The Demon Within

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Byron Nadgie was born in Southampton in the 70's, his love for

writing came from his love of travel, his journeys took him around the
world, where he met different cultures who spoke strange languages,
whose legends and myths were captivating. Those journeys lit the
flame opening up the unlimited potential of creation.





: T





For those who work tirelessly in the background. Thank you.

Byron Nadgie





: T





Copyright Byron Nadgie

The right of Byron Nadgie to be identified as author of this work has
been asserted by him in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
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Any person who commits any unauthorized act in relation to this
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A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British

ISBN 978 184963 512 7
First Published (2015)
Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd.
25 Canada Square
Canary Wharf
E14 5LB

Printed and bound in Great Britain

t is written in the great journals of Ukarn that magic runs between the
worlds like a powerful river. It has many unseen currents and many
ways to ensnare the foolhardy.

he orb wars began because we forgot the basic tenants of our

humanity when we proclaimed ourselves living Gods, creating
doorways into the magical realms, here we discovered how to create
armies to conquer the world, nightmarish creations given life by masterful
magicians, shadow demon beings that hunted our people to near extinction.
Were it not for the brave of heart, steel and courage we would not have
survived. Let those that harness the power of the river forever more know that
we are the people and we shall always remember the tales.
Princess Helena (945 A.D)
(Passages from the peoples play Chronicle of Remembrance.)

Chapter One
It is the same after all wars, memories linger long after the
last clashes of steel have faded, sadness is soon replaced
with anger, anger replaced by fear, fear breeds the darkest
of contempt and for those who know how to harness this it
is easy to encourage conflict.

he north westerly gale buffeted the mountain passes, its bitter touch
heralding the onset of winter. Angrily it leapt into the fields and
farmsteads that surrounded the peaks of the Iltar, finally becoming
ensnared by the struts of the manmade porch, it wrestled with the hanging
chimes, creating a melody of shades both light and dark, an observer for the
coming of storms.
Gelor stirred and shifted wearily on his rocking chair, the numbness of his
hands making him wince and his eyes glanced across the bleak fields, they
finally came to rest on the dancing chimes, the winds are shifting direction, he
thought, winters bite is in the air, soon the passes will again close and for a time
no more patrols will pass this way. The thought somehow comforted the old
Gelor again closed his eyes, Heat! He whispered and slowly the glow of
magic crept around his legs, gradually chasing away the numbness, the amulet
that never left his neck pulsated into life, Gelors hand reached instinctively
under his robe, the last relic of a life better left forgotten, he thought.
Gelor blinked several times, trying to hold back the floodgate of emotions
holding back his tears, the screams of those he had killed, a constant torment,
each day weakening his resolve, pushing him closer towards madness and
depression. Such is the way of magic, he thought, it can kill with nothing more
than a well-placed word, what we did in the name of magic, in the name of the
king, may the Gods truly forgive us, for surely only they can.
Gelors thoughts became distant, his mind caught within yesteryear, he often
found himself daydreaming, trying to find solace from the nightmares of the Orb
Wars. Once I could control the magic, he thought. Now it tests me constantly,
licking at the fringes of my mind, knowing that age is upon me, my will is failing.
One day soon it will find a weakness and then... Gelors thoughts trailed away,
his mind again swallowing him, his incessant mumbling becoming more insane.
The afternoon passed without incident but with the first spots of rain, Gelor
moved inside, careless drops of water eager to challenge the fire dripped from
the flue, making the fire hiss and spit, extra wood ensured that the embers would
remain long into the night.

