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Harmonious Civilization
Global Harmony Association Innovative Projects:

Harmonious Civilization Universal Declaration

Global Harmony Treaty for Nuclear Disarmament
Global Harmony: Nuclear Disarmament Guarantor
Alternative Reserve Currency of Harmony (H)
Global Harmonious Education
Russia-Georgia: Harmonization Instead of Militarization
Global Network of Harmonization Services
World Festivals of Harmony
Tetraphilosophy and Tetrasociology:
Science of Social Harmony
Dr. Leo Semashko,
GHA President and 119 Participants from 34 Countries



International and Multilingual Website:







The International, Cosmopolitan, Multicultural and

InterdisciplinaryWebsite is
a daughter Website of the International Forum for the Literature and
Culture of Peace: IFLAC PAVE PEACE. This remarkable organization,
and especially the tireless work of its founder and president, Professor
Ada Aharoni, a true global citizen, have inspired us to start this
“Peace from Harmony and Children’s Priority”

Key definition:
A new culture of peace, preventing wars, terrorism and poverty, is
generated when a natural order of social harmony gives priority to the well-
being of children, parents, and caregivers, who make up 50 to 80% of the
population in any given country.These groups are basically peace-loving,
and provide the social foundation for a harmonious, new culture of peace.
Mahatma Gandhi wrote: "If we are ever to have real peace in this world we
shall have to begin with the children."

Website’s Mission:

To build a harmonious, new culture of peace and its social

foundation by means of the new Global Movement “Making

Children a Priority in the World"

Our site is open to all persons and organizations sharing this mission

Basic Ideas and Purposes

The traditional culture of peace, inherent in an industrial society, is a culture of
balance of power and military forces. This balance is always unstable. It is directed, not
on exclusion of wars, but on limiting them, or setting them aside to deter the arms race.
Therefore, this culture has developed no effective actors and institutions for preventing
wars and terrorism. This is confirmed by about forty modern local wars and almost daily
terrorist acts.The source reproducing them is a culture and order of social disharmony of
an industrial society that prioritizes money. A global information society can change our
priorities and focus on harmonious peace. Modern society, in different countries, is 60 to
90% industrial and only 10 to 40% informational, but this is rapidly changing. Traditional
peace is fragile and unstable, fraught with poverty, terrorism and wars, including global
wars. Traditional peace is a break between wars, preparation for war, and peace on the
verge of war. Therefore, it is peace that is subordinate to war, instead of peace for the
sake of peace, happiness, and harmony. In the name of peace, industrial societies prepare
children for war instead of for peace.
The new culture of peace is a culture of harmonious peace, arising in an
information society. Its foundation is an order of social harmony, from a sustainable
balance of social groups and ethnicities that give priority to children, parents and
especially mothers, who carry the basic burden of care for children, and also all
caregivers. These groups make up 50 to 80% of the population in different countries.
They carry the basic energy of peace-loving and social harmony, and they provide the
social foundation for a new culture of harmonious peace. only social harmony, creating a
new, harmonious and sustainable peace, is capable of preventing wars, terrorism and

Contrast of new culture of peace with traditional, and their connection: the
traditional culture of peace, inherent in an industrial society, only limits opportunities for
wars and terror, but does not prevent them or poverty. The new culture of peace, arising
in an information society, prevents them by means of a new social order of harmony. It is
created in a new society on the basis of new priorities, actors and institutes. Whereas the
traditional culture of peace is industrial, money-oriented and disharmonious, the new
culture of peace is humanitarian, information-based, and harmonious. The new culture of
peace qualitatively differs from the traditional, but simultaneously modernizes and
strengthens it. Harmonious peace prevents wars, terrorism and poverty, while
disharmonious (traditional) peace only limits them. But the new culture of peace emerges
from the old, from within it.

Social harmonyis an integrative value in a global, information society, which

unites in itself love, peace, justice, freedom, equality, brotherhood, cooperation,
nonviolence, tolerance, humanism and other universal values, and prioritizes children.
Harmony is the top value of oriental culture (Confucianism, Buddhism, etc.) but it did not
become a priority value for industrial society. At the same time it is not alien to western
culture (Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Renaissance, Leibniz, etc.). Therefore, harmony is a
common value for western and eastern cultures, and can eliminate the clash of
civilizations. Social harmony creates a harmonious and sustainable peace, beyond wars,
terror and poverty. Harmonious peace (social harmony) begins with harmony of genders
(mothers and fathers), and generations (parents and children), and continues in the
population with harmony of sphere classes, through harmonious partnership.

An order of social harmony is constructed on the value of social harmony and

priority of children, their parents, and caregivers, which creates a sustainable balance of
social groups and ethnicities. This order is created by appropriate actors and institutes,
which overcome the social origins of wars, terrorism and poverty.An order of social
harmony can arise in an information society and gradually remove the social disharmony
produced in industrial societies. Post-industrial society can strengthen harmonious peace
through the creation of information technologies to discover, and new legal institutes to
legitimize, the innately peace-loving priorities of children, parents and caregivers.The
order of social harmony (harmonious peace) is a new, qualitative step in the development
of civilization. It is an alternative to a global order of disharmony (traditional peace) of
industrial society, constructed on priorities of money and power, which generate wars,
terror and poverty. Disharmony of modern society has put it on the verge of self-
destruction in wars, in weapons of mass destruction, in nuclear proliferation, in terrorism,
in the clash of civilizations, in the destruction of family and the environment, in the
poverty of five of our six billion human beings, in the "poverty, discrimination and
neglect of children” (by definition of the UN Special Session on childhood, May 2002)
who are our future. only a new culture of peace can prioritize children, parents and
caregivers, and be capable of overcoming this self-destruction. The creation of a new
culture of peace, on a foundation of social harmony, to prevent wars, terror, poverty and
self-destruction, is impossible without this vast, peace-loving potential, which is not
claimed until now.

Institutes, projects, and resources for a new culture of

peace, as themes for discussion
1. Implications of Tetrasociology, as a scientific theory of the natural order of
social harmony of four sphere classes of the population, for an information (global)
2. ‘Polylog’ of civilizations, as a multicultural and multidimensional dialog, to
evolve social harmony as a foundation to achieve harmonious peace,
3. Sphere democracy in civil society, constructed on an equal distribution of
power between sphere classes, genders and generations, as the low-based state for social
harmony and harmonious peace.
4. “Mothers for Peace,” as a global association, to be an influential movement
toward social harmony, and a powerful peace-loving force in achieving a new culture of
harmonious peace,
5. “Fathers for Peace,” for men who love and care for children, to oppose violence
and war,
6. Children’s suffrage executed by parents, as a socio-cultural institute and
legislative mechanism, to prioritize the well-being of children, parents and caregivers, to
consolidate the social foundation for a new culture of peace,
7. Antiterrorist (anti-deviant, nonviolent) immunity, as social capital for a new
culture of peace.
8. Other institutes, projects, and resources for a new culture of harmonious peace.

Tetrasociological model of harmonious peace for an

information society

Tetrasociology is a four-dimensional, holistic, interdisciplinary theory of an

information (global) society, considered as a cybernetic system of four spheres of social
reproduction. These spheres cooperate to form a natural, underlying order of social
harmony, which has the potential to generate harmonious peacein an information age.
Tetrasociology is a synthesis of the western structural idea of social-sphere reproduction
and the oriental value idea of harmony. A naturally occurring ‘harmony of spheres’ is the
central focus and key premise of tetrasociology.
On the basis of this harmony of spheres premise, tetrasociology comes to the
following six expectations or predictions of peace-enhancing innovations of a global
1. Self-identification of sphere classes: Socioclass, Infoclass, Orgclass,
Technoclass, by those employed in corresponding spheres of social reproduction,
transforms them into conscious actors of social harmony,
2. Sphere democracy of civil society is promoted by an equal distribution of
power among the sphere classes, between genders, and among generations (including
children), which enhances the natural order of social harmony and contributes to
harmonious peace,
3. Sphere sociological statistics provide quantitative measures of social harmony,
4. Sphere information-statistical technology calculates potentials for social
5. Sphere socio-cultural technology advances achievement and maintenance of
social harmony, including children’s suffrage executed by parents,
6. Sphere strategic management ensures harmonious governance of spheres and
sphere classes at all social levels.
These innovations of a global society help to create a self-organizing order of
social harmony, and a new culture of harmonious peace, which seeks to prevent wars,
terrorism, and poverty and to meet other global challenges. Such an order arises not from
giving priority to money and property, but from prioritizing the well-being of children
and those responsible for their care: parents, teachers, doctors, etc. These groups,
counting the children, make up 50 to 80% of the population in various countries, and
have the greatest potential to be peace-loving.
The tetrasociological model of harmonious peace is offered as one of the basic
subjects for discussion on our Website.


