Tight Hip Flexors - Impact On Gymnasts and Addressing The Right Culprit - The Hybrid Perspective - Linking Gymnastics & Physical Therapy

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two muscular components I mentioned in order to not get too complex.

1. The first, the iliposas, is comprised of two smaller muscles (psoas major and iliacus) that start
from the lower back/inner pelvic area. They combine together and travel across the front of hip
joint, then attatch as one unit to the upper part of the big leg bone known as the femur. This hip
flexor only crosses the hip-joint, so it is considered a 1 joint hip flexor

Email: dave@hybridperspective.com






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2. The second, rectus femoris, flexes the hip but is also one of the quadricep muscles responsible for
kicking the knee straight. It starts from the front portion of the pelvis bone, goes across the front
of the hip joint next to the iliopsoas, travels all the way down the front of the thigh, then joins
with the other quad muscles to attatches below the kneecap on the lower leg bone (tibia). As
described, this muscle crosses over both the hip AND the knee joint, so it is considered to be a 2
joint hip flexor








These muscles have a huge role in gymnastics and without it, we would certainly be more like jelly


fish day to day. It has roles both acting ipsilaterally/one side at a time, or bilaterally/left and right at
the same time. There are a variety of times within gymnastics it comes into play. Here are just a few


examples of skills we need hip flexor strength for

Hip Flexors acting 1 side at a time:


basic lunging and kicking

any basic running technique
cartwheel step locks,
split leaps, side aerials
back handspring step-outs
any single leg holds like full turns or fan turns
the one sided hurdle leg for tumbling/vaulting
very important for layout step outs on beam

Mobility: Why Your Gymnasts May Be Struggling:

splitting giant on bars for snap- ins to toe fronts, or toe catches/hiccups
mens skills such as flares, side flipping elements on floor, scissor work on pommel horse
Hip Flexors acting together:
assisting abs for any closed flip position like tuck or pike
assisting abs in snap motion for back handspring/Yurchenko flip
assiting abs to generate tap for basic swings, and release moves
straddle motion for jumps or quick snap through for Tckachev, toe catches, clearing legs on
straddle back
kipping and in bar skills like stoops/stalders
maintaining compression off press handstands/cast handstands when using proper technique
clearing feet when doing stalder press handstands, or pike press handstands

(http://www.hybridperspective.com/2013/08/29/tighthip-flexors-impact-on-gymnasts-and-addressing-theright-culprit/)Tight Hip Flexors: Impact on Gymnasts

and Addressing the

performing stoop for jams, compression against gravity in endos

Mens skills such as L-Holds/straddle holds/dip cuts on parallel bars, straddle strength elements on
As you can see, were pretty much always having gymnasts engage hip flexors and typically they are
very strong in our athletes. In addition to this overuse in the gym, we also as a society spend a lot of
time sitting outside of practice (driving in the car, sitting at school/out of school for homework, sitting
at work, lounging at home on the couch, sleeping on your side with your knees up). You would be

(http://www.hybridperspective.com/2013/11/28/impactbased-ankle-pain-in-gymnasts-understanding-whyand-possible-methods-to-assist-with-injuryreduction/)Impact Based Ankle Pain in Gymnasts:

amazed how much time you spend with your hips flexed if you broke down the hours of the day. This is

Understanding Why and

a possible reason (along with compensation) that many times despite doing flexibility or stretching our


gymnasts still show hip flexor restrictions.

In many of the athletes, it is one contributing factor to the typical archy back posture female


gymnasts develop overtime. Tight hip flexors are usually one piece of the puzzle along with: decreased
lower ab strength or poor lower ab motor control during skills, weak and/or hyper-flexibile hamstrings,
excessive lower back mobility, the presence of compensatory movement strategies. All of these factors
might predispose the gymnast to lower back and knee injuries down the road. This is why this topic is
so important to look at and recognize. Along with injury prevention, it will help allow gymnasts to


reach larger split angles, and increase their ability to get into a better tight arch position for skills like


bridges, back/front handsprings, beam series involving handsprings, and Yurehcnkos.