Gelor smiled at his grandson, You have tended the horses? Taluhor
smiled, his rich blue eyes disarming Gelors frostiness. Well then, draw water
and wash for supper!
Gelor watched the boy leave, the close bond between them fading with each
year, he has my eyes, the pain of his statement echoed within his heart. The boy
has magic, I can sense it, it is trapped, untested but it is there, he is cursed like
all the Erlom bloodline, a curse that will see him hunted if the Knights of the
Inquisition discover his ancestry the boy will be doomed, I must not let this
Gelor raised his hand as Mauread entered the room, I do not wish supper,
the evening air leaves a foul taste in my mouth. He passed without further
comment, knowing the harshness of his mood had been reflected through his
Gelor slammed his bedroom door and the tears flowed unbidden, what have
I done? Magic will try and ensnare them, without guidance they have no hope,
but I cannot reveal to them who they are, the dark passenger they carry within,
would seek its freedom.
Gelor slumped onto his bed, the torment of his mind screaming into the
darkness, it was not long before he fell into restless sleep, as darkness removed
the light; haunting screams disturbed the shadows.
Mauread suddenly awoke, sleeps confusion dulling her senses; the
nightmare that had plagued her for so many nights again in her thoughts. It is
just a dream, breath, she told herself; she felt the rising fear, the fear that she,
like her father was losing her grip on reality, I am not like him, he is tormented
by memories bought on by his magic, it is he not I that has to live with the
terrors of his past.
Mauread took several deep breaths, she had lost count of how many nights
she had been plagued by the same nightmare, each time she tried to recall the
details, her mind blocked the vision. If I can just remember the woman, why she
haunts my dreams; but tonight was like every other night, the nightmare faded as
if her subconscious mind feared to reveal what it had witnessed, Mauread made
the sign to ward off evil.
Her feelings of ill boding again heightened and she instinctively shivered,
nestling deeper into her bed furs, there are dreams and then there are visions, I
know the difference, tomorrow I will seek aid from the healers; one of their
sleeping drafts might help.
Gelors screams startled her and brought her to a fully heightened state of
wakefulness; she rose from her bed, grabbed her night-robe and made her way
into the living room.
She found Gelor in front of the fire, half naked, half maddened, his
whispering and two way conversation with himself unnerving, frantically he tore
at his sleeveless tunic seeking his amulet, This cannot be! It just cannot be! He
ranted. He moved towards the dying fire and stoked it back to life.
Gelor began to frantically pace, knocking over several pots and wooden
jugs, Mauread get up! he bellowed; Mauread! his madness blinding him to
the fact that Mauread only stood yards away.

Mauread stepped into the sitting room where she instantly began to light
candles. She remained calm, her expression gentle, Father, it is late, let me
make you more of your draft, your mind seems unsettled. Dangerous! She kept
the thought to herself.
Mauread controlled the growing anxiety within the tone of her voice, but his
sudden violence stunned her, she felt his strong grip around her wrist, she
winced as he threw her against the far beam, he lunged at her again, his eyes
cold, unknowing, the venom of his madness reaching new heights.
He straddled her; his hands about her neck, his words filled with hatred,
saliva forming at the corners of his mouth as he tried to choke the life from out
of her.
Mauread struggled and then saw his amulet, she grabbed it and pushed it
against his flesh, instantly the madness left his eyes, he regained his sanity,
released his grip and struggled to stand.
Gelor lowered his gaze, The blackouts are getting worse Mauread, are you
Mauread simply nodded, but she could not keep the fear from her eyes, she
rubbed her wrists, the welts already forming under the skin, causing bruising. I
fear your madness Gelor, one day you may not return, one day one of your
altered egos may win, then what? What of us, of Taluhor?
Gelor simply nodded and turned towards the fire, I will leave soon, before
the winter sets in.
Mauread sighed deeply, We can discuss this tomorrow, I will prepare a
stronger draft of the medicine, sit, the milk will need to warm. Mauread
returned moments later, her confusion clear.
Gelor noted her expression, What is it Mauread?
Nothing, the milk has soured, it was drawn fresh this morning!
Gelor instantly stood, took the milk jug and poured its contents over the
floor, This has not soured, life has withdrawn from it! Realisation dawned
across his face, before the jug smashed against the floor, Gelor pushed passed
Mauread and tore into the larder, returning moments later, his eyes again wild,
his hands holding a second milk jug. Something is wrong! But try as he might,
he could not control the whispering chaos that was once more overtaking his
Mauread stepped slowly forward, Father! Her voice trembling; her body
poised for another attack. Gelor simply pushed her away, his thoughts turned
within, his voice lost in dark rambling. His eyes again cleared as the realisation
dawned on him, the milk jug fell from his hands, smashing at his feet showering
the room in curdled milk, he again ran to the larder, Mauread went to stop him
but the madness in his eyes made her back away. He appeared again moments
later, he held up the cured leg of ham, the maggots festering upon it made
Mauread heave.
I do not understand, she whispered, the larder is well aired, colder now
that autumn has come in.
Someone close by is summoning the magic, a dark spell Mauread, there is
no other explanation, we must leave here, it is not safe, magic is coming,

