Abstract Title: Firstname LASTNAME1

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Firstname LASTNAME1
Title, Institution, City, Country
E-mail address:

Firstname LASTNAME2
Title, Institution, City, Country
E-mail address:

Firstname LASTNAME3
Title, Institution, City, Country
E-mail address:

Keywords: Keyword1, Keyword2, Keyword3, Keyword4, Keyword5

Title of the extended abstract should be written left using bold upper case 14 point Times New
Roman font. Authors full names should be written with two blank lines after the abstract title. The
title, institution name, city, country and e-mail address of each author should be written in italic 10
points Times New Roman font. After that 5 Keywords should be written according to the indicated
Abstract should use (Heading; 24 pt before, 12 pt after, 12 pt Times Roman, Upper case, bold),
followed by abstract text written (maximum 300 words) with single line spacing using Times New
Roman 11 pt font.

Following the abstract, it is suggested to start with Introduction. All the text need to written
using single line spacing with Times New Roman 11 pt font. Please indent the paragraphs 1cm.
Following Introduction any heading title that authors prefer can be used using the same heading
style (Heading; 24 pt before, 12 pt after, 12 pt Times Roman, Upper case and Bold),
All the Tables, Figures and Equations used within the text should be numbered in sequence.
Table numbers should be mentioned within the text before the Table is placed. Table Captions should
be placed above each table, and one blank line should be used between caption and the previous
paragraph. Characters used in tables must be Times New Roman font at least 9 pt size. Tables should
be centred in page and table size should not exceed page margins. One blank line should be used
beneath Table. References should be mentioned if Table is cited from any other publication. All tables
need to be cited in the text as Table number.
Table 1. Foreshocks of the 2006 Silakhor, Iran, Earthquake (Amini Hosseini et al, 2009)

March 30, 2006
March 30, 2006
March 31, 2006
March 31, 2006
March 31, 2006
March 31, 2006

Time (GMT)




Please pay attention to the quality of the Figures. All the Figures copied from Excel or any other
applications should be pasted as Picture (Enhanced Metafile) using Paste Special from Edit Toolbar.
Figures should be centred and attention should be paid that the Figure is aligned in line with text
using Format Object Toolbar, Layout tag. Figures should be numbered consecutively in the order in

which reference is made to them in the text and Figure Captions should be given centred beneath each
figure with 6pt space above. Reference should be mentioned if figure is cited from any other
publication. In diagrams, axis should be clearly defined and usage of only symbols should be avoided.
Legend and axis descriptions should be read easily with at least 8 pt font. One blank line space should
be used before the figure. All figures need to be cited in the text as Fig. number.

Figure 1. Schematic vertical section of the reinforced slope (Askari, 2013)

Equations used in the main text should be centred and numbered consecutively. Equation
numbers should be placed at the right end of the equation line between parentheses. Numbers of
equations given as a group or in sequence should be placed in-line with the equation at the bottom of
the group. Equation Editor should be used to create Equations using 11 point Symbols and Times New
Roman font. All equations need to be cited in the text as Eq. (number).
BF ( Bf 1 Bf 2) / 2 (1)

References should be given at the end. References should be written in text up to 2 authors as
Clough and Penzien (1993), for more than two authors as Amini Hosseini et al. (2009). Reference at
the end of the sentence, using the previous criteria, should be given in parentheses (Amini Hosseini et
al., 2009). For a variety of references, some examples are given in the following References section.
References should be sorted in alphabetical order with respect to surnames. References should
be in English. If several works by the same author are cited, entries should be in chronological order,
as the latest one given first. References should be written using 10 point Times New Roman font.
Point and comma should not be used following names and surnames, only authors of the same
publications should be separated by a comma. Conference and journal titles should be written in italic,
book, thesis and reports should be given underlined. Point should not be used within References.

It is suggested that the paper ends with a conclusion section summarising what has been done
and what has been observed.
Papers should not be longer than 8 pages.

Amini Hosseini K, Tasnimi AA, Ghayamghamian MR, Mohammadi M., Mansouri B and Hosseinioon S (2009)
Local Disaster Management Assessment and Implementation Strategy, Technical Report, Ministry of Interior,
4697-IRN, Tehran, Iran
Askari F (2013) Seismic Three Dimensional Stability of Reinforced Slopes, Journal of Seismology and
Earthquake Engineering, 15(2): 111-119

Clough RW and Penzien J (1993) Dynamics of Structures, 2nd Ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York
Motamed H. (2012) Determination of indices and criteria of urban seismic safety against earthquake, Ph.D.
Thesis, International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Tehran, Iran

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