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“Bits and Pieces of Info to Make Life on the Ranch Easier to Manage”

What’s Happening Around Town

I am thankful for the many seasons of life God gives to us! As the year progresses, the
students are given more privileges and more responsibilities! I thought you might like to know
about some of their new privileges and responsibilities in hopes that you also will be able to
encourage your child to make the most of every opportunity to learn and grow!
We are now working to complete our math lesson before recess in the morning when our brains
and bodies are especially refreshed! After recess, we focus on phonics, reading, and writing. We
work together on phonics for 15 minutes before entering an extended 45 minute time period of
seat work. During this time, the students keep busy with a variety of activities including a page
from our Writing With Phonics book, which gives them an opportunity for guided writing practice
of blends and words, and journal time, which gives them the chance to write simple sentences and
illustrate their sentences. This is another great way to get them excited about reading and
writing! When that work is completed, they are allowed to “read” books.
All of these tasks are completed while “Silent Sam” is up on the board. Silent Sam is a cartoon
character skating on ice, and it reminds the students they are to work quietly so students in each
of the four reading circles can focus on their books. The students have been working very hard
at learning the procedures for seat work/reading circle time, and they are doing a pretty good job!
I know it is difficult to keep quiet during this time; however, I try to give them opportunities
to chat, ask me questions, and keep busy with a variety of activities. I would appreciate your
prayers as I take on this aspect of the day! It is challenging part of the day, but I hope it will be a
wonderful opportunity for the students to grow and make progress in a variety of skills!
I am also excited about a new unit we will begin this week in history! Your child will receive a
passport, and we will be leaving on a journey to travel to ten countries including Mexico, Peru,
England, the Netherlands, Italy, Israel, Kenya, China, Japan, and Australia. I really enjoyed
teaching about each of the countries last year and have been eagerly anticipating the start of this
unit again this year! I love to make material as concrete and meaningful as possible, so if you have
souvenirs, pictures, etc. from a particular country or have connections with family or friends who
have traveled to the country or who have lived there, I would encourage you to share with your
child what you know. Please feel free to send in pictures, stories, etc. with your child so he or
she may teach us something new! I trust we will conclude our journey around the world with a
passport full of new understanding and fond memories!
Have a wonderful and relaxing weekend!
Miss Hult
A Bible Course Map for the Upcoming Week
Psalm 106:1
“Praise the LORD! Oh give thanks to the Monday: (Gen. 33:1-20) Jacob returns with his
LORD, for He is good; For His lovingkindness family to his home. Esau goes out to meet and
is everlasting. Who can speak of the mighty welcome him. He does not want to harm Jacob,
deeds of the LORD, or can show forth all His but he wants to forgive him.
praise? How blessed are those who keep Tuesday: Review of Jacob’s life.
justice, who practice righteousness at all Wednesday: (Gen. 37:1-14) Joseph was loved by his
times! ” father and given a coat of many colors. All of his
brothers were jealous of him. Furthermore,
Joseph had two dreams in which his brothers’
crops and the sun, moon, and eleven stars bowed
down to him. This angered Joseph’s brothers and
made them very jealous. Joseph’s pride and his
brothers’ anger were sin. God worked all things
out for Joseph’s good, He does not want us to be
like Joseph, but instead, He wants us to be
humble and not to think more highly of others
than we do of ourselves.
Spotlighting Students and Volunteers Thursday: (Gen. 37:20-36) Joseph’s brothers hated
him, and their envy drove them to devise a plan to
I appreciate the Thompson family and their get rid of him. So, they threw him in a pit, and
willingness to serve by bringing in snacks! The sold him to some men. God had a plan for Joseph,
kids couldn’t wait to see what treat their and He protected him.
friend would bring to school, and it was Friday: (Gen. 39-40) Joseph is sold as a slave to an
served up with a big smile each day! I also officer of Pharaoh named Potiphar. Joseph
want to thank the Osborn family for bringing obeyed the Lord in all he did, and God blessed
in some treats this week too! him for his obedience. However, Joseph was
Thank you to all who have volunteered to eventually put in prison because he did what was
bring in snacks! We look forward to treats right. God protected him even in jail, and He
from the Minarich family this next week! May blessed Joseph for his obedience, allowing him to
God bless all of you for taking this responsibili- give the meaning to some important dreams. God
ty of of my plate! It is a huge blessing! will use us if we obey like Joseph.

Quick Glimpse Calendar

Monday, Jan. 18 - Friday, Jan. 22 - Bible verse O; DIBELS testing

Tuesday, Jan. 19 - Show and Tell
Wednesday, Jan. 20 - Chapel
Friday, Jan. 22 - Early Dismissal

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