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What is Electromagnetic Energy

Electromagnetic energy is one of the greatest phenomena of physics. Let us study what is
electromagnetic energy, how it is defined and a few facts about electromagnetic energy.

Have you ever given a thought to the microwave which cooks your food with ease and within
minutes? If not microwave oven, then what about the light bulb over your head, or the X-ray
machine which gave you the good news that your hand is not broken? Have you thought about
their mechanisms? All this wonders of modern life run on the basis of an amazing phenomenon
called electromagnetic energy. We are surrounded by this energy and our life would have been
completely different if this phenomenon was not discovered or understood by mankind. This
energy is said to be in the form of waves. However, according to Einstein and Max Plank,
"Electromagnetic radiation exists in the form of particles called photons. Each particle or photon
is an extremely small grain of energy - an energy packet - so to speak". Is it possible for
electromagnetic energy to be both waves and energy packets? Well, the answer has been found
to be both, which further deepens the mystery behind the electromagnetism.
Electromagnetic energy is said to be the type of energy which comes from electromagnetic
waves. These radiation travels with the speed of light and can be composed of radio waves, TV
waves, radar waves, heat, light, X-rays, visible waves, etc. The Sun, the earth and the
ionosphere are main sources of electromagnetic energy in nature.
Study of Electromagnetism
There is a great deal of confusion about who exactly discovered electromagnetic waves,
electromagnetic radiation or electromagnetic energy. However, the first records found in relation
to electromagnetic energy described that electromagnetism was first discovered in 1820 by Hans
Christian Orsted, a Danish physicist and chemist. As he was setting up the apparatus to prepare
for an evening lecture, he noticed that fluctuation in the electric current deflected the compass
needle from its magnetic north, as and when he switched the battery on and off; the battery
being the source of the electric current. Orsted was convinced that electric current is capable of
creating a magnetic field, which proved that there was a logical relation between electric current

and magnetism; and this relation was known as electromagnetism.

In short, the definition of electromagnetic energy can be given as, the energy source required to
transmit information (in the form of waves) from one place (material) to another. This
information can be in the form of light, heat, or in any other form. Let us understand step by
step what is electromagnetic energy.
Electric Charge - It is an attribute of subatomic particles, that determines their interactions
when placed in electric and magnetic field. Electrically charged matter gets affected by
electromagnetic field and vice versa.
Electric Current - It is the movement or flow of electrically charged particles. There are two
types of charged particles namely, positively charged particles i.e. protons and negatively
charged particles i.e. electrons.
Magnetism - Magnetism is a force that affects the interaction of materials or moving charged
particles, by developing attractive or repulsive forces between them.
Electromagnetic Wave - It is a wave created by the acceleration of charged particles that are
placed in magnetic and electric field; both the fields acting at right angles to each other. The
oscillation of the particles in the wave emits energy called electromagnetic wave energy.
Electromagnetic Spectrum Energy - A range of electromagnetic waves of all possible
frequencies and wavelengths forms an electromagnetic spectrum. The total energy of the
spectrum is called electromagnetic spectrum energy.
Electromagnetic Radiation - Electromagnetic radiation is a collection of electromagnetic waves
traveling in vacuum or in matter. The energy radiated by the electromagnetic waves is called
electromagnetic radiation energy.
Electromagnetic Field - Electromagnetic field is caused by electrically charged objects, that
influences the behavior of materials or charged particles around the field. The total amount of
energy of the field and the materials it affects is called electromagnetic field energy.
Electromagnetic Energy Facts

The different types of electromagnetic waves are light, microwaves, x-rays, and TV and
radio transmissions.

Here is a list of the electromagnetic waves in the decreasing order of their frequencies
that constitute the electromagnetic spectrum: Gamma rays, X-rays, Ultraviolet rays,
Visible light rays, Infrared rays, Microwaves, Radio waves (FM), Radio waves (AM), Long
radio waves

Higher the energy of the particles of electromagnetic wave, shorter is the wavelength.
Electromagnetic waves travel through any material as well as through vacuum.

The velocity of electromagnetic waves in vacuum is same as that of light, i.e.

approximately 1,86,000 miles per second or 3,00,000 kilometers per second.

When electromagnetic waves enter matter, they slow down i.e. their energy decreases,
hence wavelength increases.

When any object is heated, its particles are accelerated that causes change in their
electric and magnetic fields, thus forming an electromagnetic wave. Whereas when an
electromagnetic wave hits an object, it generates heat at the surface that in turn causes
the particles of that object to vibrate. The heat and vibration of the particles depends on
the wavelength and energy of the electromagnetic wave.