clawing its way into the world. He again began to ramble; arguing with
himself, lost in his madness.
He moved quicker than his age, clasping Mauread in a vice like grip, The
signs are all here Mauread, the milk has soured, the cured meat is infested with
maggots. He again went into the larder before returning to Mauread, Look at
the yolk of these eggs! Gelor held up the crushed shells, what remained of the
yolks ran as blood, I should have known that my visions were omens, I have
been ignoring them putting it down to the madness but I should have known
better, Palencia only appears in visions when there is imminent danger!
Something is very wrong, you do not understand the signs Mauread, you cannot
understand, these are ill omens, something is about to occur here, something
terrible! Gelor grasped his daughters shoulders. Only once have I seen such
omens, once! It is as if life itself begins to withdraw, almost sensing magics
His voice trailed off fearful of revealing too much. You must pack, do so
quickly! They have found me Mauread, the Priesthood have found me! Gelors
voice was filled with madness as he continued to ramble incoherently.
Mauread struggled to understand, the ham and eggs can be explained, she
thought, but I need to calm him, check to see if he has taken his medication, his
madness is getting worse, but even he knows better than to speak of the
Priesthood! To do so can only bring bad fortune! He has never once, in all of
his time here mentioned The Priesthood! Mauread tried to read Gelors eyes, he
is putting all of our lives in jeopardy, if someone overhears him talking like this,
it will bring out the Tanlaar! She breathed deeply trying to control her voice.
Father things always look bleak without sleep, your mind is tormenting
you, your dark personalities are playing tricks, the nights shadows always make
them worse, let me draw you a stronger draft, the herbs will settle the voices.
She said reassuringly.
Gelors face filled with rage, spittle spraying from the edges of his mouth.
They are coming Mauread, you have hidden me, they will not spare you or the
child, I know them for what they are! They are death incarnate! Do not mistake
my words for the madness, they are coming child, magic is in the air!
Mauread read her fathers eyes, something about them unnerved her and as
much as she tried to calm her mind, fear slowly crept in. His eyes do not reflect
the madness, you know the difference between him and the voices, but if its not
the madness then what? For long moments they both stood locked in stare,
Mauread lowered her gaze, Do not let him get inside your mind; he is tortured,
lost to his madness, we are not safe, what if he loses control of his sanity, can he
control his magic?
Why now father after all this time? We have remained hidden from their
searches, nobody knows of your past.
Mauread saw the globules of lava flicker momentarily across Gelors pupils,
magic! she thought. Her eyes darted nervously towards her sons door. Father
is that you? She hesitantly reached for the amulet hanging from his neck and
pressed it against his chest, his eyes slowly returning to normal, his face once
more old and wrinkled.

