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2nd Edition

CliniCAl lAborAtoriEs
1 April 2010

International Patient Safety

Goals (IPSG)
The following is a list of all goals. They are presented here for your convenience without their
intent statements, or measurable elements. For more information about these goals, please see the next
in this chapter, Goals, Standards, Intents, and Measurable Elements.
IPSG.1 Identify Patients Correctly
IPSG.2 Improve Effective Communication
IPSG.3 Not applicable for laboratories
IPSG.4 Ensure Correct-Site, Correct-Procedure, Correct-Patient Surgery
IPSG.5 Reduce the Risk of Health CareAssociated Infections
IPSG.6 Not applicable for laboratories

Management and
Leadership (MGT)
The following is a list of all standards. They are presented here for your convenience without their
intent statements, or measurable elements. For more information about these standards, please see the
next section in this chapter, Standards, Intents, and Measurable Elements.

MGT.1 The leaders are responsible for laboratory planning.
MGT.1.1 The leaders plan the type and scope of services to be provided after communicating

with customers regarding their needs.

Contract and Reference Laboratory Services
MGT.1.2 The laboratory director and other leaders define the process for selecting and approving

and reference laboratory services, including services that provide blood and blood products.
Contract Laboratory Services

MGT.1.2.1 The laboratory director is responsible for assuring the consistent performance

of contract laboratory services.

Reference Laboratory Services
MGT.1.2.2 The laboratory director is responsible for assuring the consistent performance

of reference laboratory services.

Resource Planning
MGT.1.3 The leaders are responsible for providing adequate resources for the provision of

planned laboratory services.

Responsibility and Authority

MGT.2 Responsibilities for administrative direction and clinical direction of the laboratory are defined in

writing. In addition, other leadership roles are also defined.

MGT.2.1 The directorship of the laboratory is effective.
MGT.2.2 The laboratory director is responsible for requiring practices that respect the needs of
patients and other customers.

Communication and Coordination

MGT.3 Laboratory leaders provide for communication and coordination throughout the laboratory and

with outside customers.

MGT.3.1 Leaders communicate to laboratory staff the priority of meeting the needs of clinicians,
patients, and other users of laboratory services.
MGT.3.2 Necessary policies are developed for communicating with clinicians who order tests.

Quality Management and Improvement Process

Planning and Coordination of the Quality Management and Improvement Program
MGT.4 Laboratory leaders are responsible for planning, documenting, implementing, and monitoring a

quality management and improvement program.

MGT.4.1 The laboratorys program for process design and quality measurement, analysis, and
improvement is systematic and addresses
the goals of the quality management and improvement system;
all of the quality management and improvement systems components;
the methodology used to measure and improve processes and services; and
the systems used for quality control of laboratory testing and other services.
MGT.4.1.1 Laboratory leaders ensure that the program is coordinated and an appropriate
individual(s) is appointed to implement and manage the process.
MGT.4.1.2 The leaders assign adequate resources to quality management and
improvement activities.
MGT.4.1.3 Leaders communicate the key elements of the quality management and
improvement program to employees.
MGT.4.1.4 The leaders define performance and quality control activities used to
monitor the laboratorys processes and the systems used to ensure proper
operation and control of these processes.
Design of New Processes
MGT.4.1.5 The laboratory designs new and redesigns existing systems and processes

according to quality improvement principles.

MGT.4.1.6 The leaders prioritize which processes are to be measured and which
improvement activities will be implemented.
Data Collection for Quality Measurement
MGT.4.2 The laboratorys leaders identify key measures (indicators) to measure clinical and managerial

structures, processes, and outcomes.

