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Robust control of a single-phase VSI with LCL filter

for grid-tie and islanded operation modes applied to PV

distributed generation in microgrids environment
Jos C. U. Pea, Guilherme Melo, Carlos A. Canesin

Leonardo P. Sampaio

So Paulo State University UNESP

Power Electronics Laboratory
Ilha Solteira-SP, Brazil;

Federal Technological University of Paran UTFPR

Electrical Engineering Department
Cornelio Procpio-PR, Brazil

Abstract This paper introduces a methodology to model and

control a single-phase inverter with LCL filter intended for
low power PV distributed generation in microgrid scenario.
The system should operate in grid connected and island modes
with a smooth transition between them. The control strategy is
to split the system into two: the internal voltage subsystem and
the external injected current subsystem. These two subsystems
are modeled in state-space considering disturbances and
uncertain parameters. By using linear matrix inequalities
(LMI) two state-feedback H controllers are designed. The
complete simulation results demonstrate the feasibility of the
proposed control system.



By the beginning of 2013 photovoltaic systems had

achieved the 100GW in installed capacity [1]. Several
policies and governmental incentives have encouraged this
explosive growth [1][2]. The great majority of PV systems
are intended to work connected to grid [3], only specific
applications like itinerant installations or isolated locations
consider the stand-alone operation. However, with microgrid
concept, the possibility of disconnect the microgrid from the
utility and operate autonomously like a power island (known
as the islanded operation mode) arises like an alternative
with important vantages [4][5]. Two major vantages of the
islanded operation are the possibility to continuously supply
power to loads even in front of total grid collapse, and the
possibility to supply power during a black start [5].
Nevertheless, the islanded operation of microgrids is not
allowed by the current utility practices and any system based
on distributed resources should be disconnected when a
disturbances arises on the utility [6], this exigency is known
as the anti-islanding protection. However, in order to fully
exploit the microgrids benefits, islanded operation should be
allowed; to achieve this goal several researches should be
made in safety, protection, coordination, communication and
control areas [5][6]. For both operation modes, PV energy
needs to be converted to be used in regular installations or by

Financial Support: CNPq, CAPES, FAPESP, and ELEKTRO

978-1-4799-5776-7/14/$31.00 2014 IEEE

conventional loads. This is made by means of an inverter. A

common layout of a PV generation system to be used in
microgrids is shown in Fig 1. It includes batteries as primary
energy storage with a bidirectional converter, a DC-DC
converter to manage the PV generation (MPPT, Protection) a
DC bus, an inverter, a grid-connection interface (filter), and
connections devices (circuit breakers CB and MCB). Typical
low power PV systems use single-phase voltage source
inverters (VSI) as DC-AC converter [7], however there are
alternative topologies as summarized in [8]. As the system is
intended to operate in grid-connected mode there are some
exigencies to the injected power, a common one is the
limitation of the harmonic content; for that reason filters are
used as connection interfaces. The two main alternatives are
the L and the L-C-L filters [3]. Basic L filters are easy to
control, but need high inductance and/or very high switching
frequency; nevertheless this type of interface does not allow
the stand-alone operation. The use of L-C-L filters
drastically reduces the harmonics, even at low frequencies
and allow the stand-alone operation; however they have a
resonant behavior and their control is more complex [3].

Figure 1. PV generation system for grid in a microgrid environment.

Many authors have proposed several methods to control

inverters with LCL filter i.e. [3] and [9] for three-phase
inverters or [10][7] and [11] the single-phase case. However
all the mentioned works deal only with grid-connected
inverters and the islanded operation was not considered. On
the other hand, some authors have been using the Linear
Matrix Inequalities (LMI) approach to design robust

controllers for power converters as in [12] and [13]. The

LMI approach is based in the representation of classic
control criterions (LQR, H) as linear matrix inequalities,
this allows the simultaneous utilization of different criterions
to design the controller [13]; moreover LMI approach take in
count the uncertainty about the system parameters [14][15].

between operation modes and generation of the reference

signals. Controllers are synthesized by solving certain LMIs
constraints. In section IV the main results of computational
simulation are presented and commented.

