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Management Information

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 3
STRATEGIC ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................................... 4
SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................................................................ 8
System Research and Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 8
System Design ............................................................................................................................................... 9
CHANGE MANAGEMENT............................................................................................................................. 16
Benefits of Change Management ............................................................................................................... 16
Change Planning ......................................................................................................................................... 16
Change Execution........................................................................................................................................ 17
Change Implementation ............................................................................................................................. 18
SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................................... 19
References .................................................................................................................................................. 20

One that matters is a small sized IT company, specializing in mobile application software
development and web application development for businesses, start-ups and entrepreneurs.
Based in Sydney, the company focuses on providing low cost / high quality application by
following a systematic and organized approach to app development.
The main aim of the company is to provide solutions that are more cost effective and responsive,
which means delivering on-scope, on-time and on-budget.
The company has a flat structure with a total of 15 employees. The senior management is
comprised of a CEO and COO. At one time, the company usually works on 3 to 5 projects.
A team of comprising 5-6 employees working on a single project, supervised by a project
manager. At one point in time one individual could be working on multiple projects and possibly
reporting to two managers.
The two departments i.e. Mobile application development, web application development, has a
team working for their respective projects. Each department has 2 project managers supervising
their concerned employees and allocating organizational resources to ensure timely delivery of
the products in a cost effective manner.

Strategic analysis is presented in the ensuing steps

Step 1
Once a client approaches One that matters with a problem to cater for, the company can either
present their own solution to the client or the client could come up with an idea to solve its
problem. Before presenting his idea to the company, the company signs a non-disclosure
agreement (NDA) with the client ensuring that intellectual property and copyrights of both the
parties are protected legally.

Step 2
In the second step, the company and client interact to hone in on the best possible solutions to a
problem. After devising the optimal solutions to a problem or a need, mockups and demos are
created to test whether the solution to a problem/need is implementable or not, or if it needs
further improvements or not.

Step 3
The third step involves formulating contract and project plans to meet the schedule and budget
needs of the client by estimating the number of hours a software development would require
along with the resources to be allocated. The contract involves a comprehensive schedule of all
the deliverables of the software by using timeline tools and applying different phases of
development on the timeline.

Step 4
In the product development phase, the solution is divided into different modules/parts. Each
module is dependent upon the previous deliverable. The product development phase is agile,
which involves constant feedback from the client so that the desired product has little or no
variation from the delivered product.
In this phase, after developing each part/module of the application, it is checked for quality and
then shown to the client for approval. Hence, every stage of development customizes the
application according to the clients needs.

Step 5
One that matters is equipped with vast experience in launching and delivering products on
multiple channels and platforms such as Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn etc. This is the
final stage, assisting businesses in launching their applications to the market or implementing the
applications throughout the organizational platforms.

The Strategy
The company is opting for customer intimacy as the implementation of the new application is
only to improve operational excellence and operational flexibility. This will help the company to
make products effectively and efficiently around the customer needs and requirement. The
application helps in delivering on time as well, which in turn increases customer satisfaction and
creates long term relationships. This also increases the customer switching cost.

In the system development phase, we will conduct the system analysis and perform system
implementation. As we are talking about a system that will make the business work so essentially
the system development would be done in steps starting off with the analysis in which we will
analyze the present system in place and evaluate it through our research and find out the
problems in it and then keeping in view the identified problems, we will propose a new system
that will essentially be aimed at minimizing the identified problems and increasing the overall
project management efficiency. After carrying out this the implementation would be done and
evaluated based on the benefits reaped through the new system. In depth, steps carried out are as

