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Index Of Topics

( By Chapter)


Property Ownership
Origination of laws ___________________________________ Page 11
Types of Property
Personal Property
Real Property _______________________________________ Page 12

Rights in Real Property _______________________________ Page 13

Lateral /Subjacent Support
Water Rights
Mutual Water Company
Percolating Water ______________________________
Flood or Surface Waters
Loss of Land

Page 14

Rights of Non- Property Owners

Doctrine of Eminent Domain
Police Power
Escheat ________________________________________ Page 15
Estates in Property
Freehold Estates
Fee Estates
Life Estates

Less-Than Freehold Estates _________________________ Page 16

Owners Rights (Lessor/ Landlord)
Lessee/Tenant Rights


Page 17


Types of Leases ________________________________

Requirements for Creating a Valid Lease
Not Required to Create a Valid Lease

Index - Page 1

Page 18

Index Of Topics-By Chapter (Cont'd)

CHAPTER 1 - Property Ownership (cont'd)

Termination of the Lease ______________________________ Page 19
Methods of Acquiring, Disposing Of & Conveying Real Property

Requirement to Create A Valid Deed
Not Required For A Deed To Be Valid ______________________
To Convey Title
Reasons That Would Cause A Deed To Be Void
The Different Types Of Deeds

Page 20

Adverse Possession __________________________________ Page 21

The Different Types Of Wills
Word Meanings Relating To Wills
The Probate

________________________ Page 22

Succession _________________________________________ Page 23


Methods Of Protecting Ownership Rights

Constructive Notice
Actual Notice
Abstract Of Title
Certificate Of Title ____________________________________ Page 24
Guarantee Of Title
Title Insurance
Standard Coverage
Extended Coverage


Methods Of Taking/Holding Title TO Real Property ____________ Page 25

Characteristics Of Methods Of Holding Title
Severalty/Sole Ownership
Tenancy In Common
Joint Tenancy _____________________________________
Community Property

Presumption OF Title
Partition Action

Index - Page 2

Page 26

Index of Topics-By Chapter (Cont'd)


Non-Money Encumbrances _____________________________ Page 27

______________________________________ Page 28

Land Control
Basic Zoning Symbols
Changing Established Zoning
Types Of Changes

________________________ Page 29

State Fair Housing Laws

The Unruh Civil Rights Act
Fair Employment and Housing Act ( Rumford Act )
Holden Act

____________ Page 30

Federal Fair Housing Laws

Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968
Jones vs . Mayers Decision __________________________

Page 31

The Laws As They Affect Licensees

Rights Of Those Who Have Been Discriminated Against

Two Types of Easements
Appurtenant Easements
Easements In Gross

______________________________ Page 32

Creation Of Easements
Termination Of Easements ___________________________
A dditional Information Regarding Easements

Page 33

License vs Easement _______________________________ Page 34


Money Encumbrances
Types Of Liens
General Liens
Specific Liens

Creating Dept Instruments _____________________________

Methods Of Collection On Personal Debts

Index - Page 3

Page 35

Index Of Topics-By Chapter (Cont'd)

CHAPTER 2 - Encumbrances (Cont'd)

Trust Deeds And Mortgagee __________________________ Page 36
Essential Characteristics
Foreclosure Procedure _____________________________
Terms relating To Mortgages Or trust Deeds (Deeds Of Trust)
Clauses Found In The Notes, Trust Deeds Or Mortgages

Page 37

___ Page 38

_______ Page 39

Construction Loans ________________________________ Page 40

Mechanic's Liens

Homesteading - Declaration of Homestead _______________ Page 42


Real Estate Law

The Department Of Real Estate ________________________ Page 45
Education, Research and Recovery funds
Head Of the Department OF Real Estate (Commis sioner)
Investigations An Or Legal Actions _____________________ Page 46
Administering License Examinations
(Issuing Real Estate Licenses And Permits)

