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It is never too late to have a happy childhood!

Tom Robbins

Relief campaign DAR din DAR

Nongovernmental organization Development and Social Inclusion (NGO) invites you to join
to relief campaign "Dar din Dar".
The campaign shall be performed during December 1 25, 2014 and aims to raise funds for two
girls from Tuzara village, Calarasi district:
Maria PARAPIR, born on August 27, 2009, identification number:
Maria, at her young age, was diagnosed with a serious illness - Hodgkin
lymphoma (cancer of the lymphatic system), version of nodular
sclerosis, cell phase with moderate number of lacunar cells by affecting
right submandibular lymph node, mediastinum, g/l paratracheal, lung,
trachea region, st. IIA
Treatments performed so far (radiotherapy) were unsuccessful due to
her age. Drugs that could help Maria to feel better are very expensive
for her family.
Maria is raised only by her mother in whose care is permanent. In
these circumstances, the girl's mother is not able to work to pay for
her treatment, therefore appealed to the goodwill of the people.
Another child who needs your help is Teodora GORBULEAC, born on
August 20, 2009.
Although, at her age she should go to school, Teodora is bedridden, being
diagnosed with cerebral palsy.
Children diagnosed with cerebral palsy have big chance of healing if they
are following long-term treatment compound with gym and appropriate
therapy, but that requires the involvement of specialists in the field. In
addition to human efforts, such treatment, also requires financial
resources, which the Gorbuleac family not have.

With each passing day, the problems of these two girl worsens, depriving them from the joy of
being a child, if they will not receive the adequate treatment. Each of us can help these two girls,
giving them a Christmas gift - the chance to life.
On December 28, 2014, raised money within the campaign "Dar din dar" shall be handed to the
parents of those 2 girls, Maria and Anna.
The donations for those children can be performed:
Social assistent of the Tuzara village, Calarasi district, Mrs. Cristina Negru. phone: 024426659;

Familia Parapir: phone: +373 244 23 769

Familia Gorbuleac: phone: +373 244 26240; +373 68068794 (mob)
Nongovernmental Organization Development and Social Inclusion in its name and of
beneficiaries, children with severe disabilities Parapir Maria and Gorbuleac Teodora of
Tuzara village, Calarasi district wish to thank donors for their contribution to the charity
campaign DAR din DAR:


1. Company VIOVADA SRL, in person of Mr.Vasile Camerzan

2. Village Hall Tuzara in person of Mayor Mr.Gheorghe Railean,
3. Members of the Organization Development and Social Inclusion
Students from the Faculty of Economics of the State University of Moldova (M. Puiu, T.
Antonciuc, L. aranu, M. Chele, D. Scurtu, C. Anton, Cr. Cibotari)
Students from the Lyceum Gheorghe Asachi of the Chisinau municipality (Mihai and Artion
6. Volunteers Ghenadie and Ion Mrza from Calarasi district
In hope that this collaboration will not stop here, the Organization thanks donors and wish
you success in future activities.
Sincerely yours,
Ghenadie Timofti
Nongovernmental Organization Development and Social Inclusion

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