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Our Lady Of Lebanon Parish - Toronto

Maronite Catholic Church - Served by the Antonine Maronite Order

fhQdG ffG fgdG eJ ,fhQJ - d IS YQ

Pastor: Fr. Youssef Chedid OAM Associate Pastor: Fr. Elie Abou Assaf OAM
JK design Group, Inc
Joe Khalil, Tel: 416-939-2961

this % with

Granite-Quartz counter top, Tile & hardwood
29 Hardwood Ave. South, Ajax, Ontario

Opening of the Liturgical Year sdG dG aG

Zee Designs
Diamond manufacture

Expert in special order:

engagement Rings,
Wedding Bands,
Diamond Earings.

Norma: Cell: 647 608 3143

(416) 590-0059

Sunday, November 30th, 2014: Visitation of the Virgin Mary to Elisabeth

E AGQdG QjR MGC :2014 dG jJ 30 MG

Mass Intentions


Sunday, November 30th, 2014

2014 fdG jJ 30 MG

Visitation of the Virgin Mary to Elisabeth

Tony Jaja
Mutual Funds Representative
9200 Bathrust Street, Unit 29
Thornhill, ON L4J 8W1
Phone: 905-882-9600 Fax: 905-882-9601
Toll Free: 1-866-996-2111 SFISCC Call Centre: 1-866-814-6597


Assumption cemetery (905) 670-8801

Holy Cross cemetery (905) 889-7467

Global Logistics Management Inc.

Air Freight, Ocean freight,
Custom clearance
Beirut, Dubai, Jordan,
Saudi-Arabia, Doha

Dina Bakhit
Tel : 905-501-9958. Cell : 416-300-5025
151 Brunel Road Units # 18 & 19,
Mississauga, L4Z 2H6


10:30am: For the intentions of Our Lady of Lebanon parishioners

12:30pm: 40 Days Memorial mass for the late Musa Karram
offered by his wife Sonia and his children Raymond, Toni & Nada
wife of Joseph Bou-Khalil
7:00pm: For the intentions of Our Lady of Lebanon parishioners

Thursday, December 4th, 2014

Santa Barbara Feast

2014 hG fc 4 dG

Saint Barbara, a Virgin Martyr, is the patron saint of firefighters,

soldiers, prisoners, stone masons, those who have dangerous
professions, construction workers, builders, mathematicians, and
the city of Santa Barbara, California. She died by the sword, but her
killers were struck down by lightning, so she is often called on for
protection from lightning and for protection from violent and
unpredictable death. She is one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers.

Sunday, December 7 , 2014

Birth ofJohn the Baptist

Our best wishes to Mr. Michel & Mrs. Chantal Cadoum on the
Baptism of their daughter Melina on Saturday November 29th, 2014.

2014 hG fc 7 MG
GG sMj de MGC

10:30am, 12:30pm & 7:00pm (pickering): For the intentions

of Our Lady of Lebanon parishioners

First Communion 2015

Children in grade 2 will be accepted for Catechism in preparation
for their first communion in our parish. Please register your child
before January 10th, 2015: You will find the form in the church
office. The Catechism for first communion will be every Saturday
from 3 to 5 pm in the Church beginning Saturday January 17th,
2015. The First Communion celebration is on May 3rd, 2015.

Blessed Sacrament Adoration: December 5th, 2014

Join us this first Friday of the month for adoration in the church at 8pm.

Church Income (November 16th, 2014)

Collection, $2358.00

Donation, $850.00

Grand Total, $3208.00

OLOL parish thanks all the families for their annual donation of $300 CND.

.d IS d QhO 300 H jdG gdG f

December 6th

Dr. Raymond G. Fayad



Mass Schedule: Saturdays at 6:30 pm, Sundays at 10:30 am & 12:30 pm at OLOL church (1515 Queen St. W., Toronto, ON)
Sundays at 7:00pm at Holy Redeemer Church (796 Eyer Dr., Pickering, ON)
1515 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario M6R 1A5 Phone: 416-534-7070. Fax: 416-530-4103.