MGT.4.2.1 Quality measurement includes those aspects of the following that are
selected by leaders:
a) The laboratorys safety and infection control programs
b) The laboratorys quality control programs
c) Preanalytic processes, including

patient preparation;
specimen quality processes (collection, labeling, preservation,
transportation, and rejection); and
completeness of requisitions.


d) Postanalytic processes, including

efficient transfer of information;
timeliness of reporting test results;
adequacy of documentation; and
accuracy of reports.
MGT.4.2.2 Managerial measurement includes aspects of the following that are selected
by leaders:
a) The needs, expectations, and satisfaction of individuals and organizations
b) The appropriateness of tests offered
c) Key aspects of the procurement of routinely required supplies and
equipment essential to provide laboratory services
d) Those aspects of laboratory employee expectations and satisfaction
selected by the leaders
e) Those aspects of financial management selected by the leaders
f ) Those aspects of the prevention and control of events that jeopardize
the safety of patients, families, and staff selected by the leaders,
including the International Patient Safety Goals
Analysis of Measurement Data
MGT.4.3 Individuals with appropriate experience, knowledge, and skills systematically aggregate

and analyze data in the laboratory.

MGT.4.4 The frequency of data analysis is appropriate to the process being studied and meets
laboratory requirements.
MGT.4.5 The analysis process includes comparisons internally, with other laboratories when available,
and with published scientific standards and desirable practices.
MGT.4.6 Data are analyzed when undesirable trends and variation are evident from the data.
MGT.4.7 Improvement in quality and safety is achieved and sustained.
MGT.4.8 Improvement and safety activities are undertaken for the priority areas identified by the

laboratorys leaders.
MGT.4.9 An ongoing program of identifying and reducing unanticipated adverse events and safety
risks to patients and staff is defined and implemented.
Quality Management and Improvement Program Review
MGT.4.10 Leaders manage the quality and improvement process and periodically review the

adequacy, and relevance of the monitoring and improvement activities.

Development and
Control of Policies and
Procedures (DCP)

The following is a list of all standards. They are presented here for your convenience, without their
intent statements, or measurable elements. For more information about these standards, please see the
next section in this chapter, Standards, Intents, and Measurable Elements.
DCP.1 The requirements for developing and maintaining the laboratorys policies and procedures are
defined in a written protocol.

Preanalytic Policies and Procedures

DCP.2 Procedures for ordering tests are defined in writing.
DCP.2.1 Policies and procedures are developed to provide step-by-step specimen collection protocols

for each type of specimen submitted to the laboratory.

DCP.2.2 Policies and procedures are developed to guide how specimens are accessioned and
processed in the laboratory.

Analytic Policies and Procedures

DCP.3 The laboratory has current written descriptions and instructions for performing test methods and


Postanalytic Policies and Procedures

DCP.4 The laboratory develops policies, procedures, and controls for the postexamination processes.
DCP.4.1 The laboratory has defined a process for immediate notification of the responsible clinician

when specific critical results indicate that the patients situation is life-threatening.
DCP.4.2 The laboratory has defined the process of measuring turnaround times.
DCP.4.3 The laboratory has a defined process for correcting reported results.

Record and Specimen Retention Requirements

DCP.5 A written protocol defines the storage and maintenance requirements for records, including

retained specimens, slides, tissues, and blocks.


Resource Management
and Laboratory
Environment (RSM)
The following is a list of all standards. They are presented here for your convenience, without their
intent statements, or measurable elements. For more information about these standards, please see the
next section in this chapter, Standards, Intents, and Measurable Elements.

Provision of Resources
RSM.1 The leaders provide sufficient resources to support the ongoing, uninterrupted operation of the

Human Resources
RSM.1.1 Personnel policies and procedures are described in writing and are followed.
Staff Qualifications
RSM.1.2 Pathology and clinical laboratory services are directed by one or more qualified

RSM.1.3 Supervisory staff and other leaders have the appropriate training and expertise to perform
all responsibilities.
RSM.1.4 The director of the laboratory provides an adequate number of qualified staff.
Staff Orientation and Education
RSM.1.5 All new staff members are oriented to the organization and the laboratory area(s) where

they are assigned, as well as to their specific job responsibilities.

RSM.1.6 In-service or other education and training maintain and improve staff competence.

Competence Assessment and Performance Evaluation

RSM.1.7 Following orientation and/or training, and periodically thereafter, the competence of

each staff member to perform assigned tasks is assessed.

Documented Personnel Information

RSM.2 Documented personnel information is maintained for each staff member.


