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Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza, Mandalyn; Cook, Brigitte;
Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards, Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee;
Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason; Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada;; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;;
"I urge you to REJECT the proposed Coliseum lease extension with billionaire A"s owners Lew Wolff and John
Sunday, June 29, 2014 11:00:44 AM

"I urge you to REJECT the proposed Coliseum lease extension with billionaire A's owners Lew Wolff and
John Fisher. It should be rejected because it would hurt -- not help -- the city's chances at keeping the
Raiders and the A's in Oakland. The deal also fails to protect taxpayers -- it gives away millions of
dollars to Wolff and Fisher, while Oakland & Alameda County receive virtually nothing in return. Even
worse, the extension might chase away the Raiders because a clause allowing the A's to leave town if
the Raiders strike a deal at the Coliseum puts up a barrier to future Raiders negotiations in Oakland.
This terrible lease extension would be a lose-lose proposition for Oakland taxpayers and fans of both
teams. Please REJECT this proposed lease extension with A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher."



Ray Perez
Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza, Mandalyn; Cook, Brigitte;
Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards, Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee;
Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason; Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada;; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;
10 year lease extension
Thursday, June 26, 2014 5:26:33 PM

Hello leaders of the east bay, in regard to the vote that is supposed to take place on Friday
morning at 8:30 am
I urge you to REJECT the proposed Coliseum lease extension with billionaire A's owners Lew
Wolff and John Fisher. It should be rejected because it would hurt -- not help -- the city's
chances at keeping the Raiders and the A's in Oakland. The deal also fails to protect taxpayers - it gives away millions of dollars to Wolff and Fisher, while Oakland & Alameda County receive
virtually nothing in return. Even worse, the extension might chase away the Raiders because a
clause allowing the A's to leave town if the Raiders strike a deal at the Coliseum puts up a
barrier to future Raiders negotiations in Oakland. This terrible lease extension would be a loselose proposition for Oakland taxpayers and fans of both teams. Please REJECT this proposed
lease extension with A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher.
Ray Perez Dr.Death



Fred Walker
Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kernighan, Pat; Gerard, Jennie; Mendoza, Mandalyn;; Cook, Brigitte; Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards,
Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee; Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason;
Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley
A"s 10 Year Lease
Tuesday, June 17, 2014 1:45:13 PM

I urge you to revise or reject the proposed Coliseum lease extension that the JPA has
negotiated with As co-owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher.
Many East Bay fans oppose this lease extension because it would hurt Oakland's chances of
keeping both the A's and the Raiders, and it gives millions of taxpayer dollars to Wolff and
Fisher, even though the billionaire owners still intend to move the A's to San Jose.
We believe that this areas elected officials have Oakland fans and taxpayers best interests
at heart. Unfortunately, this lease extension would not protect those interests because it
gives up way too much to billionaire owners who still intend to move the A's to San Jose.
That is why we urge all Oakland City Council members and Alameda County supervisors to
reject this deal and restart negotiations on a better one.
Why The City/ County/JPA is picking to give the A's a 10 year lease over negotiating with
Raiders for a new Stadium. This is election year for you and your politicians career is on line
if you don't get the Raiders deal done
Sincerely Yours from Oakland/ Alameda County Resident
Fred Walker



Fred Walker
Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza, Mandalyn; Cook, Brigitte;
Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards, Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee;
Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason; Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada;; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;
A"s 10 year lease
Thursday, June 26, 2014 5:44:02 PM

I urge you to REJECT the proposed Coliseum lease extension with billionaire A's owners Lew
Wolff and John Fisher. It should be rejected because it would hurt -- not help -- the city's
chances at keeping the Raiders and the A's in Oakland. The deal also fails to protect
taxpayers -- it gives away millions of dollars to Wolff and Fisher, while Oakland & Alameda
County receive virtually nothing in return. Even worse, the extension might chase away the
Raiders because a clause allowing the A's to leave town if the Raiders strike a deal at the
Coliseum puts up a barrier to future Raiders negotiations in Oakland. This terrible lease
extension would be a lose-lose proposition for Oakland taxpayers and fans of both teams.
Please REJECT this proposed lease extension with A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher.

Thank You
Fred Walker
Oakland Resident



Fred Walker; At Large; Office of the Mayor; Blackwell, Fred; Brooks, Desley; McElhaney, Lynette;; City Clerk; Kaplan, Rebecca; Reid, Larry; Haggerty, Scott, Supv BOS Dist 1; City
Administrator"s Office; Kernighan, Pat;; Schaaf, Libby; Gallo, Noel; Hunter,
Gregory;; Quan, Jean; Kalb, Dan;;; Overman, Jason
A"s 10 year lease
Monday, June 30, 2014 1:54:06 PM

To Whom It May Concern,

As a Resident for the City of Oakland and Alameda County. I am opposing this deal, it will
hurt the City of Oakland financial and Resident. Why would JPA let the A's get away from
paying back $5.5 Million of taxpayers money, this is absurd. A's co-owner Lew Wolf should
NOT be rewarded (with a lease extension that only benefits his best interests) in any shape
or form, when he 1st tried to move his team to Fremont a few years back, then tried to get
to San Jose, and is still trying to get to San Jose without offering Oakland any kind of longterm commitment. Lew Wolf have no intention of staying or building a stadium in Oakland.
From the first day since he own the team he try every route to get out of Oakland.
This lease does not make sense. Lew Wolf want everything a including Leverage, he want to
give a notice of 1 year when he want to leave and want City to give him a two year notice
and if the Raiders reached a deal for a new stadium he could leave.
Also this would hurt the Raiders to build at the current site of Coliseum. As you are aware of
the statement from Mark Davis he want to be here but it seems like you all is worry about
rewarding an owner of Lew Wolf over Mark Davis who want to stay in Oakland. The Raiders
need to be your first priority .
Thank You
Fred Walker
City of Oakland and Alameda County Resident


martha tracy
Kalb, Dan
A"s and coliseum
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 8:49:39 AM

Good morning Mr. Kalb....

I am hopeful that you will vote in favor of the proposal orchestrated between the A's and the coliseum
I haved lived and voted in Oakland for about 30 years and was definitely around for the mistakes that
Oakland made while dealing with Al Davis over the Raiders.
I enjoy baseball as much as anyone, and go to some games each year, more recently since I retired.
My roots are in Boston and Fenway, so I come from an area which supports its team radically. And in
turn, the Red Sox and Fenway with it's magic are SO much a part of the city of Boston though just a
part given Boston's historic and cultural backgroun otherwise.
I would STRONGLY and sincerely request that you vote in support of a lease program that is designed
to keep the As in Oakland with the understanding that there is always more than meets the eye on both
Despite ALL of troubles that Oakland has had, the terrible leadership that we had with the previous
mayor, the less-than-optimal guidance and decision-making by previous city councils, and the
unpredictable waffling leadership of our current overwhelmed mayor , Oakland has made much progress
over the last decade, in many areas. Not all the progress we need, not nearly, but MUCH---financially,
culturally, ethnically.
We still need good and diverse jobs, good and diverse types of business, and ways in which to focus
pridefully on our city. The A's as a team and a business would clearly provide a LOT of both as well as
income. Look at the current attention directed Oakland's's not ALL on homicide, commentary
on ineptness of management as it was just1- 2 years ago, etc....much of it is far more favorable. And
the A's currently are a significant part of that....along with housing, 'alternative to crowded SF', dining,
art and small artisans, small business etc.
To lose that large piece of our city would be a real blow. Now matter what you might say about being
held hostage over a scoreboard, or parking lot fees, there would be subSTANTIAL loss of income, and
JOBS. Lew Wolfe is no saint, and management of any team is always first and foremost looking out for
themselves. But from the perspective of jobs and income alone, there is ample reason to vote a
proposal that will keep the As here.....and then throw in the less tangible benefits such as pride and
reputation for additional reasons.
Thank you....martha tracy



Walter Spargo
Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza, Mandalyn; Cook, Brigitte;
Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards, Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee;
Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason; Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada;; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;
A"s Coliseum Lease Extension.
Thursday, June 26, 2014 6:01:23 PM

I urge you to REJECT the proposed Coliseum lease extension with billionaire A's
owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher. It should be rejected because it would hurt -not help -- the city's chances at keeping the Raiders and the A's in Oakland. The
deal also fails to protect taxpayers -- it gives away millions of dollars to Wolff and
Fisher, while Oakland & Alameda County receive virtually nothing in return. Even
worse, the extension might chase away the Raiders because a clause allowing the
A's to leave town if the Raiders strike a deal at the Coliseum puts up a barrier to
future Raiders negotiations in Oakland. This terrible lease extension would be a loselose proposition for Oakland taxpayers and fans of both teams. Please REJECT this
proposed lease extension with A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher.
Furthermore, I see no reason why BOTH teams can't utilize the coliseum site to build
their new stadiums on the current site. A solution is not as hard to imagine as it
seems and I am confident that all of you in your wisdom will find a better solution
that keeps both teams in Oakland where they belong and at the same time furnishes
both storied franchises with new, state-of-the-art facilities that will be the envy of
their respective sports and is mutually profitable to everyone.
Thank you for your service to the community and for your time.


Jeremy Rachesky
Brooks, Desley
A"s deal
Wednesday, June 18, 2014 5:29:09 PM

Council Member,
After seeing the details of the A's 10 year lease agreement I strongly urge you to
vote no until we at least get the tax money that is owed the city. If this is agreed
upon I would find it hard to say yes to another property tax increase. I do realize
taxes are needed to support basic city services. Please hold this billionare tax cheat
whom constantly treats Oakland like dirt accountable for what he owes.
Thank you for your time,
Jeremy Rachesky
If you are not aware of the details please read the links:


bonnie hitch
Kalb, Dan
A"s lease
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 10:12:36 AM

Dear Councilmember,

I am an Oakland resident and also a huge A's fan. I am writing to you to implore you to
vote yes on the lease agreement with the Oakland A's. This is a good deal for the city andit
a solid step toward retaining the team in Oakland. To reject this dealis short sighted. Please
look at the big picture and sign the lease. Without the A's there is no Coliseum City.


Bonnie Hitch


Patrick Hope
Kalb, Dan
A"s Lease
Sunday, July 06, 2014 11:00:23 PM

Dr Mr. Kalb,
I am writing to you about the proposed A's lease. I am concerned with the
possible ramifications of the lease passing and ask that you take a few
things into consideration first.
Having attended one of the Coliseum City seminars last month, it is very
unclear as to the status of the Coliseum City EIR. Despite the language
calling for "good faith" negotiations to keep the A's in Oakland in the
proposed lease, Mr. Wolff has said he has zero intention of signing onto
the JRDV designed BayIG funded Coliseum City project. Even with the two
year eviction notice, would this two years be damaging towards Coliseum
City development? Is it even possible to answer this question before all
environmental studies have finished and we know the true funding
commitments of BayIG? If we can't answer questions relating to Coliseum
City, why vote on the A's lease now? I'm worried that this lease being
signed now, could have a negative affect on area development.
If it is true that the council was not kept fully informed of how the JPA deal
was being structured throughout the negotiating process, I am worried that
the council does not have the full picture regarding the current status of
Coliseum City and its likelihood of being completed.
I appreciate the efforts of Devon Reiff and others in their attempt to keep
the public informed - but they can only do so much. If it your understanding
that the likelihood of the grand Coliseum City design has little chance of
being funded and completed, then I would ask you consider voting in favor
of the A's lease. Doing so may provide the best opportunity to develop
east Oakland while keeping a pro sports team.
However, if we still don't have a good understanding of the Coliseum City
situation, specifically with regards to its funding with BayIG, then I ask that
you consider voting no. Or at least consider postponing the vote until all
necessary and relevant Coliseum City questions and scenarios are
discussed and solved since the passage of this lease could have dramatic

ramifications despite all of the "outs" that are included in the lease.
Either way, when this issue gets discussed in a public forum with the
council, I urge and beg you to provide an honest assessment as to the
status of Coliseum City. Both as to its status in the environmental process
and the likelihood of BayIG being truly committed to the project. I realize
that the information that can be made public is limited, but ask that you
seek this information out and consider all of it before casting your vote on
the A's lease.
Thank you for your time on this matter.
Patrick Hope


Jeremy Rachesky
Schaaf, Libby
A"s lease
Tuesday, July 01, 2014 6:28:12 PM

Council Member,
Did the negotiations just go from bad to worse? A couple of billionaires are forgiven
their tax duties if they build a wrap around ad scoreboard that they will end up
making money on. Also they are going to be paid at the end of the lease
agreement? Excuse me for my tone, but YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!! As
a home owning taxpayer I am offended. Why should I pay taxes if these guys
don't? Not to mention if you know anything about baseball, this team benefits from
revenue sharing. In case you don't know what that is, it is something this city is
very familiar with, welfare. Except in this cast it is for billionaires. And on top of
that he does not want to look at the best possible site, Howard Terminal.
Do you know that you have the upper hand. Where are the A's going to play if you
demand a better deal? Here are my sentiments exactly:
Stop the madness,
Jeremy Rachesky


Lary Heath
DL - City Council
Thursday, July 03, 2014 1:48:02 PM

It will come out. Who voted how.

None of you have the clout Jerry had, to try to get away with chasing the A's from
property you want to cash in on. Jerry did good things, something not seen since.
The best chance we have to pay off that silly Raiders loan needs to continue to
generate some cash out of the Coliseum.
Get out of the way.

Lary Heath


Walter Spargo
Kalb, Dan; Kernighan, Pat; McElhaney, Lynette; Gallo, Noel; Brooks, Desley; Reid, Larry; At Large; Schaaf,
Athletics Lease Proposal
Wednesday, July 02, 2014 9:58:58 AM

Honorable members of Oakland City Council,

I applaud you for the way you have handled the proposed 10 year Athletics lease
proposal. You have shown sincere concern for the people you represent in trying to
get a betterlease that favors the City more and gives less to the A's. A lease should
be mutually beneficial to both parties.