Christmas Schedule 2014-2015

Gospel ( Luke 1:39-45)

A reading from the Letter of Saint Paul the Apostle to the Ephesians, (1:1-14)
Your blessings Father
Brothers and sisters, Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, To the saints
who are in Ephesus and are faithful in Christ Jesus: Grace to you and peace from God
our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places,
just as he chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and
blameless before him in love. He destined us for adoption as his children through Jesus
Christ, according to the good pleasure of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace that
he freely bestowed on us in the Beloved. In him we have redemption through his blood,
the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace that he lavished
on us. With all wisdom and insight he has made known to us the mystery of his will,
according to his good pleasure that he set forth in Christ, as a plan for the fullness of
time, to gather up all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth. In Christ we
have also obtained an inheritance, having been destined according to the purpose of
him who accomplishes all things according to his counsel and will, so that we, who were
the first to set our hope on Christ, might live for the praise of his glory. In him you also,
when you had heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and had believed in
him, were marked with the seal of the promised Holy Spirit; this is the pledge of our
inheritance toward redemption as Gods own people, to the praise of his glory. Praise
be to God always.

During those days Mary set out and

traveled to the hill country in haste to a
town of Judah, where she entered the
house of Zechariah and greeted
Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary's
greeting, the infant leaped in her womb,
and Elizabeth, filled with the holy Spirit,
cried out in a loud voice and said, "Most
blessed are you among women, and
blessed is the fruit of your womb. And
how does this happen to me, that the
mother of my Lord should come to me?
For at the moment the sound of your
greeting reached my ears, the infant in
my womb leaped for joy. Blessed are
you who believed that what was spoken
to you by the Lord would be fulfilled."
This is the truth. Peace be with you.

(45-1/39 bd) G
n rJp :ndG bndo nb
r enbn ,jsCnG
mnjpen pGE ,nn`dG pGE kYnpreo
r ngnPnhn
n rHn
r nsnSh ,jspcnRn
r nNnOnh .GPnojn
nnS oHnndppGE
r npnS sdnh .HnndpGE
Cn nerGhn ,prHn
o pn`dG nnJnQrG ,jnren
JpnU nYrCnHp
r nnnan .SoodG phtdG npe
oInnKn lcnQneohn ,AnudG pfrGCn lcnQnoe' :
r dnbnh
p prHn
HuQ to GC
s pGE nJprCJn rGCn Gngn njrGCn reph !
,sfnoPo GC ppenS ornU nbnhn oroe nan ?
Hnoan ! prHn kLnprHG
o pn`dG nnJnQrG
pnbp rpe ndn nbp e tpnnS ofsGCn
r nneGB spd
.p oenCGh vMn .!'qndG

dH Qe cnQH pcdG H ,njqb neeGC nd fQnNGh H cnQH dG dG
n QJ
k L Gken dGE oj EG bdh .aGC gGC GE pdSQ

n bdG HdGE Aod g

,lL gh SdG phdG ep qMj CneG .jG pdGh dG pdG H AdG g .dG
C eGh
p cd H njQGh Ad hqCG oG jn .GQkMh Mka tc oVQCG r
?sf c .qdG eM jnep e Y ofh ,HdG H osf ,JM lVM dG
HdGEh jucR QnNG c fQNG dG ?HQO gf jdG jNBG pb
o uof GPe
GC tQ j guGC .d ndcG sdhDGh ndG pdp a dG AfGE b fQnNG .eh qMjh
.eGB .fojoJ nc nf