We plan to present new cultural institutes, projects, and resources for harmonious
peace in three basic languages: Russian, English and Esperanto. We begin from our
concepts of multiculturalism and bilingualism, recognizing English and Esperanto as
languages of the international community. In addition, we will publish contributions on
our site in the following languages: Japanese, Spanish, Chinese, Portuguese, German,
French and Arabic. In the end our site is supposed in ten languages, on which all
materials will be published.

Readers’ Forum

This includes an exchange of ideas and information on the topic of a new culture
of harmonious peace, on the basis of a variety and pluralism of opinions. We encourage
from our readers: abstracts, articles, reviews, messages, critical remarks, etc., (in limits
up to 5 pages). If a reader shares our faith in a new culture of peace from harmony, he/she
can become a co-author of the Website, open their own page, and make their own
contribution to this culture. Especially, we invite the concerns of children, students, and
new parents.
The Website "Peace from Harmony" invites a wide, international discussion of
innovative ideas for a new culture of peace, and of ways to bring it about at local,
national, and global levels.
Enhancing the education and upbringing of children and young parents in a
culture of peace is another, not less important task of our Website.

Financing: New Investment Policy

Our public, noncommercial and not governmental Website spend the large work, which
the basic part make the translations of materials (documents, articles, reviews, responses
etc.) into at least on three and further on ten languages of the world and their publication.
Now, since 2006, the website co-authors are crossed to organization of Global movement
"Making Children a Priority in the World", to the appropriate sociological researches of
public opinion about peace culture, children’s suffrage, children’s priority etc. Till now,
during one year, this work spent on a volunteer basis. Now it requires serious and
constant financing. The traditional ways of financing are insufficient and inefficient.
Therefore since 2006 the new investment/financial policy is entered.

The new financial policy, which enters the shares but does not reject traditional
noncommercial ways of investment: donations, reception of the awards, grants etc. With
the remarkable offer of the Japanese Professor Reimon Bachika the special shares of two
types are established for financing of: 1. Our site - the "Harmonious Peace" shares in the
USD 10 and 2. Global movement "Making Children a Priority in the World" - the
"Children’s Priority" shares in the USD 20. Each website co-author, which has published
on it the opinion about harmonious peace, CAN buy any number of the shares
"Harmonious Peace", and each human in the world sharing idea of the children’s priority,
CAN buy any number of the shares "Children’s Priority" and to become the participant of
Global movement "Making Children a Priority in the World". Simultaneously these
shares will be the form of a member payment. These shares are long-term and will bring
the dividends to their owners, their children and grandchildren as the future harmonious
peace on the basis of children’s priority preventing wars, terror, violence and poverty.
They will save our children and grandchildren in the future from death, wounds, famine
and other damage of wars and poverty.

Therefore they have maximum value and highest level of the profit for all. They provide
not only profit in the future but also spiritual or symbolical profit in the present. The price
of these shares will grow, though maybe, not so fast as the price of the oil shares for
example. It will create in the future the appropriate stock exchange and shares market for
"Harmonious Peace" and "Children’s Priority". These shares will transform both the
Website and Global movement into Joint-stock companies having an own source of
investment. These shares create a new form of the capital sharing, which differs from
economic. Its possible to name as the humanistic, harmonious and maximum on dignity.
Briefly: it is the Hi-shares and Hi-capital sharing. Such form of the capital-sharing opens
before each responsible citizen preferring harmonious peace to war and also each
responsible parent, grandparent and before parent preferring a child priority to his
discrimination and social neglect an flexible and powerful form of participation in their
progress and statement in the future world. It will ensure also a new, effective way of
management for theWebsite and Global movement.

On the initial stage the named shares are bought at the website director and are given out
by him personally behind the personal signature and code number. At the request of the
persons already financing our site they can receive the appropriate number of this shares
at their choice.

Our website is created as a collective, multilingual, living and growing "how to" book for
a new culture of peace from harmony on the children's priority basis. It is a worthy place
for friendly meetings, and for dialogs among different cultures, languages and
civilizations in search of finding ways to work together, to achieve harmonious peace in
an information (global) society. Today, the prospect of harmonious peace might seem
Utopian, but tomorrow it can become, in many ways, and for many reasons, a practical
achievement for the world community.

February 4, 2006
Francis C W Fung, Ph.D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization, USA

January 13, 2010

Dear President Obama,

We at World Harmony Organization (WHO), a California non-profit

independent think tank, would like to congratulate you on your
successful 2009 trips to Middle East and Asia. Your Cairo interfaith
harmony speech and U. S. - China joint statement endorsing harmony
consensus are outstanding examples of Harmony Diplomacy and are
highly commendable. The World Harmony Organization advocates
Harmony Renaissance and
Harmony Diplomacy as the golden rules for global governance. Our
essays and books on Harmony Renaissance, Harmony Diplomacy,
Harmony virtues, Harmony Consensus, and Harmony Faith appear
widely on Twitter, Facebook, and,

WHO advocates Harmony Renaissance for the 21st Century multilateral

world because harmony is an ancient common value that was
practiced by many world cultures. However, harmony has been
neglected by the current confrontational world, leading to racial,
ideology, and religious strife. Harmony Renaissance is the solution for
human strife as well as for restoring a better ecosystem through
harmony with nature. Harmony belongs to the world. No nation can
claim it exclusively. Harmony, as the natural law of dynamic balance, is
the order of the universe, according to modern physics. Harmony
Renaissance is the next wave of creative energy that mankind is
waiting for to lead us to a higher level of accomplishment beyond the
European Renaissance.

During the 21s century, we will see the rise of Asia and the BRIC
developing nations. China is an integral part of both. A U.S. - Chinese
harmony consensus is essential for world peace and harmony. Peace is
a static condition; without a dynamic harmony balance, peace will not
last. There is no doubt that China will soon challenge U.S. hegemony —
not necessarily in hard power, but in soft power. The U.S. is the most
endowed major nation in land and resources. As a result, China will not
catch up with U.S. in hard power, as eloquently put by James Fallows,
national correspondent of the Atlantic Monthly, in his recent article,
“How Can America Rise Again?”

China in 2009 just surpassed Germany as the largest exporting

country. She will likely surpass Japan as the second leading country in
GDP within this year. China, with her attractive ancient culture,
powerful government bent on reform and opening up, scientific
concept of development, and Harmony Diplomacy, will be very likely to
surpass America in international soft-power influence in the very near
future. During the 19th century, Power Diplomacy ruled. In the 20th
century, America led the world in Democracy Diplomacy and won the
Cold War. However, the recent advocacy of Faith or Smart Diplomacy
has been less successful and will fade in facing Harmony Diplomacy,
because Harmony Diplomacy is the Golden Rule of global governance,
according to a recent paper by the WHO.

The key factor of the multilateral 21st century in winning world

influence will be the practice of Harmony Diplomacy as an international
policy. This is true simply because harmony is the most attractive
universal common value, which can harmonize diverse cultures, races,
ideologies, religions, and nature. In our young, dynamic America, we
must not forget that the Native Americans also practice harmony as a
homegrown culture. European colonists brought the European
Renaissance culture to this continent; why not also adopt our native
Indian harmony culture. We successfully advocated Democracy
Diplomacy after the Second World War. There is no reason for America
not to play a lead role in Harmony Diplomacy because of our current
leadership position. A Harmony Consensus between America and China
is essential for World Harmony. By necessity, world harmony will surely
come to pave the way for world peace (see paper by Francis C.W.
Fung: “World Harmony, Is It Achievable? What Promises Lie Ahead?”).

