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Part A
What do you mean by oil servicing?
Checking the oil level and topping up and also the greasing and lubrication of the engine
components is known as oil servicing.
What is the primary goal of maintenance in automobile servicing?
1. Good maintenance reduces the breakdown of the Vehicle.
2. It increases safety due to reduced breakdown
3. The expenses of repairs will be minimized.
4. It increases the running life of the vehicle
5. It obtains maximum performance.
Why the connecting rod is to be checked?
1. To have a proper smooth stroke of piston in cylinder.
2. To take care of wearing of other parts in the engine.
Write about the cleaning methods in the engine?
Dry cleaning, wet cleaning
What are the types of clutches?
Dry clutch and wet clutches, apart from that other normal type are single plate, multiplate and
centrifugal clutches.
What is meant by brake bleeding?
The removal of air bubbles from the braking line is known as brake bleeding.
What are the dashboard instruments?
Oddometer, Tachometer, battery level indicator, warning lights, etc.
State the causes for overcharging trouble in a generator.
1) Damage of the battery and circuit
2) The charging problem results weaken the processes.
What are the types of lubrication system?
Oil lubrication system, fuel lubrication system
Why should lubrication oil be changed and how often?
Lubrication oil is to be changed as per the manufacturer maintenance schedule. It helps to
prevent the vehicle from breakdown maintenance.

11. a. Draw the layout of automobile garage and explain it.
Layout diagram-8 Mark
Explanation-4 Mark
b. Explain briefly about the inspection schedule and the maintenance of records in auto
Inspection Schedule-6 Mark
Maintenance of Record-6 Mark
12. a. Draw the diagram and explain the major important special tools for the engine overhauling.
Any 5 tools diagram and explanation-12 Marks

b. Explain the procedure piston servicing and cleaning overhauling.
Diagram-6 Mark
Explanation-6 Mark
13. a. Explain briefly about the wheel alignment and balancing.
Diagram-6 Mark
Explanation-6 Mark
b. Describe the clutch troubles and give their reasons.
Troubles-6 Mark
Reasons-6 Mark
14. a. What are the battery troubles and their remedies?
Battery troubles-6 Mark
Remedies-6 Mark
b. Describe briefly the importance of modern electronic controls
Modern electronic controls define-3 Marks
Explanation of importance-9 Marks
15. a. Explain in detail the calibration and turning of fuel injection system.
Explanation-12 Marks
b. Write short notes on minor and major repairs in vehicle body.
Repairs-3 Marks
Explanation-9 Marks

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