My concern in this whole debate is that you are even having to address the A's and
theirlease at this time. Thereare 18 months remaining on the current lease with
the A's. With the limited information I have been privy to from afar, my common
sense tells me that we should be addressing the Raiders stadium instead. I get that
issues of stadiums for both teams is interlinked, but it seems that we are attacking
the wrong front.

What I do not understand is what the hold-up is on building on the current O.Co
Site. There appears to me to be plenty of room to build a new stadium just to the
south of the stadium on the current site. This could have been taking place already.
Why can't that be done while the A's lease is hashed out?

The flow of information is a bit sketchy here and I would love to see some
references or anything that would clear things up. I did see the slideshow of
theColiseum City proposal (attached). I don't want to be one of those so-called
"concerned citizens" who does nothing but bother you with complaints. I am about
finding solutions here and I want to be part of that, no matter how small my
contribution is. I haveno actualmoney to donate other than what I spend when
Imake the drive from Reno to attend games.I don't even reside in California, but I
still support the Raiders, Athletics and the City of Oakland.

What am asking is what can I do besides sit here and wait? There has to be
something, even if it is to help get information out. I have indicated to you before
that Social Media is a powerful weapon and I am willing to help you useit.How can
I do that? Who can I follow on Twitter and retweet? is there a Hashtag we can
start? There are some out there, but is there a particular one you can suggest that
would be more effective? You may have watched as RaiderNation went viral with
#DJaxToOakland. Can we do that for you too?In case you weren't aware, that one
was started by a Raiders fan living in San Diego!

I am aware that there is an environmental study that is concluding and the results
are due to come out in approximately a month. How will that affect things? Is there
something we can do to help you move forward with the stadium issues once that
comes out? If there is anything I can do to assist you, please do not hesitate to
contact me and I will do my best!

Thanks for your service to the community and I look forward to hearing from you!


Edward Toomey
Kalb, Dan
Coliseum City Developments and the Oakland Raiders
Tuesday, August 19, 2014 12:06:37 PM

Good Afternoon Councilman Kalb,

My name is Edward Toomey and I wanted to reach out to you about the latest Coliseum City
developments and the Oakland Raiders. The reason I am contacting you is because I was at the City
Council meeting where you and your peers voted on the Oakland Athletics 10 year lease agreement
and came away very impressed with your position on the situation and feel that you could give me
the most honest response(s).

First off, I want to also thank you and your peers, for what on paper, looks like a very revolutionary
project that could reshape the future of Oakland and Alameda County. I have been to every
Coliseum City workshop and came away impressed with the vision for the coliseum site. I am sure
there has been a lot of work that has not been seen in the public to get to this point and I would like
to commend and thank you for that as well.

For the record, I am not a resident of Oakland or Alameda County, yet I am an Oakland Raider season
ticket holder and very strong supporter of the Coliseum City project. I have also been asked by the
Oakland Raiders if I would be willing to pay for PSLs to help with the stadium, and I have agreed to.
So even though I am not a resident of Oakland or Alameda County, I hope my very small contribution
to this great endeavor would allow my voice to be heard and maybe a question or two to be

I have been hearing conflicting reports that the Raiders are no longer on board with the project and
the project is in serious jeopardy due to this new 10 year lease with the Athletics. Do you know if
this is the case? We were told at the last Coliseum City workshop that we would be releasing an
Environmental Impact Report and that it would be presented to council to ratify. Do you know if that
is still moving forward? In your point of view, what is the hold up and is there anything us fans can
do to help the process? I am sure you have read or maybe even been told in person about the
Raiders interest to relocate. What are your thoughts on that? Any information you can share would
really be appreciated.

I think we are in accord that we do not want to see any of Oaklands teams relocate. I am not here to
point fingers or assign blame, I would just like to know whats going on and if there is anything we as
fans can do to help out.

Thank you for your time and have a good day,


Edward Eddy Toomey


LeapFrog Enterprises, Inc.

6401 Hollis St., Emeryville, CA 94608



Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza, Mandalyn; Cook, Brigitte;
Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards, Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee;
Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason; Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada;; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;;
Coliseum lease
Thursday, June 26, 2014 6:58:17 PM

I urge you to REJECT the proposed Coliseum lease extension with billionaire A's owners Lew Wolff and
John Fisher. It should be rejected because it would hurt -- not help -- the city's chances at keeping the
Raiders and the A's in Oakland. The deal also fails to protect taxpayers -- it gives away millions of
dollars to Wolff and Fisher, while Oakland & Alameda County receive virtually nothing in return. Even
worse, the extension might chase away the Raiders because a clause allowing the A's to leave town if
the Raiders strike a deal at the Coliseum puts up a barrier to future Raiders negotiations in Oakland.
This terrible lease extension would be a lose-lose proposition for Oakland taxpayers and fans of both
teams. Please REJECT this proposed lease extension with A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher.
Sent from my iPhone



Captain Cartman
Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza, Mandalyn; Cook, Brigitte;
Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards, Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee;
Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason; Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada;; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;
Coliseum Lease
Thursday, June 26, 2014 5:22:52 PM

I urge you to REJECT the proposed Coliseum lease extension with billionaire A's
owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher. It should be rejected because it would hurt -not help -- the city's chances at keeping the Raiders and the A's in Oakland. The
deal also fails to protect taxpayers -- it gives away millions of dollars to Wolff and
Fisher, while Oakland & Alameda County receive virtually nothing in return. Even
worse, the extension might chase away the Raiders because a clause allowing the
A's to leave town if the Raiders strike a deal at the Coliseum puts up a barrier to
future Raiders negotiations in Oakland. This terrible lease extension would be a loselose proposition for Oakland taxpayers and fans of both teams. Please REJECT this
proposed lease extension with A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher.


Jacqui Alexander
Kernighan, Pat; Kalb, Dan; Gerard, Jennie; Mendoza, Mandalyn;; Bolotina, Olga;
Luby, Oliver
Thursday, July 10, 2014 10:45:29 PM

I am very upset with your council's refusal to approve the Oakland Athletic's Coliseum lease.
Do you WANT the A's to leave? Is that YOUR goal?
If they leave, I REFUSE to pay ANY taxes to your city or Alameda county for that Coliseum. The A's are
a great source of revenue for you. What's the problem? I hear you want more money. For what???
Your Coliseum is in terrible condition. I'm there 40 games a year. There'a a woman's bathroom stall
without a toilet seat for over a year. Seriously? You can go to Target or Home Depot and get one for
$15? If you don't have money for that, the you certainly can't afford to lose the A's as a source of
Pass the stupid lease. You don't have anyone else who will replace that revenue, and you're a very
poor city. You're not making any sense. Either do you job and approve the lease, or get out of office.
And again, if you lose the A's, YOU will be paying for that coliseum, not me. I'll move.
J Alexander
Dublin, CA


Jonathan Tennison
Kalb, Dan
Disappointed Resident
Thursday, July 17, 2014 10:51:38 AM

Mr. Kalb,
I'm writing to express my disappointment in the Oakland City Council and their
failure to approve the lease agreement for the Oakland Athletics on July 16th; a
lease agreement that has already been approved by the Oakland A's and the
Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum Authority.
As a relatively new resident of two years, I've grown to love Oakland for all of its
diversity and culture. But as your website states, this city faces many challenges
which I've come to understand in the short time I've been here. As a result of these
challenges, I've become keenly aware of the collective morale of Oakland residents.
I believe it is this shared enthusiasm that spurs events such as the Art Murmur,
Temescal Street Fair, and Oaklavia and brings residents of Oakland together. And
Oakland A's baseball is no different in that it builds that collective morale, no matter
how well or poorly the team may perform.
Yet, on July 16 residents and Oakland A's fans had to witness more bureaucracy in
what seems to be a never ending process to keep something that unites Oakland
residents. A process that I strongly believe plays a role in the confidence and
enthusiasm of those who live in this great city.
I ask that you do what is possible to keep this process moving forward so that the
Athletics stay in Oakland.
Thank you,
Jonathan Tennison


Fair Warning-Large Public Turnout Expected at Next Friday"s (6/20) JPA Meeting
Friday, June 13, 2014 1:31:21 PM

Good Afternoon Everyone:

Just thought I'd give you all advanced notice, that there is going to be quite a large
public turnoutat nextFriday's (6/20) JPA meeting, in COMPLETE opposition of the
proposed 10 year lease extension for A's.
Fans of both the Raiders and A's are incredibly upset with the details of this lease
extension (that have been leaked thus far), and are going to make every concerted
effort to see that the agreement is either revised, or voted down. Some of these
people will hold your political futures in their hands, so I would greatly take into
account their opinions and suggestions.
And if this lease extension passes as is, and the Raiders are eventually lost (for the
second time), there is going to be some serious hell to pay. To get in bed with an
owner (Lew Wolff) who absolutely has zero intention of remaining in Oakland, and
creating obstacles for the other owner (Mark Davis) who actually is trying to create a
solution in the city, is absolutely mind-boggling.
You were all voted into your positions, and you all can be voted out. This decision
could do more damage to your political careers than you think. Tread lightly, as this
could become very ugly if you blow this call.
Kevin Briggs



Deborah Berman Santana

Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Gerard, Jennie; Mendoza, Mandalyn;; Cook, Brigitte; Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards,
Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee; Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason;
Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;;;
from an Oakland resident and season ticket Oakland A"s fan: do NOT sign the lease with Wolff/Fisher - here"s
Tuesday, June 17, 2014 9:29:05 AM

The proposed Coliseum lease extension with As co-owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher doesnt
match its stated goals and should be revised or rejected outright.
Many East Bay fans oppose this lease extension because it would hurt Oakland's chances of
keeping both the A's and the Raiders, and it gives millions of taxpayer dollars to Wolff and
Fisher, even though the billionaire owners still intend to move the A's to San Jose.
I thank the Coliseum Joint Powers Authority and all city and county officials for all their hard
work on retaining Oaklands sports teams. Unfortunately, Wolff and Fisher have never worked
sincerely with city/county leaders on finding a ballpark solution for the As within their territory.
It would be completely inaccurate to view this proposed deal as a sign of a new era of
cooperation. Far from it, Wolff and Fisher have enjoyed a sweetheart lease for nearly a decade
and this extension would just make it sweeter for them, at the expense of fans and taxpayers.
Here are other reasons why I oppose the deal:
Firstly, calling it a "10-year lease extension" is not accurate. In fact, it would be almost a year-toyear lease that Wolff and Fisher can sever as soon as theyre a few years into the deal, as long
as they give a year's notice and pay off money owed from remaining years on the lease.
Secondly, it promises to let Wolff and Fisher keep at least $5 million in parking revenue that
Wolff and Fisher owe to taxpayers, but have never paid. That term simply fails to protect
Also, the lease extension has a curious provision allowing Wolff and Fisher to break the lease if
the Raiders and Oakland strike a deal for a football stadium at the Coliseum site. This term is
unnecessary and potentially divisive, as it holds the potential to pit both Oakland franchises and
their fan bases against each other. It also might force the city to choose one team over the
other. In reality, there's no reason two stadium solutions can't be worked out for both the A's and
the Raiders at the Coliseum Complex or at other sites within Oakland city limits. Sports are
supposed to bring a city together, not divide it. This divisive deal term would poison that spirit.
Lastly, the rush to approve this extension is unnecessary because the As Coliseum lease runs
through the end of next year, 18 months from now. The good news is theres still time for
Oakland and Alameda County to put this deal on the shelf and renegotiate more favorable terms
that better protect both the taxpayers and the East Bays chances of retaining its storied sports
I believe that this areas elected officials have Oakland fans and taxpayers best interests at
heart. Unfortunately, this lease extension would not protect those interests because it gives up
way too much to billionaire owners who still intend to move the A's to San Jose.
That is why I urge all Oakland City Council members and Alameda County supervisors to revise
the deals terms. If that cant be done, then they should reject the lease extension and restart
negotiations for a new one.

Thank you,
Dborah B. Santana
Oakland A's season ticket holder
Resident, district 2, Oakland


Alta Galleria
Kalb, Dan
galleria Gerrey
Fwd: Honor the A"s contract.
Friday, July 04, 2014 2:49:10 PM

>> Dear Mr. Kalb,

I recently moved to the Temescal area; i believe you are my city
I am concerned about the recent - what seems to me - intrusion of
city politics into an agreement between the Oakland A's and the
Coliseum. If I am incorrect in any particulars, please enlighten me.
I do work in real estate, and contracts can be confusing & time
consuming. However, once they are signed, they are not easily
negotiated. It looks to me like the certain council members and the
mayor are out of line trying to jiggle other concerns into this
situation. I am not an attorney and may be using incorrect terms,
but I have negotiated a few contracts and it is rarely simple. Other
city concerns do not seem appropriate here.
At any rate, I want the A's to stay.
Thank you for your attention,
Alta Gerrey
P.S. I'm enjoying the Temescal and new neighbors more than I had
anticipated! Following is a letter I sent to city e-mail addresses I
found online and to Roberta Kaplan.