America, in reaching a harmony consensus with the world, must also

advocate Harmony Renaissance. China and other parts of the world
must not be allowed to claim exclusivity on harmony, the most
universal common value of humanity, without America playing an
equal role. America under President Bush was lacking a harmony
initiative. America is fortunate for your recognition of the importance of
world harmony, but we are still lagging behind in Harmony Diplomacy
as a national foreign policy.

WHO is an American think tank with worldwide recognition. Our classic

Harmony Renaissance paper is carried by China on her government
Harmony Website and has been quoted often by John Prescott, Deputy
Prime Minister of the U.K. We delivered the enclosed keynote speech,
“Harmony Renaissance Preamble and Declaration”, at the United
Nations on their April 26, 2008 Staff Day. America has every right to
claim Harmony Renaissance as home grown, as it was originated and
is advocated by the America-based World harmony Organization.

We cannot afford for China or any nation to claim exclusivity on

Harmony Renaissance
as their national discovery, when Harmony Renaissance is home grown
in the U.S. and
harmony is also part of America’s native culture. It is still not too late
for America to get
involved. It is important for America to adopt Harmony Renaissance as
its national and
foreign policies, lest we be left out of this important soft-power revival.

The word “renaissance” is actually French and is most commonly used

to refer to the European Renaissance because of the importance to
world civilization of that rebirth of progress. For more information on
taking the rightful control for American Harmony Renaissance, please
contact the World Harmony Organization. Everyone can talk about
harmony, but the World Harmony Organization initiated Harmony
Renaissance as the next wave of creative energy after the European

Harmony Renaissance is the revival of ancient universal

common value. There are also innovative key words and
concepts we have initiated in our published essays as
mentioned at beginning. We are also East and West cultural
inclusive. Who is multinational and multi cultural.

In Service of Harmony Renaissance.

Francis C W Fung, Ph.D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization
Painting celebrating Confucius birthday with banners
showing his harmony


In the East harmony, as a social science theory, was

evolved from natural science observation by Lao Zi.
Humanity in harmony with the universe
is called Tian Ren He Yi.
Also, Einstein was quoted as saying
the order of nature is not accidental.
Harmony is the order of nature.
Harmony belongs to the World and to the Universe.


Harmony is the highest common value.

Renaissance is action. Together they have life.
Harmony is the order of natural science and the
fundamental law of the universe.
Harmony is dynamic energy balance
and is also the principle of universe creation.
From the very beginning, the Universe is created
by the infinite invisible energy in the firmament.
The invisible energy that created the universe
can also be called DAO.
Lao Zi said, "Dao created one, one created two,
two created three, three created all things.
All things carry Ying and embrace Yang.
Dynamic balance creates harmony."
Lao Zi's harmony theory of the universe
is in unison with modern quantum physics.
Harmony renaissance is the guiding principle to be
applied to natural and social sciences.
It is the breakthrough that will take us to the next
level of human creativity and accomplishment
beyond European Renaissance.

Francis C. W. Fung, Ph.D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization

作为社会科学理论, 东方和谐源于老子对自然科学的观察。
和谐属于世界, 属于自然。
January 11, 2010

Dear Dr. Francis C W Fung,

I only returned today from a trip to my elder son with whom we celebrated Orthodox
Christmas. Having got acquainted with my plentiful mail for last week, I paid attention
first of all to your five letters, first of all on a press release about creation of your "World
Harmony Organization” (WHO) on January 21, 2007 in San Francisco, California, USA.
As I understood, your organisation arisen from the World Harmony Institute: I am happy to congratulate you on behalf of our “Global
Harmony Association” (GHA) on a birth of the WHO and to express hope of our close
cooperation in a direction of the harmonious civilization which in 2009 creates the
Harmonious Renaissance and Harmonious Enlightenment. I am glad to ascertain, that our
strategic goals of harmonization coincide, though, we differ with some ways and theories.
But it is natural, as each organisation, as well as each person and each country have an
own way to a great temple of social (global) harmony or a harmonious civilization. Your
way to a harmonious civilization (world harmony) through the China’s harmony
socialism is one of the important ways which has been unfolded in the GHA “Magna
Carta of Harmony” in 2007:, in the
Chinese language: cat=en_c&key=281.
Let me please acquaint you shortly with the GHA last actions of global harmonization
and to offer you concrete forms of mutual cooperation.
1.We will be glad to include your organisation in the GHA List of Achievements
of Global Harmony as a new (66th) achievement. This List covers 65 similar
achievements since 1947. It is published in GHA program book “Harmonious
Civilization” of 120 co-authors from 34 countries of the world to the address: cat=en_c&key=382. In this List you will find
a number of achievements of harmony in the USA: Annual National Festival
of Harmony, Harmony School in Texas and Louisiana etc.
2.I invite you to discuss a question of mutual affiliation (or collective
membership) our organisations, first of all in the USA, with Dr. Laj Utreja,
American GHA President ( and Dr. Dominica
McBride (, Youth GHA President. It will allow our
organisations to participate in actions each other.
3.I invite you to exchange our books. Dr. Laj Utreja will be glad to send you 2
copies of our book “Harmonious Civilization” which you could look
preliminary on our site “Peace from Harmony” to the address: cat=en_c&key=379. In turn, Dr. Utreja and I
will be happy to receive from you on 1 copy of your book: “China’s Harmony
Renaissance: What the World Must Know”. Whether is it published in the
network? We will be happy to publish your review of our book and back.
4.I invite you to join to Club-2009, about initiation of which in final edition I am
glad to send to you the GHA Resolution in an attachment. Within this
Resolution I sent on January 5 the official invitation to the Chairman of the
Federation Council (Upper Chamber of Russia Parliament) to Mr. Sergey
Mironov to hold a post of Club-2009 President for the first year. We wait his
response to February 1. If we do not receive the response we will offer this
post to other political leaders, in particular to Senator Denis Kucinich.
5.I like to send you also my short offers which I sent on January 4 together with
the book “Harmonious Civilization” to Mr. Kofi Annan (the UN Alliance of
Civilizations President) and Ms. Irina Bokova (UNESCO Director General).
In case of creation of "Harmonious Civilization Center” and “World Harmony
Academy”, GHA will be happy to invite in them you and your colleagues.
Such are the GHA first offers for you and your remarkable organisation. With hope of
effective and harmonious cooperation for the sake of a harmonious civilization and the
world harmonious Renaissance and Enlightenment.
Dr. Leo Semashko,
GHA President

Dear Dr. Leo Semashko,

Thank you for your convergence letter and will cooperate fully.Go ahead and implement
what can facilitate our future team work. Do keep me informed of your progress. We can
definitely work on Harmony Synergy as we get to know each other better.I want to
congratulate what you and your group have accomplished.
Lana Yang and I are in touch.We have much in common.Look forward to chatting with
you and working with you and your colleagues on world harmony. Attached is a draft
letter on Harmony Diplomacy to President Obama for your comment.
In Service of Harmony Renaissance
Francis C W Fung, Ph.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization
San Francisco, CA
January 12, 2010
Dear Dr. Francis C W Fung,
Many thanks for your positive response, congratulations for GHA and the consent on
cooperation of our two organisations, convergence in global and world harmony. I am
glad, that you begun process of our team work, offered to GHA members to comment
your draft letter on Harmony Diplomacy to President Obama.
I attentively read some times this letter and appendices to it. It covers a wide range of
questions of different levels: philosophy, culture, science, history, policy, diplomacy and
the international relations. Let me to define in the beginning the positive moments and
then to express some critical reasons.
Positive aspects are:
1.Urgency of your letter in respect of the USA international relations and
diplomacy in the beginning of the 21st century. You are absolutely right that
in 21 century power diplomacy is destructive for those who continues it and is
unacceptable for world development. It found one of the strongest
acknowledgement in 2009 in the consent of the USA and Russia to reach
nuclear zero. Therefore Harmony Diplomacy, offered by you, is logic
development of this historical trend. Harmony diplomacy is alternative to
power diplomacy. The first replaces and supersedes the second gradually.
GHA initiates political Club-2009 actually also for Harmony Diplomacy: cat=en_c&key=409.
2.Allocation of sprouts of Harmony Diplomacy by you in Obama’s politics. GHA
allocated them in the analysis of Obama’s Prague speech devoted to nuclear
disarmament: cat=en_c&key=386.
3.Definition of harmony by you as general natural law of all universe which is
inherent, in the different form, to all cultures of the world. Therefore, any
nation has not on it exclusive right. Harmony belongs to all nations and it is
necessary for all people in an equal measure but in the different form. on this
thesis the GHA “Harmonious Civilization Universal Declaration” is
constructed: cat=en_c&key=383.
4.The recognition you, that the true, long peace can be established not on the
weapon and force but only on global harmony. GHA defined the major
principle: “Peace Comes from Harmony” in the beginning, in February 2005.
This principle is included in GHA emblem:
cat=en_c&key=379. It found a substantiation and development in all GHA 19
projects of global harmony.