InfrastructureBasic Facilities
RSM.3 Laboratory leaders have planned for basic facilities, including adequate space, utilities, and

Laboratory Space
RSM.3.1 There is sufficient space for all areas under control of the laboratory. The laboratory

leaders have planned and provided for appropriate space for all laboratory areas.
RSM.3.1.1 Spaces for specific laboratory areas are adequate.
Utilities Management
RSM.3.2 A plan for providing and maintaining necessary utilities is defined and implemented.
RSM.3.2.1 There is a system to inspect, test, and maintain critical operating components

for utility systems and to investigate and correct utility system


Laboratory Equipment and Other Materials

RMS.4 Laboratory leaders ensure that analytic and other equipment, as well as other material resources

required for the provision of services, are adequate, appropriate, and available.
RSM.4.1 Laboratory equipment is maintained, tested, and inspected.
RSM.4.1.1 A historical record is maintained for each analytical instrument and piece
of equipment used by the laboratory.
RSM.4.2 Maintenance and inspection ensure that equipment is safe.
RSM.4.3 There are defined processes in place for validating and maintaining computer software
and information, when they are used by the laboratory.
Reagents and Other Supplies
RSM.4.4 The laboratory follows written guidelines for the periodic evaluation of all reagents,

including water, to provide for accuracy and precision of results.

RSM.4.5 Laboratory records include documentation of required information for reagents, and
reagents are completely and accurately labeled.

Safety and Security

RSM.5 There is a plan to ensure that laboratory services and facilities are secure.

Hazardous Materials and Waste

RSM.6 The laboratory has a plan for inventory, handling, storage, and use of hazardous materials and the

control and disposal of hazardous waste.

RSM.6.1 The laboratory uses a coordinated process to reduce the risks of infection as a result of
exposure to biohazardous materials and waste.
RSM.6.2 The laboratory follows defined guidelines for handling and disposing of hazardous
chemicals and waste (including chemotherapeutic materials and waste).
RSM.6.3 If radioactive materials are used in the laboratory, there are processes for safe handling
and monitoring of them.


Work EnvironmentLaboratory Safety

RSM.7 The laboratory designs a safe, accessible, effective, and efficient environment consistent with its

mission, services, and law and regulation.

RSM.7.1 Laboratory leaders address fire safety.
RSM.7.1.1 The laboratory conducts fire drills regularly.

RSM.7.2 Adequate safety devices and equipment are provided.

RSM.7.3 When a laboratory performs electron microscopy, the laboratory has processes to ensure

safety and quality.

Quality Control
Processes (QCP)
The following is a list of all standards. They are presented here for your convenience, without their
intent statements, or measurable elements. For more information about these standards, please see the
next section in this chapter, Standards, Intents, and Measurable Elements.

Quality Control Common to All Areas of Testing

QCP.1 Quality control processes are established for each test method, and data from these processes are

available and used to monitor and ensure the stability of test systems.
QCP.1.1 The laboratory has a program of external graded interlaboratory comparison testing or
proficiency testing for analytes for each specialty and subspecialty for which such testing
is available.
QCP.1.1.1 Proficiency sample testing is performed in the same manner as patient
sample testing.
QCP.1.1.2 The laboratory uses a system for verifying the accuracy and reliability of
test results obtained for those tests not included in the formal proficiency
testing program.
QCP.1.2 The laboratory uses a system to evaluate and correlate the relationship between results for
the same test performed with different methodologies or instruments or at different sites.
QCP.1.3 The laboratory performs initial validation for new instruments and analytical systems to
verify that the method(s) will produce accurate and reliable results.
QCP.1.4 The laboratory validates electronic or internal monitoring systems prior to using them
for routine quality control.
QCP.1.5 Calibration, linearity checks, and other function checks are performed on instruments
and analytic systems used for patient testing.
QCP.1.6 The quality control processes of the laboratory include a coordinated review of patient
results, quality control results, and instrument function checks.
QCP.1.7 The laboratory takes remedial action for deficiencies identified through quality control
measures or authorized inspections and documents such actions.

Specialty Quality Control

QCP.2 There are quality control processes in place for surgical pathology and autopsy services.
QCP.2.1 The laboratory has implemented processes for ensuring the proper identification,

preservation, and documentation of receipt of surgical specimens sent for analysis.

