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Feldman’s Review

Cecil – Art 1
Okay, let’s refresh. What are the Elements of Art?
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.

Mnemonic Device:

And what are the Principles of Design?

1. 4.
2. 5.
3. 6.

Mnemonic Device:

Let’s make an outline just like you have been given, try to fill in what goes for each part without
looking at your outline first, then peek if you need to. I did (a.) and (b.) for you
Step 1 is ___________________
a. Title
b. Artist
Step 2 is _________________
Step 3 is _________________
Step 4 is _________________
Feldman’s Review Cecil – Art 1
Make sure you remember to supply all the information for each step. This outline will help you
remember everything you need in analyzing artwork.

Rank sentences from best to worse, 1 being the highest.

___The painting has curvy and sharp lines.
___There are lines in the painting
___The painting uses curved lines to make the shape of the head and sharp lines in the hands.
___ The painting uses lines in the head and hands.

Rank sentences from best to worse, 1 being the highest.

___The artwork is expressive because there are recognizable elements but some are not real.
___The artwork is expressive because it is not real.
___The artwork is expressive because the person is recognizable but is simplified in shape, with a
lack of form, making it expressive.
___The artwork is expressive because the person is recognizable but some parts of the person are
not real.

Rank sentences from best to worse, 1 being the highest.

___Both artworks use line and balance
___Both artworks use line and balance. The first work uses short curvy lines in the clouds, the other
uses long straight lines in the woman’s clothes and body.
___Both artworks use line and balance. The first work uses short curvy lines in the clouds, the other
uses long straight lines in the woman’s clothes and body. Balance is created in the first work by
placing clouds and other organic shapes on both sides of the mountain in the center, while the other
work balances out the page by making the woman symmetrical along the center of the page.
___Both artworks use line and balance. The first work uses lines in the clouds, the other uses lines in
the woman’s clothes and body.

These would be the grades for the previous sentences.

Rank 1: A
Rank 2: B
Rank 3: C
Rank 4: D

Feldman’s Method mnemonic device:

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