Gelor released his grip and moved once more to the hearth. Magic can
sense I am growing old, it waits for me child, knows that one day soon it will
overpower me, I may be old and maybe my mind fails me, but I know the signs
of life withdrawing from an area, we do not have much time! You do not know
the nature of magic, but I know it, know it for what it truly is, it is a living force
filled with trickery, heed my words; the Priesthood have found me. Gelors
words trailed off, his thoughts caught in yesteryear, his ramblings chaotic.
There is but one chance! He suddenly remembered and rushed out of the
Mauread tried to stop him but the fury within his eyes made her back off.
Be ready to depart, there is something I need from the barn! He shouted as he
disappeared into the darkness.
Wait! Mauread shouted after him but he was already out of the door, and
now he shall know the secret, Mauread feared the repercussions, she calmly sat
and waited.
Gelor again cursed the madness that his mind had become; I should have
known better, I am a fool and I have revealed them! Magic has tricked me for
the last time, but this time it may cost Mauread and the boy, I should have left
here long ago, long before magic had found a way to reveal me!
The old magicians eyes began to adjust to the night and he quickly made
his way through the slippery mud towards the hay barns, he paused as several
howls disturbed the cool mountain air, he mumbled and argued with himself as
he went.
Why are you paying the wolves attention? You have lost your mind! The
voice was a twisted version of his own, more and more lately he had found his
personality splitting into altered egos, the wolves should not be trifled with, it
has been a bad summer, food is scarce! Gelor grasped his amulet and the voices
in his mind stopped.
The dire wolves had quickly learnt that hunting within the westerly fields
cost them dearly, they now stayed out of sight, wary of the old man who talked
to himself, but could kill them with but a whispered word, but tonight their cries
seemed restless, eerie, somehow holding night at bay. It is a warning, they
sense magics darkness! Gelor increased his pace.
Gelor moved into the shadows of the barn and there lit a small torch, several
of the Shire horses moved nervously, their acute senses on guard. Gelor gently
offered words of comfort, Its okay boys, hush now, we will soon be
departing. He offered them several handfuls of grain.
Gelor rubbed the deep scars on his back; a reminder of how close the
Priesthood had once come to killing him. It is a long time since I have thought
about orb magic. He shuddered involuntarily.
Just thinking about his orb brought back the bitter memories, the Orb Wars
turned the people against magic, even using one to restore health is now
forbidden! Utter madness, darn right madness! He muttered, but their fear is
well placed, he thought, there is another side to orb magic, one much darker,
one that turns the compassion of men into villainous monsters! Gelor shuddered.
How did we get it so wrong? He thought, I see now that the signs were
there, the guilds of magic already fractionalized, our rituals polluted, how many

mages flocked to the false ideals of the Dark Brotherhood, they doomed us all!
Images of war again began to drown the old magician pushing him further into
Gelors mind opened and a floodgate of memories swallowed him, for long
moments the barn faded and he once more stood in the great guild halls. We had
this one chance, he thought, one chance to stop the Orb Wars and what did we
do? We argued amongst ourselves, the magical guilds fell apart and as each
year went by, we lost more of ourselves, until finally we conjured the demon
creatures. How could men create such abominations? Create such darkness that
life no longer matters!
Gelor slowly blinked and the barn again came into focus, entire armies have
been put asunder by the creatures we created through magic. No man should
have to face such creatures; no man should have to negate the dark places!
Gelor looked nervously towards the shadows as if just by thinking about the
dark places one might form.
Since the wars, Gelor had kept himself to himself; deep within the mountain
ranges of the Iltar dark places were uncommon. But throughout the kingdom
there are still many dark places, he thought. Places where magic has spliced
two worlds together; worlds that no man should witness. The Knights are
welcome to them, the Knights and the Priesthood!
The rage exploded within Gelor, Priesthood! I know them for what they
truly are, the Kings handpicked assassins, hiding their use of magic behind
their temple at Ukarn!
Gelor felt the magic licking at the fringes of his mind, he reached for his
amulet. He felt its warmth as the magic trapped within seeped into his being, he
felt its intoxicating power and instantly the desire to merge with magic lessened.
Be careful old man, magic nearly takes a hold!
Gelor had never spoken to Mauread about the curse of her bloodline, but he
knew she carried it within. I have felt the wisps of magic around her, felt the
power of the Erlom! I have shown her little and yet she begins to draw upon the
magic, unknowingly she is awakening our dark passenger, I must fashion her an
amulet like mine, teach her how to keep her magical hunger at bay. I should
have done it long ago. He cursed under his breath!
Gelor returned to the task at hand, three paces to the left of the farthest
upright beam, his fingers began to frantically move aside the earth until his
fingers closed around the buried silver box, it had been just where he had hidden
it so many years before; he began to work the mud out of the ornamental
They once called me the Orb Creator, Gelor scoffed at the title, foolish
pride, it is a curse, the Erloms are cursed for their pact with magic!
Gelor continued to stroke the silver box, his fingers passed over the locking
mechanism and instantly his focus became alert and he looked closely at the
device, No! he whispered, this cannot be!
A brilliant light suddenly appeared within his mind, his thoughts linked with
the magic and his body fell into hypnotic trance. He recognised the younger God
instantly, Palencia! he whispered, the Ethereal God simply blinked.