Please honor the A's contract with the lease extension as it is

written and agreed upon by the Coliseum and the team.
People come from all over to enjoy this winning team; visiting
fans explore Oakland & eat in our restaurants. To lose this team
would be a financial loss as well as another notorious news item
claiming dysfunctional city government.
As for politicians, it would not be helpful to anyone's career to
be labeled as one of those who attempted to undo a contract agreed
upon by both parties.
Please honor the contract & KEEP the A's in OAKLAND!
Alta Gerrey
Oakland resident; A's fan since 1974



Margaret Garza
Kim Bardakian; Boyd, Karen; Office of the Mayor; Kalb, Dan; Gallo, Noel;;;; Evan Sernoffsky;;;
Fwd: Oakland having second thoughts about A"s lease deal - SFGate
Wednesday, July 02, 2014 11:39:10 AM

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:
From: Margaret Garza <>
Date: July 2, 2014, 10:53:40 AM PDT
Subject: Oakland having second thoughts about A's lease deal SFGate
Hi Carolyn,
Thanks for the article. This is a horrible deal for Oakland.
The idea that a MLB team pays over $1,000,000 for a utility infielder and
also pays an ineffective pitchers like Dan Johnson who they acquired
from Baltimore in a trade, $10,000,000 dollars per year, and then
haggles with the City of Oakland on 1.2 million rent payment on a huge
stadium, is a real eye opener.
Lew Wolff needs to give Oakland that $5,000,000 he collected in parking
fees. The city shouldn't have to use that money for a scoreboard which
benefits billionaires Lew Wolff and John Fisher and not the city of
Oakland. Why should the city put that kind of money into a ballpark Lew
Wolff wants to abandon? The city is also forced to use most of the rent
money for maintenance at the Coliseum. What kind of deal is this? This
is absolutely outrageous.
Also, Oakland has no protection if Wolff decides he wants to leave in two
years. The measly little fee he would have to pay is meaningless in the
grand scheme of a MLB payroll or a $500,000,000 dollar ballpark in San
The reason that Bud Selig and Lew Wolff told the media that this was a
done deal was to put pressure on Oakland to either approve the deal or
be made to look unreasonable. Wolff and Fisher continue to play games
with Oakland as they have done for the past ten years. This lease does
nothing to secure the A's future in Oakland and is just a way for Wolff
and Fisher to set up a time frame for their ultimate plans to move from
The City of Oakland needs to stay strong and either have the A's commit
to Oakland for the long-term, or refuse to be used in a temporary deal

which costs the tax payers money and does nothing to maximize the
return on the Coliseum property. The A's are attempting to sabotage the
Coliseum City plans as well as having Oakland lose the Raiders while
giving no guarantees that they will stay in Oakland.
The city should really break off talks with Wolff and Fisher. The terms on
the table are an insult to Oakland residents and taxpayers.
Sent from my iPad


Remy Goldsmith
Kalb, Dan
Keep The As in Oakland
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 1:11:53 PM

Dear Council Member Kalb:

I am emailing to implore you to do your part for Oakland, restore good relations with A's management,
and ratify the Coliseum Contract with the A's. I am aware that A's staff will meet with city leaders this
week and I hope you will do everything possible to ensure the A's stay.
I was very disappointed by how the the City handled communicating its concerns regarding the lease
agreement last week. Regardless of the merits of the Council's concerns, the PR debacle that ensued by
failing to do the courtesy of notifying the Team except by ordering council representatives to duck the
meeting, made Oakland, and in particular its government leaders, look bad.
We've already lost one professional team during the current Council's watch. For the sake of the City's
economic development, regional prominence and simple sense of community, I ask that you work to fix
what is currently a broken negotiations process.
Remy Goldsmith


Ken Ellis
At Large; Kalb, Dan; Kernighan, Pat; Schaaf, Libby; Reid, Larry; Gallo, Noel; Brooks, Desley
Keeping the A"s in Oakland
Monday, July 07, 2014 2:31:38 PM

Dear Ms. Kaplan:

I have been an A's fan and Oakland resident since the team and I arrived in Oakland
in April of 1968. The current team is the most exciting bunch we've had to root for
in 4 decades. You say you want to keep them in Oakland, yet you voted against the
deal that would have insured they would be around for several more years. I am
confused and frustrated by this turn of events.
Having lived here for 46 years, I've seen Oakland politicos shoot themselves in the
feet over and over again, miscalculating the intentions of sports franchises. One
need only look back at our lovely Mayor's dismissal of the Warrior's plan to move to
San Francisco."We are still in direct dialogue with the Warriors about the
opportunity to build a new arena," said Fred Blackwell, an assistant city manager.
"We have always been aware that they are exploring all their options, including a
San Francisco site. We continue to believe that Coliseum City offers the best new
home to the Warriors, Oakland A's and Oakland Raiders." Right. Belief vs reality:
one down, two to go.
Get real. MLB and Lew Wolff aren't going to renegotiate the deal you helped put
together. And I don't blame them. Seems to me this is a choice between a new
scoreboard, good vibes and revenue for the next decade on one hand, and... zilch
on the other. You do the math. That's to say nothing of all this team does for the
City and the City's image, worldwide.
Perhaps I am missing something. If there is anything definitive you can share about
the reason you voted against the deal you helped negotiate, I'd love to hear about
it. Baring some surprising revelation, for the sake of us taxpayers and fans, I urge
you to put an end to this political charade and get this deal done ASAP.
Ken Ellis
Crestmont Resident
PS-Isn't there an election coming up soon? I'd hate to be your spin doctor if this
vote turns out wrong. Thank goodness this point is not lost on Mr. Reid.


Walter Spargo
Kalb, Dan; Kernighan, Pat; McElhaney, Lynette; Gallo, Noel; Brooks, Desley; Reid, Larry; At Large; Schaaf,
Los Angeles Raiders
Wednesday, August 13, 2014 2:42:18 PM

Members of City Council,

I would like to point out to you, one commentthat was made recently by Magic

"Mark knows there's only one place he can go -- that's L.A. San Antonio? Come on
now. Come on."

As you may or may not be aware, this comment was made during the Raiders joint
practice with the Dallas Cowboys in Oxnard, CA on August 12th, 2014. Now
normally, I would dismiss such a comment from a former athlete, but in the case of
Mr. Johnson, this concerns me for several reasons. First of all, there was a
tremendous amount of support for the Raiders to make a return to Los Angeles from
the fan base down there and Mr. Davis saw and heard that from thousands of fans
chanting "BRING THEM BACK". Second, Mr. Johnson has a lot of influence, and
enough capital to support a Raiders move to Los Angeles. Third, Dallas Cowboys
owner, Jerry Jones was also present. He is one of the more influential owners in the
NFL and just about anything he supports has a serious chance of getting approved
by the NFL.The media circus around Mr. Davis and the push to move the Raiders to
L.A. was overwhelming to the point that it even overshadowed the joint practice,
and that includes the 2 major brawls that took place between the players and
evena fan.

When you combine all of that with the fact that Mr. Davis has thus far, not
requested an extension on his lease at O.Co and has expressed that he does not
intend to, you have plenty of smoke for a fire. Quite frankly, if you people do not
move very quickly on getting through all of the red tape and getting something
positive done about the Raiders Stadium situation, the Raiders are going to slip
away. It is happening already and they are further along than you may realize or
choose to accept.In addition to the above named people, Mr. Michael Ovitz was also
present and involved in conversations with Mr. Davis.Thatis disastrous for your
chances of keeping the Raiders. Mr. Orvitz has tried before to get an NFL team in
Los Angeles, and has failed on multiple attempts. This time is different. Mr. Davis
has given you plenty of time and opportunity to get something done and you
continue to fail. He can now take his case to theNFL and they will be a lot more
sympathetic to his dilemma. He also has more clout behind him with Mr. Jones and
Mr. Johnson also in his corner. These elements will make things much easier for L.A.
to steal the Raiders right out from under your noses.

I only hope that it is not too late for the Raiders in Oakland. Time has run out and
still nothing is being done. No progress has been reported. How long will you sit idly
by and watch as your team slips away? Some of you are running for Mayor, I get
that but this needs to have your attention as well. It needs a lot of your attention
and if you are unwilling to do something in an expedient manner to stop the
madness and get a deal done, then you are doomed to the same fate you suffered
in 1982 when you lost the Raiders before. it will have a much bigger economical
impact than it did then.

The solution is closer than you might think. The City of Oakland wants to keep both
theAthletics and the Raiders. The A's are locked in their new lease.Mr. Lew Wolff
wants to build a baseball only stadium on the current O.Co site. Mr. Davis wants to
do the same with a football only stadium. There is plenty of room to accommodate
both owners. Both stadiums would require the demolition of the current stadium.
You have a proposal in front of you. This is a great start. Call these owners to the
table and do not let them leave until you have all come together and met the
common goal that you all have. I am told that an EIS is due out any day. Don't wait
for it. Bring everyone together and get started now. If you don't show Mr. Davis
something, he will keep knocking on the doors of other cities.Sooner or later,
someone will answer!

There are tons of stories being written about the Raiders moving to L.A. and one
common theme in each of them is your real or perceived inability or ineptitude in
getting this done. The movement is picking up speed and with each story. Each visit
by Mr. Davisto other cities and each conversation with other ownersor wealthy
person with the clout of a Mr. Ovitz in L.A. or Marty Wender in San Antonio, andthe
Raiders slip a little further out of your grasp. The time for waiting is over. The
timefor inaction is over. Now is the time for you to sink or swim. Whatever you
need to do, you must do now.

Thanks for your service to the great community of Oakland. Go Raiders, Go A's!



Marvin Castro
Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza, Mandalyn; Cook, Brigitte;
Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards, Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee;
Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason; Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada;; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;;
Friday, June 27, 2014 6:50:06 AM

I urge you to REJECT the proposed Coliseum lease extension with billionaire A's
owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher. It should be rejected because it would hurt -not help -- the city's chances at keeping the Raiders and the A's in Oakland. The
deal also fails to protect taxpayers -- it gives away millions of dollars to Wolff and
Fisher, while Oakland & Alameda County receive virtually nothing in return. Even
worse, the extension might chase away the Raiders because a clause allowing the
A's to leave town if the Raiders strike a deal at the Coliseum puts up a barrier to
future Raiders negotiations in Oakland. This terrible lease extension would be a loselose proposition for Oakland taxpayers and fans of both teams. Please REJECT this
proposed lease extension with A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher.



Ashton Granado
Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza, Mandalyn; Cook, Brigitte;
Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards, Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee;
Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason; Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada;; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;
Thursday, June 26, 2014 10:45:21 PM

I urge you to REJECT the proposed Coliseum lease extension with billionaire A's
owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher. It should be rejected because it would hurt -not help -- the city's chances at keeping the Raiders and the A's in Oakland. The
deal also fails to protect taxpayers -- it gives away millions of dollars to Wolff and
Fisher, while Oakland & Alameda County receive virtually nothing in return. Even
worse, the extension might chase away the Raiders because a clause allowing the
A's to leave town if the Raiders strike a deal at the Coliseum puts up a barrier to
future Raiders negotiations in Oakland. This terrible lease extension would be a loselose proposition for Oakland taxpayers and fans of both teams. Please REJECT this
proposed lease extension with A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher.



Anthony Gentile
Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza, Mandalyn; Cook, Brigitte;
Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards, Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee;
Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason; Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada;; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;;
Thursday, June 26, 2014 5:59:57 PM

I urge you to REJECT the proposed Coliseum lease extension with billionaire A's owners Lew Wolff and
John Fisher. It should be rejected because it would hurt -- not help -- the city's chances at keeping the
Raiders and the A's in Oakland. The deal also fails to protect taxpayers -- it gives away millions of
dollars to Wolff and Fisher, while Oakland & Alameda County receive virtually nothing in return. Even
worse, the extension might chase away the Raiders because a clause allowing the A's to leave town if
the Raiders strike a deal at the Coliseum puts up a barrier to future Raiders negotiations in Oakland.
This terrible lease extension would be a lose-lose proposition for Oakland taxpayers and fans of both
teams. Please REJECT this proposed lease extension with A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher.



Overman, Jason;;; Kalb, Dan; Quan, Jean;; Hunter, Gregory; Gallo, Noel;;
Saturday, June 28, 2014 9:18:15 AM

I amopposed to the proposed 10 year lease extension for the A's and the ramifications it can possibly
have on the Raiders.


Lauren Westreich
Kalb, Dan
Oakland A"s coliseum lease
Thursday, July 03, 2014 9:45:58 AM

Councilmember Kalb,
You all should be ashamed of yourselves. Oakland has a terrible reputation as a place to conduct
business. The City doesn't appear to negotiate in good faith. The goal posts keep moving.
The coliseum is not the best place for the A's and you and the rest of the council have been useless
about finding a good solution to keeping them in town. No one seems willing or able to take a clear
stand. Ideas keep flying around, but nothing surfaces that anyone is willing to go to bat for (pun
In the meantime a more than year long negotiation to keep the A's at the coliseum finally ended with a
settlement that, while not perfect, at least represents a compromise on the part of all parties. Now, at
the eleventh hour you are leaving the table. Shame, shame, shame.
Stop acting like children and get the deal signed. Then, get off your posterior and find a way to give the
A's a stadium they deserve.
Sent from my iPad


David H. Kim
Kalb, Dan
Oakland A"s lease
Monday, July 07, 2014 11:32:49 PM

Dear Councilman Kalb,

I voted for you during the last election, because I believed in your message of "change." However, if
you and other members of the City Council scuttle the ten year lease for our beloved A's by trying to
renegotiate the terms already agreed upon by the team and the Coliseum Authority, I (along with plenty
of my neighbors) will not be casting any votes for you in the future. While Bud Selig cannot force the
three-fourths of MLB owners to approve any move immediately, he can certainly peddle his influence.
And what he sees now is his fraternity brother Lew getting screwed with the worst stadium in the
league full of sewage and a deluded city council trying to nickel and dime the team instead of working
out a grand bargain for a new stadium in the city. The team's departure will make this city (and its city
council) a laughing stock for years to come.
Sent from my iPhone


Margaret Garza
Gallo, Noel; Office of the Mayor; Kalb, Dan; Boyd, Karen
Oakland A"s lease
Wednesday, July 02, 2014 7:43:30 PM