The first step in the process is understanding which one of the hip flexors is causing most of the issues,
the 1 joint (ilipsoas) or the 2 joint (rectus femoris). In Physical Therapy, we use one tool known as the

splits-part-1/)5 Reasons Why I Dont Push My

Gymnasts Down During

Thomas Test to determine this. Ill explain the test, but also provide a picture of what to do and how to
detect common errors. Within the pictures I had the athletes raise one arm to see the positions better.
1. Have the athlete lay on a spotting block with their buttocks very close to the edge, so their legs
can fully hang off.
2. Then have the athlete hug their legs to their chest,


3. While keeping their back pressed flat (no tunnel of back), have them drop one leg while holding
the other leg to their chest. The leg that is being lowered is the leg you will be looking at to
determine if the athlete has tightness or not.

stretches-what-muscles-you-may-be-actuallytargeting-and-the-possible-link-to-lower-backhypermobility/)Pike Stretches in Gymnastics: What

Muscles You May Be



pain-in-gymnastics-understanding-contributingfactors-and-tips-to-increase-mobility/)Wrist Pain In
Gymnastics: Understanding Contributing Factors




4. Look at the athlete from the side and determine if these things are visible

Concern and Tips To

If after step 4 the back of the athletes thigh (hamstring) does not touch the mat, this is considered
a tight 1 joint hip flexor/iliopsoas.

tips-to-help/)Flat Feet In Gymnastics: Why It May Be a


(http://www.hybridperspective.com/tag/achilles/) ankle
(http://www.hybridperspective.com/tag/ankle/) arch ups

(http://www.hybridperspective.com/tag/arch-ups/) Coaches
(http://www.hybridperspective.com/tag/coaches/) conditioning


(http://www.hybridperspective.com/tag/corecontrol/) core stability
(http://www.hybridperspective.com/tag/corestability/) Dr. Josh Eldridge
If after step 4 the back of the thigh DOES touch the mat, but their knee is appears to be make less
than a 80 degree angle, this is considered at a tight 2 joint hip flexor/rectus femoris



glutes (http://www.hybridperspective.com/tag/glutes/)
gymanstics (http://www.hybridperspective.com/tag/gymanstics/)

Gymnast Care

If after step 4 both of these problems are visible, the athlete may have restrictions in both their 1
joint and 2 joint hip flexors



hip flexors
(http://www.hybridperspective.com/tag/hipflexors/) injury (http://www.hybridperspective.com/tag/injury/)

injury prevention

This test can also detect tightness of the Iliotibial Band (connective tissue band on outside of leg)
or sartorious (another muscle of the upper leg) if the athletes leg moves out to the side
excessively, but looking for these is to be addressed at another time

prevention/) interview
joint by joint approach
(http://www.hybridperspective.com/tag/joint-by-jointapproach/) jumping

Being able to perform the test and detect a problem is something that takes a couple of tries to set up

(http://www.hybridperspective.com/tag/jumping/) knee

and get a keen eye for. However, once you know what to look for, it is extremely useful. If you can

(http://www.hybridperspective.com/tag/knee/) kneeling

identify which of the muscles is causing you the issue, you will be able to stretch them appropriately

(http://www.hybridperspective.com/tag/kneeling/) landing

and not be wasting your time. In my experience, I have found many more gymnasts with tight 1 joint

(http://www.hybridperspective.com/tag/landing/) lower back

hip flexors than 2 joint. This is typically due to excessive back mobility and compensation problems.

(http://www.hybridperspective.com/tag/lower-back/) lumbar

Below I will outline some good stretches/ways to increase range for 1 joint or 2 joint hip flexors

spine (http://www.hybridperspective.com/tag/lumbar-



Increasing 1 joint/Iliopsoas mobility (pictures for references attached)


Having the athlete perform a Thomas Test like position, and have someone else apply slight
pressure down to top of their thigh as they hold the opposite leg to their chest. Be sure to keep
their lower back pressed flat against the mat. Find the point where the athlete feels a stretch, and
hold for 30 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times each leg after a proper warm up.


myofascial release

overhead stability
(http://www.hybridperspective.com/tag/overheadstability/) performance
pike stretch (http://www.hybridperspective.com/tag/pike-stretch/)