Based in the LMI approach, this paper introduces a

modeling procedure and a robust control strategy for singlephase inverters intended for PV systems in microgrids, this
means that system should be able to operate in both gridconnected (GC) and islanded (IS) modes with smooth
commutation between these states. It is assumed that system
has enough energy storage in order to supply continuously
the rated power during few hours in absence of PV
generation. For simplicity, and because the focus of the
present paper is the inverter modeling and control, the power
inputs (PV and Battery Bank) are reduced to a equivalent DC
voltage bus. Schematic of the resulting system is shown in
Fig. 2.

In order to design the controller via LMIs methods it is

necessary to obtain a space of state representation of the
system [16][17]. In this section the two mentioned
subsystems are modeled in state-space considering the
disturbances and uncertainties. A first approximation to the
controllers design leads to the modification of the state-space
equation resulting in an augmented system, suitable to use
LMI methods. As the LMI constraints are expressed in
terms of state-space variables, it is considered the next
generic representation [18] (1).



x = Ax + B w w + B u u
y = Cx + Du


Where the variables are the system (A), disturbance (Bw),

control (Bu), output (C) and feed-forward (D) matrixes, and
the state (x), disturbance (w), control (u) and output (y)

Figure 2. Single-phase VSI + LCL filter for grid connected and islanded

Regardless the operation mode, the system should

continuously provide sinusoidal voltage at the capacitor. In
GC mode, the amplitude and phase of this voltage are
established in order to achieve the desired current trough L2.
In IS mode, the capacitor voltage is controlled to guarantee
the local load requirements, this means a necessary balance
between generation and load, and also an internal reference
signal [6]. An important aspect is that in GC mode reference
signals are based on external measurements (grid voltage,
power set-points), conversely in IS mode reference signal are
all internally generated based on previously defined
requirements (voltage frequency and amplitude). Thus to
deal with both operation modes, it is paramount that system
has the capability to generate and coordinate the reference
In this paper the modeling and control strategy consists in
to separate the system into two subsystems and design a
controller for each one. First, an internal controller that
makes the capacitor voltage to track a sinusoidal reference;
this reference signal has two components, a main component
(internal) based on the nominal requirements of the local
load and a second component generated by the external
(second) current controller in order to make the output
current to track the desired current waveform.
Details of the modeling procedure are presented in
section II. In section III the control system is discussed,
including the syntheses of the controllers, the necessary
commands to manage the control system such as transition

Voltage Subsystem
The electrical circuit of this subsystem is depicted in Fig.
3. By means of the instantaneous average values
approximation the VSI output voltage could be expressed as
in (2) [19], being d the duty cycle and VDC the DC bus
voltage. The dynamics of this subsystem could be
represented in state-space as in (3) where the only controlled
output is the capacitor voltage vC.

Figure 3. Variables in the voltage subsystem.


vC 1
yv = vC

L1 iL1 + 1 i +





It is known that in PV generation systems with singlephase grid-tie inverters the DC Bus voltage has an
alternating component (vDC). If this component is included in
the model of (3) a nonlinear set is obtained because of the
product of vDC and d. To overcome this limitation and even
take in count the effect of alternate component of the DC bus

voltage a change of variable is applied, this product is

defined as a new variable vDC that is considered as an
additional disturbance. Thus, the state-space representation is

iL1 0
vC 1
y = vC

L1 i L1 +

0 C

L1 i L 2 +

L d
v DC 1 (4)


A functional block representation is shown in Fig. 4,

where Gvd is the transfer function from duty cycle to
capacitor voltage, Wvi is the transfer function from iL2 (output
current) to vC; and Wvv is the transfer function from vDC to
vC. Duty cycle is the control input while iL2 and vDC are
considered as disturbances. These transfer functions are
defined in (5) to (7).

Figure 4. Transfer blocks representation of the voltage subsystem.

L1Cs 2 + 1
Wvv =
L1Cs 2 + 1
L1 s
Wvi =
L1Cs 2 + 1
Gvd =



Figure 6. Transfer blocks representation of the injected current subsystem.

sL 2
Figure 7. Transfer blocks representation of the complete system.