Types Of Licenses Issued-Brokers

_____________________ Page 47

Types Of Licenses-Real Estate Salesperson _______________ Page

Types Of Licenses-Corporate _________________________
Types Of Licenses-Mineral, Oil and Gas Broker
Types of Licenses- Branch Office
Types Of Licenses-Partnership
Exemptions To the License Law


Page 49

_______________________ Page 50

Commissioner's Regulations ___________________________ Page 51

Broker May Perform An Escrow
Broker's Responsibility For Salespersons They Employ
Trust Account
Trust Funds ______________________________________ Page 52

Real Estate Laws ____________________________________ Page 53

Laws Involving A License while Acting As An Agent
Offenses Not Involving Agency

Index - Page 4

Index Of Topics-By Chapter (Cont'd)

CHAPTER 3 - Real Estate Law (cont'd)

Areas of Control By The Department Of Real Estate _________ Page 54
Article 5
Article 6

_____________________________________ Page 55

Article 7 __________________________________________

Page 56

Subdivision Laws _____________________________________

Page 59

Parcel Maps
Subdivision Maps
Subdivided Laws Act _________________________________ Page 60

Description Of Different Types Of Subdivisions ____________

Page 62

Community Apartment Projects

Planned Unit Development _____________________________
Land Projects
Out-Of-State Subdivisions

Page 63

Mobile Home Sales ____________________________________ Page 64


Agency Law - Contract Law - Contracts

Agency ______________________________________________ Page 65
Parties To The Agency
Creation Of The Agency _______________________________

Page 66

By Ratification
By Estoppel

Termination of Agency _________________________________ Page 67

Contract Law
Creation Of Contracts _________________________________ Page 68
Content Of The Contract
Creating A Valid Contract
Parties Capable of Contracting

_________________________________ Page 69
Lawful Object __________________________________ Page 71

Mutual Consent

Sufficient Consideration

Index - Page 5

Index Of Topics -By Chapter (cont'd)

CHAPTER 4 - Agency - Contract Law - Contracts (cont'd)

Legal Effects Of Contracts _______________________________ Page 71
Statute Of Frauds
Statute Of Limitations ___________________________________ Page 72
Performance Of The Contract
Transfer Or Replacement Of Contractual Obligations
Discharge OF Contract __________________________________ Page 73
Remedies For Breach Of Contract
Unilateral rescission
Action For Dollar Damages
Specific Performance

Contract Of Sale _______________________________________ Page 74
Option ______________________________________________ Page 75
Listing Agreement ______________________________________ Page 76
Miscellaneous Information
Types Of Listing
Commission (Earned/Not Earned)

_________________________ Page 77

Termination ________________________________________
Effect Of Broker's Death
Important Characteristics Of exclusive Listing Agreements

Page 78

Purchase Contract And Receipt For Deposit ___________________ Page 81

Miscellaneous Information
Terms And Conditions found In The Purchase Agreement

__________ Page 83

Disclosure Statements
Special studies Zone Disclosure ____________________________ Page 86
Real Estate Transfer Disclosure Statement ____________________ Page 87
Agency Disclosure Statement


Definition Of Appraisal ___________________________________ Page 89
Two Main Definitions Of Value
Four Elements That Influence

Index - Page 6

Index Of Topics-By Chapter (Cont'd)

CHAPTER 5 - Appraisal (cont'd)

Different types Of Value __________________________________ Page 89
Four Forces Influencing Value _____________________________ Page 91
Factors Influencing Value
Principals Of Valuation ___________________________________ Page 92
Depreciation ___________________________________________ Page 93
Depreciation for Appraisal Purposes
Physical Deterioration
Functional Obsolescence
Economic/Social Obsolescence

Depreciation for Income Tax Purposes - Book Depreciation _______

Page 94

Three Basic Ways To Appraise Real Property _________________ Page 95

Comparison Of Market Data
Cost Approach _________________________________________ Page 96
The Income Approach ___________________________________ Page 99
Property Residual
Land Residual
Building residual

