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Protluction 'BB

Part l-Design theory, hardware options

and application considerations


Jet pumping oil wells

H. L. Petrie, lvla.nzrqcr, Advancerrl Systerns Engineering, Nation:rl Sr.rpply ()o., Los Ni()tos, Calil'., P. M. Wilson, ApplicaIion linqint:ur', I(obc, Irrc., Huntington Park, Calif., and E.
E. Smart, 'lir<rhnical Service Enqineer, Guiberson Div.,
I)r'csscr lrrcltrstrics, Inc., I)trllas,'li:x.


Ir trtt tt I t(. l't \l't\(; s\

s t t..\ls

lirl altilir irrl li{t corrsist ol


llrrirl rcs<'r\{,it ()u tlrc strr l:rrt'.:r lriulr l)r('ssur('strll:rce lrtrrrrlr

l() lr lul\nlit tlrt' I lrrirl rlou rrlrolt'lnrrl l <lorrtrlrolc prnlrp <lt irctt
lrr tlrt' lriqlr l)r('ssllrt' llrrirl. I lrc por,cl lluir[ :rrrrl plo<lrrt'e<l

Iluirl lr,rtlr Ilou (o tlrt' srrlllrr r' :rltcr' p:rssirrg tlnouqlr thc

rl,,irrrlr,,lt,rrlrit. (lorr',t'ntiorlrl rlolrrlrok, l)ulr)l)s lrirvt'lrt'crt o['

lrrsitirt' rlispllrr crrrcrrt lr pr:, crrrplrrrirrg rccipr.r;rtirrt yrislorrs. l),trt itr lJrr, l;rsl I() r t';u s, s\ slcrns usirru <lorvnhole .jet
l)uurl)s lr;rre lrt't'rr r,irl,'lr tnrlrlore<1.

.\ trlrir',rlrl,rlrrlrolc jct prrrrrp is slrolrr irr I'ig. l. Il:rving rr<r

irrll p:il ts. jCt l)urlrl)s ar t' r'rrqqer[ :trrrI toleLrrrt oI t.orIosirc :rrrrl lrlrr';rsirt' rrcll I lrrirls. ['lrcv lrrc (()lnl)il(t :rrr<l :rrlaptulrlt' to lrll t'xisting lrrrlr:rrrlit l)llrnl) lx)lt()rrrlrolc trsscrrrlrlir:s..fet
l)rlrlll)s lr;rrt' lriglr rolrrrrrt' r'rrlrrrlrilities :rrrrl lnrrrllt, h'ee'gus
rri:ll. lrrr{ tlrcl trpiclllv rcrlrrirc lri{lrcr'lrrrrnp irrtakc l)lc-ssules
tlr;ur torrrcnlion:rl prrrrrlrs to lrroirl tlrvil:rtiorr. ;\lso, tlrcil e[[it it'trt r is lrtttct llt;ut tlrlrt oI lrositirc tlisPlli<errrt'trt t,qttiPtttt'ttt,
lr';rrlirrq to lriqlrcl srrll':rrt'lrorsc'lrowcr rt'r;rrirt'rrrcrrls. It lrus
lrt't'lr olrqlr rt'rl. Itorrt'rt'r'. llr;tt irr sorrre rlc'lls uillr strllst:rnti;rI


lluid retum

glrs lrtorlut tiorr. tlrcv rrr;rv lrt.lrr:rllr, r't'rlrrile less potrcr'.

Application cons iderations

r\s ;r tr'pc ol rlr rr;rrrrit l)ullrl). i('t l)runl)s Ilrve <.lr:rt lt lct isti<:
e ( ur'\ e,i sirrril;rr lo elrt tt i<. srrlrrrret'silrle l)urnl)s.
,\n crrurrpk' ir slrriu n irr I;iq. 2. Nolc lllrt arr itrf itrile {arrrilv ol,rrrrt's is yrosrilrlc. rltPcrrlirr{.1 rrlrorr rrozzlt'l)r'es:iur-c. l)itlrrcrrl sizcs oI llrto:rls rrscrl irr rotrirrtrrliorr rlillr;r qivetr trozzltgivc tlr{ li'r crrt lrt llirr nl:ur( (' ( rrr rcs. l I tlrc trozzlc :ttttl lltt oltt
rrrt'as r,1 tlrt' lrtrnrlrs lt'prt'scrrtcrl irr Iiig. 2 ut'r'c rlorrlrlc<1. rrozzlc l low urlc rrorrlrl rlorrlrlt' ;rrrrl lrrorlrrr li()ll l'illc s,ortl<l <krtt-

Fig. 1-Typical single seal downhole jet purnp.

pr.'r'Ior rrr;rrr<

lrlc lir c;tclr r;rirr<' ,rl llrt' prcssrrtc lisc (AP).'l lrt tnaxirtttutt
l/' ;tt zcr() l)to(lu(li()n r;rlc rlotrl<l tcnlrin tltc slttttc. (ltu'r'es

qcrrerllli, :rrt: I:rillr' {lirt, espt't iallv u,itlr tltc l;rt gt

rrr;rkirrq tlrc.jct prrrrrlr st'lrsilivt' lo clr;rtrgt's itr int:rIe
t lr;rr gt' l)r ('ssr.u c. Sirrr c iltrirl <[t'trsitics :ttttl visr'osit ir'.
l)rcs('r)(.c ol qas u[[t'tt {lre ptcssrrtcs lltc lrtrtttlr st't''.,
tiorrs to sitrrtrlute 1-lct lirtnr:uttr' ;ttc <orttplcx ;tttrl ilt't,r:
lrillulc, lcrr<ling llrt'rrrsclves 1() ;r ( ()l)ll)ut('r' solttli,,rr.
Sinrc tlre ur.trr;rl sizes o[ <otrtpottt'ttls ;tttrl tlte lis.,,

Reprinted from WORLD OlL, November 1983

Copyrighl.' 1983 by Gulf Publishing Co., llouston, Texas.
Allrights reserved. Used wilh permission.



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