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T.S Eliot quote
S Herberger quote.
The swinging pendulum. Gothic. Bronze. The hands running wildly. The rapid swinging. The
gothic gargoyle. Low angle shot. Into the black maw. An abyss, a clock suspended and
superimposed upon it.
The crowd of people that the camera
The city grid. What is significant about any of these thousands upon thousands of people?
The dance music.
The television showing the long line of dominoes on the television screen. The chain of causality.
The slow motion shot of Lola shows the intensity of her plight.
The woman, not gazing directly at the camera. Confessing. Soliloquising. Her hair as thin and
wispy as the gossamer curtains, showing the ephemerality of her situation, of the sordid affair,
the man who wont stand by her.
Lola is stable, emotionally, destabilising and subverting the gender stereotypes.
do you still love me? why are you asking me now for? do you still love me?
the woman, against the window, leaning against the only frame and portal of light. The father
was slumped against the wall. A posture hardly befitting his role.
Lola perceives the watch upside down.
Running diagonally across the grid of the stone plaza, besides the fountain. Cutting against the
grain, the order, the structure.
The muting of the volume of the music. The sentimental strings. Upwards shot at Mannis face.
Birds eye view of Lola. Fade to red.
Red. Signifying lust.
do you love me? I dont know. I just know you think so who is your feelings anyway me.
My heart

My heart.
Your heart says,
"Hi, Manni. She's the one."

- Exactly.
- And you say...
"Thanks for the information.
See you around."
And you do whatever
your heart says?
Well, it really doesn't
"say" anything.
I don't know.
It just feels.
So what does it feel now?
That someone's asking
rather stupid questions.
Man, you aren't taking me seriously.
Lola, what's wrong?
You want to leave me?
I don't know.
I think I have to make
a decision.
But I don't want to.
I don't want to leave.

do you do anything your heart says? it doesnt really say anything

courtesy and composure are the queens jewels
A little anger is good for the heart, the circulation, the skin
it isnt your day today doesnt matter. You cant have everything the grammatical failure of
the sentence, lacking a full stop, signifies the lack of emotion. it is this statement that causes
Lola to seize the day. To take her father hostage.
kinder? the innocence projected onto Lola, which is inappropriate, because the gun lifts her
above the plane.
you dont want to hurt anyone I dont know

what would you do if I died? Sure youd mourn for a few weeks. Shes so strong
What would you do if I died?
- I wouldn't let you die.
- Yeah, well...
what if I were fatally ill?
I'd find a way.
What if I were in a coma,
and the doc said, "One more day"?
I'd throw you into the ocean...
shock therapy.
What if I were dead anyway?
- What do you want to hear?
- Come on. Tell me.
I'd go to the Isle of Rugen
and cast your ashes to the wind.
And then?
I don't know.
It's a stupid question.
I know what you'd do.
You'd forget me.
- No!
- Sure you would.
What else could you do?
Sure, you'd mourn for a few weeks.
Not a bad idea.
And everybody's real compassionate...
and everything's so incredibly sad,
and everyone feels sorry for you.
You can show everyone how strong you

are. "What a great woman," they'll say.

"She really pulls herself together
instead of crying all day."
And all at once this really nice guy
with green eyes shows up.
And he's super sensitive,
listens to you all day.
And you can talk his ear off.
And you can tell him
how tough things are for you...
and that you have to look after yourself
and don't know what's gonna happen...
and blah, blah, blah.
Then you'd hop onto his lap and cross me
off your list. That's how it goes.
- Manni.
- What?
You haven't died yet.

the soundtrack, on the third run through, is major and upbeat.

Lolas screech, symbolising her supernatural power over her world.
All the German gamblers standing and staring, a tableau, the womans head and nape and
bundle of mouse hair turned away from her
Lola saved his life. Prevented him from the heart attack.
The blindness of the woman at the phone book has a prophetic significance. Tiresias. The

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