My critical remarks are:

1.I think, that your remarkable letter devoted to advancement of Harmony
Diplomacy for Obama’s policy, will have much more chances to be noticed if
it will be limited to a field of the international relations diplomacy.
2.All your other fields of harmony: philosophy, culture, science and history are a
subject for wide public discussion but not for the political letter.
3.Your remarkable concept of Harmony Renaissance, with which you connect
Harmony Diplomacy, has no scientific proofs and the social facts. When GHA
speaks about gradual origin of a harmonious civilization in an industrial
civilization, we fix a historical trend corresponding 66 (it is the incomplete
list) facts since 1947: cat=en_c&key=382.
4.The European Renaissance of 14-17 centuries is the cultural movement which
caused by a life and arisen in holistic process of origin of an industrial
civilization. The European Renaissance can be understood only in its
civilizational context. Similarly: the Harmony Renaissance can be understood
only in a context of a birth/occurrence of a harmonious civilization. Therefore,
Harmony Renaissance as well as an epoch of Harmonious Enlightenment, are
cultural and educational movements of a harmonious civilization in the
beginning of its formation. GHA will be glad to add the concept of a
harmonious civilization with your concept of Harmony Renaissance.
5.You speak about “harmony science”, quoting some remarkable ideas of Lao-Zi
and Einstein. However, these ideas are the preconditions for a harmony
science but do not make it. Any science begins only with allocation of
fundamental elements and laws of their interaction. For example, the idea of
nuclear physics has been stated Democritus. But the scientific nuclear physics
arisen through 2,5 thousand years when the atom structure has been opened,
its elements and laws. As to a harmony science, at least at social level its
occurrence is connected with Tetrasociology in which 20 fundamental
elements of social harmony and laws of their interaction are allocated: cat=en_c&key=400.
6.You truly say that harmony is property and the East, and the West but you do
not speak about their different contribution to understanding of harmony. For
a long time it is noticed, that the East understands harmony as holistic one and
the West structures it. Tetrasociology as the science of social and individual
harmony synthesizes in itself east integrity of harmony both its western
structure and functionality.
7.Multidimensionality of harmony demands collective consciousness and
collective thinking of essentially new level that embodies Tetrasociology
which develops in all GHA projects collectively by from 40 to 120 co-authors.
Certainly, the collective consciousness does not cancel the individual
contribution and synthesizes them, creating new quality of collective
harmonious Tetranet thinking which as a first approximation presented on the
scheme: In this
connection of the basic requirement of harmonious thinking, I invite you to
synthesize our intellectual efforts for development of scientific thinking of
I think, these critical remarks (they are the main things, but they do not settle all my
remarks) could become a subject of collective discussion of two our teams. Do you
agree with it? Besides, in your text I allocated dark blue some editorial editings.
Best harmony wishes,
Dr. Dr. Leo Semashko,
GHA President,
Dear Harmony Friends,
Letter-to-President-Obama-on-Harmony-Diploamcy published, delivered and
attached. Thank you for your review.
May you have the best of harmony always.
Leo, Lana and Rene,
Dr. Semashko, since we are likely to become colleagues in advocating world harmony I
hope you do not mind I address you as Leo according to American habits. Attached is a
compilation of WHO published essays on Harmony Diplomacy, titled "Message to
President Obama on Harmony Diplomacy". The compilation has been delivered to
President Obama to support his efforts on Harmony Diplomacy.
I am wondering if you would submit to your organization to be considered for inclusion
on your websites. This is my idea of how we can be of mutually supportive to increase
our joint advocacy for Harmony Diplomacy. These essays are part of WHO book titled
"Harmony Diplomacy Golden Rule for Global Governance". I welcome your esteemed
contribution on the subject of Harmony Diplomacy. I would certainly be glad also to
carry your selected articles on WHO blogsites. Feel free to contact me if you have any
suggestions regarding cross reference to increase synergy.
May you have the best of harmony always.
Francis C W Fung, Ph.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization
Dear Franсis!

Yes, we are colleagues in harmony, therefore will be by name.

Your letter to President Obama about Harmony Diplomacy for the USA is an outstanding
step on a way of the harmonious civilization which conscious birth concerns to 2009.
Approach of this civilization is realized by many civil organisations independently in
different points of the world. Therefore letters of these organisations to the Presidents of
the US, Russia and other countries is one more indicator of conscious (but in a different
measure and form) advancement of this civilization. I am glad, that you considered some
my editorial remarks in your letter. And though you ignored my other remarks, I consider
your letter and your essays as the significant contribution to a new civilization. Especially
important I consider your idea “US and China Harmony Consensus” as the sample of a
similar consensus for all countries of the world without which (harmony consensus) can
not be a harmonious civilization. Therefore, your great contribution to this civilization
induced me to open your personal page “4-6-6. World Harmony Organization: Harmony
Diplomacy for Harmonious Civilization” on the GHA website “Peace from Harmony” in
and Russian: with the publication of
your five remarkable essays about Harmony Diplomacy.

Please, let us in the GHA hope, that you also will find possibility to publish on your
website 4-5 sections of GHA program book “Harmonious Civilization”. It will allow us
as you write, “mutually supportive to increase our joint advocacy for Harmony
Diplomacy” and also a harmonious civilization to which this diplomacy conducts and in
which it finds the higher meaning.

Other important form of their advocacy I see in a mass edition of our books on global
harmony as manuals for schools and universities of the most different countries, first of
all, the USA, China, Russia, India, Malaysia etc. GHA has four similar books:
Harmonious Civilization (2009), Harmony Academy (2008), Magna Carta of Harmony
(2007), and Harmonious Era Calendar (2006).) You have five books. Certainly, our
books are various but they are devoted one subject: to global harmony. They open the
different approaches to it, that is very important for thinking of youth.

To begin we could with publish in common on one our most important books in the USA,
in states Texas and Louisiana for 14 schools of harmony which grow since 2000. Then
we could publish them for the USA and China in two languages (English and Chinese). I
wrote about it to Lana in details and I could repeat for you this letter. Then we could
publish them in Russia, in India: in Calcutta through Dr. Matreyee Roy, in Malaysia
through Dr. Steve Rajan etc.

The mass publication of different books on global harmony as manuals in the different
countries will be the conscious beginning of a new Age of Harmonious Enlightenment
which inevitably accompanies formation of a harmonious civilization. I hope, you agree
with it and we can unite our efforts in the mass publication of our books which will bring
to our organisations not only ideological but also financial success. It will strengthen our
harmony synergy.

Best harmony wishes,


Dear Leo,

It is my pleasure to hear from you as always. In Chinese may I also call you "Tong Dao"
which means we share the same philosophy or same way or Dao. I am very appreciative
that you put my Harmony Diplomacy essays on your website. I feel priviledged. I
believe Harmony Diplomacy is the Golden Rule for Global Governance. I will work with
you and look into your request and get back to you.

Concurrently, I am also busy working with China and America on Solar Stirling engine
renaissance for electricity generation. Green energy technology transfer is my
background and also WHO work on harmony with nature. As to your publication plan I
will look into it as I hear more from you. I appreciate your offer to work together.

May you have the best of harmony always.

Francis C W Fung
Dear Leo,

You did good on putting WHO harmony Diplomacy onto your website. I like your "Age
of Harmonious Enlightenment" it goes well hand in hand with "Harmony Renaissance".
Great match! You are truly a "Tong Dao".