Saturday Dec 20th, 2014

Mass at 6:30 pm (with Novena)
Sunday Dec 21st, 2014: The genealogy of Jesus
Masses at 10:30 am & 12:30 pm (with Novena)
7 pm in Pickering (with Novena)
Wednesday Dec 24th, 2014: The glorious birth of the Lord
Midnight Mass at 11:00 pm
Thursday Dec 25th, 2014: The glorious birth of the Lord
Masses at 10:30 am & 12:30 pm
7 pm in Pickering
Friday Dec 26th, 2014: Marys Congratulations
Mass at 7:00 pm
Saturday Dec 27th, 2014
Mass at 6:30 pm
Sunday Dec 28th, 2014: First Sunday after the glorious birth of the Lord
Masses at 10:30 am & 12:30 pm
7 pm in Pickering
Wednesday Dec 31st, 2015: Thanksgiving for the past year
Mass at 8:00 pm
Thursday Jan 1st, 2014: The circumcision of the Lord Jesus (New Year's Day)
Mass at 11:00 am

(14- 1: 1GC) aG pgnGC GE SndG dH jqdG pdnSQp rep lra

uS j
r QpHh
n pjupdG pGE ,dG pnpnpH nojn ppn`dGp oSQn ,odHo rep ,JpnNpGE j
noanGCn go njpsdG
n QnnJn ! pn`dG nojn usdGh nHpGCn pdG nep osdGh odn onrudGCn :ojn pn`dG Apneno CGh
pa fnQnnNrG ofspEa ;pn`dG pGhnnsdG msMphQo mcnnnH uoHp ncnQnHn dsG ,pn`dG nojn nHuQn HoGCn
Ipsood fnOnsnan ppsnnpH nnnS rbnh ;na nrYn ,pjubp pJpnrMn nondp ,dnndG ApnfrpGE nrbn
nrnYn npH nnfrGCn sdG ppnrfp pren prndp ,ppnpen nVQp pnnHp ,ppLrGCn reph ,pn`dG nonHp
uco nrnYn nnVanGCn sdG ,ppnrfp nZp pnnHp ,ssdG Ionpren GCn ,pepnHp AoGnpdG ndn pah ;pn`dG

n HprJn nunodp ,pn`dG onnnan nnnS sdG onVQp pnnHp ,ppnpen spS nansYn rbnh ;ranhn mnrMp
;VQrCnG Yn enh pGhnsdG ne ,AnT sco mMpGhn mSrGCQn
n rJn ppn`dG nnrnan ,nepRrCnG Aprep
ApnnpH AmnT sco onrjn sdG ngo ,pprbn pnnpH fnOnsnan nnnS rbnh ,ond KkG
n ep fnQnnNrG kjrGCn pah
,kjrnGC ofrGCn pah ;fn AnLnQ ppn`dG nrnna nrnnS njpdsG orfn ,pprndp Mkren nondp ,ppnpen
ngoh ,ppH OpYon`dG pSoodG phtdpH rorpNo ,orenGBh ,opUNn npfrpGE GCn ,un`dG nnpcn orpnS rGCn nrHn
.kpFGO pd ondGh .ppren prndph ,nnbrG dsG pprnT ApGnpdp ,nKpG
n ep oHoYo

Monday Dec 15th to Tuesday Dec 23rd, 2014 (Weekdays): Christmas Novena
Confessions: 6:30 - 7:00 pm
Mass and Christmas Novena: 7:00 - 8:00 pm

Sunday Jan 4th, 2015: The finding of the Lord in the temple
Masses at 10:30 am & 12:30 pm
7 pm in Pickering
Tuesday Jan 6th, 2015: The glorious Epiphany of the Lord
Mass at 7:00 pm

Keep in touch!

Christmas Spiritual Retreat

Dear parishioners, if your address has recently

The Sacred Heart family in our parish is organizing a spiritual retreat to help us prepare for the Christmas spirit. All parishioners are
invited to join us on Saturday December 20th, 2014 from 10:00am to 6:00pm at MARYLAKE RETREAT CENTRE (13760 Keele Street,
King City). Fees: $10.00 per car. Please provide your own lunch and register your name with: Jean Aoun 416-834-8585 or Ramona AbiJaoud 647-287-8421

changed, please contact the office of the parish

to update our records.

Contact us
Please contact the office of the parish to arrange
for any sacrament of the Church.
Office hours: Mon thru Fri from

10:00am to 3:00pm
Marriage: A marriage preparation course is

necessary. Please call the Priest one year before

the planned wedding date and before arranging
the hall.
Baptism: Please make an appointment one

month in advance.
Ministry of the Sick: Inform the priest for

Confession: By appointment or before the Mass.

