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Tulsi plant has a lot of significance for mankind, due to the manifold medicinal benefits it provides.

Tulsi leaves are

widely used in the preparation of Ayurvedic medicines. It is known to promote the longevity of life. The extracts
obtained from the plant are extensively brought to use for curing various diseases such as the common cold,
inflammation, malaria, heart disease, headaches, stomach disorders, kidney stones, heart disorders, and many more.











Tulasi plant serves as a fabulous repellant in fighting against flies, mosquitoes and insects. It is especially valuable in
combating malarial fever. It is said that at the time of establishment of Victoria gardens in Bombay (now Mumbai), the
workers became victims of mosquito bites and suffered from chronic malaria. Seeing the pitiable situation of the
workers, some of the Hindu managers recommended the plantation of Tulsi plant in the garden. On following their
advice, fruitful results were obtained. Thus, holy basil Tulsi helped to abate the growth of mosquitoes and control
There are numerous uses of Tulsi plant. The plant is increasingly finding its way in the Ayurvedic treatment of
diseases. Tulsi leaves are widely used due to their healing power. It is a tonic for the nervous system and thus, helps
a great deal in sharpening the memory. This aromatic plant supports the removal of phlegm and catarrhal matter from
the bronchial tube. It also works wonders in preventing stomach disorders. The herb Tulsi is known to cure the
respiratory disorders. The decoction prepared by mixing honey, ginger and Tulsi leaves is quite helpful in combating




The leaves of Tulsi plant are extremely beneficial during the rainy season, when diseases like malaria and dengue
victimize the country. Boil the tender leaves of Tulsi in tea and give it to the patient. The juice extracted from Tulsi
leaves serves as the best remedy to bring down fever. Tulsi is an essential ingredient in the preparation of Ayurvedic
cough syrups. It is highly useful in getting rid of cold and flu. Even, for sore throat, the leaves of medicinal plant Tulsi
is of great value. Just boil the leaves of Tulsi in water and ask the patient to gargle with this decoction.
Tulsi has the ability to strengthen the kidneys. For those suffering from the problem of renal kidney stones, the
decoction prepared by mixing the juice of Tulsi leaves with honey, if taken sincerely for six consecutive months can
oust these stones via the urinary tract. For maintaining healthy heart, Tulsi is of utmost value. It helps in lowering the
level of cholesterol in blood. Thus, Tulsi plant serves as the most effective remedy to combat cardiac diseases.

irritable bowel syndrome.

Established Aloe vera plants are available at almost any garden supplies shop or
plant nursery.
Aloe plants are not very frost tolerant. If they are grown outdoors in warmer climates they should be
planted in full sunlight, or partial shade. Apply a balanced liquid feed during the growing season.
For growing Aloe Vera indoors its best to place it near a window that gets a lot of sun. During
summer you can move the pot(s) outside.

Watering should be kept to a minimum during the winter months but during summer the plant will
require a lot of water.
Aloe Vera has long been a popular houseplant. Often called the 'miracle plant' or the 'natural healer',
Aloe Vera is a plant of many surprises. It flourishes in warm and dry climates, and to many people it
looks like a cactus with fleshy thorny leaves. In fact it is a member of the Lily family, staying moist
where other plants wither and die by closing its pores to prevent moisture loss.
There are around 400 species of Aloe, but it is the Aloe Barbadensis Miller (Aloe Vera or "true aloe")
plant which has been of most use to mankind because of the medicinal properties it displays.

Aloe Vera has a bitter taste which can be unpleasant in the raw state. It is possible to get used to
the taste of plain Aloe Vera gel, but if you can't the addition of some fruit juice helps to make it more
There is much confusion between Aloe Vera Gel and Aloe Vera Juice with the two often being
thought synonymous. The term Gel refers to the inner leaf only, whereas Juice refers to "Aloe Latex"
a bitter substance found just under the skin of the leaf.
Leading authorities on Aloe Vera maintain that only Aloe Vera gel as fresh as preservation allows
from the inner leaf has any remarkable properties.

Uses and Home Remedies using Aloe Vera

Aloe gel has been used for topical treatment for minor wounds and burns and skin irritations for
centuries. Aloe Vera used to be known as the "burn plant'. It is no longer necessary to keep an Aloe
Vera plant handy for when you catch your hand on the oven door, these days Aloe Vera Gel comes
in handy tubes.
A two year trial is underway at the Neath, Morriston and Singleton hospitals in Swansea for use of
Aloe Vera in treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). A clinical trial involving 44 patients suffering
from Ulcerative Colitis has been completed at the Royal London Hospital and the John Radcliffe
Hospital in Oxford. The trial was completed in January 2004 and an improvement found in 38% of
Patients given Aloe Vera gel as opposed to 8% given a placebo.
One of the home remedies for asthma was to boil some Aloe Vera leaves in a pan of water and
breathe in the vapor.
Others have reported benefits of Aloe Vera in treating Eczema and Psoriarsis, and a product called
Aloe Propolis Creme is favoured by many for these conditions.
For pharmaceutical use as a laxative, the aloe juice is taken from the tubules just beneath the outer
skin of the leaves. It's a bitter yellow and dried to become aloe granules that are dark brown in color.
Made into a beverage and taken internally, it has been used to help many other conditions. Some of
them are constipation, ulcers, diabetes, headaches, arthritis, and coughs. Taking aloe internally
does have side effects, which can include pain, electrolyte imbalances, and diarrhea.
It has been determined that it can also help with treating minor vaginal irritations.