Dear Francis,

Yes: you are Chinese/USA Tong Dao for me and I am Russian Tong Dao for you: we
have harmony consensus in diversity of China, US and Russia.

Your "Harmony Renaissance" and "Green Energy" and our "Age of Harmonious
Enlightenment" they go well hand in hand with "Harmonious Civilization" in which they
find great match!

Best harmony wishes,


Very well put. You are not only Tong Dao but also a scholar and gentleman. My
pleaseure working with you.

In Service of Harmony Renaissance.

Dr. Fung's five essays about Harmony Diplomacy since 2007:

It is important to cover good examples of harmony diplomacy

Harmony Diplomacy Essential for World Development
Harmony Diplomacy in Work

It is important to cover good examples of harmony

diplomacy 2007-06-25 10:45:06

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By Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.

BEIJING, June 25 (Xinhuanet) -- World Harmony Organization(WHO)

deems it important to cover outstanding examples of harmony diplomacy in
work. This is the value we place on world harmony renaissance and world
harmony diplomacy watch. When two of the largest East and West news
agencies meet to renew friendship, mutual respect and trust it will have
profound effect on even handed world news reporting. World understanding
and harmony between East and West will surely be enhanced by this festival

Xinhua News Agency and Reuters on Thursday, June 21,2007 held

celebrations in the Great Hall of the People to mark five decades of
cooperation. Xinhua President Tian Congming and Reuters Chief Executive
Officer Tom Glocer unveiled a photo exhibition, comprising about 120 classic
cultural and diplomatic exchange photographs, taken by correspondents from
Xinhua and Reuters. The exhibition is a fascinating, historical record of a range
of political, economic, scientific, technological, cultural, educational and
sporting events over the years. The following are excerpts from Xinhua Net
with ith opinion and concluding remarks from World Harmony Organization.

"Over the past 50 years, Xinhua and Reuters have exchanged visits and
staff at many levels and have signed a series of cooperation agreements,"
Tian said to the gathering. Reuters was the first Western news agency to forge
a cooperation with Xinhua. In May 1957, the two news agencies signed a deal
on news story exchange. "I am delighted to see how healthy the cooperation
between our two organizations is," Tian said, citing a recent joint training class
for Olympics reporters in Beijing. Tian said Xinhua-Reuters cooperation can
blossom as long as the two sides abide by the principles of "mutual respect,
close consultation, a long-term perspective, mutual trust and mutual benefit."

"Over the last fifty years we have shown that an open and constructive
relationship can produce great achievements," Glocer said in his address.
Quoting the Chinese proverb "a book tightly shut is only a block of paper",
Glocer said the Reuters-Xinhua relationship is an open book. "Today we move
to the next of many chapters." Among the approximately 100 representatives
at the celebrations were two pioneers of Xinhua-Reuters ties --- Peng Di, the
first Xinhua correspondent in London, and 80-year-old David Chipp, the first
Reuters correspondent in Beijing.

Founded in 1931, Xinhua News Agency is the most authoritative news

agency in China and an international provider of multimedia news and
information services. Based in Beijing, Xinhua runs 33 domestic bureaus and
102 overseas bureaus. Xinhua provides round-the-clock news and information
services in nearly 200 countries and regions in eight languages: Chinese,
English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Portuguese and Japanese.

Senior official of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Li Changchun on

Thursday called on Reuters to report China as it is. "Reuters should be a
bridge in helping the world obtain a better understanding of China and report
China as it is," Li said in a meeting with a Reuters delegation headed by
Reuters chairman Niall Fitz Gerald. Li, a member of the Standing Committee of
the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, also hailed the good
partnership between Xinhua News Agency and Reuters over the past fifty

Li said exchanges and cooperation among news organizations of different

countries have become increasingly important as the world has entered an era
of information and globalization. Fitz Gerald hailed China's rapid development
in economic and social sectors. He said Reuters would like to carry out a more
effective partnership with Xinhua.

As important as Xinhua News as a leader of world media, its professional

and even handed reporting of world news, Xinhua is still relatively unknown in
the U.S. Those who know, look at Xinhua with jaundiced eyes suffering from
the ill effects of 50 years of cold war infection. They are so colored by the U.S.
media some readers' vision to this day, unfairly shuns Xinhua news. WHO
feels extreme injustice that this unfair misjudgment must not be left untreated.

Xinhua's reporting stands out with the greatest integrity exceeding many
Western news media. Most of all Xinhua has progressed with the times with a
modern world outlook, whereas there are other medias remain short sighted
and waddling in the sting pool of bygone days and engaged in confrontational,
name calling, scavenging and mud slinging practices.

one of the excuses for discounting Xinhua news is that it is affiliated with
Chinese Government. This casual judgment without due diligence is even
carried by a large cross section of Chinese Americans.

To quote an English sayings "Do not judge a book by its cover but by its
contents" and "Judge a tree's merits by the fruits it bears." Simply put, as
independent thinkers we must read and investigate before we mete out casual
judgment. These days in international news Xinhua is a must read media to be
in touch with the real world with a balanced view.

one of the significant reasons for the lack of awarenesss of Xinhua by the
U.S. public, is the ill effect of ethnocentric ommission of significant East and
West exchange events as indicated here. This points out the importance of
advocating harmony diplomacy. World Harmony Organization has the
responsibilty and duty bound to continue our world harmony renaissnce and
harmony diplomacy watch.
The Motto for harmony diplomacy for the 21st Century is rightly so "Mutual
respect, mutual trust and mutual development. Carry a strategic and long
vision." The old American wisdom that is being revived by some "Speak softly
and carry a big stick" is so 19th century. It has no place in today's necessary
pursue of harmony diplomacy to resolve the extreme disparities of today's
conflicting world.
Editor: Xia Xiaopeng

Harmony Diplomacy Essential for World Development

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By Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.

"Freedom, Democracy and Harmony are three ancient universal human ideals that belong to
the world and not to any one single nation. They are not entirely independent but intimately
related. As a matter of fact, there exist fascinating relations among them that warrant
immediate global study. Some may wonder why freedom and democracy have been so
widely promoted during the last 400 years of human history, while harmony was barely noted
on the world stage."

"In fact, Freedom and Democracy have been the most successfully used tools to promote
international diplomacy in the 20th Century. Harmony, as a great unifying force in the on
rush of globalization, has now come of age. Harmony is mankind's greatest common value.
The conflicted world of today urgently calls for international democracy through the practice
of harmony diplomacy."

"Nature imbues us with the instinctive knowledge that we are born free. The mountains, the
wind and the lions are born free, not to mention any other of the myriad animals that remain
free until captured. Despite being born free, powerful groups desperately yearn to enslave
us. More than 2500 years ago the most ancient cultures scattered about different continents
prohibited slavery seeing it as hideous. The institutionalized slave trade was most
egregiously practiced in the new world until the American civil war put an end to it."
"Immediately following 9/11, George W. Bush conveniently thrust freedom centre stage to
rally Americans with the resounding cry. The logic was that the terrorists hate our freedom
and they are intent on taking it away. To be fair, American democracy as put forth by our
forefathers, guarantees each citizen freedom from undue infringement through law and
order. Freedom as an ideal is politically neutral, neither good nor bad.However, modern
democracy is designed to prevent minority individuals from exceeding their rights granted by

"Bush's call for freedom diplomacy after 9/11 is neither necessary nor appropriate. Terrorists
have not been empowered to take away our freedom, but the resulting regulation to counter-
terrorism has. As warned by President Eisenhower, the military complex created by war may
seriously threaten our democracy and hence our individual freedom. The greatest threat to
our freedom today is our enslavement to the military and the industrial complex through their
hijacking of democracy."

"Since time immemorial, the protection of human rights has occupied our consciousness.
The fear of the all mighty unknown that sparked religious teaching was likely the catalyst for
this type of thought. Teaching morals and common values developed along with harmony
while democracy followed behind. Democratic systems as a means to guarantee individual
rights and freedoms reached new heights when the American Declaration of Independence
and Bill of Rights were signed, giving way to the system of laws being enacted. Western
diplomacy spread far and wide and profoundly changed the world during the 20th century."