Novena for the construction of our new church

Sixth Sunday
God, almighty Father, from the creation of the universe, you guide
humanity towards yourself in loving care. In your son Jesus you call
us to be brothers and sisters, to serve you and to witness your
love in our daily life. Through the Holy Spirit you gather us in one
church as a community of faith in the image of the Holy Family of
Nazareth to love you, adore you and give you thanks. We entrust
you with the entire endeavor of the construction of our new church,
the one in flesh and the one in stone. Through the example of
Jesus Christ, make us generous donors and strong builders of your
Kingdom, so that we can be united, and hand in hand, build in
Toronto, a new and holy church, a temple of your presence among
us and a home for each of our families. We ask you this, through
the intercession of the Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Lebanon, and all
the saints. Amen.

Neuvaine pour la construction de notre nouvelle glise

Sizime Dimanche
Dieu le Pre tout puissant, depuis la cration de lunivers tu guides
lhumanit vers toi avec bienveillance et amour. En Jsus, ton fils,
tu nous appelles tre frres et surs, pour te servir et tmoigner
de ton amour dans nos vies quotidiennes. Par lEsprit Saint tu nous
rassembles en glise, tu fais de nous une communaut de foi
limage de la Sainte Famille de Nazareth pour taimer, tadorer et te
rendre grce. Nous te confions toutes nos dmarches pour le
projet de la construction de notre nouvelle glise, celle de la chair
et de la pierre. A lexemple de Jsus-Christ, fais de nous des
donateurs gnreux et des btisseurs forts de ton Royaume, afin
que nous puissions tre solidaires et, mains en mains, nous
btissions, Toronto, une glise nouvelle et sainte, temple de ta
prsence parmi nous et maison pour chacune de nos familles.
Nous te le demandons par lintercession de la Vierge Marie, Notre
Dame du Liban et de tous les saints. Amen

Christmas Schedule 2014-2015

Gospel ( Luke 1:39-45)

A reading from the Letter of Saint Paul the Apostle to the Ephesians, (1:1-14)
Your blessings Father
Brothers and sisters, Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, To the saints
who are in Ephesus and are faithful in Christ Jesus: Grace to you and peace from God
our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places,
just as he chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and
blameless before him in love. He destined us for adoption as his children through Jesus
Christ, according to the good pleasure of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace that
he freely bestowed on us in the Beloved. In him we have redemption through his blood,
the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace that he lavished
on us. With all wisdom and insight he has made known to us the mystery of his will,
according to his good pleasure that he set forth in Christ, as a plan for the fullness of
time, to gather up all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth. In Christ we
have also obtained an inheritance, having been destined according to the purpose of
him who accomplishes all things according to his counsel and will, so that we, who were
the first to set our hope on Christ, might live for the praise of his glory. In him you also,
when you had heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and had believed in
him, were marked with the seal of the promised Holy Spirit; this is the pledge of our
inheritance toward redemption as Gods own people, to the praise of his glory. Praise
be to God always.

During those days Mary set out and

traveled to the hill country in haste to a
town of Judah, where she entered the
house of Zechariah and greeted
Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary's
greeting, the infant leaped in her womb,
and Elizabeth, filled with the holy Spirit,
cried out in a loud voice and said, "Most
blessed are you among women, and
blessed is the fruit of your womb. And
how does this happen to me, that the
mother of my Lord should come to me?
For at the moment the sound of your
greeting reached my ears, the infant in
my womb leaped for joy. Blessed are
you who believed that what was spoken
to you by the Lord would be fulfilled."
This is the truth. Peace be with you.