C. ControllerStructure
The controllers are designed to internally stabilize the
system and meet certain performance requirements [18]. In
this application outputs should track the reference signals
with minimum delay and maximum rejection of
disturbances. There are different alternatives for the
controllers structure, two of them are of special interest
because can be computed via LMIs: The output feedback and
the state-feedback. Dynamic output feedback is suitable to
attend multiple performance goals and only requires the
measure of the output variable; however the relative LMI
constrains results more complex than those for the statefeedback [12][15]. Moreover, the main requirement to
implement a state-feedback controller is the availability to
sense (measure) all the states. In this application all the states
variables are available, so state-feedback controllers are
adopted. Then control law is defined by the state-feedback
gain K according to (9).


B. Injected current subsystem

When operating in grid connected mode, the system
should behave as an AC current source. This behavior could
be represented with the scheme of Fig. 5, (8) and the blocks
diagram of fig 6. It should be pointed that vC is not a control
input as it is the output of the previous subsystem. To obtain
a block diagram showing the control input it is necessary to
include the voltage subsystem as in Fig. 7.

u = Kx


In order to achieve output tracking an additional state is

considered in each subsystem. This corresponds to the
integral of the error signal between output and reference
according to (10) and (11). Including this new states, the
augmented state-space representation of the current
subsystem is (12) and for the voltage subsystem is (13).
eV int = vC* vC dt


ei int = i iL 2 dt



iL 2 0 0 i L 2
L V + 0 i *



2 g 1 L 2
ei int 1 0 ei int




Figure 5. Variables in the injected current subsystem.

diL 2
= (vC Vg )


y = [1 0]x + 0N vC




i L1

v + 1 0 i L 2

v DC
eV int 0

V int

+ 0 d + 0 vC*

y = [0 1 0]x + 0N d

D. Parametric Uncertainty
Dynamics are affected by variations in system
parameters. In the studied case the parameters are the
reactive elements and the DC bus voltage. The values of
these parameters are only an approximation as they can vary
within a known range; thus these are considered as uncertain
parameters. In table I are listed the main specifications of the
studied system including the uncertain parameters.
Input voltage (VDC)
Grid voltage (Vg)
Nominal power (Po)
Switching frequency (fS)


Nominal Value
500 V
220 Vrms @ 60Hz
3000 VA
25 kHz
2 mH
1.2 mH
3 F

Uncertainty range
450 to 520 V
---1.9 mH to 2.1 mH
.9 mH to 1.5 mH
2.7 F to 3.6 F


Control System includes the state-feedback controllers

and the functional blocks to generate the reference signal and
manage the transition between operation modes.
A. LMI constraints
Once the space-state representation of the subsystems is
known it is possible to represent the control problem as
LMIs constraints. In this work three constraints were
considered: Quadratic Stability (in Lyapunov sense), Pole
Placement (also known as D-Stability) and H constraints.
Theoretical background of these constraints is widely
detailed in [15] [20] [13], thus in this paper they are only
Quadratic Stability: Given a generic system with
state-space representation (1) and order n, the Quadratic
Stability in Lyapunov sense can be expressed as an LMI as
in (14) [13][12].

AW + WA'+B u Y + Y' B u ' < 0


Where W is a symmetric real matrix with order nxn

and Y a real matrix of order mxn being m the number of
control inputs. If it is possible to find a W and Y matrix for
the given A and Bu matrixes then system is stable. However
the matrixes A and Bu are uncertain because they include
uncertain parameters. By means of LMIs this constraint can
be solved when the uncertainty is polytopic; this is, a convex
hull that include all the possible models among the known
extremes of the uncertain parameters [17][13][14]. A
polytopic representation can be directly obtained when the
state-space matrixes are affine function of the uncertain
parameters [17]. From (12) and (13) dependence is not
affine; however the nonaffine terms can be removed if the
uncertain parameters are changed for those listed in table II.