"Democracy, in different forms, has now become a generally accepted governance system.
Democracy grows best in the fertile soil of each individual nation without outside interference
or occupation. American chastisement of other nations only offends their dignity. Many
developing nations, after years of domination by imperialism, have nothing to cling to other
than the very dignity being spoken of."

"Democracy is also no longer an import export item, as pointed out by Ban Ke-moon, the
current Secretary General of the U.N. Due to the debacle of the US occupation of Iraq,
democracy as an instrument of foreign policy has lost its luster and appeal. Diplomacy works
best in these conflicted times when harmony principles are employed. Harmony diplomacy is
a win-win, no-fault conflict resolution approach. It is time to minimize confrontations in
today's conflicted world by using harmony diplomacy. It certainly is worth a try. Mutual win-
win development can be more economically viable than war. We have spent close to 400
billion dollars on the Iraq war, fast approaching our expenditure on the Vietnam War, with no
end in sight."

"When unity is needed human beings have proven quite capable. International unity can be
reached only through international democracy, not unilateralism. International democracy will
be the end result of major nations practicing harmony diplomacy. In her recent book "The
Mighty and the Almighty" Madeleine Albright suggested that world harmony is the end goal
of a more peaceful world."

"As noble as any religion may be, faith diplomacy has fallen short of uniting the world in
harmony evidenced by the countless tragic faith-based wars of the past as well as the
current conflict between the West and the Muslim world. Religions as we know them today
all expect blind faith and acceptance of ethnocentric almighty images, quite often unique to a
specific culture."

"Harmony's premise is tolerance, acceptance and respect for other cultures. It is all
embracing, endearing and enduring. It neither dictates blind faith nor does it force
acceptance of an institutionalized and ethnocentric image of the almighty. No particular
personal attachment to the almighty is prescribed either. Personal attachment to the almighty
is a double-edged sword. It draws those with faith closer, while alienating those without."

"Harmony is discovered through observation of nature as discussed in my other papers. It is

nature's preferred way of propagation. Nature is all embracing and human beings are very
much part of nature. It is possible to believe in as wide a universe as one chooses without
adhering to blind faith. Our very survival and sustainable development is now urgently
dependent on our harmonious relationship with nature. We deny our very existence by not
working to improve our threatened ecology. Most of us agree about the vision of world
harmony and international democracy. We can all participate in the harmony movement by
speaking and practicing harmony diplomacy in all facets of our daily lives. We can practice
goodness for goodness sake without preaching religion. Why use faith diplomacy, an indirect
approach, when the direct approach, harmony diplomacy, is readily available? Harmony's
resonance is growing and propagating. The Harmony Renaissance is the unavoidable tide. It
is time to reawaken our innate human desire for harmony and to begin urging others to
recognize the value of this noble ideal."

"The basic idea of world harmony is in common with all popular theories of world
governance. It hopes to build a more understanding world through tolerance, respect, equity
and acceptance of diverse cultures and governance systems as destiny for all mankind."

"Through harmony diplomacy major nations will support a stronger UN. A more democratic
world will advocate the solution of world conflicts through consultation and harmony
consensus. Unilateralism is to be rejected and peaceful resolution will replace war and
violence. Harmony diplomacy will be the foundation of lasting peace. Without harmony
peace will not last."

"In the pursuit of world harmony it is important to narrow the gap of the North-South/rich-poor
disparity through win-win mutual development. This will create a world with a level playing
field, which will enable the citizens of the world to enjoy all of the achievements of our great

"In the democratization of international relations, just and equitable international political and
economic orders can be established through dialogue, negotiation and reaching consensus.
The end result of international democracy will release a new wave of world creative energy.
Human accomplishments can thus reach a new height of development beyond European

"The Order of Nature is Harmony and Harmony is the Order of Nature. A harmony world is
essential to save our ecology. To rally major nations to commit to a cleaner and better
environment, harmony diplomacy must advocate a common ecology consensus. Central to
harmony diplomacy consensus is built in awareness to curb global insatiable appetite for
consumption. Continuation of current trend is not sustainable. Without harmony consensus,
the resulting catastrophic global fight for resources will be more immediate than the effect of
climate change. It is time for all to advocate less confrontational harmony diplomacy."

(Xinhua News Agency May 23, 2007)

Harmony Diplomacy in Work

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By Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.

The US media, which accustomed to confrontational cold war diplomacy, has been slow to
recognize the signs of world harmony diplomacy on the rise. The profit-driven, corporate and
military complex dominated American media looks sluggish when faced with the tide of win-
win mutual development between nations.

It remains to be seen if the US media will finally learn world harmony diplomacy and move
forward to the 21st century.

Besides the overbearing American foreign policy, the condescending attitude in the media
for the past 50 years, is also to blame for the mistrust created between the States and other
nations. A change of heart in American media will certainly help to create a better world
understanding for the US government to continue practicing world harmony diplomacy.

The following are major current event stories showing signs of harmony diplomacy on the
rise drastically under reported by the US media.

On Wednesday May 23, 2007, Chinese and American officials ended a key economic
dialogue in Washington in agreement.

The meeting was co-chaired by Secretary of Treasury, Henry Paulson and China's Vice
Premier Wu Yi.

During the two day Second Strategic Economic Dialogue (SED), top economic officials from
the two countries discussed topics covering areas of service, investment, transparency,
energy and environment as well as growth balance and innovation.

As witnessed by the fact sheet jointly issued at the closing, the two sides reached consensus
on how to move forward on financial services, civil aviation, energy and environment as well
as signing a number of specific agreements.

One cannot help but notice that the tone of the fact sheet shows great diplomacy at work.
This consensus is surprising because of the perennial trade friction between the two nations,
particularly in light of the climate of the China bashing, which was resulted from the recent
Congressional trade protectionism mentality.

In contrast to past foibles, President George W. Bush made the correct diplomatic choice for
US-China relations, as well as for world harmony.

At a White House press conference, Bush said that the just concluded US-China Strategic
Economic Dialogue is "important" and there has been some progress achieved at the
dialogue, stating that "this is an important dialogue. And it's one that I thank the Chinese
government for engaging in."

Bush also met with Vice Premier Wu Yi in the White House Oval Office and said he
appreciates China's willingness "to work with strategic dialogues in order to put in place the
type of measures that reflect a complex relationship."

To set the proper tone for the consultation and consensus, the principle negotiators from
both sides were careful in their statements. "Thanks for the careful attention and joint efforts
from both sides, the second meeting of the strategic dialogue achieved great success," said
Wu. The economic and trade relationship between China and the US is one of the most
complicated in today's world, she said. The SED provides an excellent platform for both
sides to "further understanding and trust in terms of strategic issues."

Vice Premier Wu added "Equal consultation, cooperation and win-win have become the
overall situation and defining nature of China-US relations, both being stakeholders and
constructive partners."

"Politicizing economic and trade issues is absolutely unacceptable, since it is of no help but
will make the situation more complicated, harm bilateral economic and trade relations or
even cause serious negative impact on the progress of overall China-US ties," she added.

On his part, Paulson said that US and China both understood that "getting the economic
relationship right is vital not only to our people, but to the world economy." Paulson also said,
"The purpose of this on going dialogue is to have candid discussions and find ways to ease,
rather than increase tensions."

"Now and then, the peace of the world and the progress of the world required close
cooperation between the two peoples of the US and China" said Henry Kissinger at the
opening of the dialogue. "The most advanced industrialized country and the country that is
growing at the fastest rate have the unique opportunity to set an example for the rest of the
world of cooperation and vision."

The consensus reached through the SED consultation clearly demonstrated the merit of
practicing harmony diplomacy. Harmony is fostered by acceptance, respect, equity and
humility. This type of no fault, win-win consultation can lead to complementary solutions
between any two nations. The SED fact sheet may serve as a model of harmony diplomacy
with humility, practiced by two great nations with wisdom.

Details of the six party talks on the nuclear issue of the Korean peninsular coming out on
April 11, 2007 are very encouraging. It clearly shows that the two strong contending sides
are giving ground and reached some consensus through long painful discussions and
consultations. This is how harmony works through discussions, consultations and
consensus. Until the announcement, the accord all seemed but impossible. Not so long ago
President Bush called "North Korea as part of the 'Axis of Evil'." From World Harmony
Renaissance perspective this event may spark a series of events that signal the beginning of
harmony at East Asia.

