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Market Research Report

Project Insight - Road and Rail Projects

in the Middle East and Africa

The report provides detailed market analysis, information and insights based on almost 400
Construction Intelligence Center (CIC) projects. The report provides detailed metrics on each
country's road, rail and mixed projects (as tracked by the CIC) split by type, stage of
development, and start date by value.
Report Overview:
This Project Insight report details the road and railways market in the Middle East and Africa.
It features an analysis of almost 400 large-scale projects tracked by Timetrics Construction
Intelligence Center (CIC) as of October 2014. The projects have been consolidated into four
defined sectors: highways and roads, railways, trams and metros, and mixed projects that
include associated bridges and tunnels projects.

The countries covered comprise the major markets in the Middle East and Africa: Algeria,
Iraq, Israel, Kuwait, Nigeria, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and the UAE.
Summary analysis is also provided for other major markets, including Botswana, Tunisia,
Kenya, Tanzania, Egypt, Mozambique, Ghana, Cte dIvoire, Ethiopia and Iran. Across the
21 countries in the study, the CIC tracks road and rail projects with a total value of US$791
billion, with the top 11 countries accounting for US$645 billion of this value.

Scope :
The report provides analysis based on CIC projects showing value by country and sector
with top project listings, and top participants' listings.

Key Highlights :
CIC Projects analysis shows that the road and rail projects market for the 21 countries
covered in the report is estimated to be US$791 billion in 2014, with the top 11 countries
accounting for US$645 billion. Railways dominate the market with a total value of US$469
billion on the CIC Projects database.
Trams and metros is the next-largest sector with a value of US$151 billion, and highways
and roads accounts for US$129 billion. Over 72% of projects were at the pre-execution
phase when analyzed.
Nigeria is the leading country in terms of value of projects, accounting for US$108 billion,
followed by Saudi Arabia with projects valued at US$87 billion, and the UAE with US$87
billion. Projects valuing a total of almost US$306 billion are due to start in 2015, with US$84
billion due to start in 2016.

Table of Contents:
Executive Summary
Regional Overview
Sector Analysis
Key Players
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
United Arab Emirates
Summary Analysis - Other Countries

List of Tables
Total Projects Value by Country/Stage
Economic Growth - 21 Countries
Top 10 Projects - Railways
Top 10 Projects - Highways and Roads
Top 10 Projects - Trams and Metros
Top 10 Projects - Mixed
Key Contractors by Value of Projects
Key Consulting Engineers by Value of Projects
Top 10 Projects - Algeria
Top 10 Projects - Iraq
Top 10 Projects - Israel
Top 10 Projects - Kuwait
Top 10 Projects - Nigeria
Top 10 Projects - Oman
Top 10 Projects - Qatar
Top 10 Projects - Saudi Arabia
Top 10 Projects - South Africa
Top 10 Projects - UAE
Top 10 Projects for 10 Countries

List Of Figuers
Total Projects by Country and Type US$m
Total Projects by Sector and Stage US$m
Total Projects in Major Countries by Stage US$m
Total Projects in other Other Countries by Stage US$m
Railways Projects Value US$m by Country
Highways and Roads Projects Value US$m by Country
Trams and Metros Projects Value US$m by Country
Mixed Projects Value US$m by Country
Algeria Projects Value US$m by Type and Stage
Algeria Projects Value US$m by Start Year and Type
Iraq Projects Value US$m by Type and Stage
Iraq Projects Value US$m by Start Year and Type
Israel Projects Value US$m by Type and Stage
Israel Projects Value US$m by Start Year and Type
Kuwait Projects Value US$m by Type and Stage

List Of Figuers
Kuwait Projects Value US$m by Start Year and Type
Nigeria Projects Value US$m by Type and Stage
Nigeria Projects Value US$m by Start Year and Type
Oman Projects Value US$m by Type and Stage
Oman Projects Value US$m by Start Year and Type
Qatar Projects Value US$m by Type and Stage
Qatar Projects Value US$m by Start Year and Type
Saudi Arabia Projects Value US$m by Type and Stage
Saudi Arabia Projects Value US$m by Start Year and Type
South Africa Projects Value US$m by Type and Stage
South Africa Projects Value US$m by Start Year and Type
UAE Projects Value US$m by Type and Stage
UAE Projects Value US$m by Start Year and Type
Top Countries Projects Value US$10m - US$20m by Stage
Other Countries Projects Value by Type.

Reason To Buy :
Gain an insight into the main drivers of activity and forecasts, and an understanding of key
trends and analysis of main project participants by value and by sector, enabling clients to
target products and services for each type of project.
The report includes top project data for the road and rail sectors, with location, value, stage
and start date.

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