System Research and Analysis

Research about the present system in place at the organization under discussion i.e. One That
Matters reveals that the development methodology in place is Agile development
methodology which focuses on getting feedback in an iterative manner ensuring the requirements
are met as per demand. Agile comes with a Sprint Meeting in which the team gathers every day
for 5-10 minutes f face meeting in which there are 3 point discussed
1. What tasks have been completed so far since our previous meeting?
2. What problems/ hurdles came in our way during the tasks completion?
3. What tasks are to be completed before the next meeting/Sprint?
As we see the development methodology, it becomes evident that there is communication going
on regularly but there is no proper formal system in place for project tracking or management
and essentially the process is being carried out verbally through informal communication and
there is no digital record keeping which is the major problem that having no system in place is
a bottleneck in efficient performance and project completion in time and within scope. The
problem is worsened as there are people/teams working on multiple projects with strict deadlines
and following a tight schedule so id one team member is below par and doesnt fulfil the
schedule the whole process gets delayed so managing multiple projects without any formal
system or platform in place becomes a great hassle and it leads to overtime in project completion
due to which the organization faces a loss in revenue and business suffers a lot. Multiple teams
working on multiple projects without having a communication platform hinders their intra
communication due to which there is seen great inter-dependency in communication which
leads to a communication barrier and rift which is another issue that arises due to lack of no
system in place. Another problem is of no continuous monitoring which is basically related to
deadline and performance criteria as required in the task completion due to lack of no proper
tracking system. As we have multiple i.e. 2 teams working on multiple projects simultaneously

so the project manager requires a summarized reporting mechanism with which the manager can
easily track the performance and record of each employee or team member and the overall
project success or failure and the incurred problems in the project completion. Having no system
means there is no reporting mechanism which is a big problem identified in our case that is
linked to projects success. In a nutshell, having no formal system is leading the organization
towards loss of revenue and projects due to problems mentioned above in the debate.

System Design
In the system design process, we will come up with a new system to fix the above mentioned
problems and to justify the benefits of the proposed system. As per the problems mentioned
above, we have decided of a system that will be a project tracking web application with
management and other add-ons. The system would be as such to minimize the cost and produce
efficient results overcoming the problems mentioned. This would be done based on mapping the
problems to the scope of the system so that it is light weight and is robust as well. The goals will
be set on the basis of S.M.A.R.T methodology so as to make the system implementation
effective. So considering the current process of the organization work, problems can be classified
into following categories:

No formal system
No scheduling/monitoring
No communication
No reporting

Based on the above categories of problems identified, our proposed information system will be a
web application suite tailored to overcome the problems identified. Following are the
characteristics of our proposed system along with their benefits:

1. Formal System
The system will be a formal one, based on one size fits all for the employees of the company.
It would help the employees and teams to manage their fast growing roadmap, to customize
workflows at will, to personalize the views, with advanced reporting capabilities and other addons like a mobile interface to get the job done and to make sure that the whole team gets the
update 24/7.The employees that will mostly benefit from the proposed system will include
software developers, managers, service desk employees and editors. In short, the system would
be as such to perform and facilitate the following three activities.
To capture and organize issues.
To assign work/tasks.
To follow team activity.

As the methodology in place is agile, so the system would be as such to integrate with that
methodology and assist the teams in their development mechanisms by providing a framework
which will create and estimate the stories/tasks, creating a sprint backlog, identifying the teams
commitment, visualizing the activities and estimating the progress, organizing everything about
the project in one spot, breaking large goals into manageable pieces. It will provide a one-stopshop for people interested in understanding the overall status of the project at a glance. It will
contain summary-level information for all types of artefacts (requirements, test cases, incidents,
etc.) in a dashboard.

2. Project Scoping/Scheduling
The information system proposed would have the following capabilities for determining project
scope so as to avoid delays and overtime and to make sure that the requirements are met and
understood well.

Develop high-level requirements with initial estimates.

Create notional project schedule with major releases.

Prioritize and schedule requirements for each release.

Determine resourcing levels to deliver required features.

The system would have the capability of drilling down the requirements into task/work
structures. These tasks would be the discrete activities that each member of the development
team would need to carry out for the requirement to be fulfilled. Each task could then be
assigned to an individual user as well as associated with a particular release or iteration. The
proposed system would then be used by the project manager to track the completion of the
different tasks to determine if the project is on schedule or lacking behind.

Once the project will be underway, the combined business (Managerial) and technical
(Developers) team would work together to develop the sprint plan for the iterations, breaking up
the features into discrete tasks and assigning the tasks to the individual team members. During
development as the team would work to complete the various tasks and activities, the proposed
information system will track changes in the actual effort to determine if the project plan needs
to be revisited to ensure on-time, on-budget delivery of the project or not. As team members
work on their assigned tasks they can update their progress in terms of actual and remaining
effort. This provides project managers with real-time visibility on the progress of the iteration

and early indications of schedule overrun ensuring that the system produces powerful, productive
planning resulting in the project success without any delays.