Gelors mind filled with her gentle voice. She will not listen, I have tried, I
have tried and failed, the darkness is coming Gelor, coming for the Erlom,
protect the boy, you are his last hope, the seals of the Dark Orb Prophecies have
been broken! You must warn the Priesthood that it begins, that magic has found
a way of being cast by the demonic, a new threat arises, the Dark Demon Lord
approaches! Gelor fell to the ground his thoughts in turmoil, magic had taken
the pigment from his eyes, only the amulet saved him from being possessed.
Wait! Come back! he whispered.
Please, he whispered, tears streaming down his cheeks, why now? Why
after years of abandonment do you come again? I have never heard of the Dark
Orb Prophecy or of a Dark Demon Lord, is it possible for a demon to possess
the magic? If so how, why do you not intervene? His mind remained silent.
His eyes fell upon the silver box and his hands once more grasped the cold
metal, his fingers continued to rub the dirt from the carvings but he knew it had
been tampered with, the box slipped from his hands and he rushed from the barn
towards the house.
Gelor burst through the door his anger apparent, he grabbed hold of his
daughter more in panic than violence. Mauread you have stolen it, its gone,
where is it, where is it? Gelors eyes became maddened and for long moments
silence passed between them and then somehow he regained his sanity. He let go
of his daughter and moved slowly towards the fire, he was visibly shaken that
his rage could be directed at his daughter in this manner.
I am sorry Mauread, it sometimes takes control, you should not see me like
this, I am sorry. Mauread moved slowly behind him, she put her arm around
him reassuringly. Mauread did not know where to begin but knew she had to
speak whilst her fathers rational mind was still in control, she had dreaded this
moment for so long and now it had come she did not know what to say.
How could I have been so stupid, so selfish, I should have known,
whispered Gelor. Arron?
My husband was so fearful of your magic; he knew you had hidden
something. I know you had no love for this man but he was not the same when
he returned from the wars. He found it easier to lose himself in ale caskets than
to face me and Taluhor.
Mauread turned away from her father, Arron found your orb, I have never
seen such hatred in human eyes, it was all I could do to stop him handing your
name into the authorities. When he found out that you had bought a forbidden
orb here, he took his sword to it, whatever it released stole his mind, he began to
speak like you. The Tanlaar arrested him; it was the last we saw of him. I
reburied your box and hoped it would stay hidden forever, you should not have
brought it here; it has only brought heart ache and sadness. What is so haunting
about an orb that it will see a man go insane to see it destroyed? Maureads
voice slowly faded into nothingness and again there was silence.
Gelors alter ego screamed defiance, but the warmth of his amulet against
his palm again quietened them, I wish I could tell you more child, but there is
no more time! His amulet suddenly pulsated, filled with magic, the hairs on his
head became statically charged, solitary hair strands began to dance in unusual