QCP.2.1.1 When immunohistochemistry is performed, the laboratory has appropriate
quality control processes.
QCP.2.2 The laboratory implements quality control and assurance processes for evaluating the
ongoing qualifications of individuals who perform gross analysis of tissue and microscopic
analysis of tissue.
QCP.2.3 There are defined processes to document the ongoing proficiency of individuals who
perform microscopic analysis of tissue.
QCP.2.4 The laboratory has implemented processes to ensure access to required patient information
and to cross-reference such information to assist in providing a complete and proper

QCP.3 A pathologist or physician qualified in cytology maintains the quality of the cytopathology

through direct supervision.
QCP.3.1 The cytology laboratory has a process to measure, assess, and improve quality.

Clinical Laboratory Testing

Clinical Chemistry, Hematology, and Coagulation
QCP.4 The laboratory leaders have defined quality control processes for all clinical chemistry,

and coagulation tests.
QCP.4.1 For tests that produce quantitative results (such as many clinical chemistry, hematology,
and coagulation analyses), laboratory quality meets certain requirements. The laboratory
defines and follows certain quality control guidelines.
QCP.4.2 The laboratory has quality control processes in place for blood film evaluation and differential
QCP.5 The laboratory has quality control processes when performing bacteriology, mycobacteriology,

and mycology.
QCP.5.1 Antimicrobial, antimycobacterial, and antifungal susceptibility testing systems are verified
with approved reference organisms.
QCP.5.2 All stains are tested with appropriate controls.
Molecular Microbiology Testing
QCP.5.3 There are adequate quality control procedures when molecular microbiology testing is



QCP.6 If the laboratory is performing parasitology, appropriate reference materials, equipment, and

are used.
QCP.7 If the laboratory performs tests for identifying viruses, records detailing the systems used and the

reactions observed are maintained.

QCP.7.1 The laboratory uses controls that will identify erroneous results in tests for identifying
Urinalysis and Clinical Microscopy
QCP.8 The laboratory ensures the quality of tests performed in urinalysis and clinical microscopy.
Diagnostic Immunology and Serology
QCP.9 The laboratory runs serologic tests on unknown specimens, including those for syphilis,

with a positive control serum of known titer and a negative control, or controls of graded
reactivity, to ensure specificity of antigen reactivity.
QCP.9.1 Equipment, glassware, reagents, controls, and techniques for syphilis tests conform to
manufacturers specifications.
Radiobioassay and Other Tests Using Radioisotopes
QCP.10 The laboratory uses written quality control procedures that provide diagnostic reliability and

patient and staff safety when it uses in vitro radioisotopes.

QCP.10.1 Any laboratory performing in vivo testing uses an appropriate quality control system for
such testing and equipment performance checks.

Blood Bank and Transfusion Services

Director Responsibility
QCP.11 The director of the blood bank or transfusion services is responsible for developing policies and

procedures and implementing practices that ensure the safety of patients being transfused.
Donor Selection and Testing
QCP.11.1 There are defined procedures and practices for blood donor selection and blood collection.

Staff are trained and assessed as competent to perform these procedures.

QCP.11.1.1 A detailed history of a donor is performed prior to selection for blood
QCP.11.1.2 An adequate physical examination is performed prior to approving the
individual as a blood donor.
QCP.11.1.3 Donor blood is collected safely and aseptically according to a defined
QCP.11.1.4 Written guidelines are implemented when autologous blood is collected.
QCP.11.2 Blood and related donor records are properly identified, and the identification is maintained
from collection through the time the unit is transfused.
QCP.11.3 Donor blood undergoes routine testing before being used for transfusion. In addition,
process controls are used to ensure appropriate tracking and prevent blood from being
released prematurely.
Blood Component Preparation or Modification
QCP.11.4 When components are prepared or modified by the organization, there are defined

procedures for their processing and storage, and appropriate quality control measures
are taken.
Whole Blood
QCP.11.4.1 Tests and processes are used to maintain the quality of whole blood. This

includes whole blood from which components and products are to be

Red Blood Cells
QCP.11.4.2 Defined processes are implemented to maintain the quality of red blood

QCP.11.4.3 Defined processes are used to ensure the quality of platelets.
QCP.11.4.4 Defined processes are used to ensure the quality of plasma.
Cryoprecipitated AHF
QCP.11.4.5 Defined processes are used to ensure the quality of cryoprecipitated AHF.

