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Thursday, January 15, 2015 - Page 5

THS wrestlers do well in first few tournaments

The Tarkio High School
wrestling season is off to a
great start! Though small in
numbers, the team has competed well in its first few
events. Results from those
tournaments follow:
120 lbs.
Daniel Ripley, 3rd
Round 1 - John Kuhry
(Mount Michael) won by
fall over Daniel Ripley (Fall
Round 2 - Jacob Wilhelm
(Humboldt - Table Rock/
Steinauer/Pawnee City) won
by fall over Daniel Ripley
(Fall 0:47)
Round 3 - Daniel Ripley
won by fall over Kyle Otto
(Freeman) (Fall 3:20)
Round 4 - Luke Wilkinson
(Syracuse) won by fall over
Daniel Ripley (Fall 1:35)
126 lbs.
Kris Riley, 6th
Round 1 - Marshall Connelly (Freeman) won by fall
over Kris Riley (Fall 1:09)
Round 2 - Thadd Wegrzyn
(Lincoln Christian) won by
fall over Kris Riley (Fall
Round 3 - Alex Clough
(Palmyra) won by fall over
Kris Riley (Fall 3:26)
Round 4 - Justin Kuhns
(Johnson County Central)
won by fall over Kris Riley
(Fall 2:13)
Round 5 - Micheal Otto
(Humboldt - Table Rock/
won by fall over Kris Riley
(Fall 2:49)
132 lbs.
Noah Brooks, 4th
Round 1 - Noah Brooks

won by fall over Casey Connelly (Freeman) (Fall 1:33)

Round 2 - Calvin Caneva
(Lincoln Lutheran) won by
fall over Noah Brooks (Fall
Round 3 - Noah Brooks
received a bye
Championship Bracket Nick Novak (Humboldt - Table Rock/Steinauer/Pawnee
City) won by fall over Noah
Brooks (Fall 0:53)
3rd Place Match - Calvin
Caneva (Lincoln Lutheran) won by fall over Noah
Brooks (Fall 0:56)
Rock Port
120 lbs.
Daniel Ripley, 5th
Round 1 - Austin Kincaid
(Platte County) won by fall
over Daniel Ripley (Fall:33)
Round 2 - Wesley Crawford (Polo) won by fall over
Daniel Ripley (Fall :49)
Round 3 - Anthony McCart (SWI) won by fall over
Daniel Ripley (Fall 2:58)
Round 4 - Keithan Coufal
(Platview) won by fall over
Daniel Ripley (Fall :33)
Round 5 - Anthony Ferrand (Platte County) won by
fall over Daniel Ripley (Fall
126 lbs.
Kris Riley, 4th
Round 1 - Jake Marquardt
(Platte County) won by fall
over Kris Riley (Fall :45)
Round 2 - Patrick Covey
(Polo) 4-1 won by fall over
Kris Riley 2-6 (Fall 1:24)
Round 3 - Kolton Birkby
(SWI) 4-12 won by fall over
Kris Riley 2-6 (Fall 3:26)
Round 4 - Justin Kuhns
(Johnson County Central)

Community Calendar
THS Basketball Teams at Fairfax Tournament
Tarkio R-I School Board Meeting
5:30 p.m., THS Wrestling at Polo
6:30 p.m., Bingo at the Tarkio Nutrition Center
7:30 p.m., Tarkio R-I School Board Meeting at THS
8 to 9 p.m., AA at First Christian Church in Rock Port

11-2 won by fall over Kris

Riley (Fall 5:01)
Round 5 - Kris Riley won
by decision over Zack Ostrander (Platteview) (4-0)
132 lbs.
Noah Brooks (2-5), 2nd
Round 1 - Noah Brooks
won by fall over Landon
Smith (Polo) (Fall 1:12)
Round 2 - Noah Brooks

received a bye
Round 3 - Jackson Phan
(Platte County) won by
fall over Noah Brooks (Fall
Round 4 - Noah Brooks
received a bye
Round 5 - Noah Brooks
won by decision over Calder
Rasco (SWI) (Fall 13-7)

NOAH BROOKS, BACK ROW, LEFT - Placed 2nd in the

Rock Port Invitational Wrestling Tournament Saturday,
January 10, 2015.
(AC Mail Photo)

KRIS RILEY FIGHTS TO GET OUT OF A HOLD While competing in the Rock Port Invitational Wrestling
Tournament. Kris placed 4th in his weight class.