(45-1/39 bd) G
n rJp :ndG bndo nb
r enbn ,jsCnG
mnjpen pGE ,nn`dG pGE kYnpreo
r ngnPnhn
n rHn
r nsnSh ,jspcnRn
r nNnOnh .GPnojn
nnS oHnndppGE
r npnS sdnh .HnndpGE
Cn nerGhn ,prHn
o pn`dG nnJnQrG ,jnren
JpnU nYrCnHp
r nnnan .SoodG phtdG npe
oInnKn lcnQneohn ,AnudG pfrGCn lcnQnoe' :
r dnbnh
p prHn
HuQ to GC
s pGE nJprCJn rGCn Gngn njrGCn reph !
,sfnoPo GC ppenS ornU nbnhn oroe nan ?
Hnoan ! prHn kLnprHG
o pn`dG nnJnQrG
pnbp rpe ndn nbp e tpnnS ofsGCn
r nneGB spd
.p oenCGh vMn .!'qndG

dH Qe cnQH pcdG H ,njqb neeGC nd fQnNGh H cnQH dG dG
n QJ
k L Gken dGE oj EG bdh .aGC gGC GE pdSQ

n bdG HdGE Aod g

,lL gh SdG phdG ep qMj CneG .jG pdGh dG pdG H AdG g .dG
C eGh
p cd H njQGh Ad hqCG oG jn .GQkMh Mka tc oVQCG r
?sf c .qdG eM jnep e Y ofh ,HdG H osf ,JM lVM dG
HdGEh jucR QnNG c fQNG dG ?HQO gf jdG jNBG pb
o uof GPe
GC tQ j guGC .d ndcG sdhDGh ndG pdp a dG AfGE b fQnNG .eh qMjh
.eGB .fojoJ nc nf

Saturday Dec 20th, 2014

Mass at 6:30 pm (with Novena)
Sunday Dec 21st, 2014: The genealogy of Jesus
Masses at 10:30 am & 12:30 pm (with Novena)
7 pm in Pickering (with Novena)
Wednesday Dec 24th, 2014: The glorious birth of the Lord
Midnight Mass at 11:00 pm
Thursday Dec 25th, 2014: The glorious birth of the Lord
Masses at 10:30 am & 12:30 pm
7 pm in Pickering
Friday Dec 26th, 2014: Marys Congratulations
Mass at 7:00 pm
Saturday Dec 27th, 2014
Mass at 6:30 pm
Sunday Dec 28th, 2014: First Sunday after the glorious birth of the Lord
Masses at 10:30 am & 12:30 pm
7 pm in Pickering
Wednesday Dec 31st, 2015: Thanksgiving for the past year
Mass at 8:00 pm
Thursday Jan 1st, 2014: The circumcision of the Lord Jesus (New Year's Day)
Mass at 11:00 am

(14- 1: 1GC) aG pgnGC GE SndG dH jqdG pdnSQp rep lra

uS j
r QpHh
n pjupdG pGE ,dG pnpnpH nojn ppn`dGp oSQn ,odHo rep ,JpnNpGE j
noanGCn go njpsdG
n QnnJn ! pn`dG nojn usdGh nHpGCn pdG nep osdGh odn onrudGCn :ojn pn`dG Apneno CGh
pa fnQnnNrG ofspEa ;pn`dG pGhnnsdG msMphQo mcnnnH uoHp ncnQnHn dsG ,pn`dG nojn nHuQn HoGCn
Ipsood fnOnsnan ppsnnpH nnnS rbnh ;na nrYn ,pjubp pJpnrMn nondp ,dnndG ApnfrpGE nrbn
nrnYn npH nnfrGCn sdG ppnrfp pren prndp ,ppnpen nVQp pnnHp ,ppLrGCn reph ,pn`dG nonHp
uco nrnYn nnVanGCn sdG ,ppnrfp nZp pnnHp ,ssdG Ionpren GCn ,pepnHp AoGnpdG ndn pah ;pn`dG