(http://www.hybridperspective.com/tag/prehab/) preventative rehabilitation

rehabilitation-2/) prevention
(http://www.hybridperspective.com/tag/prevention/) progression
(http://www.hybridperspective.com/tag/progression/) RAIL

(http://www.hybridperspective.com/tag/rail/) RAMP
(http://www.hybridperspective.com/tag/ramp/) safety


soft tissue mobilization


Have the athlete perform the half kneeling stretch that usually comes before a split with PROPER
FORM. It is very common for gymnasts to do this improperly and use their naturally flexible lower
back to compensate. Force the athlete to keep their back in a neutral position and engage their
core, then shift their weight forward until they feel a stretch in the front of their hip. Once the
stretch is felt hold for 30 seconds.

squatting (http://www.hybridperspective.com/tag/squatting/)



Have your athlete use a foam roller or golf ball/lacrosse ball to break up tightness and small
trigger points within their iliopsoas. This can be done on the floor, beam, or laying on the edge of
a spotting block. You should apply enough pressure to feel uncomfortable, but no intense pain.
Perform for a few minutes each at the beginning of practice with a good warm up or after as a cool
down. If you find a sore spot hang out on it for a bit your going for that hurts so good sensation.
Not too aggressive though, its not a test to see how much Sallie tough as nails Jones can take.

Have the gymnast lay on their stomach flat on a low or medium beam with one leg on the ground,
and one leg (tight leg being stretched) extended the down beam. Have the gymnast engage their
core, and press up into a seal position with minimal arch in their back. You can assist by holding
their extended leg on the back of the thigh. Have them press up until the stretch is felt, being a
stickler for proper form.


Increasing 2 joint/rectus femoris mobility (pictures for references attached)
Perform the same Thomas Test like position above, but instead of pushing on their thigh (because
it will probably be touching the spotting mat), try to bend their knee to 90 degrees while they hug
the opposite leg against their chest. Make sure they keep their back pressed flat against the mat,
and do not push to hard on them. A gymnast can also pull the leg themselves if they are
coordinated. It has to be done on the edge of a mat so the leg can be reached with their hand. If
they can not reach without compensating proper form, use a strap or loop around their ankle to
assist them. Hold for 30 seconds, repeat 2-3 times each leg. Again, be sure to to do this after a
proper warm up.


Perform the same half kneeling stretch as noted above with proper form and core engaged, then
have the athlete bend their knee and grab their ankle to pull farther. If possible, do the bending of
the leg for them while they worry about proper form. The gymnast tends to sacrifice proper form
to grab the foot and they then dont get a good stretch. Again, a strap around the foot can be used
to assist the athlete. This can also be done by using a mat or wall to keep the knee bend as the
athlete slides out into a split.


As above, use a foam roller or Lacrosse ball to roll out the front of the thigh and quad muscles.
Due to it being a longer muscle there is a lot more ground to cover, and usually the hotspots can
be found throughout. Also, a rolling pin or the Stick can be used to have the athlete release
tightness within the muscle. As noted, its best done after a good warm up and at the end of
practice after circulation is increased and again not too heavy to cause excessive pain.

Perform splits with proper lower back form and the back knee bent and elevated up on a mat. Use
the uphill slope on a springboard, or bend the leg up to a small spotting block and have the
athlete slide out with good posture until they feel the stretch. Doing this tensions the rectus
femoris and allows the increased mobility to come primarily from the two joint hip flexor.

As I touched on many times above, its crucial that you monitor and correct the gymnasts form as they
stretch/do flexibility and utilize a proper warm up prior to flexibility exercises to reduce injury risk.
Concerning monitoring proper form, gymnasts will often compensate or knowingly/unknowingly cheat
if no one is correcting them. Keeping the lower back posture neutral will ensure they are actually
stretching their hip flexors, and not just contributing to further hyper mobility of their lower spine by
arching. Along with this, you must stay on top of your athletes when you catch them waiting for turns
or doing drills with bad posture. Keep cueing them to be aware of the posture and encourage them to
pull their belly button towards their spine at all times. The foam roller and golf ball/lacrosse ball
techniques are fantastic tools for coaches and athletes, along with being inexpensive. To save time all
of these techniques/stretches can be done after practice at home, added as side stations during idle
times, or be added as a part of a warm up/cool down.

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