By implementing the Nuclear Disarmament Pact, US, China, Russia, Japan, South Korea will
have to help North Korea recover. That means major countries across both sides of the
pacific will work together for mutual development. North East Asia development has a lot of
potential. The Accord calls for "Within 30 days: Five separate working groups meet on
denuclearizing, normalizing US-North Korea relations, normalizing of North Korea-Japan
relations, economy and energy cooperation, and peace and security in Northeast Asia."

Be what it may, this proved the importance of harmony diplomacy to give the fair historical
perspective and the whole aftermath of the cold war era. The need for mutual development
will pave the way for a more harmonious world.

(Xinhua News Agency June 18, 2007)



By Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.

BEIJING, June 3 (Xinhuanet) -- America as a young, dynamic, and

endowed nation earned its place as the leader of world democracy
during and immediately after the Cold War. The after effects of
America winning the Cold War remained today, good or bad. The good
is that the world has enjoyed unprecedented prosperity due to
relative peace and stability. on the other hand the American public is
constantly being reminded by their media and government that we are
destined to be the leader of the world because God is on our side.
What we should do as world’s major power is to advocate Harmony

Our self defeating arrogance is in contrast to the universal harmony

principle that the more powerful we are, the more we need humility.
The damaging consequence of deviating from this all encompassing
truism is evident by the dilemma of our embroiled involvement in
unilateral Iraqi war. As a result of continuing our Cold War Power
Diplomacy we have too often infringed on the dignity of many
disadvantaged nations in the world. After 9/11 we declared war
against terrorism and were eager to launch the unilateral war on Iraq
without giving diplomacy a chance.

Our pride blinded us from seeing the need of dignity by the poor and
disadvantaged. We have become immune to other nation's needs for
development. Instead from our ethnocentric perspective, we continue
to be critical of other striving nation's efforts to modernize. This lack
of understanding of other nation's loss of dignity and desperate need
of modernization did not go without notice by America's elite,
experienced in foreign policy. In fact the extensive survey conducted
by Pew Research Center involving 45,239 people and 46 nations from
April 6 to May 29, 2007 found majorities in many countries reject the
main planks of current U.S. foreign policy and express concern for
forcing American style democracy.

According to the polled results, there is a wide spread perception that

the U.S. acts unilaterally in making international policy decisions. And
majorities in most every country polled, including 97 percent in
France, 80 percent in Argentina, and 75 percent in Lebanon, said the
United States promoted democracy mostly where it served U.S.
interests. This, according to Pew, helps explain why U.S. ideas about
democracy are viewed as unilateral by vast numbers around the globe.

Caution for change to a softer and more understanding American

world diplomacy is being sounded in unison by many notable and
seasoned formal high ranking diplomats such as Kissinger, Brezezinski,
Albright and Slaughter. New theories such as Faith Diplomacy, Value
Diplomacy and Diplomacy by Deeds are being advanced.

In today's multilateral world, Power Diplomacy as preached by the

bygone wisdom of "speak softly and carry a big stick" has lost most of
its relevance. The unpopular unilateral Iraq War makes it clear that
"speak loudly and carry a big stick" as practiced by the present
administration has not worked so far either. In fact there are signs
that Harmony Diplomacy is on the rise, witnessed by the softening of
U.S. position in the Sixth Party denuclearization talk. North Korea has
just declared its willingness to dismantle their nuclear facilities. US
also removed North Korea from the list of evil countries. Is this sign of
Harmony Diplomacy is working?

On the other hand, in catering to the interest of the uninformed and

proud American public, the theme of Power Diplomacy is still echoed
among U.S. 2008 presidential candidates. In a July/August 2007
Foreign Affairs Journal article titled "Renewing American Leadership,"
fore running U.S. Democratic Party presidential candidate, Barack
Obama expounded Power Diplomacy as key U.S. foreign policy to
revive American leadership.

According to Obama "we must harness American power to reinvigorate

American diplomacy. Tough minded diplomacy backed by the whole
range of instruments of American power-political, economic, and
military-could bring success even when dealing with long standing
adversaries such as Iran and Syria."

Through out Obama's foreign policy exposition, words such as "power,

pushing, pressure, aggressive, tough, tough minded, American
leadership and instrument of power" are used freely. Words such as
dialogue, mutual understanding, trust, tolerance are noticeably
absent. Instead, proud of our past Cold War confrontational expertise,
the intensity of cold war diplomacy is called on to deal with a small
band of extreme radicals. The war on terror advocated by Bush will
certainly become an over kill that will unsettle world diplomacy for
years to come. The world certainly can not afford to have another
debilitating cold war. The over enthusiastic inclination to use
confrontation and ever increasing force without consideration of
neutralizing force with dynamic balance, totally neglects the first
principle strategy in counter terrorism or any warfare for that matter.
In Art of War, by Suntze, the most desirable way to win to win is not
to wage a war. Dynamic balance of harmony is more fluid like in
nature. Soft power can conquer hard power.

A harmonious future for Asia and Europe hinges on wisdom that can
steer the course of their interactions. So said delegates at the third
annual Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Interfaith Dialogue, which wrapped
up June 23, 2007 in Nanjing, capital of East China's Jiangsu Province.
In the Nanjing Statement, issued at the conclusion of the event,
participants from the two continents vowed to deepen and broaden
the dialogue process to foster a peaceful and harmonious partnership.
Building on the achievements of the first two meetings, in Bali in 2005
and Cyprus in 2006, the two-day dialogue co-hosted by China and Italy
served as a platform for religious and political leaders and academics
to address their diversity and commonality in faiths and deliberate on
further tapping the potential of interfaith talks in enhancing mutual
understanding in an era of globalization, a senior Chinese diplomats
said. "In Chinese culture, harmony is underpinned by diversity. Seeking
harmony while acknowledging differences means that a country or an
ethnic group, while preserving its own cultural heritage, should be
open and tolerant to other civilizations," he added. In a world wrought
with uncertainties, it is vital to pursue mutual understanding through
dialogue, and achieve harmony through tolerance, he said. If nations
collide because of different values, globalization may be giving a new
spin to the multiple values involved in international relations.

A way to avoid conflict has long been sought. A seemingly

uncomplicated approach is for nations to share peace and prosperity
through dialogue and tolerance. The recipe of dialogue entails not
imposing one's values or faith on others. It involves respecting
different peoples' treasured values and beliefs. It is necessary to
understand and appreciate, or at least tolerate, different cultures and
religions. The ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting) Interfaith Dialogue, under
the framework of the Asia-Europe Summit, is just such a platform. It
brings nations together from two continents to address their diversity
and commonality in faith and culture, with the hope of convergence
for the sake of humanity.

Attached is an excerpt of a recent article by WHO World Harmony

Diplomacy Watch quoting People's Daily. President Hu Jintao made the
speech on China's new foreign policy of building a harmonious world at
the United Nations Summit marking the 60th anniversary of the
establishment of the world body. The merits of his speech are self

His words received wide approval and the policy is thought fruitful in
2005. The policy helped to lift China's international status,
fundamentally because of its pursuit of balance. That is, to balance
national development against international responsibilities, economic
benefits against political and security interests, relations with world
powers against those with various countries, and reform against the
maintenance of world order.

In the spirit of "performing great deeds" China has decided to take

responsibilities of a big nation. During his meeting with President
Bush, President Hu said explicitly that the China-U.S. cooperation will
be on global scale. For world harmony US and China must work
together to reach harmony consensus. This means cooperation on
many fronts, including environmental collaboration and energy
common strategy. I hope our next president will take the hint and play
the lead role. That is how best America can preserve our leadership.

Editor: Pan LetianSource Xinhua News


By Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.

The “Rule of the Golden Mean” is a Western doctrine for balanced

living and proper handling of human contradictions. A comparable
System of Belief in the East is the “Way of the Golden Mean.” Contrary
to conventional wisdom, the philosophy of the Golden Mean is not
against progress. It is the highest value of progress through dialogue
and consultation. Its true essence is to prevent ideological extremism
from taking hold. It is definitely opposed to the current religious
confrontational strife. That is why it is the value of Golden Mean. This
broad East and West concept of balance, when earnestly applied
globally, can be the solution for resolving extreme disparity between
rich and poor, minimizing religious confrontations and restoring
ecological balance for sustainable development.

