Tuberculosis. Lung Tuberculosis Usually Infects The Lungs, It Is An Infection Caused by Slow-Growing

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Lung Tuberculosis

Lung Tuberculosis is a serious disease caused by breathing in a bacteria called Mycobacterium

tuberculosis. Lung Tuberculosis usually infects the lungs, it is an infection caused by slow-growing
bacteria that grow best in areas of the body that have lots of blood and oxygen. That's why it is most
often found in the lungs. Lung Tuberculosis can also infect other parts of the body, including the
kidneys, spine and brain.This germ can cause other kinds of Lung Tuberculosis, but Lung Tuberculosis
or also wellknown as pulmonary tuberculosis is the most common. If people who havent got Lung
Tuberculosis inhale the droplets exhaled by a person who has the disease, they would got infected
by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In common cases, there are two types of tuberculosis:

Latent Tuberculosis

When it comes into latent tuberculosis, it means that in the body already contains tuberculosis
bacteria, but the people dont get sick of tuberculosis, their immune system are keeping it from
turning into active tuberculosis. This means that the people who got infected by Mycobacterium
tuberculosis dont have any symptoms of tuberculosis right now and can't spread the disease to
others. But theres still possibility that latent tuberculosis could develop into active tuberculosis,
which is people who got infected with this type should be tested and treated as a patient.

Active Tuberculosis

People with active tuberculosis means that the bacteria are growing and causing tuberculosis
symptoms. This type could be previously appear as a latent tuberculosis, but once the people
that doesnt have a good immune system, can easily get active tuberculosis when being infected
by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. If the lungs are infected with active tuberculosis, it is easy to
spread the disease to the others.
1. Initial Information
Date and Time of history
When a person with tuberculosis in their lungs or throat coughs, laughs, sneezes, sings, or even
talks, the germs that cause tuberculosis may spread through the air. If another person breathes in
these germs there is a chance that they will become infected with tuberculosis. Tuberculosis can be
treated and cured if you take treatment as directed by your healthcare provider. If it is not treated,
Tuberculosis can be fatal. Untreated tuberculosis could develop into fatal case, which is it could

degrade the brain function, liver function, or even the heart function, the organs would be damaged
and it can cause a fatal disease.
Identifying Data
Tuberculosis is a disease that wellknown as a one of the most dangerous yet deadliest
disease among these past years. At the turn of the 20th century, tuberculosis was the most common
cause of death in the United States, but, according to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, the number of Tuberculosis cases in the United States has been declining for 50 years.
(CDC) Tuberculosis most commonly occurs in developing countries because of overcrowding and
limited access to medical care. In some countries where Tuberculosis rates are dangerously high, a
vaccine called Bacillus Calmette-Gurin (BCG) is used. Although BCG is somewhat helpful in
preventing people from catching Tuberculosis, it is not considered effective enough to justify wide
Not everyone who is infected with the Tuberculosis germ develops Tuberculosis disease.
People who are at high risk for developing Tuberculosis disease from the Tuberculosis germ include:
ppeople who got infected with HIV, people who were infected with Tuberculosis bacteria in the last
2 years, smokers, babies and young children, people who have other diseases that weaken the
immune system, elderly people, people who were not treated correctly for Tuberculosis in the past,
have close contact with someone who has active Tuberculosis, such as living in the same house as
someone who is infected with Tuberculosis, care for a patient who has active Tuberculosis, such as
doctors or nurses, live or work in crowded places, such as prisons, nursing homes, or homeless
shelters, where other people may have active Tuberculosis, have poor access to health care, such as
homeless people and migrant farm workers, abuse drugs or alcohol, travel to or were born in places
where untreated Tuberculosis is common, such as Latin America, Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, and
Russia. Although the people that may circled at the high risk, it doesnt mean that tuberculosis
infections are not readily acquired under most circumstance, and ususally do not occur vial casual
contact on the street or even on the public vehicles. Only about 5 until 10 percent of people who are
infected with tuberculosis become sick and infectious to the others.
Source of History
The valid and real information about the peoples or patients disease can be obtained from the
patient itself. The patients family member, relatives, colleagues, and their friends can be a good

helper too, beside their own information. Medical record and referral can be a source too, so that
the information might be collected as complete as needed.
It depends and different, according through the patients memory, mood, and their trust too.
2. Chief Complaint

A persistent cough that continues for several days, or months.

Consistent fever

Chest pain

Constant fatigue

Weight loss

Loss of appetite


Coughing up blood

Night sweats

3. Present Illness

It happens in respiratory tract (coughing, chest pain), and also in the whole body of
the patient, which is appear as fatigue, night sweats, unintentional weight loss too

When the immune system in the patients body is weak, after 6 until 8 weeks of
inhaling the bacteria, the immune system will degrade. Usually the sweat appear at

The persistent coughing appears, a productive cough with blood, stained sprutum

Usually appears with heavy coughing which is lasted for more than 3 weeks

After have a heavy coughing which is lasted for more than 3 weeks, usually it
develop into a severe infection that could cause cough up blood. When the disease
stays longer, and it develop into more severe, the patient may feel decreased in
appetite, unknown weight loss, and also feel easier to get fatigue

Modifying factor
It would be easier to be more severe or get involved in tuberculosis if the patient
consume immunosuppressant, people which is smoke a lot, and also people with
HIV/AIDS will make the lung that got infected by tuberculosis become more severe
and its hard to relieve

Cormoboid complaints
It usually appears as a long type of fatigue, excessive sweating at nights, unexplained
weight loss, and also chest pain when the patient breathing

4. Past History

Have been in the situations which is in high risk of tuberculosis, such as being a such
as doctors or nurses, living in the same house as someone who is infected with
Tuberculosis, care for a patient who has active Tuberculosis, live or work in crowded
places, such as prisons, nursing homes, or homeless shelters, where other people
may have active Tuberculosis

Have an HIV infection

Been diagnosed in Tuberculosis, but havent been treated or cured

Having a weak immune system

5. Family History
Commonly, people who got infected by lung tuberculosis are surrounded by people who got
infected too, its just like a chain which is has relation into each other. Its make the infection
easily being spreaded. Patient with tuberculosis maybe has family member, relatives,
colleagues, or even friends around them which is being infected with tuberculosis.
6. Personal and Social History

Some of the diseases could develop into tuberculosis, which is it means to

weakening the immune system. Other disease states that increase the risk of
developing tuberculosis are Hodgkin lymphoma, HIV/AIDS end-stage renal disease,
silicosis, chronic lung disease, malnutrition, and alcoholism

People who work around the people who got infected by tuberculosis are in higher
risk than the people who work in normal circumstance

People who are a heavy smokers are in high risk for tuberculosis, by two or four
times, because the lungs cant function normally, the function develop into

People who travel a lot into the countries which is high population of tuberculosis
are in higher risk because it increase the possibility of regular contact to the people
who got infected

A regular contact into a patient which is being infected also increase the risk of got
infected by the bacteria.

7. Review of System

General appearance: unexplained weight loss for several weeks or even months, the
patient has no appetite for food consumption, night sweating, consistent fever
through several days, heavy fatigue.

Respiratory system: heavy chest pain, persisten cough which is always ended up
with coughing up blood.

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