Dear Councilman Gallo,

The City of Oakland needs to come out and explain publicly the reason for not agreeing to the terms in
the latest lease proposal. Lew Wolff and Bud Selig set up the City of Oakland by coming out and
proclaiming this a "done deal" before the lease was actually finalized and the city had a chance to vote
on it. This ploy by Wolff and Selig was a form of intimidation in order to force a bad deal for Oakland.
As long as the city stays quiet and doesn't explain it's position, it will continue taking a public relations
hit with the fans who are not familiar with the details in the lease agreement.
Oakland needs to ask Mr. Wolff to pick one of the two sites available. It's either Howard Terminal or
Coliseum City. Pick one. If Wolff and Fisher refuse to commit to one of these two great sites then the
city of Oakland needs to pursue the 5 million dollars in question, hold the team to the current lease
until 2015, and let the A's do as they wish in two years. Where is Wolff going to go? AT&T Park? Good
luck with that. The man still hasn't completed his soccer stadium in San Jose after so many years.
If Wolff wants a cheap lease along with keeping the 5 million for a 10 million scoreboard for a stadium
he despises and obviously has no intention of staying in for 10 years, then he has to commit to
Oakland. It's as simple as that.
Oakland has been disrespected at every turn by Wolff and Fisher. These two characters pretend to play
nice when it's time to renegotiate the lease and then they're right back to denigrating Oakland and
finding a way out as soon as possible. Wolff will throw Oakland a bone with " a good faith effort"
language in the lease, ( which is basically meaningless) but that'll be thrown right out the window as
soon as that lease is signed.
Oakland needs to stay strong. Oakland is hot right now. If Wolff wants to leave the city then that's his
loss. Oakland doesn't need to give up tax payer money to billionaires in a deal which gives the city no
long-term guarantee to keep the team.Oakland needs to call Wolff's bluff, demand that 5 million and a
guarantee that Wolff and Fisher will pick one of the sites or else hold Wolff and Fisher to the current
contract until the lease expires.
Oakland has to explain the details to the citizens and to the fans and make sure that people understand
how bad this deal is for the long-term future of the A's in Oakland. The City of Oakland needs to come
out and take charge of the message because right now Wolff and Selig are making the city look bad.
We need someone who will speak out and show some leadership. Where are Mayor Quan and Rebecca
Kaplin? Why aren't they here explaining that Oakland is trying to save this team and It's Wolff who
once again is trying to pry the team from Oakland.
I did like the "stop wolfing" comment. Thank you for standing up and telling it like it is. Oakland needs
more of that or it's going to get beaten up in the media.
Thank you,
E. Gonsalves
Sent from my iPad


Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza, Mandalyn; Cook, Brigitte;
Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards, Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee;
Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason; Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada;; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;;
Kristopher Fowler
Oakland A"s lease
Thursday, June 26, 2014 6:54:30 PM

I urge you to REJECT the proposed Coliseum lease extension with billionaire A's
owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher. It should be rejected because it would hurt -not help -- the city's chances at keeping the Raiders and the A's in Oakland. The
deal also fails to protect taxpayers -- it gives away millions of dollars to Wolff and
Fisher, while Oakland & Alameda County receive virtually nothing in return. Even
worse, the extension might chase away the Raiders because a clause allowing the
A's to leave town if the Raiders strike a deal at the Coliseum puts up a barrier to
future Raiders negotiations in Oakland. This terrible lease extension would be a loselose proposition for Oakland taxpayers and fans of both teams. Please REJECT this
proposed lease extension with A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher.
Kristopher Fowler
Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Note 3, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone


Rose Darrah
Kalb, Dan
Oakland A"s
Saturday, June 28, 2014 5:34:43 PM

Dear Dan:

Whats the story with the Oakland City Council reps refusing to attend the negotiation meeting with
the other Coliseum Authority members? I really dont want to see us lose the ball team; it would be
one more damaging blow to a city that needs as much good publicity and support as it can get. It
would, of course, also mean an economic loss to merchants, citizens, and the city.

I just registered for you newsletter and hope to see more positive news about the As and the
Coliseum and the city soon tell me it aint so, Dan!.

Thank you for your attention.

Rory Darrah
Oakland, Ca



Fred Walker;;;;;; Gardner, Henry; City Administrator"s Office; Blackwell, Fred;
Hunter, Gregory; Quan, Jean; Office of the Mayor; Maher, Sean; Kernighan, Pat; Reid, Larry; At Large; Kaplan,
Rebecca; Gallo, Noel; McElhaney, Lynette; Brooks, Desley; Schaaf, Libby; Kalb, Dan; Parker, Barbara;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Oakland Raiders New Stadium In Oakland?
Wednesday, August 13, 2014 11:48:25 AM

August 13, 2014

To: Oakland Raiders, City of Oakland, Alameda County, JPA,JRDV Architects (Developer of the
CC Project),

As a Resident of Oakland and County of Alameda Residentand Oakland Raiders Season

Ticket Holder. I am deeply concern that we may lose the Raiders because of
thesenegotiation is not going so well.Its really hurt that Larry Reid is able to issue this
type of statements such as: We want the Raiders to stay, but not at any cost.The Raiders
owner Mark Davis has made it clear his prefer is to stay in Oakland, but his preference
may not cut it if we cant get the financing, But also yesterday according to the media that
Mark Davis said that there were no progress. No progress in talks with City Oakland and
no lease extension sought. Why have this have not been reached.MayorQuansaid talks
have been going well and she expect a deal to be done by the end of summer. But I am
concern and little bit angry because Mark Davis has been shopping around San Antonio,
Los Angeles (again) because City and County is dragging their feet.

Any newly constructed NFL stadium will be delivered a Super Bowl (which would generate
millions of dollars in additional revenue for the City of Oakland and Alameda County). And
if you were not aware, its a pretty big deal to have a NFL team in your region. The NFL is
the most popular sports league. That alone, and the revenue (brand and licensing) created
by the NFL is of huge significance, 2. Colony Capital has yet to show the money.
Realistically, how can they? They have yet to reach an agreement with the anchor tenant
(Raiders) for Coliseum City, the EIR (Environmental Report) has yet to be released, and
the ENA is not completed. The parties have until October to do so, so this argument from
you is WEAK at best, and 3. The Raiders face a potential shortfall between $400-$500
million dollars for the construction of their new stadium. This is NOT a realistic issue until
the investment team comes forth and states that it is. Per a certain individual that sits
amongst you all, the Bay Investment Group, LLC was (partially) brought onboard to assist
in closing and/or completely covering any gap that may remain after the Raiders provide
their $400 million in funding for the project.
Why a deal haven't been reached and if they do leave it will cost the city millions of dollars,
jobs, and economic will suffer from it.

Thank You and I hope to hear a response from you

Fred Walker



Blake Marshall
Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kernighan, Pat; Gerard, Jennie; Mendoza, Mandalyn;; Cook, Brigitte; Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards,
Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee; Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason;
Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley
Oakland sports
Monday, June 16, 2014 4:00:57 PM

I urge you to revise or reject the proposed Coliseum lease extension that the JPA
has negotiated with As co-owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher.
Many East Bay fans oppose this lease extension because it would hurt Oakland's
chances of keeping both the A's and the Raiders, and it gives millions of taxpayer
dollars to Wolff and Fisher, even though the billionaire owners still intend to move
the A's to San Jose.
We believe that this areas elected officials have Oakland fans and taxpayers best
interests at heart. Unfortunately, this lease extension would not protect those
interests because it gives up way too much to billionaire owners who still intend to
move the A's to San Jose.
That is why we urge all Oakland City Council members and Alameda County
supervisors to reject this deal and restart negotiations on a better one.
Thank you and best regards.


Darren Arata
"Darren Arata"
PLEASE READ! Mark Davis Speaks Today (6/19) on His Next Possible Move if A"s Are Given 10 Year Lease
Thursday, June 19, 2014 3:18:52 PM

IMHO, it seems as if Colony Capital and the Oakland Raiders are on the same page regarding the
realization of Coliseum City, and are ready to begin Phase 1 of its construction in the near future if
given approval.

You all need to take a long hard look at whats the better scenario for the City of Oakland and the
County of Alameda immediately moving forward. You have a tenant (Raiders) and developer (Colony
Capital) who would like to move forward with a development that could potentially bring in a vast
amount of capital to the city and county over time vs. a tenant (As) who is only willing to commit to the
City of Oakland temporarily, while still seeking other avenues out. And the idea that Lew Wolff could
develop any land deal at the Coliseum complex is a complete farce to speak politely.

A development such as Coliseum City could benefit this region for many, many years to come, and I
believe is MUCH more important that signing the As to a long-term lease extension in an increasingly
aging stadium. You must not alienate Colony Capital and the Raiders organization by making the
incorrect call on this. This is bigger than each of your individual egos and agendas. Public perception
has been for years, that the City of Oakland and County of Alameda feature politics and politicians who
cannot unify for the betterment of the region they represent. Prove to them that that perception is

We URGE you to make the correct decision on this.

Darren P. Arata
Senior Customer Service Technician/I+D Coordinator/Shipping Coordinator
Skyline Exhibits & Graphics Bay Area
44111 Fremont Blvd.
Fremont, CA 94538
Direct - (510) 933-2222
Fax - (510) 490-9959
Email -



Anthony Burnett
Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza, Mandalyn; Cook, Brigitte;
Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards, Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee;
Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason; Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada;; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;;
Please Reject 10 year lease agreement for A"s
Thursday, June 26, 2014 6:48:35 PM

Dear Sirs & Madams,

I urge you to REJECT the proposed Coliseum lease extension with billionaire A's owners Lew Wolff
and John Fisher. It should be rejected because it would hurt -- not help -- the city's chances at
keeping the Raiders and the A's in Oakland. The deal also fails to protect taxpayers -- it gives away
millions of dollars to Wolff and Fisher, while Oakland & Alameda County receive virtually nothing in
return. Even worse, the extension might chase away the Raiders because a clause allowing the A's to
leave Oakland if the Raiders strike a deal at the Coliseum puts up a barrier to future Raiders
negotiations in Oakland. This terrible lease extension would be a lose-lose proposition for Oakland
taxpayers and fans of both teams. Please REJECT this proposed lease extension with A's owners Lew
Wolff and John Fisher.

Please keep the Raiders & As in Oakland.


Anthony Burnett



dbuchholz89; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza,
Mandalyn; Cook, Brigitte; Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards, Araina; Banh,
Hoang; Sykes, Renee; Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason; Jones, Andre;
Chan, Ada;; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;;
Please reject lease extension
Thursday, June 26, 2014 10:42:35 PM

I urge you to REJECT the proposed Coliseum lease extension with billionaire A's
owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher. It should be rejected because it would hurt -not help -- the city's chances at keeping the Raiders and the A's in Oakland. The
deal also fails to protect taxpayers -- it gives away millions of dollars to Wolff and
Fisher, while Oakland & Alameda County receive virtually nothing in return. Even
worse, theymight chase away the Raiders because a clause allowing the A's to leave
town if the Raiders strike a deal at the Coliseum puts up a barrier to future Raiders
negotiations in Oakland. This terrible lease extension would be a lose-lose
proposition for Oakland taxpayers and fans of both teams. Please REJECT this
proposed lease extension with A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher.
Daniel Buchholz (6 year Raiders Season ticket holder Sec. 120)

Sent via the Samsung Galaxy SIII, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone



Keith Salminen
Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza, Mandalyn; Cook, Brigitte;
Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards, Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee;
Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason; Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada;; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;
Please Reject Lew Wolff/Coliseum Lease Extension
Tuesday, June 24, 2014 2:32:36 PM

I urge you to REJECT the proposed A's Coliseum lease extension. It should be rejected because
it fails to protect taxpayers -- it gives away millions of dollars to billionaire A's owners Lew Wolff
and John Fisher while Oakland/Alameda County receive virtually nothing in return. The lease
also would hurt -- not help -- Oakland's chances to retain both the A's and the Raiders. With 18
months remaining until the A's lease expires, there's plenty of time for both sides to renegotiate
a better deal. Unfortunately, this proposed lease fails to protect Oakland/East Bay taxpayers,
and it fails at its stated goal of keeping the Raiders and A's in Oakland. Please REJECT this
proposed lease extension with A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher.
Keith Salminen
Producer, A's Fan Radio
Board of Directors & Social Media, Save Oakland Sports


Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza, Mandalyn; Cook, Brigitte;
Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards, Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee;
Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason; Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada;; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;
Please Reject Lew Wolff/Coliseum Lease Extension
Monday, June 23, 2014 9:12:41 PM

Hello all!
I urge you to REJECT the proposed A's Coliseum lease extension. It should be rejected because
it fails to protect taxpayers -- it gives away millions of dollars to billionaire A's owners Lew Wolff
and John Fisher while Oakland/Alameda County receive virtually nothing in return. The lease
also would hurt -- not help -- Oakland's chances to retain both the A's and the Raiders. With 18
months remaining until the A's lease expires, there's plenty of time for both sides to renegotiate
a better deal. Unfortunately, this proposed lease fails to protect Oakland/East Bay taxpayers,
and it fails at its stated goal of keeping the Raiders and A's in Oakland. Please REJECT this
proposed lease extension with A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher.
Thank you for your time!
Galen Soria



Steve Barnes
Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza, Mandalyn; Cook, Brigitte;
Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards, Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee;
Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason; Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada;; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;
Please Reject Lew Wolff/Coliseum Lease Extension
Monday, June 23, 2014 7:41:01 PM

I urge you to REJECT the proposed A's Coliseum lease extension. It should be
rejected because it fails to protect taxpayers -- it gives away millions of dollars to
billionaire A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher while Oakland/Alameda County
receive virtually nothing in return. The lease also would hurt -- not help -- Oakland's
chances to retain both the A's and the Raiders. With 18 months remaining until the
A's lease expires, there's plenty of time for both sides to renegotiate a better deal.
Unfortunately, this proposed lease fails to protect Oakland/East Bay taxpayers, and
it fails at its stated goal of keeping the Raiders and A's in Oakland. Please REJECT
this proposed lease extension with A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher.



Laurie Stephens
Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza, Mandalyn; Cook, Brigitte;
Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards, Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee;
Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason; Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada;; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;
Please Reject Lew Wolff/Coliseum Lease Extension
Monday, June 23, 2014 1:10:30 PM

Dear Oakland Advocate,

My name is Laurie Stephens and as an Oakland native and life long A's fan............
I urge you to REJECT the proposed A's Coliseum lease extension. It should be
rejected because it fails to protect taxpayers -- it gives away millions of dollars to
billionaire A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher while Oakland/Alameda County
receive virtually nothing in return. The lease also would hurt -- not help -- Oakland's
chances to retain both the A's and the Raiders. With 18 months remaining until the
A's lease expires, there's plenty of time for both sides to renegotiate a better deal.
Unfortunately, this proposed lease fails to protect Oakland/East Bay taxpayers, and
it fails at its stated goal of keeping the Raiders and A's in Oakland. Please REJECT
this proposed lease extension with A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher.