We utilize electromagnetic energy in our day-to-day life without being aware of its existence.
Isn't it interesting to know what is electromagnetic energy in detail? Once you know how to
define electromagnetic energy, you can use it more efficiently.

Electromagnetic Waves: Origin and Theory

Electromagnetism is defined as the combinations of alternating electric and magnetic fields
created by accelerated charges that propagate out from these charges at the speed of light in
the form of waves- electromagnetic waves or radiation. Earths environment is widely affected by
various types of radiation- power waves, radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible, ultraviolet,
X-rays and gamma rays.
Origin: The phenomena associated with electricity and magnetism was studied over most of the
nineteenth century. But the knowledge that the two fields were interdependent began with the
fantastic discovery by Hans Christian Orsted in the early 1820's. He learned that magnetism is
ultimately caused by moving electric charges or current, when he observed a magnetic compass
needle to react to a current flowing through a wire placed near it.
Later on the simultaneous though separate discoveries made by Michael Faraday and Joseph
Henry concerning electromagnetic induction in the 1830's led to the theory of James Clerk
Maxwell, which united electricity, magnetism and optics into one grand theory of light: the
explanation of electromagnetic waves.
Maxwell published his work Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism (1873), in which he showed
that four fundamental mathematical equations described the entire known electric and magnetic
phenomenon. The first equation is Gauss's law for electricity, which states that positive and
negative charges create magnetic fields; Gauss's law for magnetism states that currents create
magnetic field, which have associated north and south poles, but single poles (monopoles) do
not exist; Ampere's law states that time varying magnetic fields induce time varying electric
fields; and Faraday's law of induction states that time varying electric fields create time varying
magnetic fields. Additionally, Maxwell's equation predicted the existence of combined, changing
electric and magnetic fields in the form of waves that traveled with the speed of light, i.e.
electromagnetic waves. He speculated that accelerated charges ultimately create these waves,

that they should exist over a wide range of frequencies and wavelengths, that they traveled at
the speed of light in a vacuum, and that they exhibited all the optical properties of visible light,
such as reflection, refraction and diffraction.
Heinrich Rudolf Hertz in 1887 verified Maxwell's theory experimentally ten years after his death.
Hertz built an induction coil device, which was essentially a step up transformer whose high
output voltage caused, sparks to jump back and forth across an air gap between two metal
plates. One wire, bent so that it too had an air gap between its ends, was placed near another
wire. Hertz noticed sparks jumping across the ends of this wire at the same frequency as the
induction coil's sparks. He concluded that electromagnetic waves propagated through air from
the coil to the bent wire. These waves proved to be radio waves of about 1 meter in wavelength.
He demonstrated that the waves exhibited all the usual properties of light; namely, they
reflected, focused on parabolic mirrors, and refracted through glass. He caused them to
interfere, setting up a standing wave pattern that enabled him to calculate their speed to be the
speed of light. Later experiments demonstrated that a wide range of electromagnetic
wavelengths and frequencies exist and led to the technologies of radio, television, radar and
myriad other technologies important to society.
Theory: Many natural phenomena exhibit wavelike behavior. Water waves, earthquake waves, and sound
waves all require a medium or substance through which to propagate. These are examples of
mechanical waves. Light can also be described as waves- waves of changing electric and
magnetic fields that propagate outward from their sources. These waves however do not require
a medium. They propagate at 3,000,000,00 meters per second through vacuum. Electromagnetic
waves are transverse waves. In simpler terms, the changing electric and magnetic fields oscillate
perpendicular to each other and to the direction of the propagating waves.
The best source of electromagnetic waves is accelerated waves. An accelerated charge is one
that is increasing or decreasing its speed or changing its direction of motion or both. Let us
imagine two charges at rest in the vicinity of each other. They are immersed in each others
electric force field. If one charge suddenly begins to oscillate up and down, the second charge
experiences the change in the field of the first charge after some very small finite time elapses.
The oscillating charge was accelerated. The moving charge's electric fields change, as do their
magnetic fields. These changing electric and magnetic fields generate each other through
Faraday's law of induction and Ampere's law. These changing fields dissociate from the
oscillating charge and propagate out into space at the speed of light.
All periodic waves, whether they are electromagnetic or mechanical, are characterized by such
properties as wave length, frequency, and speed. For electromagnetic waves, wavelength
measures the distance between the successive pulses of electric or magnetic fields. A waves'
frequency represents how many wave pulses pass by a given point each second and is measured
in cycles per second or waves per second and is measured in cycles per second or waves per
second. One wave per second is called one Hertz. Electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of
light in vacuum, but they travel more slowly when they pass through various media such as air,

