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Getting Started with MS Dynamics CRM

Working With Microsoft Dynamics CRM Module-5

Customizations for Microsoft Dynamics

BISP is committed to provide BEST learning material to the beginners and advance
learners. In the same series, we have prepared a complete end-to end Hands-on
Beginners Guide for Microsoft Dynamics CRM. The document focuses on
customizing MS Dynamics. Join our professional training program and learn from


Description Change
Initial Draft

Chandra Prakash Sharma
Sumit Goyal

Publish Date
10th Aug 2014
10th Aug 2014

Page 1

Customizations for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online ......................................................................................... 3
Types of Customizations : .................................................................................................................................... 3
Solutions : ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
Customizing Fields : ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Customization Concepts : ................................................................................................................................ 6
Field Data Types : ............................................................................................................................................ 6
How to Creating Custom Fields in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online: ............................................................. 8
Field Properties :............................................................................................................................................ 11
Option Sets : .................................................................................................................................................. 13
Creating Option Sets : ................................................................................................................................ 13

Page 2

Customizations for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online to more closely fit your organizations industry, nomenclature, and unique
business processes by customizing the service.
Below example show customizations:
Entity : Entity item with properties that you track, such as a contact or account. For an entity you might
track properties such as company name, location, products, email, and phone.
Workflow : Workflow set of rules that run on demand or are triggered to run automatically.
Field : Field property of an entity, such as company name.
Form : Form set of data-entry fields for a given entity that matches the items that your organization tracks
for the entity.
Interface : The buttons, labels, and controls of the user interface.
Reason for the customization :
Entity : You can create or modify the name or properties of an entity that your organization wants to track.
Workflow : You can create or modify workflows to run in accordance with the way your organization works.
Form : You can create a new form based on an existing form, and then customize the form to suit your
organizations needs.
Field : You can define entity properties that you want to track.
Interface : If the users in your organization find the term Commit more familiar than the term Go.

Types of Customizations :
There is four type customization available in Microsoft Dynamics CRM online :
1. Customize the System : You can create, modify or delete components in your organization. Components
include entities, fields, relationship, forms, report, process and other.
2. Solutions : Create, modify, export or import a managed or unmanaged solutions.
3. Publishers : Create, modify or delete a solutions publisher.
4. Developer Resources : View information or download files that help you developer application and
extensions for Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

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Solutions :
A solution is a bucket where all the customization components of a particular project are stored.
Solutions are how customizers and developers author, package, and maintain units of software that
extend Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online.
Creating a solution helps in moving these components from one environment to another.
Customizers and developers distribute solutions so that organizations can use Microsoft Dynamics
CRM to install and uninstall the business functionality defined by the solution.
There are three different types of solutions :
1) Default.
2) Managed.
3) Unmanaged.
Default Solution : The out-of-the-box Microsoft Dynamics CRM software as well as the pre-deployment
customizations are part of the default solution.
You can access a default solution by navigating to Settings, Customizations, and Customize the system.

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Managed Solution and Unmanaged Solution :

Unmanaged Solution:
The beginning state of solution is the unmanaged solution state.
An unmanaged solution is one that is still under development or isnt intended to be distributed.
During this phase, you can add, edit, update, remove, delete, and test any of the components of the
You also have the ability to create restrictions on the components within the solution.
Managed Solution :
A managed solution is a completed solution that is intended to be distributed and installed.
They are created by exporting an unmanaged solution by setting restrictions to prevent any further
They are installed in addition to the system solution.

Solution Components :

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Customizing Fields :
Customization Concepts :
Microsoft Dynamics CRM is designed to allow system administrators and users the flexibility of customizing
and configuring the system to meet their specific needs.
Requirements for customization:
The right/privileges to make changes.
A structured methodology for implementation.
Understanding of the business process.
Familiarity with the application architecture.
And also include major types of customizations :
Customizing the schema.
Customizing reports and dashboards and creating web resources.
Automations using workflows and dialogs.
Customizing forms, views and charts.

Field Data Types :

Possible data types for a field :
Data Type
Single Line of Text(nvarchar)




This opens a new e-mail message in the default e-mail

software when clicked and also validates an email


Allows the entry of any text in the field. Allows up to

4,000 characters of text.

Text area

This creates a scrolling text box, Similar to text, but

allows you to set up the field to
accept multiple lines of text on the form.