n HprJn nunodp ,pn`dG onnnan nnnS sdG onVQp pnnHp ,ppnpen spS nansYn rbnh ;ranhn mnrMp
;VQrCnG Yn enh pGhnsdG ne ,AnT sco mMpGhn mSrGCQn
n rJn ppn`dG nnrnan ,nepRrCnG Aprep
ApnnpH AmnT sco onrjn sdG ngo ,pprbn pnnpH fnOnsnan nnnS rbnh ,ond KkG
n ep fnQnnNrG kjrGCn pah
,kjrnGC ofrGCn pah ;fn AnLnQ ppn`dG nrnna nrnnS njpdsG orfn ,pprndp Mkren nondp ,ppnpen
ngoh ,ppH OpYon`dG pSoodG phtdpH rorpNo ,orenGBh ,opUNn npfrpGE GCn ,un`dG nnpcn orpnS rGCn nrHn
.kpFGO pd ondGh .ppren prndph ,nnbrG dsG pprnT ApGnpdp ,nKpG
n ep oHoYo

Monday Dec 15th to Tuesday Dec 23rd, 2014 (Weekdays): Christmas Novena
Confessions: 6:30 - 7:00 pm
Mass and Christmas Novena: 7:00 - 8:00 pm

Sunday Jan 4th, 2015: The finding of the Lord in the temple
Masses at 10:30 am & 12:30 pm
7 pm in Pickering
Tuesday Jan 6th, 2015: The glorious Epiphany of the Lord
Mass at 7:00 pm

Keep in touch!

Christmas Spiritual Retreat

Dear parishioners, if your address has recently

The Sacred Heart family in our parish is organizing a spiritual retreat to help us prepare for the Christmas spirit. All parishioners are
invited to join us on Saturday December 20th, 2014 from 10:00am to 6:00pm at MARYLAKE RETREAT CENTRE (13760 Keele Street,
King City). Fees: $10.00 per car. Please provide your own lunch and register your name with: Jean Aoun 416-834-8585 or Ramona AbiJaoud 647-287-8421

changed, please contact the office of the parish

to update our records.

Contact us
Please contact the office of the parish to arrange
for any sacrament of the Church.
Office hours: Mon thru Fri from

10:00am to 3:00pm
Marriage: A marriage preparation course is

necessary. Please call the Priest one year before

the planned wedding date and before arranging
the hall.
Baptism: Please make an appointment one

month in advance.
Ministry of the Sick: Inform the priest for

Confession: By appointment or before the Mass.

Novena for the construction of our new church

Sixth Sunday
God, almighty Father, from the creation of the universe, you guide
humanity towards yourself in loving care. In your son Jesus you call
us to be brothers and sisters, to serve you and to witness your
love in our daily life. Through the Holy Spirit you gather us in one
church as a community of faith in the image of the Holy Family of
Nazareth to love you, adore you and give you thanks. We entrust
you with the entire endeavor of the construction of our new church,
the one in flesh and the one in stone. Through the example of
Jesus Christ, make us generous donors and strong builders of your
Kingdom, so that we can be united, and hand in hand, build in
Toronto, a new and holy church, a temple of your presence among
us and a home for each of our families. We ask you this, through
the intercession of the Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Lebanon, and all
the saints. Amen.

Neuvaine pour la construction de notre nouvelle glise

Sizime Dimanche
Dieu le Pre tout puissant, depuis la cration de lunivers tu guides
lhumanit vers toi avec bienveillance et amour. En Jsus, ton fils,
tu nous appelles tre frres et surs, pour te servir et tmoigner
de ton amour dans nos vies quotidiennes. Par lEsprit Saint tu nous
rassembles en glise, tu fais de nous une communaut de foi
limage de la Sainte Famille de Nazareth pour taimer, tadorer et te
rendre grce. Nous te confions toutes nos dmarches pour le
projet de la construction de notre nouvelle glise, celle de la chair
et de la pierre. A lexemple de Jsus-Christ, fais de nous des
donateurs gnreux et des btisseurs forts de ton Royaume, afin
que nous puissions tre solidaires et, mains en mains, nous
btissions, Toronto, une glise nouvelle et sainte, temple de ta
prsence parmi nous et maison pour chacune de nos familles.
Nous te le demandons par lintercession de la Vierge Marie, Notre
Dame du Liban et de tous les saints. Amen

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