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Script in China *comedy*

Role of the Characters

Gabby AngelNarrator
Jena TapiadorPrincess
Allyza TalaveraPrincess
Janica GanServant
Jade VillegasServant
Cakeb Cagna-an- Monkey
Rovi MedinaMonkey
Zoren Velasquez- Guard
Raffy VillaruelGuard
Narrator: Once upon a time, there were holy fruits called apples. They were believed to
have a very delicious taste that it can tempt the consumer to eat more of those. It was the
greatest treasure of the kingdom. However, there were naughty beings that wanted to
capture and consume the apples by themselves. That is why the kingdom and the
monkeys became mortal enemies. To protect the said apples the kingdom assigned guards
to prevent it from being consumed it.
Jena : We should be on alert for I think our dreadful enemies are planning to attack us
Allyza : We must put the guards on a high alert for intruders! Servants! Tell the guards to
be alerted when night falls.
Janica : Yes, my mistress
Jade : Yes, you highness
Narrator: Meanwhile, at the monkeys lair.
Caleb : We must be ready to attack we are running out of food to eat.
Rovi : Yes! We might enter the castle but the apples are protected by the guards. We
can never reach them and get away safely!
Caleb : Then we must train ourselves in order to fight those guards!
Rovi : How?
Caleb : I learned a new technique in fighting called Jigen Haoh Kenpo. With that we can
infiltrate their base.
Rovi : Okay. Whatever dude. Still I need to learn that to have a greater chance of
Narrator: The two monkeys are now learning their new techniques, meanwhile in the
Janica: Hey you good for nothing guards, wake up and protect the apples.
Raffy: Hey who are calling good for nothing guards you walking stick.

Jade: Stop it guys! Just go to your positions.

Zoren: Alright just dont let that walking stick come near us.
Janica: Hey stop it you, Durian.
Zoren: So you want a fight stick?
Jade: Stop it you morons. Our mistresses are waiting for us. And you have apples to protect so
go. Shoo, shoo.
Zoren: Ah you mothe.
Raffy: Just shut it and go.
Narrator: The monkeys just finished training for their attack.
Rovi : That was so hard to learn.
Caleb : Yeah, I know.
Rovi : How can you survive that?
Caleb : Secret! It is getting very late we should rest first and continue our attack until tomorrow
Rovi : Okay. What are we going to do during the free time in the day?
Caleb : Try going to the strip club, you idiot?
Rovi : That is not a bad idea.
Caleb : Whatever. Just go to sleep and well practice tomorrow morning.
Rovi : Okay fine.
At the castle

: Wow what a surprise, the monkeys usually attack during this time.
: So you really want them to attack huh?
: It is not that they usually attack this time right?
: Just shut up and go to sleep.
: Yes, boss.
: Whatever!
: Mistress, your bed is ready.
: Thanks!
: Hey are you done with my bed, Stick.
: Yes mistress.
: Good, you may now go.

The next day


: Hell yeah! We are done practicing!!!

: That is quite hard to master though, yet we made it
: With these, we can conquer the kingdom
: And the fruits will be all ours HAHAHAHAHA (evil laugh)

*Night Falls*
Zoren : Well, I think those bastards will never come again


: WE just dont know, it is better if we remain alert

: Meh, you are just a coward
: I said stop it! You are too full of yourself
: You are such a small fry!
: Grrrrr..

Zoren : Holy Shit!
Raffy : I told you!
Zoren : Bitch Please. We can defeat them! We are superior!
Caleb : Rovi!
Rovi : Lets do this!
C&Ro : Jigen Haoh Ryusei Rasen-Ken
*Zoren and Raffy tatalsik*
Rovi : Lets do this
*sound effect while fighting and finally monkeys beats the guards!!! WOHOOO!*
Zoren : Both of you are not done yet
Raffy : Oh bitch please were actually defeated because of your stupidity.
Zoren : No, I mean the princesses possess a great psychic power! You shall not pass!!!
Caleb : We already have
Rovi : Cmon lets go!
Raffy : You are still a moron Zoren.
*the two monkeys now encountered the two princesses*
Allyza : You think, you won?
Jena : This is just the beginning boys.
Allyza : Youre all gonna die down here.
Caleb : HIya!!!!!
Rovi : Ajaaa!!!!!
Allyza : Sealing Jutsu: Motion Seal!
Rovi : I cant move!
Jena : Sealing Jutsu: Jibakugan
Caleb : Arghghghghg!
Rovi : What have you done?! Caleb!
Jena : That magic is a powerful hypnosis, now Caleb, kill your friend!
Rovi : Fight it Caleb!
Jena : NO he cant because it collects his bad memories and put it into him
Rovi : NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Why have you forsaken me!
Caleb : Time to die, asswipe
Caleb : F You bitches, I am not affected :P *hits Allyza*
Rovi : I can move again, now lets do this in equal terms
Jena : Sure, you weaklings and small fries!
*Fight begins* *Fight ends* *with sound effects DUH!* *well, it really did not end*
Allyza : This, our last fight!
Jena : Will result to victory!

Rovi : Well see about that

J&T : Quantum Burst!
R&C : Jigen Haoh School: Seiken-Zuki
R&C wins
Allyza : How did you beat us?
Caleb : It is simple, we beat you and we are definitely handsome
Jena : Stop being a comedian -_Narrator: And it all ended at last, however
Caleb : WE can now eat those apples!
Rovi : Where are they anyway?
Caleb : I dont know lets ask those two servants
Rovi ; Hey you freaking servant, where are the apples?
Jade : *speechless*
Caleb : Stop making me angry or I will behead you!
Janica : It was eaten
Rovi : BY WHO?!
Jade : By us
Janica : We tasted it and we were tempted to eat it all
R&C : NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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