Ticker Symbol

This creates a stock ticker symbol in all capital letters,

Converts the value entered into a hyperlink. Clicking
the hyperlink opens Microsoft money central with
details on the value of the stock and latest news. By
default, the MSN website opens.


This opens the URL in the user's default browser when

clicked and validates (or adds) a valid Protocol (HTTP,
HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, OneNote, and TEL) are allowed,
Ensures that the field will only allow a properly

Page 6

formatted Web URL as input. Once populated, clicking

on the field will automatically open the underlying
Web site.
Option Set (picklist)
Two Options (bit)

Whole Number (int)

Floating Point Number(float)

Decimal Number(decimal)


This creates a link that enables Skype or Microsoft

Lync users to initiate a call by using the linked number.
Select an existing option set, or define a new one.
This allows you to create a simple yes/no type field.
On the form, it can be displayed as a check box, a
picklist, or as radio buttons.
After creating this field, configure it in the form to
which it was added. In the form, select whether the
field is displayed as option buttons (also known as
radio buttons), a check box, or a list.
Accepts a whole integer number within the specified
range -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,648, although you
can set different minimum and maximum values.


Accepts duration in the field using a pick list and s

creates a drop-down list box with values in minutes,
hours, and days.


Accepts a language in the field. Uses a picklist to

present a user-friendly format for this field. Only
languages that have been installed with Dynamics
CRM will appear in the picklist.
This creates a drop-down list box with options for
every language that your organization has made
available for users.

Time Zone

Accepts a time zone in the field. Uses a pick list to

present a user-friendly format for the time zone and
creates a drop-down list box with options for every
available time zone.
Each entity can have one image field.
Accepts a floating-point number in the selected
precision (up to five digits) and range. You can set the
minimum and maximum values.
Select up to 10 decimal points.
Accepts a money field (with optional levels of
precision) within the specified range.

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A lookup data type whose value must be set before

you can set the value of a field with a currency data

Exchange Rate

This has a decimal number data type.

This is a scrolling text box, Allows up to 100,000
characters of text.
Accepts a date value.

Multiple Lines of Text(ntext)

Date and Time(datetime)

Date Only
Date and Time


Accepts a date and time value.

Looks up a record from another entity. Using this field
creates a relationship to the other entity.
You can create a lookup field using an entity
relationship that has already been created, but not yet
used with another lookup field. If you create a lookup
field in an entity form, the relationship is
automatically generated. A lookup field is created as a
relationship field.

How to Create Custom Fields in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online:

Step 1 : Login in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online account, Then under the navigation panel click on
Microsoft Dynamics CRM, then click Setting, then Click Customization and after then click on
Customization the System link. see below.

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Step 2 : Expend Entities, then expend object (Account), then select Fields and click on New link, see below.

Step 3 : Enter the Display Name, select Field Security, select data type, format maximum length, then click
on Save and Close button.

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Step 4 : After then click on forms under the account, then select Forms name (Account).

Step 5 : Drag and drop Field name then click on save, then publish after then click on Save and close button

Step 6 : Click on Publish All Customizations button.

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Step 7 : Check this field add or not.

Go to navigation click on Microsoft dynamics CRM, then select Service, then account, then click on new
account. you can see here Bisp account field is available. see below.

Field Properties :
Step 1 : Login in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online account, Then under the navigation panel click on
Microsoft Dynamics CRM, then click Setting, then Click Customization and after then click on
Customization the System link. see below.

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Step 2 : Expend Entities, then expend object (Account), then select Fields, then checked field name, click on
More Actions tab and click on Managed Properties link , see below.

Step 3 : Set Managed Properties by selecting radio buttons, then click on Set button.

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Step 4 : Click on Save and Close button, then click on Publish All Customizations button.

Option Sets :
Option Sets are a field type similar to a pick list. If you want to be able to use this set in multiple entities
without having to create them every time, you can create a global option set.
option sets to set fields so that different fields can share the same set of options, which are maintained in
one location. You can reuse global option sets.

Creating Option Sets :

Step 1 : Login in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online account, Then under the navigation panel click on
Microsoft Dynamics CRM, then click Setting, then Click Customization and after then click on
Customization the System link. see below.

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Step 2 : Expend Entities, then expend object (Account), then select Fields and click on New link, see below.

Step 3 : Choose Option Set in Type, select Yes in the Use existing option set radio button, then click on the
New button.

Step 4 : In the page that opens, fill in the name and click on the
Enter the options in the Label field one by one. (The number in the Value field defaults.)
Click on Save and Close button.

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