Uncertainty range
2.14x105 to 2.48x105


4.76x102 to 5.26x102


6.6x102to 1.11x103


2.78x105 to 3.7x105

With these new uncertain parameters the known extreme

values form a polytope. Equation (14) should be solved for
each vertex of the hull. Once the values of Y and W are
computed the state-feedback controller is defined by (15).
K = YW 1


H constraints: This constraints is used in order to
limit the peak of the frequency gain of the transfer function
from disturbances to output. As LMIs are intended for
optimization procedure, H constraint will set the solving
algorithm to compute the matrixes W and Y that give the
minimum value of , defined by (16).




Where the operator ||||2 is the Euclidian norm. According

to [15] and [12], given the system (1), the control law (9), the
variable (16) and the matrixes W and Y as defined above;
H constraint can be represented by the LMI (17).
AW + WA'+B u Y + Y' B u ' B w WC'+ Y' D'

< 0 (17)
Bw '


Pole Placement constraints: Dynamics of the
closed loop system can be defined by imposing some
restrictions in the respective poles. A simple manner to
ensure some dynamics characteristics is to define a region S
in the complex plane to allocate the poles, as depicted in
Fig. 8.

S(, , )

an internal element of a polytope with 23 vertices defined by

the extreme values of parameters. The H constraint is used
to minimize the influence of disturbances (output current
and DC voltage ripple) at the capacitor voltage. Poles
placement constraints are set in order to attend practical
limitations of the controllers such as bandwidth and
precision. Particularly bandwidth is limited by the averaging
approximation [19] to be a quarter of the switching
frequency. As it is expected to implement controller
digitaly, is set to limit the bandwith to one tenth of the
switching (sampling) frequency. The pole placement
constraints are listed in table III.



Fig. 8. Definition of a region S(, , )for pole placement.

AW + WA'+B u Y + Y' B u '+2W < 0


WA'+ Y' B u '


AW + B u Y


cos ( AW + WA'+B u Y + Y' B u ' )

sin ( AW + WA'B u Y + Y' B u ' )

LMIs constraints are expressed for each one of the

vertices of the polytope. The obtained solution was (21).
K v = [- 0.1073 - 0.0027 22.4203]


Bode plots of the closed loop transfer functions are

plotted in figures 9 to 11 considering all the polytope

Figure 9. Bode plots of closed loop transfer function from reference to

output for the eight vertices of the polytope.

Then the state-feedback gain can be computed according

to (15).

B. Controller Syntheses
Once the state-space representation and the desired
constraints are defined the specific LMIs can be obtained.
These LMIs can be solved by numeric methods using
commercially available software. In this work Yalmip was
selected as the language to code the LMIs meanwhile the
selected solver was LMILab.
1) Voltage Controller: State-space representation of (13)
is used to express the LMIs constraints. Matrix Bref is only
used to compute the closed loop transfer function. All
matrixes are affine function of parameters 1, 2 and 4 listed
in table II. Hence, the uncertain model can be considered as

Magnitude (dB)


Phase (deg)

sin ( AW WA'+B u Y Y' B u ' )

cos ( AW + WA'+B u Y + Y' B u ' )


Phase (deg) Magnitude (dB)

The parameters that define the region S are real part of

the pole , angle and pole magnitude . The values of these
parameters are selected to achieve some desired dynamics
characteristics as bandwidth, settling time among others. For
given values of , and the LMI constraint for pole
placement can be stated as [20][12]:
Theorem 1: The closed loop poles of the system (1) with
control law (9) are inside the region S(, , ) if exist a
symmetric positive definite matrix W and a matrix Y such
that the next LMIs hold.


Figure 10. Bode plots of closed loop transfer function from disturbance in
the DC bus voltage to output for the eight vertices of the polytope.

In Fig. 9 it can be seen that for all the vertices the

controller guarantees the tracking of the reference signal as
long as the reference is bandwidth limited to 100 Hz. From
Fig. 10 it is verified that controller attenuate the disturbances

Magnitude (dB)

in capacitor voltage caused by the ripple at DC bus voltage.

