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In this case, the party of Lucas sued Dr. Tuao for negligence. Dr. Tuao is an
ophthalmologist in St. Lukes Medical Center. The party of Lucas believed that Mr.
Peter Paul Patrick Lucas developed steroid induced glaucoma because of the
continuous use of the medication (Maxitrol) prescribed by Dr. Tuao. Also in their
complaint, the visual impairment caused his family so much grief.
In August of 1988, Mr. Peter Paul Patrick Lucas had sore eyes in his right eye
and used Maxitrol eye drops. On September 2, 1988, he seek consult and was
referred to Dr. Tuao for his eye check-up. Dr. Tuao performed a complete eye
examination to the patient and diagnosed him with conjunctivitis. Dr. Tuao
prescribed him with Sparesacet C eye drops. Upon follow up, Dr. Tuao advised him
to stop taking the latter mediation because his sore eyes had cleared up but the
same eye now developed Epidemic kerato Conjunctivitis. Dr. Tuao then prescribed
him with Maxitrol to be taken 6 drops per day on each eye. On the next follow up,
the EKC had resolved and Dr. Tuao tapered down the dosage of maxitrol and said
that the medication will be withdrawn gradually. On October6, 1988, he seek
consulatation again and it was found out that EKC had recurred and Dr. Tuao
returned to the dosage of 6 drops of Maxitrol daily but because it was out of stock
Blephamide was prescribed instead. On his next follow up, he complained that he
feels that his eyes are popping out. The doctor examined the eye and EKC was still
present and thus increasing the dosage of blephamide. The condition of Mr. Lucas
continued to worsen until he developed vision loss in his right eye with bleeding. He
was examined by Dr. Tuao and found out that it has increased IOP (39.0Hg) and
Diamox and Normoglaucon. Mr. Lucas consulted to another ophthalmologist and
was diagnosed with glaucoma. He was also reffered to Dr. Agulto by Dr. Tuao and
gave the diagnosis of glaucoma. Mr. Lucas obediently followed Dr. Tuaos advice
and always attend to his follow ups but his condition got worse and developed
tunnel vision. Mr. Lucas seeked consult to other doctors and underwent
The party of Mr. Lucas insisted that the cause of his vision impairment is due
to the negligence of Dr. Tuao in improper administration of Maxitrol. There was a
breach in the duty of due care because the patient was injured.
The defense of Dr. Tuao stated that his treatment has no causal connection
to the glaucoma. He clarified that drug-induced glaucoma is temporary and curable.
Also, he said that he discontinued Maxitrol when the EKC disappeared and only
resumed when EKC recurs. He added that Mr. Lucas glaucoma can only be long
standing open angle glaucoma because of the large C:D ratio. The steroids
provoked the latest glaucoma to be revealed to allow early treatment.
The case was dismissed due to the reason of lack or insufficiency of
evidence. The case was brought up to the Court of Appeals and the petition was still

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