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Past leads the future

Read on to know what makes Sanskrit the best

language for programming
Sanskrit is popularly called the language of the gods and programming as everyone knows it
is the language which scholars use. Surprising, but true, many modern programming methods
were devised and used as early as the era of 7 BCby Panini, the Father of Sanskrit grammar and
they have use in modern world too.

Panini: The Indian Euclid

Paninis comprehensive and scientific theory of grammar in his treatise Ashtadhyayi makes it the worlds first
formal system, developed much before mathematical logic and has the ability to solve many mathematical
problems. The grammar in Sanskrit is based purely on mathematical and algebraic algorithms, described in the
3978 rules of Ashtadhyayi. Word order in Sanskrit has usually no more than stylistic significance and the
Theoreticians paid scant attention to it. The language eliminates the use of syntax and produces basically a list
of semantic messages associated with the karakas.

Sanskrit in programming
The term Sanskrit itself means completely elaborated. But then, how is it linked to todays programming
concepts? Let us take this simple phrase: Suryakotisamaprabha it means One whose brilliance is equivalent
to that of a crore suns. In Sanskrit, two words can be joined by sandhi, while it is not possible in English to form
such compound words. This strongly limits the vocabulary in English. These joins are made meaningful by

using vibhaktis. These concepts are now being developed upon by the University of Iowa to make language
more consistent and error free.

Language of tomorrow
Everyone is aware that C-3PO, the humanoid robot from Star Wars is fluent in over six million forms of
communication. Using Sanskrit, it is possible to make such robots. By using Sanskrit as a metalanguage, i.e. a
model for other languages, translation can be done very fast and accurately. In fact, this can be used in
applications that can translate the words as they are spoken. As a result of its brevity, Sanskrit is one of the
shortest languages and the most reliable for long distance communication. It will also potentially be used by
NASA for interplanetary and interstellar communication.

Robots talking Sanskrit!

Sanskrit is also being hailed as the language of future. As of now, even the most intelligent machines fail to get
idioms and abbreviations right. For example, how would a droid know that an alarm going off actually means
turning on in English. Or a sentence like At present, someone is going to present the present, may just fry its
brains. Sanskrit, on the other hand is free of such ambiguities and complexities, it is simple and precise. So
even though the movies portray robots talking in English or Hindi, chances are more that they will say
dialogues like Aham pratyati instead of I will be back.

Sanskrit facts

A very few people know that Sanskrit is among the worlds oldest attested language.
Vedas are the oldest text written in Sanskrit and are believed to have been preserved orally,
unchanged for more than 2 millennia.
Poetry in Sanskrit is extraordinarily diverse, with over 100 common meters and books of prosody
listing over 600 meters. Its literature includes works of dazzling complexity.
Sanskrit is considered the best language for translation purpose.
According to a study, people who communicate in Sanskrit have relatively lower risk of suffering from
diabetes, cholesterol and high blood pressure.
Sanskrit is truly the mother of all languages, 97% languages spoken in the world have been directly or
indirectly influenced by it.
According to a release from NASA, US scientists are creating a 6th and 7th generation super
computers based on Sanskrit language.
NASA is researching over 60,000 manuscripts in Sanskrit. Americans, Japanese and Germans are
also actively reviewing epics written in Sanskrit.

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