In the current desire for good global governance we must also begin
with Harmony Diplomacy. Harmony Diplomacy, as defined here, can
the Golden Rule of Global Governance. Harmony Diplomacy can be
conceived as the common value of the most fluid-like, dynamic
balance; encompassing tolerance, mutual respect, acceptance, equity
and humility to achieve world harmony. Truth in world affairs, unlike
mathematics, often is the Golden Mean between two opposite sides.
When one powerful nation forcing its belief on other weak nations as
the only absolute truth, it ignores the reality of diversity and defies
reason. This is well documented by Al Gore in his most recent book,
“The Assault on Reason.”

The above theory, advancing human common aspirations in today’s

conflicted world, has been resonating worldwide. The author in
resonance with world harmony has also published widely articles
advocating Harmony Diplomacy. “Harmony Diplomacy Essential for
World Development”, “Power Diplomacy Must Evolve Towards
Diplomacy”, “Harmony Diplomacy in Work”, “Harmony Diplomacy:
China’s Commitment to World Harmony” and many other related
articles can be seen on Google, Yahoo search and Xinhua Net.

Good global governance is the foundation for a harmonious world. To

pursue world harmony is the common destiny for the human race.
Good global governance must include new world political and
order to build international democracy. We must promote global
cooperation through mutual win-win development and resolve
through dialogue and consultation. We must strengthen the United
Nation through needed reform to discourage unilateralism and
extremism. All these global undertakings can only begin when major
nations of the world start practicing Harmony Diplomacy.

A grand strategy of Harmony Diplomacy to build world harmony must

be able to face the challenges of today’s unilateralism, extremism,
and poor disparity and ecology unsustainability. The important
elements of a grand Harmony Diplomacy strategy must include
dialogue and consultation, win-win mutual development, unity in
diversity, tolerance and openness, equity and humility. Harmony
Diplomacy must act through equal, friendly and open dialogue and
consultation to achieve mutual understanding, trust and respect. This
is to accomplish the greatest possible harmony consensus among
nations of the world.

Harmony Diplomacy is to seek commonality and minimize

confrontational difference. In the desire to foster win-win common
development we must take a long strategic view.
The reality of the world is multi cultural and not all in sync of the path
and stage of development. We must accept and tolerate different
economic and political development. Old colonial mentality and big
power chauvinism will never be accepted again. By forcing our culture
and value on weak nations is counter productive to Harmony
Diplomacy. The best governance system is a nation’s own harmonious
system developed from within in active interaction with globalization.
The objective of Harmony Diplomacy is to pursue a higher level of
human accomplishment beyond European Renaissance through World
Harmony Renaissance. Harmony is an ideal; Renaissance gives it life.
The human race relieved of cultural conflicts, political infighting and
religious strife will be invigorated by new creative energy. This new
found vigor will bring humans to the next phase of true global
development that we are waiting for.

To be more specific, through greater Harmony Consensus we will

minimize the chances of war and bring about more lasting peace.
Without Harmony Consensus, peace can only be temporary. When
nations set their sights on win-win mutual development, common
world prosperity can be realized. In so doing, the rich and poor
disparity can be reduced and the North and South gap breached. The
world will be more level. All nations can finally enjoy the fruits of our
common cultural and economic accomplishments.

Harmony Consensus, encompassing harmony with nature is the order

of nature. It will rally world citizenship to be more conscious and
united to protect our common environment. For world sustainable
development we must at last move in lock step to strive to conserve
energy and resources and protect the environment. As severe as the
effects of climate change may be, the world will run out of precious
resources sooner because of the current wonton consumption.

Most of all, the current world order is far from democratic. Harmony
Diplomacy, through the essential principle of dialogue, consultation,
negotiation and harmony consensus, can pave the way for a more just
and democratic world order. In Harmony Renaissance, we can finally
rediscover the wisdom of tolerance, acceptance, mutual respect and
humility. The harmony universal common value will give the human
race the necessary true inner peace and strength, to face the diverse
and daunting challenges of a world in catastrophic disharmony and
extreme self- destruct- selfishness.

Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization

Singapore: Country of racial and religious harmony

Prime Minister of Singapore: 1990-2004.
Initiator of the "Declaration of Religious Harmony» (2002)
as the first in history of humankind document
of the conscious state policy of social harmony

Racial Harmony Day is celebrated annually on 21 July in Singapore (population: about 5

millions). The event is to commemorate the 1964 Race Riots , which took place on 21
July 1964.

Racial Harmony Day also represents a day for schools to reflect on, and celebrate
Singapore's success as a racially harmonious nation and society built on a rich diversity
of culture and heritage. In schools all across the nation on that day, students are
encouraged to be dressed in their traditional costumes such as the Cheongsam and the
Baju Kurung. Traditional delicacies are also featured in the celebrations. Traditional
games such as Kutih-kutih and zero point are played in schools, where inter-class
competitions are sometimes organised. Schools are also encouraged to recite a
declaration on religious harmony during the celebrations.

Declaration on Religious Harmony

We, the people in Singapore, declare that religious harmony is vital for peace, progress
and prosperity in our multi-racial and multi-religious Nation.

We resolve to strengthen religious harmony through mutual tolerance, confidence,

respect, and understanding.

We shall always

Recognise the secular nature of our State,

Promote cohesion within our society,
Respect each other's freedom of religion,
Grow our common space while respecting our diversity,
Foster inter-religious communications,
and thereby ensure that religion will not be abused to create conflict and disharmony in

The Declaration of Religious Harmony of Singapore is a statement that affirms the

importance of, and the commitment of Singaporeans towards, religious harmony. It is a
basis for Singaporeans to reflect on religious harmony, and what should be done to
achieve it.

The idea of having a Code on Religious Harmony was proposed by the then Prime
Minister (now Senior Minister) Goh Chok Tong in September[1] or October 2002.[2]
This followed strains in racial harmony in the country following the September 11, 2001
attacks in the United States of America and the arrest and detention of members of the
Jemaah Islamiyah terrorist network in Singapore in December 2001.

The Declaration was issued in 2003 by a working committee chaired by Minister of State
Chan Soo Sen and involving the national bodies of all mainstream religious groups in
Singapore, after six months of intense debate over its wording.

Subsequently, an Inter-Religious Harmony Circle (IRHC) comprising representatives of

the religious groups involved in the working committee was formed to promote the
Declaration. The IRHC has encouraged Singaporeans to recite the Declaration during the
week when Racial Harmony Day (21 July) is marked every year.


President of Kazakhstan visits Palace of Peace and Harmony under

construction in Astana

25.07.2006, Kazakhstan Today news agency

ASTANA. Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of Kazakhstan, visited the Palace of Peace

and Harmony under construction at the Right Bank of Ishim river in Astana according to
a design by British architect Norman Foster, presidential press service told Kazakhstan
Today. The Palace of Peace and Harmony will be commissioned this autumn. The second
Forum of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions is planned to be held there, in
which representatives of religious currents and creeds from the whole world plan to
The Palace of Peace and Harmony will include the following premises: a Museum of
National Culture of Kazakhstan, an Opera Theatre for 1,500 seats, a University of
Civilisations, exposition and concert halls, libraries, as well as a research centre of world
religions and spiritual offices. The hall in which the meeting of religious leaders is
expected to take place is designed on the example of a Conference Hall of the UN
Security Council in New York. The altitude of the building is 77 metres, the total area -
25.5 thousand square metres. The general contractor is "Sembol Inshaat" from Turkey.

Visiting Astana, the capital, in September 2001, Pope John Paul II said: "From
Kazakhstan, a country that is an example of harmony between men and women of
different origins and beliefs, I wish to make an earnest call to everyone, Christians and
the followers of other religions, to work together to build a world without violence, a
world that loves life, and grows in justice and solidarity."

Sydney, 30 September 2005

Opening of the Multifaith Conference for Peace and Harmony

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