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MUZDALIFAH (F1041131018)

1. Below is an example of a possible conversation
A: Hi. My name is Kunio
B: Hi. My name is Maria. Im glad to meet you

Im glad to meet you


Im glad to meet you too. Where are you from?


Im from Japan


Where are you living now?


On Fifth Avenue in an apartment. And you?


Im living in a dorm


What is your field of study?


Business. After I study English, Im going to attend the School of

Business Administration. How about you? Whats your major?




What do ou like to do in your free time?Do you have any hobbies?


I like to swim. How about you?


I read a lot, and collect stamps from all over the world.


Really?would you like some stamps from Japan?


Sure! That would be great. Thanks


I have to write your full name on the board when I introduce you to
class. How do you spell your name?


My first name is Maria:M-A-R-I-A. My last name is Lopez.


My first name is Kunio:K-U-N-I-O ,My family name is Akiwa.


Kunio Akiwa. Is that right?


Yes,it is. Its been nice talking with you.


I enjoyed it,too.

2. Later Kunio stands up ,writes Marias full name on the board, and says:
I would like to introduce you to Maria Lopez. Maria,would you please stand
up? Thank you. Maria is from Mexico. Shes living in a dorm. Her field of
study is business administration. She likes to read a lot, and her hobby is
collecting stamps.
3. Next,Maria introduces Kunio to the class. What is Maria going to say?
Hi friends, today i would like to introduce you to my best friend. I
have best friend. His name is Dhika Anggara.we were at the same senior high
school. he is very kind and he have face is handsome. Dhika loves sport very much
and he often a winner the competitions. His athlete favorite is Lee Chong Wei,one
of badminton athlete.
His hobby are sport and music. One day, I ever play guitar with Dhika, he is
sing a song of pop rock. I dont believe he can play the guitar very well and have
good voice. Then, I talking to Dhika about his talent a play the guitar. Apparently,
Dhika is guitarist a group music in Pontianak.

1. shhh. The Baby(sleep) is sleeping. The Baby (sleep)sleeps for ten hours every night.
2. Right now im in class. i ( sit)am sitting at my desk. i usually (sit) sit at the same
desk in class every day.
3. Ali (speak) speaks Arabic. Arabic is his native language,but right now he (speak) is
speaking English.
4. Our teacher (stand,not) are not standing up right now. She (sit)sits on the corner of
her desk.
5. Its 6:00 P.M Mary is at home. She (eat)is eating dinner. She always (eat)eats dinner
with her family around six oclock.
6. it (rain,not)is not raining right now. The Sun (shine) isshining ,and the sky
7. (Rain,it)is it raining a lot in shoutern California?
8. Look out the window. (Rain,it)is it raining?should i take my umbrella?
9. its 7:30 A.M and the Wilsons are in their kitchen. Mrs. Wilson (sit)is sitting at the
breakfast table. She (read)is reading the morning paper. She (read)reads the
newspaper every morning. Mr.Wilson (pour)is pouring a cup of coffee. He
(drink)drinksevery morning before he (go)goes to work. There is a cartoon on TV
,but the children (watch,not)are not watching it .They (play) are playing with their
toys instead. They usually(watch) watch cartoons in the morning, but this morning
they (pay,not)are not payingany attention to the TV. Mr.and Mrs. Wilson
(watch,not)are not watching the TV either. They (like,not)do not like to watch
10. Alice( take,not)doesnt take the bus to school everyday. she usually (walk)walks
instead. (take,you) do you take the bus to get school everyday,or (walk,you) do you