3. Social Collaborative Platform

Our proposed information system would come with a build-in integrated instant messaging
capability. This would enable the users to see members that are currently logged-into the system
and maintain a list of contacts and whether a person would be available or not, it would have the
capability to send short instant messages to other users. Any messages that would be exchanged
could then be posted to relevant artefacts (project document) in the system as permanent
comments. Another important aspect would be support for the communication with the external
user so that updates are consistent throughout. Newsfeed updates on all project activities would
provide instant status reports and will therefore cut meetings and email communication in half so
that the team can focus on the important stuff. Powerful email integration capabilities would
ensure that all users are notified about changes in the system, and will allow the users to raise
incidents and post comments directly from their email system as well if required. There would be
no shortage of ways to stay in the loop. Whether a user prefers to receive updates via email, chat,
or RSS, the proposed system would have that covered.

For communication with the external stakeholders, an online service desk would be included in
our proposed information system. Online service desk would be a clean and intuitive on-line
customer portal for the clients that would need help and updates so that the communication with
the external stakeholder is also in place. They (customers) would be able to just find what they
need through easy to understand interface that will guide them to online help or to the most

appropriate project person available to resolve their request. After the requests would reach the
development department, developers and team members would take over the assignments and
start working on the updated/modified tasks as per the agreed user demand.

4. Reporting
The users would be able to choose from pre-built project reports to analyze project and user
workload, time tracking, and other statistics. They would also be able to run ad-hoc reports using
a simple interactive interface which would be user friendly and will not require any query
language rather the queries would be in-built with filters that would cater to most of the queries.
Essentially the proposed information system would provide a customizable reporting dashboard
that would include printable reports and interactive graphs. The dashboard would be used to:

Track the project speed.

Ability to print/output in HTML, PDF, Word, and Excel formats.
Ability to save reports and share with team members.
Ability to create fully custom queries and reports.


The usability of this reporting mechanism would be as such to make the users create their reports
and views based on selected criteria, define their fields, filters, and sorting order and then save
the report for future use. In this way it would be an easy to use reporting tool from which the
progress of the project would be summed up in just a few clicks resulting in efficient monitoring.
Advance reporting would also be there using numerous criterias for quantifying time usage by
the members for each task or deadline making it easy to track the performance reports of each
individual enhancing the performance of the organization. Other than that, another reporting
feature would be of the expense tracking after recording expenses against projects and tasks. The
user would be able to attach supporting documents related to each expense and then advanced
expense reports would be generated based on numerous criteria and filters. This would greatly
help in keeping an eye on the project costs to make sure that the project stays within budget and
within scope avoiding cost overruns.


5. Mobile Application
The proposed system would have its value and usability greatly enhanced through its mobile
platform. Whether a person is using Android or iOS, the system would remain accessible in a
whole set of ways while the person is on the go meaning there by that using the app, a person can
access issues and bugs that are reported, and display them using customized options. The app
would have the screenshots to help users/developers fully understand the issue. A bug or issue
once reported could then be assigned to a developer right from the mobile device.


Change is inevitable and without change progress is not possible. Everything changes with time
and to move with everyone people, processes and procedures all are changed.
Change management is used to refer to the introduction of new processes in an organization, or
the management of people who are experiencing change. It also includes the coordination of a
structured period of transition from situation A to situation B in order to achieve lasting change
within an organization.

Benefits of Change Management

1. Organizational Perspective:
As change is a planned and managed process so the benefits of change are known well before
time of implementation and we can assess the progress. Change management provides a way to
predict challenges and respond to them efficiently. The organization can respond faster to
customer demands and manage existing resources efficiently. The possibility of unsuccessful
change is minimized and the risk is also reduced associated with the change.

2. Employees Perspective:
Change management minimizes resistance to change and it improves cooperation, collaboration
and communication. A carefully planned approach to change reduces stress and anxiety and
encourages people to stay loyal to the organization as it increases employee acceptance of the
Careful planning helps to ensure that the change process is started and managed by the right
people and at the right time, it allows you to include specific tasks and events that are appropriate
for each stage in the change process. It also ensures that the customers, suppliers and other
stakeholders understand and support the change.