directions and as if by magic a magical heaviness fell over the room, the flame
within the hearth turned blue; slowly it died leaving the room in darkness.
You must leave now, magic is withdrawing life from our world, when it
returns it will destroy everything in its wake! Gelor reached inside his tunic and
began to unfasten the amulet. Hesitantly he went to hand it to Mauread.
This is all I have, it is now yours, it is special, it will control the hunger,
god I wish I could explain more, but for now it is better that you remain in
darkness, perhaps the curse will pass you by!
Mauread stepped back tentatively; the amulet was the only thing that kept
her father sane, without it he would be consumed by his own madness!
Take it! He bellowed, it will protect you Mauread you must escape! For
years I have warned you against The Priesthood, but I fear they may be your
only hope now! I hope Palencia is wrong, that the power of magic cannot be
wielded by demons because death will surely follow, you have Erlom blood
Mauread, it will draw this darkness, it will come after you, as surely as it now
comes for me, of this I am certain. Your only hope is the Priesthood, take my
amulet to them. Tell them the impossible has come to pass, tell them that a Dark
Demon Lord has arisen and has taken power over the magic! Tell them before
its too late that they must find a copy of The Dark Orb Prophecy, tell them
Palencia has said the seals are broken; promise me you will pass this message on
Mauread. One more thing; the most important of all, you must never reveal that
we were kindred. Tell them that I was a traveller, who became sick during the
rainy season, that I forced you to take me in, anything but we are related. Go
now and do not return without the power of the orbs. Go now, before the
madness returns!
Gelor handed the amulet to his daughter, she began to speak but Gelor
simply reached out and pushed her away, You must go before the madness
returns! Go!
Father! Maureads voice fell silent as the mountain wolves began to cry
out a unified warning.
Mauread there is nothing you can do, I will do what I can to buy you and
the boy time. The only way you can help me now, is to ensure that you and the
boy remain safe! Gelor grasped hold of her arms and would not let her free
until she promised and repeated his warning.
Gelor hurriedly moved to Taluhors room, his hand resting for the briefest of
moments on his grandsons brow, Sleep boy, his pupils were swallowed as
magic took a breath, Gelor lifted his grandson and handed him to his mother.
You must hurry for the childs sake, I have cast a sleeping spell, my amulet's
magic will make the boy seem lighter, the sleeping spell will not last long,
hopefully long enough for you to reach the safety of the village, if you have
need press the amulet to his skin for it will nullify the spell. You must go now, if
a demon is in control of the magic you do not know what horrors await this
world. Mauread, I have seen so much, done so much, everything in my life that
is good is here, if you or the boy fall, I will have achieved nothing, I will never
be able to redeem my soul. Whatever you hear you must not come back, take the
westerly path through the fields, I will use magic to try and mask your trails, you
should be safe from the wolves if you keep moving. Never return to the Iltar as