1. Stand up
student A : (student A stand up)
: who is standing up ?
Student B : John is standing up.
2. Smile
student A : ( student A smile)
teacher : what is Jane doing when she shooted her friend?
Student B: Jane is smiling when she shooted her friend.
3. whistle
student A : (student A wishtle)
teacher : what is doing in front of the door?
student B: Ann is whistling in front of the door
4. open or close the door
student A : ( close the door)
: what is Edd doing?
student B : Edd is closing the door
5. hum
student A : ( hum)
teacher : what is Ayu doing in the classroom?
student B : Ayu is hum in the classroom.
6. bite
sudent A : ( bite his fingernails)
teacher : what is Ridd doing to his fingernails?
student B : Ridd is biting his fingernails
7. read your grammar book
student A : ( read the grammar book)
teacher : who is reading the grammar book ?
student B : Mukherjee is reading the grammar book.
8. erase the board
student A : ( erase the board)
teacher : who is erasing the board ?
student B : Fikry is erasing the board
9. look at ceiling
student A : ( look at ceiling)
teacher : who is looking at the ceiling?
student B : John is looking aat the ceiling
10. hold your pen in your left hand
student A : ( hold the pen in her left hand)
teacher : what is Desy doing?
student B : Desy is holding the pen in her left hand
11. rub your palms together
student A : ( rub her palms together)\
teacher : what is Fika doing?

student B : Fika is rubbing her palms together

12. kick your desk (softly)
student A :( kick the desk)
teacher : what is Deny doing?
Student B : Deny is kicking the desk
13. knock on the door
student A : ( knock on the door)
teacher : who is knocking on the door?
Student B : Keila is knocking the door
14. sit on the floor
student A : ( sit on the floor)
teacher : Who is sitting on the floor?
Student B : Raisa is sitting on the floor
15. shake hands with someone
student A :( shake hands with his friend)
teacher : what is Jake doing?
Student B : Jake is shaking hands with someone
16. look at your watch
student A : ( look at her watch )
teacher : what is Sari doing?
student B : Sari is looking at her watch
17. count aloud the number of people in the room
student A : ( count aloud the number of people in the room )
teacher : what is Rany doing?
Student B : Rany is counting aloud the number of people in the room
18. shake your headno
student A : ( shake the head no)
teacher : what is Darco doing?
student B : Darco is shaking his head no
19. scratch your head
student A : ( scratch the head)
teacher : what is Clara doing?
student B : Clara is scratching her head
20. Perform any action you choose. Use objects in the classroom if you wish.
I take the spidol and write my name on the whiteboard.
Me : ( write my name on the whiteboard )
teacher : What is Ayu doing on the whiteboard?
student B : Ayu is writing her name on the whiteboard.

1. Drink coffee in the morning
student A: i usually drink coffee in the morning.
student B : i never drink coffee in the morning.

student C : ( student A ) usually drinks coffee in the morning. ( student B)

never drinks coffee in the morning.
2. Put Sugar in my coffee
Sandy : i always put sugar in my coffee
Desy : i sometimes put sugar in my coffee
Sari : Sandy always puts sugar in his coffee. Desy sometimes puts sugar in her
3. drink more than two cups of coffee in the morning.
Ayu : I never drink more than two cups of coffee in the morning
Lia : I often drink more than two cups of coffee in the morning
Akhbar : Ayu never drinks more than two cups of coffee in the morning. Lia
often drinks more than two cups of coffee in the morning.
4. drink tea in the morning.
Sarah : i always drink tea in the morning.
Deni : I sometimes drink tea in the morning
Deden : Sarah always drinks tea in the morning. Deni sometimes drink tea in
the morning
5. drink orange juice in the morning.
Clarissa : I usually drink orange juice in the morning.
Ria : I never drink orange juice in the morning.
Liza :Clarissa usually drinks orange juice in the morning. Ria never drinks
orange juice in the morning
6. drink tomato juice in the morning.
Rizal : i never drink tomato juice in the morning
Ahmad : i sometimes drink tomato juice in the morning.
Desty : Rizal never drinks tomato juice in the morning. Ahmad sometimes
drinks tomato juice in the morning.
7. drink milk two times a day.
Reni : i always drink milk two times a day
Iin : i usually drink milk two times a day
Sari : Reni always drinks milk two times a day.
Iin usually drinks milk two times a day
8. have a sandwich for lunch.
Efa : i never have sandwich for lunch
Wiwid : i always have sandwich for lunch.
Tiwi : Efa never haves sandwich for lunch.Wiwid haves sandwich for lunch.
9. eat dinner around six oclock
Fia : i sometimes eat dinner around six oclock
Wulan : i usually eat dinner around six oclock
Desta : Fia sometimes eats dinner around six oclock.Wulan usually eats
dinner around six oclock
10. come to class
Molly : i usually come to class
Mia : i always come to class
Mika : Molly usually comes to class. Mia always come to class.
11. get to class on time
Grace : I usually get class on time
Sandy : I always get class on time
Lisa : Grace usually gets class on time. Sandy always gets class on time.