Change Planning
Change is a necessary for every organization to move forward. However, many leaders fail to
manage change, causing distrust or confusion for their employees and clients. Through efficient
and effective change planning everyone knows what needs to change, why it needs to change,
and how to go about making the change take place smoothly.
One that matters is small company with flat structure having 12-15 employees who are working
in two teams which are further divided into sub teams. One team is for web application
development and the second team is for mobile application development. Teams are further
divided into sub teams which have 3-5 members each. On top of the hierarchy of the company

there is a CEO then 2 managers and then employees. There are no cultural barriers present in the
organization and leadership structure is decentralized. They work on 3-5 projects at times which
are usually done in time period of 5-6 months.
We are going for big bang implementation as the company has small teams and there were
communication problems so new system will help them communicate better and also solve the
issues of reporting as this was also an issue because different people were working on different
projects at a time. New system will help us in the feedback system and also monitoring system so
that projects deadlines are met and there will be no delays as before because they were doing
everything just verbally but no records were kept or any check and balance system was present
It will be having moderate risk and return because we are going for business process redesign in
which we are designing and creating a total new system for our company. Its not software but it
will be web based / client based service which can be accessed from a web browser by entering a
web address and becoming a client, it will also be available on mobile as a mobile application.

Change Execution
To implement the application in company it has to follow the following steps in order for
successful implementation

1. Buy in
It is important for the company to execute the buy in before going further with the implementation. It
helps to create the spark and motivation of the employees which is vital for the success of the application
as Kotler explains that for every change to be successful at least 75% of the management should be on
We can make the buy in by identifying potential opportunities for the employees and communicating
them to create motivation. Communicating that the implementation of the application will increase
individual performance management by actively reaching deadline and helping in delays
management. The implementation can also increase Better supervision, reporting, Monitoring,
Better record keeping, Continuous feedback, it will also help in Accountability and pin point
where the issues or delays are coming from.
Highlighting these advantages to the employees the company and increasing the need and
understanding of the application will now promise smooth implementation of further process.
The company should then move forward with the implementation.


2. Creating the Guiding Coalition

Like buy in it is important to identify few leaders, who will be part of the advocacy of the
application as we know that there can be employees who might hurdle the implementation of the
application, for this purpose the two managers of both the department should be taken on board
to advocate the change to employee and should guide them during the implementation period.
They should also help get ready for the implementation. The role of these two managers is
important for success.

3. Testing and Training

The testing will include only user acceptance testing because we are purchasing the application
from someone else who will already have executed unit testing and system testing while
integration testing will be done before the trial period ,We dont need any specific training
sessions because of all the employees from IT background but before the trial we will have a one
day training on basic programming and understanding of the application but later on the one
week of trail will be used to understand the application. During the one week of trial the
company will use this to help the employee to get familiar to the system and give feedback as in
how this is improving the system. During user acceptance testing will be done during this period
which will verify that the application works and meets the needs of the project. Also we will
have an idea of added benefits of implementation of the new application.

Change Implementation
1. Big Bang Implementation
After successful one week trail now the application can be implemented on whole scale because
of the small scale of the business the strategy of big bang implementation will be used and the
whole application will be implemented in one operation. The size of the company is very small
which assures easy sensitization of all the employee and smooth communication.
The application will be fully implemented on new projects while in the current running projects
the application will be limited to communication and any other feature necessary to avoid time
consumption of whole setup change halfway.

2. Creating Short-Term Wins

To increase motivation the company should create steppingstones and small short term wins, like
awarding the employee who is using the application to its full capacity and is using all of its
features. Create short targets or quick wins to increase efficiency because each win will not only
motivate the winner employee but also focus the other employees to work harder.


3. Control
It is important to get feedback and have constant check and control system for the application so
to understand long term benefits or losses because of the new application as it complements the
projects smooth running and communication. We should make sure that the project application is
delivering its full potential. To achieve this we should extend the user application testing to
further stages as well.

Issues are everywhere whether on surface or beneath the surface. As we see tasks, ideas, and
requests are hiding in the documents, in the persons head or deep in the requirements. Using our
proposed system the organization and the management would be able to capture and organize
their team's issues, prioritize and take action on what's important, and stay up to date with what's
going on in the current scenario. Our proposed information system would make all of this easy,
so that the teams can spend less time managing the work and more time building great software.




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