glass, and water. A relationship among frequency, wavelength and speed exists for
electromagnetic waves; the product of frequency and wavelength equals the speed of light.
Thus, wavelength and frequency are inversely related. The longer the frequency lower is the
wavelength and vice versa.
An entire spectrum of electromagnetic waves exists, which ranges from very low frequency
wavelength (power waves) to very high wavelength (gamma rays). All wavelengths are
collectively referred to as electromagnetic wavelengths and not merely the narrow range of
wavelengths and frequencies identified as visible light.
The wave nature of light describes many aspects of its behavior. Nevertheless, radiation also has
its particle like characteristics. Rather than infinite or nearly infinite series of electromagnetic
waves emanating from some accelerated charge, light also appears to come in particle -like
bursts of energy. These individual bursts of energy or quanta are called photons. Each photon
possesses an amount of energy that directly depends on the frequency of the associated
electromagnetic wave. Doubling the frequency of the photon of radiation doubles its energy.
Thus, all types of electromagnetic waves, photons of power waves possess the least energy and
gamma-ray photons possess the greatest energy.
Since life on earth is bathed constantly in all forms of electromagnetic radiation, scientists must
be aware of the potential risks, as well as benefits of exposures to electromagnetic waves.
References:1) Gamow ,George : The great Physicists from Galileo to Einstein
2) Mullingan, Joseph F. " Heinrich Hertz and the development of Physics", Physics Today
42(March 1989)
3) Olenick, Richard P. ,Tom M. Apostol, and David L.Goodstein. : Beyond the Mechanical

How do Electromagnetic Waves Travel

A matter of immense curiosity for every student taking his first course in physics is how do
electromagnetic waves travel in space and transport energy. This article tries to provide you with
a concise and to the point answer to that question.

The reason why you are able to read this page right now is the light receptors in your retina are
receiving the visible waves from the electromagnetic spectrum that are traveling from the screen
towards your eyes and your brain is interpreting the electrical signals generated as a result of it.
There are several things happening here, which are worth analyzing.
The first and foremost is the mechanism by which electromagnetic waves travel across space,
from the screen to your eyes. That is the part you will find explained in this Buzzle article.
Nothing can travel faster than electromagnetic waves and they are the fastest information and
energy carrying mechanism in the universe. If you are flummoxed about just how does light
from galaxies billions and billions of kilometers away, reaches us, keep reading ahead. I unravel
the underlying mechanism which makes the travel of light possible.
What are Electromagnetic Waves?
Unlike sound waves which require a material medium to travel, electromagnetic waves can travel
through vacuum, as they are manifestations of pure electromagnetic energy.
Every electromagnetic wave is a transverse wave with two mutually perpendicular components.
These two components are the electric field (E) and magnetic field (E) that oscillate in a
direction, which is perpendicular to the direction of wave travel.
Every light wave transports energy and has momentum. The energy carried by the wave is
dependent on its frequency (number of waves passing per second). The electromagnetic
spectrum is made up of waves of different frequencies ranging from the low frequency radio
waves, microwaves, infrared, visible and high energy x rays and gamma rays. Armed with that
information about properties of electromagnetic waves, we can now try to understand how does
light or any electromagnetic wave travel.

How Do Electromagnetic Waves Travel Through Space?