Blood and Component Storage Requirements (for Donor Facility and Blood
Transfusion Services)
QCP.11.5 The blood bank director ensures that blood and components are stored in a secure and

appropriate fashion in order to prevent damage or deterioration.

QCP.11.5.1 Storage areas used for blood and components are appropriate for the volume
and variety of components stored.
QCP.11.5.2 Storage areas for blood and components are monitored to ensure that
appropriate temperatures are maintained.
QCP.11.6 The laboratory maintains identification and traceability of specimens; reagents; test
results; and blood, blood components, and products.

Blood Transfusion Services

Testing of Blood Prior to Transfusion
QCP.11.7 The laboratory tests donor blood and recipient blood with potent typing sera and adequately

reactive cells of a known type to determine the correct ABO blood group and
Rh type.
QCP.11.7.1 The potency and reliability of reagents used for ABO grouping, Rh typing,
antibody detection, and compatibility determinations are tested for



QCP.11.8 Before blood is administered, appropriate compatibility testing and antibody testing

(except in an emergency) are performed. In addition, other procedural controls are

Selecting Blood and Components for Transfusion
QCP.11.9 Specific procedures are followed when selecting blood and components for transfusion.
Blood Issuance and Transfusion
QCP.11.10The director of the blood transfusion services provides policies and procedures to guide

acceptable practices for blood and component transfusion.

QCP.11.10.1 There are defined processes for checking blood out of the blood bank
before transfusion.
QCP.11.10.2 Specific policies and practices are required before and during blood
Recognizing Suspected Transfusion Reactions
QCP.11.10.3 The director has defined criteria for recognition of transfusion reactions,

as well as steps to take when symptoms occur.

Blood Donor and Transfusion Services Record Requirements
QCP.11.11When the laboratory draws donor blood, prepares blood components, stores blood

and/or components, and/or issues blood for transfusion, there are specific records that
must be maintained.
Histocompatibility Testing
QCP.12 When performing histocompatibility testing, the laboratory uses appropriate screening

for donors and recipients.
QCP.12.1 The laboratory performs mixed lymphocyte cultures or other recognized methods to
detect cellular-defined antigens according to defined methods.
QCP.12.2 The laboratory performs HLA serologic typing of both donor and recipient, as appropriate
to the study or individual procedure performed.
QCP.12.3 Before transplantation is performed, the laboratory crossmatches potential recipients
and donors using the most reactive and recent sera, as appropriate to the study or individual
procedure performed.
QCP.12.4 The laboratory uses reagents and antisera that are specific and verified with appropriate
controls, when available.
QCP.12.5 The laboratory participates in at least one national or regional cell-exchange program, if
available, or develops an exchange system with another laboratory to validate interlaboratory
QCP.12.6 Storage of records and specimens is addressed.
Cytogenetics Testing
QCP.13 Laboratory procedures and practices in cytogenetics provide for accurate results.
QCP.13.1 Laboratory records identify the media used, the reactions observed, and the details of

each step of the identification procedure.

QCP.13.2 The laboratory obtains and includes in the interpretative report all required clinical
QCP.13.3 The laboratory maintains individual sample identification during all phases of testing
and reporting.
Molecular Testing
QCP.14 The laboratory follows written policies and procedures for molecular testing.
QCP.14.1 Validation studies include representatives from each specimen type expected to be tested

in the assay and specimens representing the scope of reportable results.

QCP.14.2 The laboratory establishes quality control limits, reference ranges, and reportable ranges.
QCP.14.3 The laboratory verifies each test run of patient samples in molecular pathology, using
quality controls.
QCP.14.4 Molecular testing reports include specific testing information.
Molecular Genetics

QCP.14.5 The laboratory follows written policies and procedures for molecular genetic testing.
QCP.14.6 Molecular genetic testing reports include specific testing information.


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