Christian Kearney
Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza, Mandalyn; Cook, Brigitte;
Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards, Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee;
Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason; Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada;; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;
Please Reject Lew Wolff/Coliseum Lease Extension
Monday, June 23, 2014 12:44:21 PM

I urge you to REJECT the proposed A's Coliseum lease extension. It should be rejected because
it fails to protect taxpayers -- it gives away millions of dollars to billionaire A's owners Lew Wolff
and John Fisher while Oakland/Alameda County receive virtually nothing in return. The lease
also would hurt -- not help -- Oakland's chances to retain both the A's and the Raiders. With 18
months remaining until the A's lease expires, there's plenty of time for both sides to renegotiate
a better deal. Unfortunately, this proposed lease fails to protect Oakland/East Bay taxpayers,
and it fails at its stated goal of keeping the Raiders and A's in Oakland. Please REJECT this
proposed lease extension with A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher.

Christian Kearney
Oakland, CA



Crystal Luna
Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza, Mandalyn; Cook, Brigitte;
Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards, Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee;
Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason; Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada;; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;
Please Reject Lew Wolff/Coliseum Lease Extension
Monday, June 23, 2014 11:30:31 AM

I urge you to REJECT the proposed A's Coliseum lease extension. It should be rejected because
it fails to protect taxpayers -- it gives away millions of dollars to billionaire A's owners Lew Wolff
and John Fisher while Oakland/Alameda County receive virtually nothing in return. The lease
also would hurt -- not help -- Oakland's chances to retain both the A's and the Raiders. With 18
months remaining until the A's lease expires, there's plenty of time for both sides to renegotiate
a better deal. Unfortunately, this proposed lease fails to protect Oakland/East Bay taxpayers,
and it fails at its stated goal of keeping the Raiders and A's in Oakland. Please REJECT this
proposed lease extension with A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher.



Fred Walker
Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza, Mandalyn; Cook, Brigitte;
Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards, Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee;
Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason; Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada;; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;;
Please Reject Lew Wolff/Coliseum Lease Extension
Monday, June 23, 2014 11:18:52 AM

I urge you to REJECT the proposed A's Coliseum lease extension. It should be rejected
because it fails to protect taxpayers -- it gives away millions of dollars to billionaire A's
owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher while Oakland/Alameda County receive virtually nothing
in return. The lease also would hurt -- not help -- Oakland's chances to retain both the A's
and the Raiders. With 18 months remaining until the A's lease expires, there's plenty of time
for both sides to renegotiate a better deal. Unfortunately, this proposed lease fails to
protect Oakland/East Bay taxpayers, and it fails at its stated goal of keeping the Raiders and
A's in Oakland. Please REJECT this proposed lease extension with A's owners Lew Wolff and
John Fisher.
Thank You
Frederic Walker
City of Oakland and Alameda County Resident



Mark Harvey
Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza, Mandalyn; Cook, Brigitte;
Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards, Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee;
Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason; Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada;; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;
Please Reject Lew Wolff/Coliseum Lease Extension
Monday, June 23, 2014 10:57:24 AM

Good morning,
I urge you to REJECT the proposed A's Coliseum lease extension. It
should be rejected because it fails to protect taxpayers -- it gives
away millions of dollars to billionaire A's owners Lew Wolff and John
Fisher while Oakland/Alameda County receive virtually nothing in
return. The lease also would hurt -- not help -- Oakland's chances to
retain both the A's and the Raiders. With 18 months remaining until
the A's lease expires, there's plenty of time for both sides to
renegotiate a better deal. Unfortunately, this proposed lease fails to
protect Oakland/East Bay taxpayers, and it fails at its stated goal of
keeping the Raiders and A's in Oakland. Please REJECT this proposed
lease extension with A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher.
I can only hope that at some point Mr. Wolff and Mr. Fisher will sell
the A's to an ownership group committed to an Oakland ballpark. The
sense of community surrounding Oakland professional sports is amazing.
I spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the ballpark and had a
fantastic time. I'm glad I am a season ticket holder and hope that at
some point we, the fans are treated with more respect.
Kindest regards,
-Mark Harvey


Please Reject Lew Wolff/Coliseum Lease Extension
Monday, June 23, 2014 10:49:01 AM

Hello. Thank you for taking a moment to read my request.

I urge you to REJECT the proposed A's Coliseum lease extension. It should be
rejected because it fails to protect taxpayers - it gives away millions of dollars to
billionaire A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher while Oakland/Alameda County
receive virtually nothing in return. The lease also would hurt - not help - Oakland's
chances to retain both the A's and the Raiders. With 18 months remaining until the
A's lease expires, there is plenty of time for both sides to renegotiate a better deal.
Unfortunately, this proposed lease fails to protect Oakland/East Bay taxpayers, and
it fails at its stated goal of keeping the Raiders and A's in Oakland.
Please REJECT this proposed lease extension with A's owners Lew Wolff and John
Thank you,
Todd Hanson
Oakland, CA



Devin Mateo
Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza, Mandalyn; Cook, Brigitte;
Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards, Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee;
Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason; Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada;; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;
Please Reject Lew Wolff/Coliseum Lease Extension
Monday, June 23, 2014 10:43:31 AM

I urge you to REJECT the proposed A's Coliseum lease extension. It should be rejected because
it fails to protect taxpayers -- it gives away millions of dollars to billionaire A's owners Lew Wolff
and John Fisher while Oakland/Alameda County receive virtually nothing in return. The lease
also would hurt -- not help -- Oakland's chances to retain both the A's and the Raiders. With 18
months remaining until the A's lease expires, there's plenty of time for both sides to renegotiate
a better deal. Unfortunately, this proposed lease fails to protect Oakland/East Bay taxpayers,
and it fails at its stated goal of keeping the Raiders and A's in Oakland. Please REJECT this
proposed lease extension with A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher.

Devin Mateo
Oakland, Ca
-Go Raiders



courtney cruz
Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza, Mandalyn; Cook, Brigitte;
Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards, Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee;
Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason; Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada;; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;
Please Reject Lew Wolff/Coliseum Lease Extension
Monday, June 23, 2014 10:36:31 AM

I urge you to REJECT the proposed A's Coliseum lease extension. It should be rejected because it fails to protect
taxpayers -- it gives away millions of dollars to billionaire A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher while
Oakland/Alameda County receive virtually nothing in return. The lease also would hurt -- not help -- Oakland's
chances to retain both the A's and the Raiders. With 18 months remaining until the A's lease expires, there's
plenty of time for both sides to renegotiate a better deal. Unfortunately, this proposed lease fails to protect
Oakland/East Bay taxpayers, and it fails at its stated goal of keeping the Raiders and A's in Oakland. Please
REJECT this proposed lease extension with A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher.
Courtney Linder
Oakland, CA



Nick Terry
Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza, Mandalyn; Cook, Brigitte;
Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards, Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee;
Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason; Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada;; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;
Please Reject Lew Wolff/Coliseum Lease Extension
Monday, June 23, 2014 10:16:14 AM


I urge you to REJECT the proposed A's Coliseum lease extension. It should be
rejected because it fails to protect taxpayers -- it gives away millions of dollars to
billionaire A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher while Oakland/Alameda County
receive virtually nothing in return.

The lease also would hurt -- not help -- Oakland's chances to retain both the A's and
the Raiders.

With 18 months remaining until the A's lease expires, there's plenty of time for both
sides to renegotiate a better deal. Unfortunately, this proposed lease fails to protect
Oakland/East Bay taxpayers, and it fails at its stated goal of keeping the Raiders and
A's in Oakland.

Please REJECT this proposed lease extension with A's owners Lew Wolff and John

To do otherwise would prove your real priorities & ethics.

Nicholas Terry
Castro Valley
Former Alameda County Consumer Affairs Commissioner



Jenny Gross
Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza, Mandalyn; Cook, Brigitte;
Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards, Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee;
Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason; Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada;; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;
Please Reject Lew Wolff/Coliseum Lease Extension
Monday, June 23, 2014 10:05:48 AM

I urge you to REJECT the proposed A's Coliseum lease extension. It should be
rejected because it fails to protect taxpayers -- it gives away millions of dollars to
billionaire A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher while Oakland/Alameda County
receive virtually nothing in return. The lease also would hurt -- not help -- Oakland's
chances to retain both the A's and the Raiders. With 18 months remaining until the
A's lease expires, there's plenty of time for both sides to renegotiate a better deal.
Unfortunately, this proposed lease fails to protect Oakland/East Bay taxpayers, and it
fails at its stated goal of keeping the Raiders and A's in Oakland. Please REJECT this
proposed lease extension with A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher.
Sincerely, an Oakland A's fan since birth in 1981,
Jenny MacDonald



Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza, Mandalyn; Cook, Brigitte;
Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards, Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee;
Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason; Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada;; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;;
Please Reject Lew Wolff/Coliseum Lease Extension
Monday, June 23, 2014 10:05:01 AM

I urge you to REJECT the proposed A's Coliseum lease extension. It should be rejected because
it fails to protect taxpayers -- it gives away millions of dollars to billionaire A's owners Lew Wolff
and John Fisher while Oakland/Alameda County receive virtually nothing in return. The lease
also would hurt -- not help -- Oakland's chances to retain both the A's and the Raiders. With 18
months remaining until the A's lease expires, there's plenty of time for both sides to renegotiate
a better deal. Unfortunately, this proposed lease fails to protect Oakland/East Bay taxpayers,
and it fails at its stated goal of keeping the Raiders and A's in Oakland. Please REJECT this
proposed lease extension with A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher.

Christina Yamat
Alameda County resident



James Tarver
Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza, Mandalyn; Cook, Brigitte;
Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards, Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee;
Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason; Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada;; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;;
Please Reject Lew Wolff/Coliseum Lease Extension
Monday, June 23, 2014 9:59:29 AM

I urge you to REJECT the proposed A's Coliseum lease extension. It should be rejected because it
fails to protect taxpayers -- it gives away millions of dollars to billionaire A's owners Lew Wolff and John
Fisher while Oakland/Alameda County receive virtually nothing in return. The lease also would hurt -not help -- Oakland's chances to retain both the A's and the Raiders. With 18 months remaining until
the A's lease expires, there's plenty of time for both sides to renegotiate a better deal. Unfortunately,
this proposed lease fails to protect Oakland/East Bay taxpayers, and it fails at its stated goal of keeping
the Raiders and A's in Oakland. Please REJECT this proposed lease extension with A's owners Lew
Wolff and John Fisher.
James Tarver
Life long Oakland A's/Raiders Fan



Ron Balch
Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza, Mandalyn; Cook, Brigitte;
Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards, Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee;
Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason; Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada;; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;;
Please Reject Lew Wolff/Coliseum Lease Extension
Monday, June 23, 2014 9:58:56 AM

I urge you to REJECT the proposed A's Coliseum lease extension. It should be rejected because
it fails to protect taxpayers -- it gives away millions of dollars to billionaire A's owners Lew Wolff
and John Fisher while Oakland/Alameda County receive virtually nothing in return. The lease
also would hurt -- not help -- Oakland's chances to retain both the A's and the Raiders. With 18
months remaining until the A's lease expires, there's plenty of time for both sides to renegotiate
a better deal. Unfortunately, this proposed lease fails to protect Oakland/East Bay taxpayers,
and it fails at its stated goal of keeping the Raiders and A's in Oakland. Please REJECT this
proposed lease extension with A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher.
Respectfully your's,
Ron Balch


Please Reject Lew Wolff/Coliseum Lease Extension
Monday, June 23, 2014 10:49:01 AM

Hello. Thank you for taking a moment to read my request.

I urge you to REJECT the proposed A's Coliseum lease extension. It should be
rejected because it fails to protect taxpayers - it gives away millions of dollars to
billionaire A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher while Oakland/Alameda County
receive virtually nothing in return. The lease also would hurt - not help - Oakland's
chances to retain both the A's and the Raiders. With 18 months remaining until the
A's lease expires, there is plenty of time for both sides to renegotiate a better deal.
Unfortunately, this proposed lease fails to protect Oakland/East Bay taxpayers, and
it fails at its stated goal of keeping the Raiders and A's in Oakland.
Please REJECT this proposed lease extension with A's owners Lew Wolff and John
Thank you,
Todd Hanson
Oakland, CA


Darren Arata
Proposed A"s Lease Extension and Affect on Raiders New Stadium Plans
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 9:07:54 AM

Good Morning All,

In all of this confusion, has anyone within the City taken the time to speak to Mark Davis (and the
Raiders brass), in an effort to keep him abreast of how this lease extension for the As may impact his
plans to build a new stadium at the Coliseum site?

His most recent public statements seem to indicate that if this proposed 10 year lease extension is
approved, then he may have to explore other options (L.A., Santa Clara, Berkeley, etc.). I would
imagine that the council, or at least some contingent of it, would not only be aware of Davis feelings on
this matter, but would move quickly to discuss the details with him before more serious
issues/opposition arises.

Davis clearly stated that in order for Colony Capital and the Raiders to move forward with their
development (which includes a new stadium for the Raiders) plans, the Coliseum would need to be
demolished after the 2015 MLB season. That is obviously impossible if this lease agreement is
approved for the As. It seems as if no one is communicating anything to the other parties involved,
and no one is on the same page at all, whether it be city/county, Raiders + Colony Capital/county,
Raiders/As, JRDV/Colony Capital, etc.

And then the issue of new scoreboards and ribbon lighting (to be added to the Coliseum in time for the
2015 MLB season). Why? It truly makes little sense. If the city can evict the As (given a 2 year
notice), or the As can break the lease (by buying out the remaining years), what would be the point in
upgrading a stadium (Coliseum) that for all intents and purposes, needs to be demolished and

Now, lets quickly discuss the hollow threat that caused the JPA to approve the As lease last Thursday
(7/3). A move to Montreal or San Antonio is utterly and unequivocally ridiculous! Im well versed on the
history of both cities, and their relationships with or without MLB. Council member Larry Reid was quite
mistaken by saying that the threat was real for the As to relocate to either city. You really dont have
to dig too deeply to realize that both cities can not currently host a MLB team. And chances that they
actually could in the future are pretty remote. How a governing body allowed itself to be pushed
around and snowed (by Selig and Wolff) so easily is absolutely astounding to me.