12. walk to schooll

Fiko : i rarely walk to school
Sean : i seldom walk to school
Ayu : Fiko rarely walks to school . Sean seldom walks to school.
13. take a bus to school
Jessica : I usually take a bus to school
Johan : I never take a bus to school
Dery : Jessica usually takes a bus to school. Johan never takes a bus to school.
14. take a taxi to school
Hana : I never take a taxi to school
Dina : I often take a taxi t school
Diana : Hana never takes a taxi to school. Dina often takes a taxi to school.
15. drive to school
Desy : I usually drive to school
Aini : I always drive to school
Grace : Desy usually drives to school. Aini always drives to school.
16. ride a bike to school
Ayu : I always ride a bike to school
Nanda : I always ride a bike to school
Dimas : Ayu and Nanda always ride a bike to school
17. watch TV in the evening
Egy : i usually watch TV in the evening.
Eda : i Seldom watch TV in the evening.
Nia : Egy usually watches TV in the evening. Eda seldom watches TV in the
18. study in the library
Hanik : i sometimes study in the library
Putri : i often study in the library
Hary : Hanik sometimes studies in the library. Putri often studies in the library
19. do my homework
Bagas : i always do my homework
Cindy : i often do my homework.
Desta : Bagas always does his homework. Cindy often does her homework.

1. from 6:00 A.M to 9:00 A.M
Teacher ( to Meisya): Good morning Meisya.Tell us about your daily
activities from the time you get up until 9:00 A.M.
M : Good morning too. ok,i get up at 5
T : Really? are you always get up at 5 A.M?
M: Yes,i am miss.i pray Subuh at 5 and help my mother in the kitchen.
T: what kind you do to help your mother in the kitchen?
M: i usually sweep the floor and wash the dishes. and i sometimes i jog in
my backyard.
T : do you breakfast before you go to school?

M: yes i do. i always breakfast before go to school. i breakfast with my

parents and my brother.
T: what do you usually have for breakfast?
M:Bread ,milk and usually friedrice with omelette.
T : Does your brother eat breakfast same with you?
M:No ,he doesnt. he doesnt like bread. he usually eat rice with egg and
Teacher ( to Keisya): May you tell us about Meisya ? what she usually do
in the morning?
K: She always gets up at 5 A.M . she pray Subuh at 5 A.M and help her
mother in the kitchen.
T:what kind of she does to help her mother?
K:she usually sweeps the floor and washes the dishes and sometimes she
jogs in her backyard.before she goes to school she always eats
breakfast.she has bread,milk,and usually fried rice with omelette.
2. from 9:00 A.M to noon
Teacher ( to Meisya): Hi Meisya! tell us about your activity from 9:00
A.M until noon. What are some of the things you usually do?Let tell us.
Meisya: i go to school from 7.00 A.M until 1.00 P.M
Teacher : do you always go home at 1.00 P.M?
Meisya: No,i dont. On Friday i always go home at 11.00 A.M
Teacher : after you go home,what do you do ?
Meisya : i put off my clothes ,wash hands and my feet. and then,i eat
Lunch with my family.
Teacher : what do you usually have for Lunch?
Meisya : i usually eat Rice with vegetables and some protein.
Teacher : do you ever have Fruits after Lunch?
Meisya : yes i do. i usually eat Apple,orange and Banana after Lunch.
Teacher : After Lunch,is there anything else you do?
Meisya : yes there are. i take a rest in my bedroom and wake up at 2.30
P.M. after that i do my homework.
Teacher ( to Keisya) Hi Keisya ,can you tell us about Meisya ? what does
she usually do from 9.00 P.M until noon?
K : Meisya usually goes to school from 7.00 am until 1.00 pm.
T: how about Friday? does she go home at 1.00 pm
K: at Friday she goes to home at 11.00 A.M.
T:what she usually do after school?
K: she put soff her clothes,washes hands and her feet. she eats Lunch with
her family. she usually eats rice with vegetables and some protein. Usually
after Lunch she eats some fruits like Apple,orange and Banana. after
Lunch she takes a rest in her bedroom and wake up at 2.30 P.M and do her
3. from noon to 3:00 P.M
Teacher ( to Meisya) : Hi Meisya! tell us about your activity from noon to
3.00 P.M. What are some of the things you usually do?
M: at noon to 3.00 pm i usually do my homework and study with my
brother in living room.
T: do you always do your homework by yourself?