it will not be safe, there is no time to saddle horses, run child and keep running.
Summeriastown is your best bet, from there you can buy passage to Talmouth or
anywhere but here!
Gelor suddenly became quiet his voice barely a whisper. It is close, magic
is gathering force, a tidal wave of destruction is coming! Gelor grasped his
daughters arm and led her towards the back door, he smiled as best he could, he
tried to offer reassurance, but his eyes did not hold the hope he had yearned for,
he smiled at his sleeping grandson. You must trust me child, go now and do not
come back! A single tear ran slowly down Maureads cheek, confusion clearly
in her eyes and then the cold night air was on her face.
Gelor barred the door behind her, he had to buy his daughter time, reaching
for his cloak he swung it across his shoulders, his fingers lifted his prized staff
and he stepped slowly towards the front door and onto the porch.
The old magician stood in the nights darkness; Well? He whispered to the
entity he had come to know as magic, today you claim your prize!
Gelor stared intently into the darkness taking in his last moments of sanity,
he had found some peace in the mountain home of his daughter, he did not have
to wait long for the magic to come, the fields became distorted as the force
called magic clawed its way through the space time continuum, the natural laws
of physics dissolved as the land became topsy-turvy creating an area twisted
with magic.
Gelor withdrew his cherished charcoaled tipped staff, he was not fazed by
the dimensional shift, he continued to tell himself that the world had not turned
upside down, that he remained on the porch. He quickly etched several strange
symbols on the porch, Hide them, you at least owe me this! Magic obeyed and
the symbols shimmered and slowly disappeared, that should mask their scent for
a time, he thought.
Dark snarls disturbed the silence and from out of the darkened fields chaos
erupted, several demonic creatures rushed towards the farmstead, saliva dripping
from their gaping jaws, they stood higher than a man, their exoskeletons as hard
as steel.
A strange sulphuric smell drifted across the fields and then Gelor released
his grip on his sanity and opened himself to his magic, yes thats it magician, at
last I have won! The voice in his mind whispered.
Gelor was a powerful magician; perhaps one of the most powerful to still
live, he would not control the magic today, today he would surrender, today
magic would finally consume him into its oblivion. For all his life he had been
fearful of this moment, but now it came, he welcomed it.
Gelors spell disappeared into the ethers; it took moments for the forked
lightning to rumble across the night sky. The clouds became a livid purple and
the air charged with the power of magic, lightning connected with the earth
pinpointing targets with deadly accuracy, shafts of electricity danced within the
fields burning everything they touched, demons dissolved, burnt out of existence
and after a time there was again silence. Gelor leant heavily on the porch railing,
his stature was no longer powerful, the distorted reality making him nauseous,
his eyes telling his mind he was upside down, the voices within his mind now

silent almost cowering in fear. I should have protected myself with runes; the
magic is suffocating me!
They need more time! He whispered. Gelor forced himself upright and
lifted his staff once more.
Gelor had repelled the first demon wave and he knew he could no longer
control the magic, it was taking control of his entire being, it would turn him
into the monster he had resisted all of his life! This will be my final battle, he
thought. Gelor felt the power of the unseen orb, the demon calls forth more of
his creatures.
Gelor again sensed the dark power shifting magics course, magic instantly
came to heel, the usual laws of physics again disappeared and the farmstead, its
lands and the sky began to slowly rotate, and merge into one moment of sound
and blurred vision. Gelor grabbed the porch, the illusion of motion distorting all
his senses.
When the demons again appeared, magic had made them immune to the
lightning strikes, Please, he whispered, grant me one last boon! Gelor
centred his mind and sought the magna flow, magic obeyed, searing heat rose
from the earth burning the entire field, incinerating anything moving in the
darkness, Gelors barrier spell glowed white hot under the intense pressure of
the searing heat.
After a time Gelor again stood alone. His head became light,
unconsciousness tried to force him into oblivion but somehow the old magician
held on, nothing would make him fall into the darkness, Not yet! he
murmured, please not yet! But he was unable to maintain the barrier spell, it
disappeared and heat singed his body, for a time he fought with the sensations,
until the magic receded, his will keeping him conscious, but this was soon
replaced with deaths certainty.
The natural laws of physics again altered, this time the farmstead returned to
normal, Gelors mind refused to accept the reality, it swam dizzily, filled with
the effect of motion sickness, the air screamed as the rider rode between the
worlds, he nudged his demonic mount through the spell of heat and stopped
close enough to the porch to glare at the old man and for long moments silence
refereed the standoff.
I have travelled across many worlds throughout time itself to destroy you
old man, you stand in my way, a remnant of a bygone age, a link to my past and
you shall die! Slender gnarled fingers withdrew the orb, it slowly ebbed a dark
crimson red pulse. I shall destroy them all Gelor!
Gelors eyes widened, No not you, it cant be you, I know you! This
creature you have become- this is not you, the madness it is our curse, I
understand and I can help!
The rider became enraged, Enough! That part of me is dead, you have
failed, I have become! the standoff was now shattered, searing light arced
towards the rider as Gelors spell took form, the rider simply held up his orb and
evaporated the magic. Gelor saw the magic coming to life, time seemed to slow
and a thousand thoughts came unbidden to the old magician, memories from a
well lived life resurfaced and died as quickly as they were remembered, what
has happened? He thought, what has gone so wrong? Mauread forgive me, I