Finally, why is this As lease even being sought for extension NOW? Who initiated it? What was the
rush? If Im not mistaken, I believe it was Lew Wolff who initiated these discussions. IMHO, there was
plenty of time left on the As current lease, and there should have at least been an attempt to push the
Raiders deal through first. I dont have to list all of the details to make this point clear. It has been done
by many over the last few years. This just seems to be a fatal mistake, and no one politically is willing
to take the risk to kill it off before severe consequences are felt.

YOU (Oakland City Council) have a chance to make all of this right though. You do not have to
approve this lease extension, and hopefully you will veto it in the very near future. Reports have been
that 3 council members approve of the lease proposal, 3 of you are undecided, and 1 is opposed.
Bravo for the 1 council member who has the courage to stand up to his/her fellow constituents, and to
say, This lease extension does not benefit any of the parties involved except Lew Wolff and MLB.
This is the best lease that can possibly be negotiated at this point in time can not and should not be
uttered by anyone involved in the process. Political malice MUST be tabled in order to truly represent
the people that put you in office. Of the 3 undecided city council members, I hope that you vote NO
on this lease extension proposal, and chop of the head of the snake with vigor.

Darren P. Arata
Senior Customer Service Technician/I+D Coordinator/Shipping Coordinator
Skyline Exhibits & Graphics Bay Area
44111 Fremont Blvd.
Fremont, CA 94538
Direct - (510) 933-2222
Fax - (510) 490-9959
Email -



Nancy Battilana
Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza, Mandalyn; Cook, Brigitte;
Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards, Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee;
Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason; Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada;; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;;
Qakland A"s lease extention
Thursday, June 26, 2014 6:26:56 PM

I urge you to REJECT the proposed Coliseum lease extension with billionaire A's owners Lew Wolff and John
Fisher. It should be rejected because it would hurt -- not help -- the city's chances at keeping the Raiders and the
A's in Oakland. The deal also fails to protect taxpayers -- it gives away millions of dollars to Wolff and Fisher,
while Oakland & Alameda County receive virtually nothing in return. Even worse, the extension might chase away
the Raiders because a clause allowing the A's to leave town if the Raiders strike a deal at the Coliseum puts up a
barrier to future Raiders negotiations in Oakland. This terrible lease extension would be a lose-lose proposition
for Oakland taxpayers and fans of both teams. Please REJECT this proposed lease extension with A's owners
Lew Wolff and John Fisher.
I am a huge fan of both teams! And to possibly lose The Team who's owner has repeatedly stated "We want to
stay in Oakland" to a Team with an owner that has tried everything in his power to leave Oakland just is not right!
Mark Davis WANTS to keep the Raiders in Oakland and has been patient in waiting for a solution. Lew Wolff
have repeatedly stated he wants The A's to be "anywhere but Oakland" If this extension passes within 2 or 3
years Oakland will have NO professional sports teams. The Raiders will be forced out and the A's will do
everything in their power to break their lease and leave!


Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza, Mandalyn; Cook, Brigitte;
Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards, Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee;
Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason; Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada;; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;
Re Coliseum lease
Thursday, June 26, 2014 5:37:29 PM

I urge you to REJECT the proposed Coliseum lease extension with billionaire A's owners Lew Wolff and
John Fisher. It should be rejected because it would hurt -- not help -- the city's chances at keeping the
Raiders and the A's in Oakland. The deal also fails to protect taxpayers -- it gives away millions of
dollars to Wolff and Fisher, while Oakland & Alameda County receive virtually nothing in return. Even
worse, the extension might chase away the Raiders because a clause allowing the A's to leave town if
the Raiders strike a deal at the Coliseum puts up a barrier to future Raiders negotiations in Oakland.
This terrible lease extension would be a lose-lose proposition for Oakland taxpayers and fans of both
teams. Please REJECT this proposed lease extension with A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher.
Sent from my iPhone


Nicholas Terry
Kalb, Dan
Wednesday, June 25, 2014 2:38:34 PM

Interesting this is good to know, and plenty of rumors on outlets.

From: Kalb, Dan []

Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 2:23 PM
To: Nick Terry
Subject: Re:

We have not concluded any deal. Do NOT believe premature press reports. Thank you.
-Dan Kalb
City Councilmember
District One
Oakland, CA

On Jun 25, 2014, at 1:46 PM, "Nick Terry" <> wrote:

The lease extension. It gives away millions of dollars to
billionaire A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher while Oakland/Alameda
County receive virtually nothing in return. The lease also would hurt -not help -- Oakland's chances to retain both the A's and the
Raiders.Commissioner Sileg and his pal Mr. Wolff are vultures that want
nothing more than to move the A's; the fans are constantly being
On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 1:41 PM, Kalb, Dan <> wrote:
Not sure as to what issue you are referencing. Feel free to clarify.
-Dan Kalb
City Councilmember
District One
Oakland, CA

> On Jun 25, 2014, at 1:37 PM, "Nick Terry" <> wrote:
> Supervisors...I, along with others, will work to ensure you are not re-elected,
by means of votes, endorsements and contributions - this move was the biggest
mistake in Alameda County in recent history - and you are part of it.

> As so many wrote you recently, I will remind you...


Karen Ivy
Kalb, Dan
Bolotina, Olga
RE: About that A"s lease
Saturday, September 13, 2014 10:53:22 PM

I really appreciate the time you took to respond, and I appreciate hearing the other side of
the story. The Chronicle, like any paper, sells on bad news, but its very hard sometimes to
tell whats behind the story. Im glad to hear that the council took the negotiations
seriously, but it looked pretty disorganized from the outside. When the As signed off on the
modified deal, it became clear that things had not been as presented.

I definitely appreciate that you believe the buck stops with the council, because it does.

Karen Ivy
"We have no means of learning what is really going on." -- W. H. Auden

From: Kalb, Dan []

Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2014 4:18 PM
To: Karen Ivy
Cc: Bolotina, Olga
Subject: RE: About that A's lease

Hi Karen,

I am going over some e-mails from this summer that I hadnt yet reply to, and I saw this
one. Sorry for not getting back to you earlier.

First, let me say something that you already know: You wont get a clear picture of reality
about what is happening in Oakland City Hall from the SF Chronicle. Even if we try to share
information with the media, they are not generally helpful in getting out the full story.

As an fyi, the entire City Council, Mayor and our City Attorney were aware of the details of
the proposed As lease when we discussed it multiple times in closed session and once in
open session. We were asked to approve a bad dealpure and simple. Acting City
Administrator Henry Gardner, a smart, sensible person of tremendous integrity, agreed that
it was a bad proposal. If we had approved it as first presented, the story in the Chronicle
wouldve been Oakland City Council roles over and accepts bad deal to appease As owner
Lew Wolff. Even the lead negotiator acknowledged that it was a deal that was much more

favorable to the As than to the City/County. The best the negotiator could say is that, its a
bad deal, but almost all cities have similarly bad deals with their baseball teams.

The As are not going anywhere. Most of the talk in late spring and early summer about
moving the As was little more than posturing by the As ownership. Major League Baseball
wants the As to stay in the Bay Area because we are in a lucrative media market. And since
MLB and the courts have taken San Jose (and Santa Clara County) off the table (and Fremont
rejected the As as well), they are not going anywhere. You should also know that the deal
does not guarantee that the As will stay in Oakland for 10 yearsThe As insisted on a 2year notice out clause after the first few years. We know that Lew Wolff says he wants to
leave, but he has nowhere to go. And I think he finally has come to accept that reality.

The buck stops with the City Council, and I take my role seriously. The modifications that our
Administration and Council asked for were reasonable and fairsome were financial in
nature, others were not. The fact that it took an additional seven weeks to come to an
agreement is not something that people should worry about or lose sleep over, even though
the media will try to fan the flames of controversy every chance they get. We were actually
able to make the agreement better in some respects.

Im proud that this City Council does not acquiesce when presented with bad deals. And Im
proud that we are not afraid to stand up to sports teams owners who try to run roughshod
over our City. I very much want the As to stay in Oakland and I knew that we would get a
somewhat improved deal if we negotiate in good faith. And that is what happened.

I hope this helps clarify some of your concerns. I will say that I absolutely agree with you
that on proposed deals of this magnitude, the Council should have been briefed in closed
session on a periodic basis on the progress of talks with the As. I believe that going forward
the Council will make sure we get briefed on a more timely manner.

Thanks for keeping in touch,


--- ---


Oakland City Councilmember, District One

One Frank Ogawa Plaza, 2 nd floor
Oakland, CA 94612


To sign up for my District One Community Newsletter, please click here.

From: Karen Ivy []
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2014 10:10 AM
To: Kalb, Dan
Cc: Quan, Jean; Kernighan, Pat; Bolotina, Olga
Subject: About that A's lease

Let me start by saying that I personally dont give a hobos curse whether the As stay or go.
I am not a sports fan, and I resent the fact that were still paying on the Raiders fiasco.

I do care that Oakland, which is always kind of the Rodney Dangerfield of cities, now looks
like it is run by total incompetents, and from the statement in this mornings paper about
your indecision on the negotiated deal, Im wondering if you are one of them. This lease
was in negotiation for 14 months. Two members of the city council were on the negotiating
team. And never, apparently, in that 14 months did the council sit down with those two
members and go over the details of this important agreement. My impression from S.F.
Chronicle coverage is that when this first came up for approval at the Coliseum board
meeting the other week, nobody on the city council except Reid and Kaplan had any idea
what the agreement actually said. So my first question is, why not?

My second question: I dont follow sports news, but its impossible to miss the fact, in
general news coverage, that Lew Wolf has wanted to move the As out of Oakland for
years. The Coliseum board has finally negotiated an arrangement, which he seems willing to
sign, that would keep him here for 10 years. And the City Council thinks it can step in, at
the last moment, and improve on the negotiated deal which is ready for signature?? Has
none of you ever negotiated a business deal before?? So this isnt the deal you would have
negotiated. We none of us ever get exactly what wed like.

You personally arent up for re-election this year, but several of the people who are waffling
on this mess are, and some are even running for higher office; do they think theyll get any
votes from any As fans if they blow the deal and Wolf walks the As to Toronto or Texas
as he can now do because of the city councils meddling?

Your thoroughly disgusted constituent,

Karen Ivy
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. Hanlons Razor.


Ed Berne
Kalb, Dan
RE: Constituent Feedback
Saturday, July 19, 2014 5:19:23 PM

Thank you for your thoughtful reply. There can be no doubt of the accuracy of your penultimate
Ed Berne

From: Kalb, Dan []

Sent: Saturday, July 19, 2014 12:10 PM
Subject: Re: Constituent Feedback

Greetings Ed,

Thanks for writing to me.

My comments, in part, accurately reflected the tremendous frustration that the City of Oakland has
endured due to inflexibility and unnecessary PR tactics by the A's management.

I am of course aware that contract negotiations of this magnitude are inherently complex. However,
you are probably not aware of the behind the scenes efforts made by city leaders over the past two
months to come to a resolution. We have tried to be cooperative and offer reasonable
compromises, but the A's seemed more interested in negotiating through hard-nosed PR efforts
than through sit-down discussions.
It has been clear all along that the city's goal is to get a new ballpark (for the A's) AND and a new
stadium (for the Raiders) at the Coliseum City site. When developers or team owners stray from that
vision, we have to remind them (and the public) about the City of Oakland's goals/needs are.

I assure you that it has been the A's who have shown sad inflexibility over the past year. Even the
Coliseum Authority's lead negotiator has acknowledged this.

I said what needed to be said and I make no apologies for it. For reasons unknown, some people
seem to be fine when a private developer or big businessperson is hard-nosed with the City, but
when the City takes a firm stand and doesn't cave in, somehow the city is at fault for being inflexible.
That double-standard has to end.

I fully expect the A's and the City of Oakland (and JPA) to come to a final lease agreement by the end
of this month; then we can all move forward on getting a plan in place to get new stadiums built.

As an aside, almost all the reactions from folks in Oakland of my 5-minute talk from Wednesday's
meeting have been positive. But the most important reactions will be from Mark Davis, Lew Wolff,

and the Coliseum City developers.

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts.