To fully comprehend what makes light waves travel, you must study the Maxwell equations of
electromagnetism. Still, this article being aimed at laymen, I explain it without equations, which
only serve to scare some people away. Where there is a charge, there is an electric field
pervading space around it. Whenever such a charge or charged object oscillates or accelerates,
the electric field associated wit it changes.
It is a fact of observation that every changing electric field or conductor with increasing amount
of electric current coursing through it, gives rise to a changing magnetic field. A changing
magnetic field in turn gives rise to a changing electric field. Imagine this process of an oscillating
electric field giving rise to a magnetic field and an oscillating magnetic field giving rise to another
electric field continuing ad infinitum in space and time, and what you get is an electromagnetic
wave! That is how light travels and that is how we can see objects around us.
Depending on the frequency of oscillation of the initial electric field, electromagnetic waves of
varying frequencies and energies are created. All such waves travel at a constant velocity in
vacuum. Electronics is devoted to creation of transmitter circuits which can create waves of
specific frequencies. The transmitter in your cell phone creates an oscillating electric field of high
frequency which acts as the precursor that gives rise to electromagnetic waves being propagated
in space.
All space around you is filled with changing electric fields. Even the electrons traveling through
your brain and nervous system creates weak electromagnetic signals which can be actually
measured. We are surrounded by 'electromagnetic music' of sorts, of varying frequencies!
So the key thing to remember here is the fact that a changing electric field creates a magnetic
field and a changing magnetic field gives rise to an electric field. These two phenomena,
described by Maxwell's equations of Electromagnetism, make the passage of electromagnetic
waves across space possible, with no need for a material medium.
One could perceive the electromagnetic waves as disturbances in the all pervading
electromagnetic field, traveling at a constant speed of 2.99792458 x 108 m/s. To completely
understand the beautiful mechanism of electromagnetic radiation and its propagation, you must
study Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism. A recommended book to start exploring this subject
further is Part II of the 'Feynman Lectures on Physics'.

How to Make an Electromagnet

If you are looking for guidelines on how to make an electromagnet at home, this article has what
you are looking for. Electromagnets are the simplest electromagnetic devices to build. Read on to
know how to make one.

One of the simplest science projects that you can undertake is build an electromagnet. In making
an electromagnet, you will get a practical understanding of how electricity and magnetism are
the two sides of the same coin. After going through this article, you will know how to make an
electromagnet at home. Making an electromagnet is quite easy, as you will discover through this
article. The specialty of an electromagnet is that unlike, naturally occurring magnets, magnetism
of electromagnets can be switched on or off at will!
How to Create an Electromagnet?
Before I talk about how to build an electromagnet, let me define what do we mean by an
electromagnet and how is it different from natural magnets. Every atom with a spinning electron
around it is a natural magnet. In natural magnets, magnetic field of most atoms are aligned in
the same direction. This gives rise to an overall strong magnetic field. Every small current gives
rise to a magnetic field around it. The idea behind the creation of electromagnet is based on this
simple principle. Passing an electric current through a metal wire gives rise to a magnetic field
around it. The strength of this magnetic field is directly proportional to the current passing
through the conductor such as copper wire.
In order to create a denser magnetic field, the conductor is wound around a cylindrical iron core.
The magnetic field that is created around the conductor induces magnetism in the iron core
around which it is wound, creating an even more stronger magnetic field in the process. So this
was the physics behind making of an electromagnet. The magnetic field created by an
electromagnet lasts only as long as the current is flowing within the conductor. So the
magnetism can be switched on or off at will. This switching property of electromagnets makes
them useful in many devices. So now that you know how electromagnets work, let us look at the
uses of electromagnets.

Electromagnet Applications
If you have ever been to a junkyard, you must have noticed the giant electromagnet that is used
to lift heavy metal off the ground and drop elsewhere. Many other electric gadgets like electrical
relays work using electromagnets. One striking example of application of electromagnets are the
Maglev (magnetic levitation) trains. The wheels of these trains are elevated because of the
magnetic repulsion between rail and wheels which are both converted into electromagnets! Due
to the decrease of friction between rails and wheels, these trains travel a lot more faster than
normal trains, because the electromagnetic force overcomes gravity!
How to Make an Electromagnet - For Kids
The things you will need are about 1 or 2 foot of copper wire (or telephone wires), a long iron
nail, a wire stripper, glue/tape and a DC battery. Kids are advised to take help of an adult when
making the electromagnet.
Strip the Wire
First step is to strip the wire of all its sheathing using a wire stripper. This is essential as it will
expose the metal conductor inside.
Wind it Around the Nail
Wind the stripped metal wire around the length of the nail. Make the windings as close as
possible to ensure that the magnetic field is denser. Cover more than three fourth of the nail and
leave some length of unwound wire at both ends. You can apply glue on the nail before winding
or apply tape at the ends to secure the winding. What you have now created is called a solenoid.
Connect Loose Ends with the Battery
The last part of the job is to connect the loose ends of the wire to the DC battery. You could tape
the wire ends to the positive and negative terminals of the battery. With that, your
electromagnet is ready. With the connection of the wire ends with the battery, the circuit will be
completed and current will flow through the wire creating your very own electromagnet. Test
your electromagnet by bringing it near iron filings, which will immediately cling to it. Use a low
power, 1.5 V battery to be on the safer side.
Go ahead and build an electromagnet on your own. It will be your first lesson of
electromagnetism. Remember that where there is a current, there is a magnetic field. All types
of magnetic effects are caused by changing electric fields. An electromagnet demonstrates the
inescapable connection between electricity and magnetism quite clearly!

