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Al-Khwarizmi College of Engineering

Automated Manufacturing Operations Department

Creating an Online Trouble

Ticketing System


The Online ticket system:

First, I would like to define, basically, what is an online ticket system. An online ticket system is a
piece of software that not only manages and maintains customer/employee issues through a
content type known as a trouble ticket, but also serves the site online on the internet.
Until recently, support ticket systems had to be installed and maintained locally onto a
company's/organization servers.
An online ticket system eliminates Al-Khwarizmis need to buy and manage servers internally as
well as hire staff to manage and manually update the software.
Of course, this type of system is considered as type of employing an E-Government system to AlKhwarizmi College of engineering. Making us one the leading Engineering colleges to embrace
such system and put it into actual use. Utilizing each benefit, and propelling the college into new
and great statures.
In addition to that, the basic Goal (advantage) of the E-Government, Which is what we are
inspiring to implement in our college, is to be able to offer an increased portfolio of public
services to citizens/employees in an efficient and cost effective manner. E-government allows for
government transparency. Government transparency is important because it allows the
public/employees to be informed about what the government (in our case, our college) is
working on as well as the policies they are trying to implement. Simple tasks may be easier to
perform through electronic government access.
The Online ticket system helps simplify processes and makes Al-Khwarizmi information more
easily accessible for public sector agencies and citizens.

How Businesses Use an Online Ticket System:

Here is an example scenario to demonstrate how a ticketing system works:
1. An employee communicates an order/issue (problem, question, etc.) through a channel: a
telephone call, email, chat or other communication.
2. An employee advocate is made aware of the task and transforms that piece of
communication, regardless of its original medium into a trouble ticket from within the trouble
ticket system.
3. The employee advocate then uses the ticket as direct communication with the employee and
records that information (employee name, number, email, account number, department, when
and how the issue occurs, and all other relevant circumstances). And sets off to resolve the
trouble ticket in the trouble ticket systems workflow.

4. As corrective action is taken on the issue, the related support ticket is routed through the
support ticketing system in a streamlined workflow, updated with new data by the employee
advocate and delivered to the customer (usually by email).
5. After the issue has been fully addressed, it is marked as resolved in the hosted ticket system.

How can we adapt the system to Al-Khwarizmi organizational system?

A- Ticketing System is a 100 percent web based system. Ticketing System is at a central
location. Our primary place of work. From there we can dispatch tickets to
workers/employees. Workers/employees can "pickup" their tickets from their location,
either at the college or at their house or even on the road. Being web based allows our
system to cover large areas. Geographical location means nothing. Workers/employees
that support (work the tickets) can be in the same college or around the university.

B- Ticketing System manages workload by issuing tickets when some orders or problems
arise. For example, The Procurement Committee, which take care of purchasing
whatever the college needs based on certain directions and/or procedures. If one
employee has an order or a problem with their equipment (and need a new one). He can
open a ticket (Fill the purchasing form as well). Opening a ticket is merely describing what
needs to be done for the employee. We can load in dozens or hundreds of tickets into
Ticketing System. That way the orders/problems are cataloged, sortable, and under our

C- Tickets are managed by moving them from one queue to another until the
order/problem is fulfilled or fixed. When an employee first opens a ticket it goes in as
NEW status. New tickets sit in the NEW tickets queue. The ticket administrator reviews
the tickets, calling the employee or the responsible department if more information is
required. When the ticket is ready it gets dispatched to a worker. This moves the ticket
into the Dispatched queue. The worker takes ownership over the ticket.

D- Tickets can come in from ordinary paper forms or from the web. Tickets can come from
an office, field workers, and scientific departments. If you would like a ticket interface on
your site that is not a problem.

E- Ticket System manages problems by putting the ticket in the hands of your workers.
Once a ticket is opened, the next step is to dispatch it. Dispatching a ticket means that
you assign it to a worker who takes over responsibility for the ticket. Within Ticketing
System, you maintain a list of employees (or workers) in a database. These people work
the tickets. They can be employees or ordinary workers. Dispatching a ticket places that
ticket in your employee work queue. It then sends them email notification stating that
you have dispatched a ticket to them and it needs to be worked.

F- Every worker has a queue within Ticketing System and can see only the tickets assigned
to them Upon receiving the email, the vendor logs into their area (you maintain their
username and password) where they take control of the ticket. When they do, you see it
in your system. Now the vendor works the ticket. As they work, they report what they
have done onto the ticket, along with any parts they have purchased. You, with
administrator rights, can see everything that is being done.

G- Ticketing System easily manages hundreds of problems simultaneously. Ticketing System

organizes the workload. It organizes hundreds of problems into manageable jobs. By
assigning each department in our college to certain type of tickets and forms. This allows
them to manage hundreds of jobs at one time. Thus, work stress and workload becomes
a matter of managing tickets. You have the reports and visibility required to handle
hundreds of open tickets. With your employees working only the tickets assigned to
them, it is easy to manage dozens of employees and hundreds of tickets.

H- Ticketing System works beautifully making an organizational marvel out of chaos. All the
problems organized onto tickets. Employees too have instant status of their open tickets.
As the ticket administrator, you will know when every ticket was opened. You will know
when every ticket went into work. You will be able to sort tickets by department, by
employee, and by due date. Managing a complicated and stressful workload becomes
easy when you have the right tool.

Moreover, by combining both the regular paper procedures together with the fast and
more efficient online ticket system, we will be able to move with more ease from the
ancient forms of administrative procedures to what the modern world is dealing with
right now.

The following chart add more light to what I have been talking about:

The Hierarchy of the combined Online/Regular Administrative

System of Al-Khwarizmi College of Engineering


Inbound and outbound

Online Ticket Portal

The Ticket is issued

Regular Paperwork

The Ticket goes to the

specified department

The Dean office

The Ticket/
Paper order

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