M: no,i dont. sometimes i ask my brother to help me when i get difficult

T: is there anything else you do in the noon?
M: yes, sometimes i read some books.
Teacher ( to Keisya) Hi Keisya ,can you tell us about Meisya ? what does
she usually do from noon until 3.00 P.M?
K: Meisya usually do her homework and studies with her brother in the
living room. sometimes she asks her brother to helps her when she gets
difficult object. in other time,she sometimes reads some books.
4. from 3.00 P.M to 6.00 P.M
Teacher ( to Meisya) : Hi Meisya! tell us about your activity from 3.00
P.M to 6.00 P.M. What are some of the things you usually do?
M: i usually watch TV in the afternoon.
T: what is your favorite TV channel?
M: my favorite TV channel are music,history,and cooking cable.
T: do you usually watch TV in the afternoon?
M: yes i do miss. after watch TV i usually play badminton with my brother
in my backyard. after play the badminton i take a bath and put on my
clothes .
Teacher ( to Keisya) Hi Keisya ,can you tell us about Meisya ? what does
she usually do from 3.00 until 6.00 P.M?
K: Meisya usually watches TV in the afternoon. her favorite channel are
music,history,and cooking cable. she usually plays badminton with her
brother in her backyard and after plays the badminton she takes a bath and
puts on her clothes.
5. from 6:00 P.M until you go to bed
6. Teacher ( to Meisya) : Hi Meisya! tell us about your activity from 6.00
P.M until you go to bed. What are some of the things you usually do?
M : at 6.30 P.M i eat dinner with my family in the dining room.
i eat spaghetti roll.
T : do you ever have salad for dinner?
M: no,i dont. i eat salad for Lunch sometimes. when i get dinner,i always
serve the food in table with my mother.
T: do you always dinner with your family?
M: usually. my family usually at home in night.
T: is there anything else you do after dinner?
M:yes there are. i usually learning music wih my father. My father teach
me playing the guitar,piano sometimes violence.
At 8.00 P.M i study for tomorrow and prepare my books in my bag for
school.At 9.00 P.M i go to bed. i always pray before go to bed.
Teacher ( to Keisya) Hi Keisya ,can you tell us about Meisya ? what does
she usually do from 6.00 P.M until she go to bed.

K : at 6.30 she eats dinner with her family in the dining room.
T: what does she usually eat for dinner?
K: she eats spaghetti roll and she never eats salad for dinner. she
sometimes eats salad for Lunch.when she get dinner,she always serve the
food on the table with her mother.she always dinner with her
family.Meisya usually learns music with her father.
Her father teaches to playing the guitar,piano ans sometimes violence. At
8.00 P.M she studies for tomorrow and prepare her books in her bag for
school.At 9.00 P.M she goes to bed. she always prays before goes to bed.