should have never sent you into the Iltar, then the orb burst into life and Gelors
body exploded.
The hooded rider stared into the darkness, Mauread, he whispered, half
longing, half filled with remorse and sadness, for long moments he was silent, as
a thousand memories awoke within his mind, you must die! Before your magic
destroys me! You are close, too close! The rider gazed intently into his orb, the
power of magic bought it to life, it glowed brightly for a second and the
mountain air around him screamed. Come, my children we have a lot of work
to do. When the rider again opened his eyes the last wisp of magic ebbed from
his mouth, before him legions of demons had taken life. These shall be my
harbingers; they shall take this world and shake it to its very core! These
mountains I give to you, feast, gorge upon the flesh of the living, let blood
sustain the emerging darkness. Find the magicians daughter, she is still close, I
can sense her magic, she carries with her a man child; he must be returned to me
unharmed, disperse! The orb again flared and the shadow demons raced off
into the darkness.
This is where the Dark Demon Lord and The Dark Orb Prophecies first

Chapter Two

he midnight air chilled Mauread to her very soul, it was not so much the
cold, but more the oppressive wet that seemed to saturate through all her
layers of clothing. The woods had not yet recovered from the days
downpour, cold seemed to linger, dancing in and out of the shadows, reaching
out to the unwary with its bitter icy touch. Mauread cursed herself for not
putting on her warmer walking boots, the footwear she had on was already
sodden and she huddled into the warmth of her son, cursing as she went. This is
madness! Why have I gone along with this? His illness is getting worse,
frightening, tomorrow I will seek the aid of the healers.
Mauread looked towards the midnight sky, thick clouds had begun to form
and a strange purple hue masked all sight, had she not lived in the mountains she
might of mistook their look as snow clouds, these are more unnatural,
something alien to the Iltar, especially at this time of year. She again glanced at
her sleeping son. They are just storm clouds, nothing more, do not allow his
madness a place to take seed, I should turn back, before the weather turns,
before he hurts himself, I should have drawn his medicine, how do I even know
that he took them! Mauread hesitated, but what if he is right? He more than any
can read portents, knows the touch of magic! What if someone from his past has
caught up with him? He has hidden so much, who knows what to believe; one
thing is certain, the use of magic will surely bring out the Knights of the
Inquisition! Mauread shuddered, I knew the risks when I took him in and when I
hid his true identity, but he is kin what could I do? But surely some things
outweigh my oath to protect him, my own bond with my own son, they must! She
looked down on Taluhor, his sleeping face, a sea of tranquillity, I have to protect
my son, get him somewhere safe, safe from the Inquisitors, safe from Gelor, I
can sort this mess out tomorrow; why did he give me his amulet? He knows this
is the only thing that keeps his madness under control, I should take it back or
he might harm himself! A strange feeling crept down her spine, it made her neck
hairs stand on edge and goose bumps run the length of her arms, she involuntary
shuddered, suddenly feeling chilled, somehow violated, as if someone had
walked across her grave. The night air seemed to mirror this sensation, it felt
heavy, charged, a closeness that mimicked the moments just before the start of a
thunder storm and although untrained something deep within her stirred, a
primeval force that demanded to be set free, a hunter who would not rest until it
had feasted, these are signs of magic, she thought. I cannot endanger Taluhor;
Mauread resided herself to spending the night with kinfolk, I will sort this out in
the morning.
Mauread jumped as the chain lightning forked across the skies, a continual
rolling thunder clap grumbled discouragingly across the nights sky, amplified
by the solidness of the mountains; something is coming, she thought, and

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