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Adults Learning Mathematics - An International Journal
Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education
CASTME (Commonwealth Association for Science, Technology &
Mathematics Education) Journal
Educational Studies in Mathematics
Electronic Journal of Mathematics and Technology
Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education
Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics (RCML)
For the Learning of Mathematics
Hiroshima Journal of Mathematics Education
International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education
International Journal for the History of Mathematics Education
International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning
International Journal of Mathematical Education: Policy and Practice
International Journal of Technology in Mathematics Education
International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
International Online Journal of Science and Mathematics Education

Issues in the Undergraduate Mathematics Preparation of School Teachers:

The Journal (IUMPST)
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education
Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching
Journal of Mathematical Behavior
Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education
Journal of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
Education: Innovations and Research
Literacy and Numeracy Studies: An International Journal in the Education
and Training of Adults
Mathematical Thinking and Learning
Mathematics Education Research Journal
Mathematics Education Review
Mathematics Educator
Mathematics Educator
Mediterranean Journal for Research in Mathematics Education
The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast
Nordisk Matematikk Didaktikk/Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education
Philosophy of Mathematics Education journal
PRIMUS (Problems, Resources, Issues in Undergraduate Mathematics
Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics
Rcherches en Didactiques des Mathmatiques
Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education (RCME)

Research in Mathematics Education

School Science and Mathematics
Spreadsheets in Education
Statistics Education Research Journal
Teaching Mathematics and its Applications
ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education
Australian Mathematics Teacher
Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom
Australian Senior Mathematics Journal
Equals: Mathematics and Special Educational Needs
Learning and Teaching Mathematics
Mathematics in School
Mathematics Teacher
Mathematics Teaching
Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School
Primary Mathematics
Teaching Children Mathematics
The Teaching of Mathematics
Teaching Statistics

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