How do Electromagnets Work

Electromagnets working and the driving force behind how electromagnetic induction works,
forms a part of study for every physics enthusiasts. However, the knowledge of this field

provides some interesting insights for the common individual too, in order to understand some
interesting phenomenon around them.

The use of electromagnets arise out of one of the most fundamental physical forces at work, the
electromagnetic force. One might have wondered, seeing the Maglev trains zoom past, about
"How does electromagnet work?" The underlying principle behind the working of the
electromagnet is the use of electric energy in order to activate magnetic energy. It is a magnet
created when electric current passes thorough a conducting medium. The most conventional way
to generate high intensity electromagnets is to wind a core substance, usually a ferromagnetic
material like iron, nickel or cobalt with many coils of wire. Once this is done, electric current is
passed through the magnets, which induces a magnetic field in the ferromagnetic core.
The Principle: How does an Electromagnet Work
The exact principle, for the working of electromagnetic motors or the field created, is briefly
described as follows. On the application of electric current, the particle of the ferromagnetic
element gets charged and it begins moving. The path which the particle takes for the travel,
creates a field of magnetism around the region traced by the path. The strength of this magnetic
field depends on the flow of the electric current, which can be altered (increased or decreased)
by changing the direction of the current flow.
The charged particle always moves in tandem with the magnetic field. Thus, an electromagnet is
a magnet created by the flow of an electric current. The field or the area of influence depends on
the strength of the magnetic field, which is directly related to the cross-sectional area of the
conductor, the rate of flow of the current and the change in direction of its flow. Everyday life
has a range of examples which rely largely on the use of electromagnets. The best and most
formidable examples of how electromagnetic motors work, is the irrigation process in the fields
or modern plumbing applications. It involves a complex arrangement of these motors to supply
water in the most cramped or difficult places. Cranes used in construction industry and various
other jobs involving the use and movement of heavy equipment are a prime example of the
technology of electromagnetic generators used to create enormous power.
Microwaves, electric motors, computers are some of the most common areas, where

electromagnetic energy work is growing continuously. Another recent and rapidly developing
area is the electromagnetic spectrum-works. The use of modern communication systems such as
mobile phones and other wireless connectivity applications prompt yet another query for
common man, about the working process of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Electromagnetic spectrum is nothing but a group of frequencies which are categorized according
to the frequency ranges they occupy and exhibit certain uses on account of these ranges known
as spectrum. Visible light emanating from a bulb, the X-rays that mostly find application in
medical procedure or the radio waves of corresponding to a radio station are components of this
electromagnetic spectrum. Thus, all the frequencies which correspond to electromagnetic
radiation are included in the electromagnetic spectrum. Although, the electromagnetic spectrum
is infinite and continuous but for all practical purposes the longest of its wavelength is the length
of the universe (whatever it is) and the shortest wavelength is believed to be very close to the
Plank's length.
Different components of this spectrum react differently with matter, and hence produce a wide
range of applications. For example, radio waves stimulate oscillation of charge carriers.
Ultraviolet rays produce an excitation in molecular electrons and the valence electrons, X-rays
cause excitation of core atomic structures and so on. These effects impart different properties to
these components of electromagnetic spectrum.
Thus, electromagnetism forms an integral part of many human activities and their applications is
a big asset to the progress of humanity.

Properties of Electromagnetic Waves

Oscillating electric and magnetic fields form electromagnetic waves. They are used to transmit
various signals, wavelengths and also energy. Let us know more about properties of these

Electromagnetic waves are formed when there is a continuing process of an electric field
developing a magnetic field and vice versa. It has both, electric as well as magnetic components.
The production of magnetism due to electric current is known as electromagnetism. The

electromagnetic theory was developed by James Maxwell, whereas, Heinrich Hertz demonstrated
electromagnetic waves. Maxwell observed that the electrically charged particles, when in motion,
created a magnetic field. This gave rise to electromagnetic waves.
The discovery of these waves proved to be revolutionary due to its various benefits. Long, short,
FM radio waves, television and telephone signals can all be transmitted through these waves.
The waves also transmit energy in the form of X-rays, gamma rays, UV rays and infrared
Electromagnetic Wave Properties

Light travels through space in the form of electromagnetic waves.