On the other hand, from Fig. 11, it can be stated that
rejection off current effect in the capacitor voltage will be
acceptable for the interest frequency, because in GC
operation only sinusoidal currents at 60 Hz are demanded.
However, in IS mode a nonlinear load could demand
harmonics in the range of 120 Hz to 10 KHz that would
distort the voltage waveform.

controller. The second component of the reference voltage is

an internal signal (vint) that tracks the grid voltage; this
tracking is made by means of a PLL and a peak detector.
Thus, voltage reference is generated to guarantee a certain
voltage at the inductor L2 that would lead to the desired
injected current. This strategy is depicted in diagram of Fig.
12, where the Gvcl represents the closed loop voltage
subsystem. It should be pointed that set points are previously
processed in order to avoid instantaneous variations; any setpoint change is applied by means of a ramp.

Phase (deg)

Figure 12. Control diagram for GC operation mode.

Figure 11. Bode plots of closed loop transfer function from current
disturbance to output for the eight vertices of the polytope.

2) Current Controller: As in the voltage controller case,

the same LMI constrains are considered. However, in order
to reduce the complexity of the controller the next
consideration is made: As closed loop dynamics of the
voltage subsystem guarantee that reference signal is tracked,
the closed loop transfer function from reference to capacitor
voltage is assumed to be unitary. This way, dynamics of the
current subsystem are defined by the state-space
representation of (13) where the capacitor voltage (vC) can be
replaced by the voltage reference (vC*). This assumption
leads to the necessary limitation of the controller dynamics.
In this case the magnitude of the closed loop poles is limited
to one fifth of the magnitude considered for the voltage
subsystem. This constraint can be easily stated as an LMI
using (18) and (19). On the other hand, H constraint is used
to reduce the influence of the grid voltage. Due to the
simplification, polytope in this case is limited to a line with
two vertices. With these considerations the obtained
controller was (24).
K i = [ 0.0015 2.3291]10 4

sL 2


C. Reference signal generation and transition between

operation modes
The system is intended to supply power to grid in GC
mode and to supply AC voltage to loads in IS mode. For the
first purpose, system is controlled as a current source;
meanwhile in IS mode the system is controlled as a voltage
Grid Connected operation: Under the adopted
strategy current reference is generated based on the power
set-points (P* and Q*) and the grid voltage. Current
controller generates a voltage signal that represents the
desired voltage at inductor L2 (vL2*). This signal is used to
compose the voltage reference to be used by the voltage

Islanded operation: As voltage drop in inductor L2
is low, voltage at the load can be approximated to the
capacitor voltage. Thus, in IS operation the reference vL2* is
no longer required. In this case the control system will
generate the vint signal based on the load specifications (220
Vrms - 60Hz). During the IS operation the set-points are set
to zero and, as a consequence, the reference current as well.
The integrator of the current controller is reset and the
feedback of iL2 is disabled (taken to zero value), thus output
of the current controller remains in zero.
Islanding: If any disturbance appears on grid
voltage the main connection device (MCB) is open at the
next grid current zero crossing. At the same time, power setpoints are set to zero, feedback signal of iL2 is also set to zero
and the integrator of current controller is reset. On the other
hand, control system keeps the values of phase, frequency
and amplitude of grid voltage (taken before disconnection) to
generate the reference voltage vint. Thus, the risk of
hazardous voltage transients in the local load is reduced.
Islanding is a process that requires high coordination
between connection devices and a very fast response of the
control system [6] however in this work only the inverter
dynamics are considered, it is assumed that coordination
with connection devices is guaranteed.
Grid re-connection: If in IS mode monitoring
system reports the re-stabilization of grid voltage, the
reconnection procedure is initialized. First the control system
smoothly varies vint to track the grid voltage. Once this is
achieved the main connection device is closed at the next iL2
current zero crossing. Then, while the reference current
remains in zero, feedback of signal iL2 is and integrator are
restored. During the next three cycles of the grid set-points
remains in zero, then the set-points are smoothly taken to the
user-defined values. Thus, the system is again in GC mode.
Again, especial consideration should be taken in count in a
practical realization, such as the coordination between the
connection devices and the control system.