-Dan Kalb
City Councilmember
District One
Oakland, CA

On Jul 19, 2014, at 10:33 AM, "Ed Berne" <> wrote:

I was very disappointed in your on the same page rant during the Council discussion
of the Coliseum contract. Taking an us vs. them attitude is the opposite of what we
need from our City Council. Contract negotiations are difficult and complex subjects, as
I would have thought you knew, and making simplistic, reductionist remarks only make
them more difficult by making the other side think we are inflexible.
In the future I hope you will make constructive suggestions toward resolving the issues
at hand or at the very least offer support for voices that are offering ideas on how to
move forward.
Ed Berne



Fred Walker
At Large; Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza, Mandalyn; Cook,
Brigitte; Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards, Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes,
Renee; Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason; Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada;; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;
RE: Kaplan: building a strong future with our sports teams
Thursday, July 03, 2014 12:46:38 PM

I'm very disappointed because this lease with the A's will be a blockage from getting
the Raiders a new stadium. Lew Wolff never wanted to build in Oakland. Your action
today will cause a divide between Raiders and A's. You letting a billionaire walk
away with $5 Million of taxpayer money.
Thank You
Federic Walker
Oakland Residents
--- Original Message --From: "At Large" <>
Sent: July 1, 2014 4:28 PM
To: "At Large" <>
Subject: Kaplan: building a strong future with our sports teams
Re: We can, and should, keep both the Raiders and the As.
Dear friends and fans of Oakland sports:
There has been a disturbing rumor being spread which sadly pits the future of the As in
Oakland against the future of the Raiders in Oakland. In fact, neither team is threatening to
chase out the other and the success of our economic prosperity and fan experience in the
future in Oakland is likely to be most successful with both teams involved.
And so, I wantto make clear that I am fully committed to working effectively with all
stakeholders to help advance a strong and successful future in Oakland for both the A's
and the Raiders.
I have received emailsfrom people concerned that anAs lease agreement would chase away
the Raiders. However, the truth is actually the opposite. I would not support any deal which
excluded the Raiders. And the only team being proposed for potential removal are the A's
(and the people threatening to kick out the A's are not the Raiders). Ifeel it is important to
make sure that the truth is being shared.
When so much of the negotiations are secret and subject to rumor,it is hard to build the
important public decisions and public support we will need, to have a vibrantfuture with our
sports teams going forward.Therefore, I am asking that we seek to make publicly available
information regarding the lease negotiations for the Coliseum. I am asking for more
transparency, and hope to be able to share more with you soon.
I have also been told that there was a concern that the As would not make their annual rent

payment, which was due yesterday June 30 , to the JPA. I am pleased to report that the
rent has, in fact, been received in full and on time! In fact, this payment from the As is the
largest annual payment we have ever received, and thus, our current efforts are succeeding at
achieving significant improvements for the public.
It has become clear to me that the lack of public disclosure, of these and other issues, in the
lease negotiations is perpetuating troubling rumors and making it hard to have an effective
process. Therefore, I have asked staff and attorneys regarding the option to publicly release
this information.
Thank you very much for your concern and shared dedication to the future of our teams in
Rebecca Kaplan
Oakland City Council President Pro-tem


Ken Ellis
Ken Ellis
At Large; Kalb, Dan; Kernighan, Pat; Schaaf, Libby; Reid, Larry; Gallo, Noel; Brooks, Desley
Re: Keeping the A"s in Oakland
Tuesday, July 22, 2014 11:16:18 PM

Dear Ms. Kaplan,

Let me be one of the first to congratulate you on getting the deal done with the A's.
I was wrong. You were right. I'm impressed by the fact that you were true to your
word in doing everything you could to keep the A's where they belong, including
voting for the original agreement you helped negotiate. THANK YOU!
Ken Ellis
On Jul 7, 2014, at 2:31 PM, Ken Ellis wrote:
Dear Ms. Kaplan:
I have been an A's fan and Oakland resident since the team and I arrived
in Oakland in April of 1968. The current team is the most exciting bunch
we've had to root for in 4 decades. You say you want to keep them in
Oakland, yet you voted against the deal that would have insured they
would be around for several more years. I am confused and frustrated
by this turn of events.
Having lived here for 46 years, I've seen Oakland politicos shoot
themselves in the feet over and over again, miscalculating the intentions
of sports franchises. One need only look back at our lovely Mayor's
dismissal of the Warrior's plan to move to San Francisco."We are still in
direct dialogue with the Warriors about the opportunity to build a new
arena," said Fred Blackwell, an assistant city manager. "We have always
been aware that they are exploring all their options, including a San
Francisco site. We continue to believe that Coliseum City offers the best
new home to the Warriors, Oakland A's and Oakland Raiders." Right.
Belief vs reality: one down, two to go.
Get real. MLB and Lew Wolff aren't going to renegotiate the deal you
helped put together. And I don't blame them. Seems to me this is a
choice between a new scoreboard, good vibes and revenue for the next
decade on one hand, and... zilch on the other. You do the math. That's to
say nothing of all this team does for the City and the City's image,
Perhaps I am missing something. If there is anything definitive you can
share about the reason you voted against the deal you helped negotiate,
I'd love to hear about it. Baring some surprising revelation, for the sake
of us taxpayers and fans, I urge you to put an end to this political
charade and get this deal done ASAP.

Ken Ellis
Crestmont Resident
PS-Isn't there an election coming up soon? I'd hate to be your spin
doctor if this vote turns out wrong. Thank goodness this point is not lost
on Mr. Reid.


Larry Jacobs
Kalb, Dan
RE: Oakland A"s lease
Wednesday, July 02, 2014 7:55:15 PM

Well, I read an article what was pretty clear that the Joint Powers and
the As have reached an agreement but that the City Council was
balking. The Council apparently did not like something or other in the
deal and so they boycotted the meeting. Very mature. Maybe the article
was wrong, maybe the writer has it in for one or more council members
I dont know.

Let me be really clear. What I do know is that I have lived in Oakland

since 1973. I have seen the various mayors of the City screw up
virtually thing they have had their hands on, whether thru incompetence
(Elihu Harris), indifference (Ron Dellums) or plain stupidity (Lionel
Wilson). But the cast of idiot characters on the city council makes those
3 seem like Nobel winners.

The only reason that the As are even talking to Oakland is the
insistence of Bud Selig that San Jose is Giants territory. The Oakland
powers that be have muffed the Raiders (1982-1995 in LA), the
Warriors (soon to be in SF) and the As (remember Fremont?). Based
on that track record, it is hard to imagine how the current Council could
do much worse. But it appears that youre trying.

You will note that I asked a question as to where you stood on the As
lease, yes or no. The fact that you failed to answer even that easy one
is revealing.

Yours in disgust:

Larry Jacobs

PO Box 261
The Sea Ranch, CA 95497
CONFIDENTIALITY - This email and any attachments are confidential and may also be privileged. If the reader of this email is not the named

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IRS 230 DISCLAIMER - As required by new rules imposed by the IRS, we inform you that any U.S. tax advice contained in this
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From: Kalb, Dan []

Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2014 3:29 PM
To: Larry Jacobs
Subject: Re: Oakland A's lease

Negotiations are concluding, but not quite over (as of this morning)We are getting close to a
deal. I'm hoping that we will have good news to report next week.
Please don't believe everything you may read in the press.

Thank you!
-Dan Kalb
City Councilmember
District One
Oakland, CA

On Jul 2, 2014, at 2:48 PM, "Larry Jacobs" <> wrote:

Have you decided on a position on the new A's lease with the
A yes or no answer will suffice.
-Larry Jacobs
CONFIDENTIALITY - This email and any attachments are confidential and may also be privileged. If the reader of this email is not the named recipient,
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Kalb, Dan
Re: Oakland A"s lease
Thursday, July 03, 2014 11:52:27 AM

Councilmember Kalb,
I certainly appreciate your prompt response and clarification. Of course, I do not believe everything I
read in the paper or hear from most public sources; however, the absence information from the Council
about the issues or the content of the current proposal allows the A's or whoever is feeding this
information to the press to control the information that reaches the public.
I suggest that the City be more forthcoming as you have been.
Thank you
Joanne M. Brown, MSW, JD
Contact Information
Oakland, CA

-----Original Message----From: Kalb, Dan <>

To: jbrownconsulting <>
Sent: Thu, Jul 3, 2014 11:43 am
Subject: Re: Oakland A's lease
Don't believe all the spin you may read in the press.
The City Council has a responsibility to do its due diligence in evaluating and approving any significant
financial deal.
The A's have acted with their usual arrogance and the deal they are pushing on us--through the press-is a very mediocre deal at best for the residents of Oakland. And it has No guarantees that the A's will
try to stay on Oakland for the long-term. In fact, it is nothing more than a rolling two-year lease (as
opposed to the ten-years that they are touting).
Last week, we asked the JPA in advance to postpone the meeting (the one where our reps did not
attend) because there was absolutely NO reason to hold the mtg since the Council was still in the
process of evaluating and commenting on the proposed lease agreement. The County decided to make
a stink and hold the meaningless meeting anyway.
There is more to the story, but that's enough for now.
-Dan Kalb
City Councilmember
District One
Oakland, CA

On Jul 3, 2014, at 11:15 AM, "" <> wrote:

Council member Kalb:
As you should know, the City Council is getting very bad press on your failure to reach an
agreement with the A's. Boycotting a meeting without an explanation to the public
followed by a closed Council meeting that allegedly directs the Kaplan and Reid not to
agree even to the revised proposal reinforces the impression of a Council and a City that
does not know how to make set priorities, make decisions in a transparent manner, have
enough skill to negotiate or explain how its actions are in the best interests of the City.
From what I understand the state of the negotiations to be at this time... Wolf gets
exactly what he wants if no new lease is approved, to make another argument to MLB
and I and thousands of long term A's fans lose our beloved team AND Oakland loses
another professional sports team. This leaves the Raiders to blackmail the City and the
Coliseum Authority as it has done historically and very effectively.
We expect our representatives to be smart, candid, open to information and seeking
information, and courageous.
What are your plans to move your colleagues to understand the consequences of their
actions and to secure a long term lease that will keep the A's in Oakland?
Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Joanne M. Brown, MSW, JD



Gabriel Schnitzler
Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga
Re: Oakland A"s Stadium
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 12:40:58 PM

And PS, as the father of a little leaguer, lots of folks took note that the city couldn't
even figure out how to take money from the A's to improve the city's little league
fields. And it seems the city can't figure out how to cut the grass at the fields at a
reasonable price. Par for the course.
On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 12:34 PM, Gabriel Schnitzler <>
Dear Councilmember Kalb
I am writing to express my deep disappointment in the City's handling of the
negotiations with the Oakland A's. I understand that some members of the City
Council have concerns about the Coliseum lease deal. The time for raising those
concerns was over the 14 month period of lease negotiations, not at the last

These actions confirm the general public's impression that the City administration
is dysfunctional, and gives the A's no reason whatsoever to think they would have
a good working partner for building a new stadium in downtown Oakland.

Frankly, I have seen litle evidence that the City government has any interest or
capacity in actually working for its citizens. We can add the City's inability to
negotiate with the A's to its inability to deliver on public safety or education.
There are lots of great things about Oakland, but unfortunately they all seem to be
in spite of the City government, not because of it.

Gabriel Schnitzler



Kalb, Dan
Fred Walker
RE: Oakland Raiders Stadium Issues
Thursday, August 14, 2014 3:04:00 PM

Greetings Fred,

Thanks for including me on your email about a new stadium for our Oakland Raiders.
The City of Oakland is doing pretty much all it can at this point. We have made it clear to the Raiders
organizations that we want them to stay in Oakland and that building a brand new stadium at the
Coliseum City site definitely part of our plan. The required environmental impact report will be
completed within a matter of months.

If you must finger-point, go talk with the Raiders owner. He wont even sign a simple letter of
interest. Talk is cheap. We need something in writing from the Raiders in order to move this
forward. The Private development team is behind schedule as well, and they would love to have
some written letter of interest from the Raiders.
Everyone has known all along that the Raiders have been seriously looking at Los Angeles. That really
is their only truly viable option other than Oakland. Any talk about other cities outside of LA and
Oakland is pure BS negotiating tactics.

We have said all along that we want a new stadium for the Raiders AND a new ballpark for the As
both on the Coliseum City site. This is doable IF both team owners want to make it happen and work
WITH us to make it happen. But, if a team owner chooses to play the game of pitting of one city
over another as a negotiating tactic, then progress will likely slow down. The City of Oakland is tired
of being shoved around by team owners; nevertheless, we are continuing to work hard in good faith
with all parties in trying to keep our teams in Oakland.

I assume you realize that what limited info you may read in the press will virtually always be
incomplete and, more often than not, slated.
Thanks again for your interest.


--- ---


Oakland City Councilmember, District One

One Frank Ogawa Plaza, 2 nd floor
Oakland, CA 94612


To sign up for my District One Community Newsletter, please click here.

From: Fred Walker []

Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 12:29 PM
To:;;;;; Gardner, Henry; City Administrator's Office; Hunter, Gregory; Quan, Jean;
Office of the Mayor; Maher, Sean; Kernighan, Pat; Reid, Larry; At Large; Kaplan, Rebecca; Gallo, Noel;
McElhaney, Lynette; Brooks, Desley; Schaaf, Libby; Kalb, Dan; Parker, Barbara;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Subject: Oakland Raiders Stadium Issues

To: Oakland Raiders, City of Oakland, Alameda County, JPA,JRDV Architects (Developer
of the CC Project)

Good Afternoon,

As you are aware the Oakland Raiders is continue having issues of finding a stadium
in Oakland. As a resident I am getting mad andfrustratedby the City and County of
sitting on their feet and dragging. Theytaking their time and doing absolutely nothing
to try to help the Raiders secure a new Stadium in Oakland. I have been asking
numerous of times about the status. Right now I'm not sure who to believe I believe
that if everyone put their egos on the side and deal could be done.

This deal is important to City, County, and Community in Alameda County and City of
Oakland. it will create thousands of jobs and boost the economy. A new Stadium will
generated revenue for everyone and it should be done in partnership but it seems
that everyone is point fingers at everyone. but we all is sick and tired of the pointing
fingers andblamingthe other parties. The way the City and County had sit with the
A's to get 10 year lease why you can't do the same as a Raiders. Thats why the
Raiders have been talking to other cities because of neglected that all of you have

The Raiders have said numerous of times that they want to stay in Oakland and all
they need is a new Stadium to play in. this Stadium will not beforthe Raiders is will
be for everyone to be happy thateveryone hasdonetheir part. but it need to be done
in partnership. As you have heard from the San FranciscoNo progress in talks
with Raiders, Oakland; no lease extension soughtwhile Mayor Quan said
progress has been made.

Thank You

Fred Walker
Oakland Resident



Fred Walker
Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza, Mandalyn; Cook, Brigitte;
Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards, Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee;
Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason; Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada;; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;
Reject A"s 10 year lease
Thursday, June 26, 2014 5:42:54 PM

I urge you to REJECT the proposed Coliseum lease extension with billionaire A's owners Lew
Wolff and John Fisher. It should be rejected because it would hurt -- not help -- the city's
chances at keeping the Raiders and the A's in Oakland. The deal also fails to protect
taxpayers -- it gives away millions of dollars to Wolff and Fisher, while Oakland & Alameda
County receive virtually nothing in return. Even worse, the extension might chase away the
Raiders because a clause allowing the A's to leave town if the Raiders strike a deal at the
Coliseum puts up a barrier to future Raiders negotiations in Oakland. This terrible lease
extension would be a lose-lose proposition for Oakland taxpayers and fans of both teams.
Please REJECT this proposed lease extension with A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher.


Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza, Mandalyn; Cook, Brigitte;
Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Rose, Patricia; Schaaf, Libby; Richards, Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee;
Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason; Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada;; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;;
Thursday, June 26, 2014 10:12:03 PM

I urge you to REJECT the proposed Coliseum lease extension with billionaire A's owners Lew Wolff and
John Fisher. It should be rejected because it would hurt -- not help -- the city's chances at keeping the
Raiders and the A's in Oakland. The deal also fails to protect taxpayers -- it gives away millions of
dollars to Wolff and Fisher, while Oakland & Alameda County receive virtually nothing in return. Even
worse, the extension might chase away the Raiders because a clause allowing the A's to leave town if
the Raiders strike a deal at the Coliseum puts up a barrier to future Raiders negotiations in Oakland.
This terrible lease extension would be a lose-lose proposition for Oakland taxpayers and fans of both
teams. Please REJECT this proposed lease extension with A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher.
Sent from my iPhone



Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza, Mandalyn; Cook, Brigitte;
Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards, Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee;
Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason; Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada;; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;;
Reject deal
Thursday, June 26, 2014 6:14:09 PM

I urge you to REJECT the proposed Coliseum lease extension with billionaire A's owners Lew Wolff and
John Fisher. It should be rejected because it would hurt -- not help -- the city's chances at keeping the
Raiders AND the A's in Oakland. The deal also fails to protect taxpayers -- it gives away millions of
dollars to Wolff and Fisher, while Oakland & Alameda County receive virtually nothing in return. Even
worse, the extension might chase away the Raiders because a clause allowing the A's to leave town if
the Raiders strike a deal at the Coliseum puts up a barrier to future Raiders negotiations in Oakland.
This terrible lease extension would be a lose-lose proposition for Oakland taxpayers and fans of both
teams. Please REJECT this proposed lease extension with A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher.
Sent from my iPhone


David Huerta
Kalb, Dan
Wednesday, July 09, 2014 9:41:39 AM

A very concerned Oakland Raiders season ticket holder,
David Huerta



fernando bravo
Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza, Mandalyn; Cook, Brigitte; Wald,
Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee; Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely;
Reid, Larry; Garzon, Clara; Brooks, Desley;; Chan, Ada; Jones, Andre; Overman, Jason; At
Large;; Richards, Araina
Reject the extended coliseum lease
Thursday, June 26, 2014 9:54:31 PM

I urge you to REJECT the proposed Coliseum lease extension with billionaire A's
owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher. It should be rejected because it would hurt -not help -- the city's chances at keeping the Raiders and the A's in Oakland. The
deal also fails to protect taxpayers -- it gives away millions of dollars to Wolff and
Fisher, while Oakland & Alameda County receive virtually nothing in return. Even
worse, the extension might chase away the Raiders because a clause allowing the
A's to leave town if the Raiders strike a deal at the Coliseum puts up a barrier to
future Raiders negotiations in Oakland. This terrible lease extension would be a loselose proposition for Oakland taxpayers and fans of both teams. Please REJECT this
proposed lease extension with A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher.



Chris Sims
Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; Luby, Oliver; Kaplan, Rebecca; Kernighan, Pat; Mendoza, Mandalyn; Cook, Brigitte;
Wald, Zachary; Farmer, Casey; Schaaf, Libby; Rose, Patricia; Richards, Araina; Banh, Hoang; Sykes, Renee;
Gallo, Noel; Ordaz, Karely; Garzon, Clara; At Large; Overman, Jason; Jones, Andre; Chan, Ada;; Reid, Larry; Brooks, Desley;;
reject the extension
Thursday, June 26, 2014 5:27:24 PM

I urge you to REJECT the proposed Coliseum lease extension with billionaire A's owners Lew
Wolff and John Fisher. It should be rejected because it would hurt -- not help -- the city's
chances at keeping the Raiders and the A's in Oakland. The deal also fails to protect taxpayers - it gives away millions of dollars to Wolff and Fisher, while Oakland & Alameda County receive
virtually nothing in return. Even worse, the extension might chase away the Raiders because a
clause allowing the A's to leave town if the Raiders strike a deal at the Coliseum puts up a
barrier to future Raiders negotiations in Oakland. This terrible lease extension would be a loselose proposition for Oakland taxpayers and fans of both teams. Please REJECT this proposed
lease extension with A's owners Lew Wolff and John Fisher.

-Chris Sims, LCSW

Bidwell Park Counseling.
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Meryl Rose Phillips

Kernighan, Pat; Gerard, Jennie; At Large; Jones, Andre; Kalb, Dan; Bolotina, Olga; McElhaney, Lynette; Wald,
Zachary; Schaaf, Libby; Gallo, Noel; Garzon, Clara; Brooks, Desley; Reid, Larry
Stadium License Agreement - letter from Oakland resident and Oakland Athletics Employee
Tuesday, July 15, 2014 12:26:43 PM

Dear Oakland City Council Members,

I can't really express the deep emotion and loyalty I feel to my Oakland Athletics. It is
a love and support that runs as deep as my love of Oakland and all that this team
means to our hard working and proud city. To take the A's away from Oakland would
be like taking the lungs out of a body - this city cannot breath without it's rough,
tough, working class, mohawk-wearing, La Potencia screaming A's.

I can't think of an Oakland without the Oakland Athletics. At nearly thirty years old I
wasn't alive to see the Swingin' A's come to Oakland in 1968, but my fandom runs
deep. My daughter is 1 year old, and is now the fourth generation of my family to
grow up in the East Bay. My father and his siblings were born in the 60's and when
the A's came to town from Kansas City it was a new adventure for their family. My
grandfather took not only his 5 kids to baseball games throughout the summer, but
insisted on bringing every neighborhood kid who wanted to as well - thankful for a
family activity that was fun, affordable and exciting. My dad, aunts and uncle saw the
A's win 3 consecutive World Series titles through 1972-'74, and even made it to a
World Series game in each of the 3 years.

When my dad became an adult he quickly scooped up season tickets and never
looked back - he has been a season ticket holder for 25 years. When I was 3 years
old my parents took me to my first A's game - a night game in the dead of summer.
We had tickets on the 3rd deck and when we arrived at our seats I famously took my
thumb out of my mouth and proclaimed, "This is the most beautiful place." From that
moment, I was hooked - our pet rabbits were named Mark and Jose, I shunned girls
softball to play baseball with the boys, I talked baseball when I was 10 years old so
much with the man sitting next to me at a game that he gave me the foul ball he
caught, when I was at summer camp the only letter my dad ever wrote me was when
the A's traded Mark McGwire, I stuck it out through the tough mid-nineties, I attended
streak games 19 and 20, I drove home from college in the early 2000's to attend each
playoff game with my dad, my daughter's baby shower was at an A's's
almost indescribable how much this team means to me.

In 2008 I applied for and got an internship with the A's in Diamond Vision. My mom
attended a game while I was out assisting on camera and cried when she saw me
working - so proud that I was lucky enough to have a job with the team I have loved
so much. I was fortunate enough to earn a permanent job the following year when my
boss's asked me to continue working for Diamond Vision. It was amazing: I got paid
to work for my favorite team in sports.

Working for the A's has been a dream come true. As a graduate of Mills College with
a degree in studio art I am fortunate enough to work in a field where I get to use my

creativity. That paycheck enables me to live in Oakland, spend my tax dollars in

Oakland and support Oakland. Despite the size of our city, there are no large malls,
no giant movie theaters, no real hub of commerce. But we have the A's.

By signing a lease extension to keep our A's here in Oakland you are giving me a
paycheck. You are also giving millions of other hard working residents a paycheck
who not only work for the A's or the other employers within the Coliseum, but the
thousands of other companies who are positively affected each time the A's play and
people come to town. You are keeping a team that means so much to our city here.
The A's are tough, they never let anyone tell them they're down for the count - they
always come back strong, fighting harder than ever. Just like Oakland.

Thank you.


Meryl Rose Phillips-Miller


Brooke Converse
Kalb, Dan
The A"s staying is the most important part of the lease...
Tuesday, July 08, 2014 10:26:40 AM

Dear Councilmember Kalb,

I was born and raised in Oakland. I love the city and have been an A's fan for 35+ years.
Though I no longer live in the city, I do work in Oakland and spend time and money here.
I am also fiercely protective of Oakland and want to see the city succeed.
I understand that Oakland needs to fight for a fair deal in the Coliseum lease negotiations,
but there is a limit.
Oakland has a hard enough time fighting a poor reputation without adding severe
dysfunction in city government to the mix.
The most important part of the lease agreement with the A's is the part that keeps them
The A's (considering their success the last few years) are the best thing to happen to
Oakland in a long time.
They are getting worldwide coverage right now, six of the team members are going to the
All-star game. The most since 1975.
I'm sure you know all of this, but none of it means anything if the team packs up and leaves.
Fighting for extra revenue from scoreboards won't help the city if the A's head east.
I haven't talked to a single person, A's fan, Oakland resident or other who thinks the city
council is making the right move by trying to play hardball.
As council members you are supposed to represent the citizens of your city and I think you
may have forgotten that.
Please go back to the council and convey the feelings of the Oakland A's fans, residents of
the city of Oakland and those who love it.
Keep the A' matter what.
Thank you,
Brooke Converse
Pleasant Hill, CA


Martha Evans
Kalb, Dan
The Oakland Coliseum
Wednesday, July 09, 2014 4:44:54 PM

Dear Councilmember Kalb,

Having read todays news about Mayor Quan negotiating with the Raiders to tear down the Oakland
Coliseum and rebuild a new arena for the Raiders on the same site, this on the heels of Oakland and
Alameda County negotiating a team year lease extension with the Oakland As (a winning and legendary
team), I am appalled.

The Raiders, while having a following, are a mediocre team. But that is the least of it. It makes the previous
negotiation with the Athletics appear to be in bad faith and undermines the work of the city and county
representatives. Furthermore, the Raiders have cost the city millions in agreements to just stay here:
This is a team that threatens to leave this city, has left previously, and shown no loyalty. Why should
Oakland favor them over the Athletics? If Oakland is going to have just one team, it should be a team that
has shown loyalty to the city, is a management role model, and is more deserving of the citys support.

Now the Raiders want an new stadium while Oakland still owes $180 million on the current one. In a cashstrapped city, this is a bad business deal and a betrayal of the public trust.

I hope you share this viewpoint and will represent it at the City Council.


Martha Evans
Golden Gate District resident


Darren P. Arata
Truly Appalled and Disgusted by "Yes" Vote on A"s Lease Extension
Thursday, July 03, 2014 12:12:35 PM

I am absolutely appalled and disgusted by the way that the City of Oakland allowed itself to be bullied
(into voting yes on a terrible lease agreement) by As co-owner Lew Wolff and MLBs commissioner
Bud Selig. Do not claim victory, as you should be absolutely ashamed of yourselves. That threat (of
approval for immediate relocation) was about as hollow as a prosthetic limb. Where could the As
possibly relocate to? SJ? Nope, theres a small matter of territorial rights and the pending MLB vs. SJ
lawsuit. Fremont? That ship sailed a few years back. Sacramento (Raleys Field)? I highly doubt that,
capacity is far too small. Portland? Wont even justify that with an explanation.
You stood your ground last week (by boycotting the vote), but allowed a feeble threat to completely
make you scurry like a bunch of scared rats. Absolutely terrible. That being said, a thank you must go
out to Rebecca Kaplan and Aaron Goodwin for actually having the courage to vote NO! to this very
poor deal.
I no longer want to hear the, this isnt the perfect deal, but its the best one we could formulate. That
is pure and unadulterated BS in the worst degree.
I really hope that you are well prepared to weather the firestorm that will ensue when this joke-of-alease causes the City of Oakland to eventually lose the Raiders as well. Well done! Lose the Warriors
and Raiders, and keep the one team who actually doesnt want to stay in Oakland (As). And as a result,
no new stadiums, and a failed proposal (Coliseum City) that could have revolutionized East Oakland. I
almost forgot: you will still have the old, dilapidated Coliseum still sitting there though, surrounded by
acres of underdeveloped land. Again, great job!
Darren P. Arata
Senior Customer Service Technician
Skyline Exhibits & Graphics Bay Area, Inc.
44111 Fremont Blvd.
Fremont, CA 94538
Direct Line: (510) 933-2222
Fax: (510) 490-9959


Steven Riley
Truth Sought in Current Standing of Coliseum City Project
Sunday, August 17, 2014 8:50:32 PM

Good Evening Oakland Raiders Brass / County of AlamedaSupervisors / City of Oakland Council
Members / Associated Parties Involved with the Coliseum City project,

I am writing this email tonight, with the intention ofextracting somekind of honesty and answers in
regards to the current standing of all involved parties with the Coliseum City project.

I must admit that I've grown quite tired of the phrases like,"These negotiations are of a private nature,"
and then being subjected to all of the negative rumors / truths that have been reported in the media. It
is incredibly taxing on one's emotions.

What I learned today, much to my dismay, is that the Raiders organizationconsiders the Coliseum City
proposal to be currently off the table. Anybody willing to step up, and speak on the validity of this news.
Raiders organization? City or County? Is this currently true?

I was also told that the reason behind the Raiders stance, is the 10 year lease extension (for the
A's)that was recently approved bythe City / County / JPA. I must say that everyone involved was
certainly warned of the possibility that this lease extension could cause some serious issues for the
Raiders and the CC development team.And now, here we sit. The Raiders organizationappears to
bedisappointed, angry, andseeking outother alternatives outside of the Bay Area. Anyone care to
expound on this? Anyone?

I ask you all, who suffers the most in all of this mess? US! Us being the citizens, sports fans, and
business associates in the Bay Area. All of you involved, owe it to us to come clean, and speak with
as much sincerity as possible on this issue, whether the news is unsavory or not. We deserve this

I will close in saying that I have the gut feeling that this email will probably go unanswered by most of
you. And if that is the case, then so be it. I thank you for taking the time to hear me out.

Sincerely Yours,

Steven Riley

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