The earth receives the maximum amount of electromagnetic energy from the sun. This
energy reaches the earth through a vacuum.

These waves can travel through vacuum, i.e., they do not require a medium for

They are two-dimensional transverse waves, i.e., the transfer of energy is perpendicular
to the oscillations.

All types of electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light and at the same speed in

They have no mass.

As the wavelength in the spectrum decreases, the amount of energy carried by the waves
increase. This can be illustrated by the formula,
E= hc/
(where E is the energy, h is Planck's constant, c is speed of light in vacuum and is

Polarization of electromagnetic waves is possible.

Velocity of these wave is equal to the speed of light, which is approximately 3108 m/sec
Properties of electromagnetic waves also include that they are neither affected by electric
nor magnetic fields.

These waves follow the laws of reflection as well as refraction.

The frequency of the waves remain same when they change medium during transmission.
There is an entire spectrum of electromagnetic waves which include waves with low as
well as higher frequencies. High frequency waves are known as electromagnetic
radiations, whereas those with low frequency are called electromagnetic fields.

Electromagnetic radiations act as waves as well as photons having no mass.

Different types of waves that comprise the electromagnetic spectrum are infrared waves,
ultraviolet rays, visible light rays, X-rays, gamma rays, micro waves and radio waves.
They just differ in wavelengths.

The principle of electromagnetism is used for making electromagnets. Electromagnets are used
in various fields, including technical and medical fields. Electromagnets are also used in nearly all
electrical devices, MRI, etc. But, electromagnetic waves can also cause danger and risk to human
health. Electromagnetic radiations can cause cancer, skin diseases, digestive problems and many
other diseases.

It is observed that electromagnetic wave attributes and properties are different, and also exciting
to study. While electromagnetism is considered as a boon, the adverse effects of this boon
certainly cannot be ignored.

What is Electromagnetic Radiation

Electromagnetic radiations are found everywhere in this Universe and they're an integral part of
technology these days. Being a boon and a bane at the same time, electromagnetic radiations
are a subject of research since ages. Electromagnetic radiations hold a huge significance in
Physics. Know more about them by reading further.

Everything that we witness through our mortal eyes is in some or the other ways, a
manifestation of energy. Energy is the essence of this Universe and life. The term 'radiation'
although has a very simple meaning, it has significant usage and effect in the world of Physics.
Radiation in Physics language stands for a phenomenon in which energetic particles or waves
travel through a medium. Correlating this to Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR), we can say that it
is nothing but energy particles or waves that travel through a medium and they have the
following properties:

EMRs consist of electric and magnetic waves oscillating in phase perpendicular to each
other as well as perpendicular to the direction of energy propagation.

EMRs possess both wave and particle like characteristics.

So, did you understand what exactly is electromagnetic radiation? You can imagine EMRs to be
waves or particles composed of electric and magnetic fields. Did you pay attention as to why I'm
referring EMRs either as particles or waves? Well, that is due to the most famous wave-particle
duality law in Physics. As per this law, matter exhibits both wave and particle like properties.

Electromagnetic waves origin and theory are mostly credited to Scottish Physicist, James Clark
Maxwell and the German Physicist, Heinrich Hertz.
Is Sunlight Electromagnetic Radiation?
After deep research and study when Maxwell and Heinrich Hertz confirmed that Electromagnetic
Waves (EMs) consisted of both magnetic and electrical components. Maxwell also calculated the
speed of EM waves and found that they were equal to speed of light, thereby proving that even
light is a form of EM. So if you have been wondering 'what is the speed of electromagnetic
radiation', then it is the same as the speed of light, that equals, 3.00 x 108 ms-1 approximately.
Further, it was found that the sunlight consisted of series of visible range of waves in the
electromagnetic spectrum known as 'VIBGYOR'. Moreover, it was also found that sunlight
consists of some invisible electromagnetic streams like ultraviolet rays that are not visible to the
naked eyes and are also harmful for health causing sun burns and cancer. Similarly, when you
see a rainbow, it is the visible spectrum of sunlight that you're able to see!
Range of EMRs
Our eyes and brains can only identify visible part of electromagnetic spectrum. Most of the
wavelengths in EMRs are not sensed by us. The light waves are sensed by eyes and brains while
ultraviolet rays are not detected by our senses. The table below provides information about
numerous electromagnetic radiations and their range of wavelengths and frequency. Remember
that wavelength and frequency are two of the most important parameters that determine the
property of waves. Here are some important points, you may find useful to in your study of the
table below.