(AC Mail Photo)

Indians fall
to Panthers

Lady Indians
lose to Lady

THS Basketball Teams at Fairfax Tournament
THS Basketball Teams at Fairfax Tournament

Martin Luther King, Jr., Day

There IS School at Tarkio R-I

12 noon, Tarkio Rotary Club at the Nutrition Center
TBA, THS Wrestling at Stanberry Quad
6 p.m., THS Basketball at St. Joe Christian
7 p.m., Atchison County Band/Choir Day at Fairfax
TBA, THS Wrestling at Stanberry Tri-Meet
6:30 p.m., Bingo at the Tarkio Nutrition Center
8 to 9 p.m., AA at First Christian Church in Rock Port

Compliments Of:

Farmers State Bank

521 MAIN - TARKIO, MO 64491
(660) 736-4111

Tarkio, MO - (660) 736-4197

Fairfax, MO - (660) 686-3312

SETH FLETCHER - Dribbles down the court in the

Indians game against the
Mound City Panthers.
(Mound City News Photo)
Shelby McCartney, directly
above, look for an open teammate in the Lady Indians loss
to Mound City.
(Mound City News Photos)
The Tarkio High School
Indian basketball team
traveled to Mound City, MO,
to compete in a conference
game Friday, January 9,
2014. The Tarkio boys lost
the contest 32-54.
The Tarkio High School
Connor Shaw led the InLady Indian basketball team
dians with 15 points, foltraveled to Mound City, MO,
lowed by Seth Fletcher with
to compete in a conference
11 points and Colin Joesting
game Friday, January 9,
with six. Tarkio Coach Rob2014. The Tarkio girls lost
bie Bates remarked, The
the contest 10-43.
boys had a very solid first
Hadley Barnett scored
half with the game being
six points for the Lady Inditied at 22-22 at half-time.
ans (one three-pointer) and
However, we could not mainpulled down one rebound.
tain momentum. The boys
Emily Graves scored four
are getting better every day,
points and had one assist,
but they must put four quarfour steals, and six rebounds.
ters together.
Christina Hall pulled down
five rebounds and Shelby
McCartney had four. Gentri staten had one steal
and two rebounds. Madison
Ohrt had one steal and one
rebound. Bree Barnett and
Tawni Martin pulled down
one rebound each.

DANIEL RIPLEY, TOP - Wrestles with an opponent in

the Rock Port Invitational Wrestling Tournament Saturday, January 10, 2015.
(AC Mail Photo)

521 Main Street, Tarkio
Open M-F 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Tarkio R-I Breakfast & Lunch Menus

Monday, January 19 - Breakfast - Breakfast slider,

cheese stick, sliced peaches, juice, and milk; and Lunch
- Nachos with meat, lettuce, cheese, refried beans, green
beans, mixed fruit, plums, and milk.
Tuesday, January 20 - Breakfast - Cereal, toast,
pineapple, juice, and milk; and Lunch - Cheeseburger on
a bun, baked beans, winter veggies, cherries, mandarin
oranges, and milk.
Wednesday, January 21 - Breakfast - Sausage,
breakfast bagel, cheese stick, pear half, juice, and milk;
and Lunch - Goulash, romaine lettuce, green beans, applesauce, fresh orange, breadstick, and milk.
Thursday, January 22 - Breakfast - Pancake, peanut
butter, mixed fruit, juice, and milk; and Lunch - Grilled
cheese, green beans, fresh carrots, pineapple tidbits,
plums, and milk.
Friday, January 23 - Breakfast - Cheese stick, apple
breadstick, sliced peaches, juice, and milk; and Lunch Chicken sticks, tri-tater, cooked carrots, pear halves, banana, and milk.
A 2nd entree and a chef salad are now available
the 5th-12th of each month.

Mesh Bags
Red, Blue,
and Black
$12 + tax
521 Main St., Tarkio

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