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XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity

Welcome to XanGo™
World Leader in Mangosteen-based
Dietary Supplements
XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity

XanGo Headquarters

• Open to the US market on November 4, 2002

• International operations in Australia, New
Zealand, Japan, England, Canada, Trinidad and
Tobago, Hong Kong, Mexico and the Philippines
XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity

The XanGo Executive Team

A successful team with broad experience, and

understanding of business from the inside-out
XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity

Partnership with Wild Flavors, Intl.

• 72 Year-Old Company
headquartered in Heidelberg,
• Over $1.7 Billion in Annual Sales
• 14 world-wide production facilities &
represented in over 60 countries
• Manufacturer for Sobe, Capri Sun,
Nestle much more
• Over 2000 employees
• Over 200 scientists
• State of the art quality control
XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity

Mangosteen “The Queen of Fruits”

XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity

• The mangosteen tree is found predominantely in

Southeast Asia (Philippines, Indonesia, Malasia,
and Thailand)

• Takes approximately 10-15 years to produce fruit

• Wild Flavors negotiates purchase of the fruit

from the growers
XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity
Mangosteen “The Queen of Fruits”

• For centuries mangosteen has been used in folk


• Malaria
• Tuberculosis
• Dysentery
• Skin wounds and skin infections

• Queen Victoria called it “The Queen of Fruits”

• Delicious flavor
• Health benefits
XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity
Pericarp Pulp

The mangosteen fruit

consists of two parts:

1.Pericarp: The thick purple

crust is smooth and dark
and surrounds the white
segments of the fruit.

2.Pulp: Four to eight Mangosteen Fruit

wedges (like an orange)
which are white and soft
and delicious
XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity

• A family of powerful phytonutrients found
in the pericarp of the mangosteen fruit

• Xanthones are super-antioxidants

• Antioxicants combat free radicals and

support the immune system

• Xanthones have been the object of

scientific research for several decades

• Hundreds of scientific articles have been

published studying the mangosteen fruit
XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity

Research on Xanthones has

been conducted for:
Analgesic Anti-fatigue Anti-tumor activity
Anti-arthritic Anti-microbial Anti-tuberculosis
Antiviral Anti-leukemic Anti-diabetic activity

Anti-ulcer Anti-depressant Anti-inflammatory

Anti-allergenic Hypotensive—blood pressure lowering
Anti-Parkinsons Pain Inhibitor
XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity
XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity

How can XanGo Benefit our Health?

• Supports microbiological balance

• Maintains immune system health
• Promotes joint flexibility
J. Frederick Templeman, M.D.
• Provides positive mental support Mangosteen Expert
“Why would you use a drug when
a food can do the same thing?”
XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity
There is no product like XanGo™
• Utilizes the Whole Fruit Goodness
• Rich in Xanthones – a new powerful
• Hundreds of scientific studies prove the
effectiveness of Xanthones
• Safe – the Mangosteen fruit is a food and
has been consumed for hundreds of years
• Everyone can consume XanGo – from the
very young to the very old (even your
• No artificial sweeteners, colors or flavors
• Delicious – everyone loves the flavor!
XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity

• Whole fruit puree of the prized
Mangosteen Fruit
• Rapid results
• Numerous scientific studies
supporting health benefits
• Delicious flavor
• Liquid nutrition; readily
• Partnership with Wild Flavors
• Border friendly product for
easy international expansion
XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity

XanGo™ Videos

Discover the Goodness

The Mangosteen Story

XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity

Grand Opportunity
XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity

Billion Dollar Momentum

• It is predicted that XanGo will be the
fastest company to reach $1 billion
in annual sales

• Sales were about $40 million the

first year
“XanGo™ could be the
product and the business
opportunity of the decade”
• Sales are currently $30 million per

• Border friendly product

XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity

How to Start Your XanGo™ Business

• Membership: $35.00
• Starter Kit
• Free website

• $100.00 for for each Case of XanGo™

• Plus shipping and handling and taxes

• Each case contains 4 bottles mangosteen juice

• 25.35 ounces per bottle
XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity

Four Ways to Get Paid

• Retail Profit
• Weekly PowerStart Bonus
• Monthly Uni-level Compensation Plan
• Quarterly Bonus Pool
XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity

Retail Profit

• 1 case of XanGo™ = $100.00 + shipping and taxes

(approximately $20.00)

• Cost per bottle = $30.00 (including shipping & taxes)

• Retail Price = $45.00

• Profit per Bottle = $15.00 (33%)

• Net Profit per Case =$60.00 $180.00 retail per case

-$120.00 cost per case
$60.00 Profit per case
XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity

Weekly Power-Start Bonus

Your Monthly Power-Start Bonus Additional

Qualification Power-Start
1 Case Minimum 20% ($20 per case) None
No Autoship

1 Case Autoship (ADP) 30% ($30 per case) None

2 Cases Autoship (ADP) 30% ($30 per case) 15% ($15 per case)
XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity
Example PowerStart Bonus “Plus”

You with
1 Case on Autoship

Personally 1 case 5 cases 10 cases $1600

Sponsored X 30%
1st Orders $100 + $500 + $1000 $480 Bonus

30% Bonus Paid Weekly (on initial orders only) =

$480.00 bonus
commision for you
XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity
Example PowerStart “Double Depth”

You with 2 cases on


2 cases 5 cases 10 cases X 30%
1st Level $510 1st Level
$200 + $500 + $1000 Bonus

2nd Level X 15%
$200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $270 2nd Level

Double Depth Power Start Bonus Paid to You:

$510 + $270 = $780
Bonus Commision for you!
XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity
Monthly Uni-level Compensation Plan
Level Rep. Preferred 1K 5K 20 K Premier
Level 1 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5%
Level 2 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5%
Level 3 -- 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%
Level 4 -- -- 5% 5% 5% 5%
Level 5 -- -- -- 5% 5% 5%
Level 6 -- -- -- -- 5% 5%
Level 7 -- -- -- -- 5% 5%
Level 8 -- -- -- -- -- 5%
Level 9 -- -- -- -- -- 2%
XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity
Achievement Levels
Minimum Personal Group Volume Levels Earned in the
Rank Monthly Sponsorship Requirement Uni-Level
Product Requirement Compensation Plan
Representative 1 Case None None 2
Preferred 1 Case None None 3
Representative Autoship
1K 1 Case ADP 3 Preferred 1,000 GV or 4
Reps. or 10 Cases
5K 1 Case ADP Three 1K’s 5,000 GV or 5
50 Cases
20K 2 Cases ADP Three 5K’s 20,000 GV or 7
200 Cases
Premier 2 Cases ADP Two 20K’s + 50,000 GV or 9
One 5K 500 Cases
XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity
Premier Achievement Levels
Rank Personal Group Minimum Uni- Additional Quarterly
Sponsorship Volume level Check Requirements Bonus Pool
Requirements Requirem Requirement
Premier Two 20K’s + 50,000 GV $2,500 for each Must be Premier Pro-rata on 3
One 5K (500 cases) month of the quarter for all 3 months Levels of Group
of calendar Volume
100K Three 20K’s + 100,000 GV $5,000 for each Must be 100K for Pro-rata on 6
Premier One 5K (1,000 month of the all 3 months of Levels of Group
cases) quarter. calendar quarter Volume
200K Three Premiers + 200,000 GV $10,000 for each Must be 200K for Pro-rata on 9
Premier One 20K (2,000 month of the quarter all 3 months of Levels of Group
cases) calendar quarter Volume
500K Two 200Ks + 500,000 GV None Must be 500K for
Premier Two100K’s + (5,000 cases all 3 months of
Two Premiers (2 of calendar quarter
these must be frontline)
X1 Premier Must be X1 for all
3 months of
calendar quarter
XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity

1K Earns
You with Four Levels in
100 PV ADP Unilevel Plan
(1 Case Minimum)
Level 5%
1 2 3
Preferred Rep. Preferred Rep. Preferred Rep. 1
Level 5%
(100 PV) (100 PV) (100 PV) 2
(ADP) (ADP) (ADP) Level 10%
Level 5%
Minimum Monthly Requirements in Your Group to Achieve 1K:

• 3 Personally sponsored distributors on minimum 100 PV autoship (ADP)

• 1,000 Group Volume (GV) (10 Cases)

• Paid monthly
XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity

5K 5K Earns
You with Five Levels in
100 PV ADP Uni-level Plan
(1 Case Minimum)
1K 1K 1K Level 1 5%
Level 2 5%
Preferred Preferred Preferred Preferred Preferred Preferred Preferred Preferred Preferred Level 3 10%
Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep. Rep.
Level 4 5%
Level 5 5%

Minimum Monthly Requirements in Your Group to Achieve 5K:

• 3 Personally sponsored 1K distributors on minimum 100 PV autoship (ADP)

• 5,000 Group Volume (GV) (50 Cases)

• Uni-level Compensation paid Monthly

XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity
20K Earns
Seven Levels in
Uni-level Plan
You with Level 1 5%
200 PV ADP
(2 Cases Minimum) Level 2 5%
Level 3 10%
5K 5K 5K Level 4 5%
Level 5 5%
1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K
Level 6 5%
Level 7 5%

Minimum Monthly Requirements in Your Group to Achieve 20K:

• 3 Personally sponsored 5K distributors on minimum 100 PV autoship (ADP)

• 20,000 Group Volume (GV) (200 Cases)

• Paid Monthly
XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity

Premier Premier Earns

You with
200 PV ADP Levels in Uni-
(2 Cases Minimum) level Plan
Level 1 5%
20K 20K 5K Level 2 5%
Level 3 10%
5K 5K 5K 5K 5K 5K 1K 1K 1K Level 4 5%
Level 5 5%
Minimum Monthly Requirements to Achieve Premier: Level 6 5%

• 2 Personally Sponsored 20K Distributors Level 7 5%

Level 8 5%
• 1 Personally Sponsored 5K Distributor Level 9 2%

• 50,000 GV (500 Cases)

• Paid Monthly
XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity
Example of Potential Unilevel Commisions
(Based on 3 who get 3 on 1 case Autoship)

Position Level Num. Rep % Commisions

Preferred 1st Level 3 rep 5% $ 15

Representative 2nd Level 9 rep 5% $ 45
3rd Level 27 rep 10% $ 270

1K 4th Level 81 rep 5% $ 405

5K 5th Level 243 rep 5% $ 1,215

20K 6th Level 729 rep 5% $ 3,645

7th Level 2,187 rep 5% $10,935

Premier 8th Level 6,561 rep 5% $32,805

9th Level 19,683 rep 2% $39,366

Approximate Monthly Income Potential:

Note: This is an example of earnings potential only. There is no guarantee of income.
Your income will be based on your own individual efforts and accomplishments.
XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity

Quarterly Bonus
Premier Executives share in a bonus pool
based on 3% of the Total Global Sales:
• Premier (prorata on 3 levels of group volume)
• 100K Premier (prorata on 6 levels)
• 200K Premier (prorata on 9 levels)
XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity
Benefits of Your XanGo™ Business

1. Minimum investment
2. Low overhead
3. Training and support
4. Global expansion
5. Immediate Income Potential
6.Tax Advantages
7. Residual Income Potential
8. Financial Freedom
9. Time Freedom, and much more!
XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity
How to Start Your XanGo Business

• Sign Up as A Distributor

• Three Ways to Begin:

• Good: Purchase One case of XanGo (without
• Better: Purchase One case of XanGo with
monthly autoship (ADP)
• Best: Purchase Two cases of XanGo with
monthly autoship (ADP)
XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity




XanGo™ - The Great Opportunity

Initial Purchase Options

Standard Family Executive

1 Case 2 Cases 5 Cases

$100.00 $200.00 and order
Fill out your application $500.00
your XanGo today.
Select one or two cases on autoship.

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