One meter = 1000 milimeters

1000 milimeters (mm) = 1 micron
1 micron = 1000 nanometers (nm)
Wavelength is inversely proportional to frequency. Higher the frequency, lower is the
wavelength and vice versa.

Frequency is the rate or you can call it to be the speed of the wave. It is measured in
Hertz. The number of times a wave passes a given point per second is known as its

Wavelength is measured in micrometer, nanometer, and angstrom, commonly for visible

light spectrum. Wavelength is the measure of distance between two successive crests or
troughs of wave.

Higher the frequency of a wave, more powerful is its nature to penetrate. In the table
below, make a note of the point that frequencies like gamma or x - rays are very high
and hence, they've got great penetrative power.




0.03 to 0.003

Gamma rays Astrophysical process, radioactive decay

1019 Hz & above

X - Rays

1016 to 1019 Hz & 0.03 to 10 nm

Diagnostic radiography, X-Ray tubes,

Computer tomography, celestial bodies



Sun, ultraviolet fluorescent lamps, UV

1014 to 1016 Hz &
LEDs, UV diodes & LASERs, gas discharge
10 to 380 nm

Light waves

Sun, luminous bodies, bulbs, lamps

7.85 to 4.85 X
1014 Hz

380 to 740 nm

Infra red

Thermal efficiency analysis, remote

temperature sensing, short-ranged wireless
communication, spectroscopy, weather
forecasting devices, infrared astronomy
telescope and objects emitting thermal
radiation at room temperature

1 x 1012 to 4.3 x
1014 Hz

750 nm to 3


Vacuum tubes, magnetron, klystron,

Traveling-Wave Tube (TWT), and gyrotron, 3 x 108 to 3 x
solid-state devices, field - effect transistors, 1011 Hz
Sun, telecommunication towers

TV station,astronomical sources,
Radio waves
synchrotron radiation, transmitters

3 x 104 to 3 x

3 microns to 1
3 meters to 3

By going through this article, you must have got insights on electromagnetic radiation.
Understand that electromagnetic radiations have both types of waves, ionizing and non ionizing. Ultraviolet rays, gamma rays and X - rays are ionizing radiations because they've got
the intensity and power to penetrate in materials and break chemical bonds. The non - ionizing
range of EMRs that include near ultraviolet, visible light, infrared, microwave, radio waves, and
low-frequency RF (longwave) are not strong enough to break chemical bonds or detach an
electron from an atom. While ionizing radiations certainly have several health risks even the non
- ionizing radiations are harmful in several ways.
Now that I have briefed you about general information on EMRs, I hope you must be able to
understand the difference between radiation and electromagnetic radiation. You must now get
back to your college library and continue to study more interesting books about EMRs and EMs.
Remember to understand this topic well, as it has great application in every day life and higher

Uses of Electromagnets - What are Electromagnets Used

The electromagnet can be credited with much of the technological development that the world
has witnessed till now. It is one of the most important scientific inventions that has completely
changed the entire scenario of science and technology.

An electromagnet is a type of magnet which can produce a magnetic field with the help of an
electric current. It is not like the simple magnet, but is developed on the principle that electricity
can produce a magnetic field. The magnetic field produced in this way can be effectively
controlled, as the amount of current used in the process determines the strength of the magnetic
field. It was the Danish scientist, Hans Christian rsted, who in 1820, discovered that an electric
current can create a magnetic field, which is known as electromagnetism. Then in 1823, British
scientist William Sturgeon, invented the first electromagnet, which was a horseshoe-shaped iron
with a copper wire coiled around it.
They are essentially a wire coiled around a core, usually an iron core, though, anything can be
used as the core. The wire is coiled in order to concentrate the magnetic field created by the
electric current. The strength of electromagnets depends on several factors including the type of
core used, the amount of electricity used and the number of times the wire is looped. Today,
they have found a wide range of applications in a number of industrial and technological fields.
Usage of Electromagnets in Different Areas
The main advantage of electromagnets over the normal magnets, is that they can be easily
started and stopped and the strength of the magnetic field can be effectively controlled, which
makes them suitable for many technological and scientific uses.
Technological Field
Their main use is in storing information and moving things. They are used in many electrical
devices like electrical balls, loudspeakers, magnetic locks and various magnetic recording devices
such as computer disks, tape recorders, VCR, etc. Televisions also uses them to power the
cathode ray tube to regulate the direction of the beam of electrons, used to illuminate the