A. Nominal Operation
It was considered an initial set point of 1800W and -2400
var (capacitive). In t=55 ms set points are changed to 2400W
and 1800 var (inductive). Active (blue) and reactive (green)
power are shown in Fig. 13.

Fig. 15. Output inductor current (green) and capacitor voltage (blue)
during islanding.

Current iL2 after the disconnection is not controlled

anymore. So, output of the current controller is zero. This
can be observed in Fig. 16, where waveforms of current iL2
(green) and reference current (blue) are shown; and Fig. 17
where capacitor voltage (green) and compensation voltage
(blue) are displayed.

Figure 16. Reference (blue) an output inductor (green) current during


Figure 13. Active (blue) and reactive (green) power.

Initial measured values were P=1814 W and Q=-2389

var; final values were P=2392 W and Q=1812 var. This
means a maximum error of 0.78%. Grid Voltage (blue) and
iL2 current (green) are shown in Fig. 14. The change in the
phase angle is evident; meanwhile current magnitude in
steady state is the same for both set points. Once steady state
is achieved in the second set point the total harmonic
distortion of current iL2 is THDiL2=0.3%.

Current (A)

In order to verify the functionality of modeling procedure

and the proposed control a computational simulation was
performed. The power stage of the system was modeled
using Psim while the control system was developed in
MatLab-Simulink. Interaction between models is
performed via SimCoupler complement. The system was
simulated in three different situations: Nominal operation
(nominal power in grid connected mode), the transition from
GC to IS (called islanding) and the transition from IS to grid
connected mode (called Grid reconnection).

Voltage (V)


Figure 17. Capacitor voltage (green) and output signal of the current
controller (blue) during islanding.

Once steady state in IS mode is achieved the total

harmonic distortion in capacitor voltage is THDvC=1.6%
while THDiL2=0.03%.

Figure 14. Output voltage (blue) and output inductor current (green).

B. Islanding
System is initially operating at nominal power with 2400
W and -1800 var. At time t=70 ms a disturbance in grid
voltage makes the circuit breaker to trip. Local load is 620 W
and 490 var. Waveforms of load voltage (blue) and iL2
current (green) are shown in Fig. 15. Before the
disconnection, voltage has no significant ripple due to very
low impedance of the grid. After the disconnection, the
system impedance increase and ripple at the output voltage
becomes visible.

C. Grid re-connection
It was considered that system is operating in IS mode
with a local load of 620 W and 490 var. In t=40 ms the
monitoring system confirms that grid voltage is stabilized
and connection to grid is possible. Power set-points for GC
operation are 2400W and -1800 var. Main variables during
the reconnection process are depicted in Fig. 18 to Fig. 21.

Figure 18. Capacitor voltage (blue) and output inductor current (green)
during grid reconnection.

Figure 18 shows the waveform of the load voltage (blue)

and the current iL2 (green). As connection device is closed,
voltage ripple is reduced and current iL2 is zero. Then,
current increased until power set points are met as shown in
Fig. 19 and Fig. 20.


Power (W, var)


Figure 19. Active (blue) and reactive (green) power during grid


Current (A)



Figure 20. Reference (blue) and output inductor (green) current during grid





This paper introduced a strategy to model and control a

single-phase VSI with LCL filter, suitable for PV distributed
generation (DG) capable to operate in grid-connected and
islanded modes. Robust controllers are designed via LMI
methods, considering uncertainty in the model as the
existence of disturbances.
Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed control
strategy guarantees the stability of the system and the desired
operation. Power set-points are met in grid connected
operation, load requirements are attended in islanded mode
and transition between operation modes is smooth with no
hazardous transients. Moreover, harmonic contents in
voltage and current waveforms are very low. Nevertheless,
the obtained voltage controller does not ensure minimal
distortion if a nonlinear load with high harmonics is used in
islanded mode; this situation could be solved with a higher
order controller (considering additional nonphysical states)
or by including a feed-forward controller. Future works will
report experimental results that will be compared with some
common methods used to control VSI+LCL systems as those
mentioned in section I.










The authors would like to thank FAPESP, CAPES, CNPq

and Elektro for the financial support given to the
development of this work.

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