____________________________________ Page 100

_____________________________________ Page 101

Income Approach Additional Information _____________________ Page 102

Miscellaneous Information regarding Income Properties
The Appraisal Process ___________________________________ Page 104
The Appraisal Report
Form (Short Form/Check List)

Miscellaneous Information Regarding Appraising _______________ Page 105
Construction Terminology (Other Miscellaneous Terms) _________ Page 106


Finance & Taxation

Real Estate Financing
Government Participation vs . Conventional ____________________ Page 109
Two Types Of Lenders ____________________________________ Page 110

Index - Page 7

Index Of Topics-By Chapter (cont'd)

CHAPTER 6 - Finance & Taxation (cont'd)

Lending _________________________________________________ Page 110
Federally Backed Loans
Federal housing Administration ( FHA)
Title I
Title II
Title III ___________________________________________

U.S. Department of Veteran's Affairs (USDVA)

State Of California - CAL-VET Program

Page 111

___________________ Page 112

________________________ Page 114

Additional Information Regarding Lending _______________________ Page 115

Lending Terms
Lender Characteristics _____________________________________ Page 116
Federal Disclosure Statements _______________________________ Page 117
Truth -In-Lending (Regulation Z)

Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) _______________ Page 119

Real Property Taxes ______________________________________ Page 120
Personal Property Taxes ___________________________________ Page 121

Tax Assessment Liens (Special Improvement Districts) ______________ Page 122

Real Property Transfer Taxes
Personal Income Tax - Federal Personal Income Tax _______________ Page 123
Deferring The Payment Of Income Tax _________________________

Page 124

Method 1 - Exchanging
Method 2 - Installment Sales


Method 3 - Sale Of A Residence

Page 126

_____________________________ Page 127

Tax Planning

Real Estate Syndicates _____________________________________ Page 128

General Partnership
Limited Partnership
Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)

Index - Page 8

Index of Topics-By Chapter (cont'd)


Mathematics & Land Descriptions

Math Problems ____________________________________ Page 129
What Is A Percent?
Relating To Percentages
Mathematical Ways Of Describing All 100 Parts
Conversions __________________________________________ Page 130
What Is The Question asking You To Find?
Creating The Math Question
Determining The Proper Mathematical Procedure ________________ Page 131
Simplifying The Math Process
Sample Problem

Special Circle Formula ______________________________ Page 132

Different Types Of Math Problems ______________________ Page 134
Interest Rate Problems
Different Methods Of Paying Interest _________________________ Page 135
Straight Note
Plus Interest Note
Including Interest Note

Land Descriptions
Formulas ____________________________________________ Page 136
Legal Descriptions
Metes And Bounds
Lot, Tract And Recorded Map
Government Survey (U.S. Rectangular Survey System)

Figures To Remember ___________________________________ Page 137

Personal Property - Business Opportunities - Escrow
Personal Property ___ ____________________________________ Page 139
Business Opportunity Transactions
Uniform Commercial Code
Financing Statement ( Form UCC-1)

Bulk Sales Law _______________________________________ Page 140

California Sales And Use Tax _____________________________ Page 141
Alcoholic Beverage Control

Index - Page 9

Index Of Topics-By Chapter (cont'd)

CHAPTER 8 - Personal Property - Business Opportunities - Escrows (cont'd)

Financial Statements _______________________________ Page 142
Balance Sheet
Profit And Loss Statement

Escrow ____ __________________________________________ Page 143

Escrow Holder
Creating The Escrow
Restrictions On Escrow Agents
Scope Of Agent's Authority ______________________________ Page 144
Sales And Exchanges To Be Reported To The IRS
Termination Of The Escrow
Closing Statements - Charges And Prorations
Buyer's Statement
Seller's Statement

___________________________________ Page 145

Proration - Insurance __________________________________ Page 146

Proration - Property Taxes
Proration - Interest ____________________________________ Page 147

Index - Page 10

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