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Primary Sources

14th Amendment. Cornell University Law School. Web. 30, December 2014.
This website helped us understand the 14th amendment and how it related to the equal
protection clause. We used it to summarize what it is and how it has been used. The fourteenth
amendment connects with the equal protection clause by them both saying that you have the
same rights as anyone else, no matter what race, color, or religion you are. Even though the
court decided that the school district didnt violate the childrens rights because they were still
being taught, it allowed us to show both sides of the cases and not favor just one case.

An Act. Transcript of Civil Rights Act (1964). Web. 23, December 2014
This website helped us understand what the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was. This is the document
of the Act, so it is very precise and exact. The Civil Rights Act applied to more than just the
African Americans even though they were treated the worse. This helped support the students
in their argument in the case.

Proposition 227- Full Text of the Proposed Law. Prop 227. English Language in
Public Schools. 23, December 2014

This website allowed us to understand Proposition 227 and the effects it had on students. In
California, the proposition was passed which made schools stop teaching in two languages and
just teach in English and make students learn English by only being taught in English. This
proposition insured that these English learners had their own class that helped them learn
English so that they wouldnt fail in school.

Secondary Sources
"California Proposition 227, the "English in Public Schools" Initiative (1998)." - Ballotpedia.
N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Jan. 2015.
This website put into simpler terms what Proposition 227 consisted of. Also, since the
proposition happened years ago, finding information was harder but Ballotpedia provided me
with accurate information on, for example, the percentage of win versus loss. We learned the
background information, the fiscal effect, and the supporters and opponents of the proposition.
Harwell G., Davis. Equal Protection. The Heritage Guide to the Constitution. Web.
23, December 2014
This website helped us understand the Equal Protection clause and how it relates to the 14 th
amendment. We used it to define the Equal Protection Clause and how it related to Lau v
Nichols. The school district used this case and said that they never went against it. Since the
school allowed the students to learn there and got the same opportunity as everyone else, they
saw it was fair even though the students didnt understand any English and it was basically a
sink or swim situation., Staff. Civil Rights Act. History. A+E Networks, 2010. Web. 23,
December 2014.
This website helped summarize the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It helped us understand who was
effected by this act and what exactly it did. The Civil Rights Act bans segregation in public places
and bans discrimination on people regarding their race, sex, or religion. Due to this act, it helps
African Americans gain their rights and allows them to be treated equal like everyone else. The
Civil Rights Movement took place through the 1960s, before the Lau v Nichols case was even
brought up. Students saw how everyone was standing up for their rights, and decided to take a
stand and stand up for their rights, education, and future.

"Immigrant Students: Their Legal Right of Access to Public Schools. A Guide for
Advocates and Educators" by John Willshire Carrera, Esq. National Coalition of
Advocates for Students. Boston MA 11, 1 2015
This site helped us understand the Plyler v Doe court case. We used it to summarize the case
and describe how the immigrants were treated. In the court case Plyler v Doe undocumented
children werent being allowed to attend public school like other children. Like Lau v Nichols,
the 1800 students werent getting fair treatment in school and many of them were being left
behind. Eight years after the San Francisco case, immigrant children are still being treated
different and arent being able to learn in school like a U.S. citizen can.

Le, C.N. 2015. "The 1965 Immigration Act" Asian-Nation: The Landscape of
Asian America. <> (January 11,
This website helped us learn about the Immigration Act of 1965. It showed the restrictions this
law had on immigrants coming from Asia and how it helped so many families. Due to this act,
many immigrants from Asia were immigrating to the United States. As they began building their
lives again, they run into a problem nine years later. San Francisco Asian students stand up to
their school district and demand a better teaching process.
Shmoop Editorial Team. "Equal Protection FAQ." Shmoop University, Inc., 11
Nov. 2008. Web. 11 Jan. 2015.
Shmoop added to our knowledge gained from reading the actual text of the fourteenth
amendment. We learned of background knowledge before the actual clause was added on and
how crucial it would be later in cases such as Brown v. Board. The information was laid out in a
format that addressed a question and answered which we found to be of great help considering
the amount of information on the website.

Unknow. Southern Methodist University. 2005. Web. 26, December 2014.
This picture helped us show how schools were back then. We used this to show how children
that didnt speak English were taught in school. This picture showed the effects of proposition
227 and how it affected children in school. Children werent allowed to be taught in bilingual
classes, but had to be put into another class to help them learn English by using English to teach
them. This class allowed English learners to catch up and not get lost in school.

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