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Cost Estimation Example

Historical Records

Costs Incurred in 2007

Cost Item Qty Unit Cost Tot Cost
Developers Salaries 26 $80,000 $2,080,000
Project Managers 5 $100,000 $500,000
Support Staff (80% of Dev Salaries) $1,664,000
Office Space $350,000
Software Tools $250,000
Hardware $420,000
Misc Services and Consulting $650,000
Other Equipment $450,000
General Overhead $729,200
Total Costs $7,093,200 Divided by

Software Metrics Historical Records for 2007

Person Allocated
Projects Completed UCP’s FP’s LOCs
Days x Cost
ATM System 60.22 45.22 3,600 362 $434,400
Loan Processing System 82.34 53.21 4,200 443 $531,600
Order Processing System 95.20 65.22 5,300 563 $675,600
Point of Sale System 110.65 78.44 6,500 615 $738,000
Time Off Tracking System 62.11 46.13 3,700 370 $444,000
Payroll Direct Deposit 81.22 54.33 4,100 450 $540,000
Insurance Claim Processing 96.65 66.22 5,500 560 $672,000
Contact Management System 120.23 80.20 6,700 623 $747,600
Event Manager 59.89 43.22 3,200 370 $444,000
Book Exchange System 83.20 52.10 4,100 420 $504,000
Local Bidding System 98.23 62.10 5,250 530 $636,000
Record Store Inventory System 115.34 75.23 6,320 605 $726,000
Total Units 1,065.28 721.62 58,470 5,911
Unit Cost 6,658.53 9,829.55 121.31 1,200.00 equals
Function Points Calculation Sheet

Function Count

Item Item Description Complexity Count Weight
Simple 3
1 Number of User Inputs Average 4
Complex 6
Simple 4
2 Number of User Oututs Average 5
Complex 7
Simple 3
3 Number of User Inquiries Average 4
Complex 6
Simple 7
4 Number of Files Average 10
Complex 15
Simple 5
5 Number of External Interfaces Average 7
Complex 10
Total Weighted Function Count (FC) 0

Complexity Factor

Factor Description 0=Irrelevant
F1 Reliability and backup recovery
F2 Data communications
F3 Distributed processing
F4 Performance
F5 Operate on existing system
F6 On-line data entry
F7 Data entry over multiple screens
F8 Master files updated on-line
F9 Complex inputs, outputs, files & inquiries
F10 Complex internal processing
F11 Code needs to be reusable
F12 Need conversion and installation
F13 Multiple installations of the system
F14 Easy to change and use
Complexity Factor (CF) = sum of ratings 0

Function Points

Function Points (FP) = FC x (0.65 + 0.01 x CF) 0

Use Case Points Calculation Sheet

Unadjusted Use Case Points

Item Item Description Complexity Count Weight
Simple 1
1 Number of Actors Average 2
Complex 3
Simple 5
2 Number of Use Cases Average 10
Complex 15
Unadjusted Use Case Points (UUCP) 0

Complexity Factor

Factor Description 0=Irrelevant Weight
T1 Distributed system 2
T2 Response performance objectives 1
T3 End-user efficiency 1
T4 Complex internal processing 1
T5 Code must be reusable 1
T6 Easy to install 0.5
T7 Easy to use 0.5
T8 Portable 2
T9 Easy to change 1
T10 Concurrent 1
T11 Secure 1
T12 Access to 3rd parties 1
T13 User training facilities 1
Technical Factor (TF) = sum of weighted ratings 0
Technical Complexity Factor (TCF) = 0.6 + (0.01 x TF) 0.6

Environmental Factor

Factor Description 0=Lowest Weight
F1 Familiar with Rational UP 1.5
F2 Application experience 0.5
F3 Object-oriented experience 1
F4 Lead analyst capability 0.5
F5 Motivation 1
F6 Stable requirements 2
F7 Part-time workers -1
F8 Difficult programming language -1
Environmental Factor (EF) = sum of weighted ratings 0
Environmental Value (EV) = 1.4 - (0.03 * EF) 1.4

Use Case Points

Use Case Points (UCP) = UUCP * TCF * EV 0

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