mukrameena Baab Ifaal; Ism Mafool; Jama Muzakkar halate nasb
- Like Qaatalu Baab Mufaala; Haft Iqsam Sahih; Fel Madi Maroof; JMzG
- Baab Mufaala ; Haft Iqsam Naqis wowi ; Fel Amr Maroof JMzH

like aftahu Baab Nasar Haft Iqsam Sahih; Fel MudareMaroof; WMt
- Taleel Qa wa la here, looks like it was Istajwabu Extra letters alif seen taa Baab Istifaal;

Haft Iqsam Ajwaf wowi; Fel Madi Maroof JMzG

1- Translation:
And Test the orphans until when they reach the age of marriage then if you think them to have
mature thinking then give to them their wealth and you do not eat from it extravagantly fearing
that they would grow up and who is rich should not take any wages and who is poor let him eat of it
fairly and when you give to them their wealth take witness on them and sufficient is Allah in taking
For men is a share from what is left by parents and relatives and for women is a share from what is
left by parents and relatives and from what little of it or more a share ordained.
And when come the division (among) the relatives, the orphans and the needy, then feed them out
of it and say to them words of kindnessand fear those who they left after them and speak right

Verily, those who eat wealth of the orphans wrongfully they only eat of feed their beliies fire and
they will be burnt in the blazing fire.
2- Commentary:
Allah SWT in the above verses is mentioning the way a guaridan should care for an orphans
wealth, the distribution of shares to inheritors and mentions the punishment for guardians who do
not follow the hukum of Allah SWT.
In the beginning of the verses above, Allah SWT is addresssing and instructing the guardians to
test the orphans intellectually. If the orphans has reached maturity that still does not mean that
he/she can handle it on her own. There is no age stipulated in the Quran but the conditions are the
he/she has a mature and sound sense, and until the age of marriage.
Scholars mention that guardian can have guardianship until the orphan is 25 years old. At this age
most people attain maturity in terms of intelligence, physcial/emotional and spiritually.
Often times it so happens that an orphan might be intelligent and is capable of handling his
amanah, then the guardian can choose to hand over the wealth to him. The guardian needs to hand
over even if an orphan reaches the age of 25 and is still not intelligent enough to take care of his
property. The guardian can choose to advice and councill the orphans.
The verse continues to explain that the guardian needs to carefully use the money to feed, clothe and
take care of the orphans needs. Sometimes the guardian try to spend money wastefully and on his
ownself or his family or for his needs rather than the orphan or tries to spend as much as he can so
that there is not much left until the orphan grows up. This is not permissible. If the guardian is rich
then he should not take any money in the form of wages for managing the property of the orphan
but is the guardian is poor then he is given permission to take some in the form of wage/salary to
manage the property. Taking what is reasonable and just and depending upon the labor of his work
is implied by taking some of the money as wage.
And when the guardian releases the property to the orphan, a witness needs to be present along with
the orphan during the handover process. The witness is needed so that he can witness the transfer of
the wealth and if ever a question arises, the witness can give his testimony. Allah SWT tries to instill
fear in the hearts of the guardian when he says in the Quran Allah SWT is All sufficient in
taking account, so that it reminds the guardian of the swift reckoning of Allah SWT.
Then the verses move on to talk about Inheritance. Men and women have given stipulated shares in
inheritance. During the days of Jahiliya, women were not given any shares. So no matter if the
property be small or large there are shares for both men and women.
Then the verses talk about the shares of the relatives or the orphans and needy who are not really
inheritors are present at the time of division. Allah SWT is asking us to be kind enough to share

some of it with them and speak to them kindly. It is not obligatory or Wajib but still it is admirable
and earns reward with Allah SWT. But if the wealth that needs to be distributed is less then it is
permissible to not give.
Then the following verse is addressing the executors and guardian to have fear in their mind just like
how they would fear for themselves if they had left a weak or needy offsprings behind. So Allah
SWT is asking them to fear Him and His wrath and speak just words. The guardian/executor
should hasten to distribute wealth properly to all legal heirs. This distribution of Inheritance that
Allah SWT has prescribed makes sure that not only the legal heirs but also the relative, the needy
and poor and the orphans are taken care of justly. Even moving our hand over an orphans head is
so rewarding in the eyes of Allah SWT that we get same amount of good deeds as much as the hair
on the orphans head.
And at the end of the verse Allah SWT is reminding us the punishment for unjustly eating away
orphansproperty that those who do it and not eat of the wealth but feeding themselves fire and they
will be burtn in the blazing fire.
3- Do Sarfi Tehqeeq
- Fel Amr Maroof - JMzH

- like li yastansir -Baab Istifaal; Haft Iqsam Mudaaf Thalathi; Fel Amr
Maroof - WMzG
- Baab Nasara ; Haft Iqsaam sahih Fel Amr Maroof - JMzH
- (Taleel- Qawala)was Kha va la - Baab Samia ; Haft Iqsaam Ajwaf wowi Fel
Madi Maroof JMzG

4- Do Nahwi Tehqeeq

Fa Zayd
Ashhidu Baab Ifaal -Fel Amr
Maroof JMzH+ wow bariz
antum faail
Alaihim Jar + Majroor =
Mutalliq to Ashhidu
Fel Amr + fail + mutalliq =
Jumlah Inshaiya


Dafatum Baab Fataha-Fel Madi+ tum

bariz faail.
Ilaihum Harf jar + Majroor = Mutalliq to
Amvalahum Mudaaf + Mudaaf Illah =
Mafool bihi
Fel+ faail+ Mutalliq+ Mafool = Jumalah
Feliah khabariyah


Iza zarf used as Huroofe shart

Huroofe shart = Jumlah Shartiya


1- Inheritance share for son is half and daughter gets half of son ie 2:1 ratio
2- Inheritance share for one daughter only is half and other half is distributed among other lawful
3- Inheritance share for wife with no children is of share.
4- Kalalah is a term given to a person who dies leaving behind no direct ascendents or descendents but
may have one or many uterine brothers/sisters to share inheritance with.
5- Major sin is a sin that is deed that is done that is outrightly outrageous disobeying or bisbelieving
Allah SWT commands.Major sins can only be forgiven by a true Taubah and should not be done
ever again. Punishments for major sins are usually prescribed in the Quran.While minror sins are

deeds that are offensive but on a minor scle versus the major sins. Any action that goes against
laws/Shariah is a minor sin. A kaffarah can be given to wipe out minor sins.
6Major sins
Black magic
Killing a human soul
To die without doing Hajj
To break family ties
Do disobey parents
Commiting adultery
To commit suicide
Taking false oaths
To curse

Minor sins
To use utensils of gold and silver
To walk wih pride
To not speak to muslim brother/sister for more
than 3 days
For a woman to travel without her
mehrambeyond the hudud.
To sell something without disclosing its defects.
To delay payment of Zakah
To look around while in salah
To speak while Jummah khutbah is given
To become angry without a valid reason
To think bad about another Muslim

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