screen. They are also used in telephones, mobile phones and doorbells. Moving metals and
picking up cars in junkyards are some of its common everyday uses. Spacecraft also use them in
the propulsion system to generate power.
Electromagnets are also used for dumping garbage in recycling plants. Some studies are being
carried out to discover the potential of using them in developing electric cars. The possibility of
using electromagnetism in developing more environmental friendly or less polluting energy
storage systems, is also a subject of many studies.
Medical Field
They are also widely used in the medical field. They are mainly used in removing embedded
magnetic metal particles from inside the eyes, usually deposited during an accident. They are
also utilized in hospital is in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which is used for getting a
detailed image of the inside of the body to diagnose a number of diseases.
So we can easily say that most of the technological advancements and inventions are based on
the discovery of the quality of electricity to generate a magnetic field, or electromagnetism.
Without the invention of electromagnets, much of the technological and scientific developments
that we have witnessed so far, would not have been possible. So, the discovery of
electromagnetism, can be termed as a landmark breakthrough in the history of science and
technological development.

Color Spectrum Chart

Colors are the most significant part of our everyday lives. Without colors, our life would be dull
and boring. Have you ever wanted to know the underlying facts about colors. Well, let me be of
assistance to you on this colorful journey and explain the color spectrum chart to clear your

Imagine the whole world in black and white color? Or picture the main plot of the
movie Pleasantvilleif you have seen this flick? Just a mental image of a stark world devoid of
colors is enough to reveal the importance of colors in our lives.

Whether you are feeling blue after a hard day's of

work or going green with envy after seeing your
neighbor's fancy TV, the colors have become a
language through which we express ourselves. It's
no wonder that the rainbow is often perceived as one
of the most beautiful aspects of nature. Colors form
when light falls on different objects and reflects as
well as scatters different wavelengths. The scattered
wavelengths are what see as colors.
Spectrum of Colors
Spectral colors are generally produced by
monochromatic light i.e. visible light of a single
wavelength. The spectrum appears continuous.
Therefore, there are no definite boundaries between
the colors. However, the approximate ranges of
wavelength and frequency can be used to specify the
difference. The most prominently apparent ones are
violet, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. In
reality, there are seven colors in the color spectrum
with the addition of indigo between blue and violet.
This was concluded by Newton after he successfully
carried out experiments to disseminate a beam of
monochromatic light by projecting it onto a glass
prism at a specific angle to display the spectral colors. However, the frequency of the indigo color
cannot be distinguished and recognized significantly by normal human eye, leaving the exception
of some well-sighted people. Hence, it was suggested that indigo be dropped from the spectral
chart and should be considered a shade of blue or violet.
From his experiments, Sir Isaac Newton observed that when a beam of monochromatic light falls
on a prism, part of the light gets reflected whereas some part of it passes through the prism and
a band of spectral colors emerges from it. From this, Newton speculated that light was made up
of particles of different colors and that these particles move with different speeds in different
media; their speed depending on the density of the medium. Red light was found to move faster
than violet light in glass medium.
The visible spectrum or color spectrum is a subset of the electromagnetic spectrum. The
electromagnetic spectrum is a range of frequencies of different energy waves such as gamma
rays, X rays, ultraviolet rays, visible light, infrared waves, microwaves and radio waves. The
visible light frequencies lie between the frequencies of the ultraviolet rays and infrared waves.


Frequency (THz)

Wavelength (nm)



















THz - terahertz
nm - nanometer
The frequency of wavelength range for indigo is around 425-450 nm and frequency of 670-700
THz. In the above color spectrum chart, indigo is made a subset of violet color. The low range of
the color explains why it is difficult to distinguish this color in the spectral band. Since indigo is
scientifically not recognized as a separate color, any wave having a wavelength of less than 450
nm is considered to be violet. Whereas gray, white and black are considered to be non-spectral
colors. In fact, black is not even a color. Instead, it is the lack of color. Just as when there is
light present (being the source of colors), it produces colors. Deficiency of light results in
blackness. On the other hand, white is a mix of all the possible colors of the visible spectrum.
Although there are infinite number of color shades and hues, we all have a favorite one which
somehow speaks to us more than others. Needless to say, these colors play an important role in
our lives and affect our perception and behavior profoundly.

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