Aloe Vera is best used when used fresh from the plant. It doesn't store well but can be bought as a
preserved product. Aloe Vera can be used topically as well as taken internally. It has been used for
mouth sores, what we call stomach sores, or cold sores.
Aloe Vera has been especially helpful of patients with severe and various skin diseases. It acts as a
rejuvenating action. It acts as a moisturizer and hydrates the skin. After being absorbed into the
skin, it stimulates the fibroblasts cells and causes them to regenerate themselves faster. It's the cells
that that produce the collagen and elastin so the skin will get smoother and look younger.
Because Aloe Vera is natural, it works gently within the intestinal tract to help break down food
residues that have become impacted and help clean out the bowel. When the bowel is cleaned out,
it greatly reduces bloating, discomfort, and helps ease stress, which only leads to more attacks of
irritable bowel syndrome.
We are a well known exporter of Mint Leaves. Also known as Pudina in India, these leaves have a
fresh aroma and sweet flavor with a cool after taste. Owing to their warm fresh aroma, these are
widely used in making mouth fresheners and tablets. Furthermore, these are also used in a variety of
dishes, including vegetable curries, chutneys, desserts, soups and juices.

Indian gooseberry of Amla is used for all pitta diseases, all obstinate urinary conditions, anemia,
biliousness, bleeding, colitis, constipation, convalescence from fever, cough, diabetes, gastritis, gout,
hepatitis, hemorrhoids, liver weakness to relieve stress, osteprisasis, palpitation, spleen weakness,
tissue deficiency, vertigo, rebuilds blood, bones, cells and tissues. It increases red blood cell count and
regulates blood sugar, heart tonic, cleanses mouth, stops gum bleeding, stop stomuch and colon
inflammation, cleanses intestines, strengthens teeth, aids eyesight, expels worms, corrects acidity,
eye and lung inflammations, ulcerations, G. I. disorders, painful urination and internal bleeding. Amla
is highly nutritious and is an important dietary source of Vitamin C, minerals and amino acids.
Ingredient: Amla Concentrate-Emblica officinalis
Uses: Rejuvenation, Hyperacidity, Various pitta
related problems.

Tulsi Leaves
Tulsi Patti is an aromatic plant in the family Lamiaceae which is native throughout the
Old World tropics and widespread as a cultivated plant and an escaped weed. It is an
erect, much branched subshrub 3060 cm tall with hairy stems and simple opposite
green leaves that are strongly scented. Leaves have petioles, and are ovate, up to
5 cm long, usually slightly toothed. Flowers are purplish in elongate racemes in close
whorls. There are two main morphotypes cultivated in Indiagreen-leaved (Sri or
Lakshmi tulsi) and purple-leaved (Krishna tulsi). Tulsi is cultivated for religious and
medicinal purposes, and for its essential oil. It is widely known across South Asia as a
medicinal plant and an herbal tea, commonly used in Ayurveda, and has an important
role within the Vaishnavite tradition of Hinduism, in which devotees perform worship
involving Tulsi plants or leaves.

Neem Leaves
Neem leaves are widely used to cure a number of human and animal diseases. The physio-chemical
properties of neem leaves help to maintain the overall well being. Leaves are also used to manufacture
a number of drugs and medicines. They have been traditionally used to give bath to patients suffering
from measles or chicken pox. Neem leaves are generally gathered only from organic trees, this is so,
because it ensures the protection of natural elements and reduction of contamination by
environmental/synthetic toxins.

Ashwagandha is a herb that can be compared favorably to the world's most renowned
herbal tonics such as ginseng (panax ginseng), astragalus (astragalus
membranaceus) dang gui (angelica sinensis), reishi mushroom (ganoderma lucidum)
and south american suma (pfaffia paniculata). Ashwagandha has been held in high
regard by generations of people over the course of millennia for its ability to increase
vitality, energy, endurance and stamina, promote longevity and strengthen the
immune system without stimulating the body's reserves. It nurtures the nervous
system, counteracts anxiety and stress to promote a calm state of mind.
Ashwagandha also has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and is specific for
treating arthritic and rheumatic conditions. It is also easily the most potent tonic
aphrodisiac in the entire botanical kingdom.

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