Part 1
1. Sleep past noon
A : How often do you sleep past noon?
B : I sometimes sleep past noon
2. wear a hat to school
A: How often do you wear a hat to school?
B : I seldom wear a hat to school.
3. wash dishes after dinner.
A: how often do you wash dishes after dinner?
B : I usually wash dishes after dinner
4. eat fish for dinner.
A: How often do you eat fish for dinner?
B: I often eat fish for dinner
5. go to (a particular place in this city)on weekends
6. A:How often you go to Singkawang on weekends?
B:I often go to Singkawang on weekends.
7. drink ( a particular beverage)
A: How often you drink Sprite?
B:I sometimes drink Sprite.
8. Speak(your native language)instead of English when youre with your
A: How often you speak Melayu instead of English when youre with
your friends.
9. go swimming before you come to class in the morning.
A:How often you go swimming before you come to class in the
B:I never go swimming before come to class in the morning.
10. watch TV before you come to school in the morning.
A: How often you watch TV before you come to school in the
B:I sometimes watch TV before come to school in the morning.
11. listen to the radio in the evening.
A: How often you listen to the radio in the evening?
B:I usually listen to the radio in the evening.

Part 2.
1. when you eat dinner
- I always eat dinner
2. when you get ready to go to bed at night.
- I always get ready to go to bed at night.
3. when you travel abroad.
- I sometimes travel abroad
4. when you meet a new person
- I often meet a new person
5. when youre on vacation
- i usually on vacation
6. in this classroom.
- I usually in this classroom
Part 3
1. at the dinner table.
- I usually at the dinner table
2. at a wedding
- I sometimes at a wedding
3. when a child misbehaves
- I sometimes get a child misbehaves
4. when they have a cold.
- I sometimes there when they have a cold
5. to celebrate their birthdays
- I seldom celebrate their birthdays
6. when they want to have fun.
- I sometimes there when they want to have fun.


a bird sing. = a bird sings

birds sing = no change
wood float on water=wood floats on water
Rivers flow toward the sea = no change
my mother worry about me =my mother worries about me
A student buy a lot of books at the beginning of each term = A student buys a
lot of books at the beginning of each term.
7. Airplanes fly all around the world = no change
8. Mr.Wong teach Chinese at the university = Mr. Wong teaches Chinese at the
9. The teacher ask us a lot of questions in class every day. = The teacher asks us
a lot of questions in class every day.
10. Mr.Smith watch game shows on TV every evening = Mr.Smith watches game
shows on TV every evening.
11. Music consist of pleasant sounds = Music consists of pleasant sounds
12. Pesticides destroy insects = no change
13. Dust travel through the air = Dust travels through the air

14. The front page of a newspaper contain the most important news of the day. =
The front page of a newspaper contains the most important news of the day
15. Water freeze at 32 F (0 C)and boil at 212 F ( 100 C) = Water freezes at 32
F (0 C)and boil at 212 F ( 100 C)
16. Ms. Taylor never cross the street in the middle of a block. She always walk to
the corner and use the pedestrian walkway. = Ms. Taylor never crosses the
street in the middle of a block. She always walks to the corner and use the
pedestrian walkway.
17. Many parts of the world enjoy four seasons: spring,summer,autumn,and
winter. Each season last three months and bring changes in the weather.=
Many parts of the world enjoy four seasons: spring,summer,autumn,and
winter. Each season last three months and brings changes in the weather.

1. Right now Yoko ( read )is reading an article in the newspaper,but she (understand,
not)doesnt understand it. Some of the vocabulary (be)is too difficult for her.
2. Right now i (look)am looking at the board. I (see)see some words on the board
3. I (need) need to call my parents today and tell them about my new apartment. They
cant call me because they ( know,not)do not know my new telephone number.
4. This tea is good. i (like)like it. What kind is it? I (prefer)prefer tea to coffee. How
about you?
5. Right now the children (be)are at the beach. They (have)are havinga good time. They
(have)have a beach ball,and they (play)are playing catch with it. They (like)like to
play catch. Their parents (sunbathe)are sunbathing. They (try)are trying to get a tan.
They (listen)are listening to some music on transistor radio. They also (hear)hear the
sound of sea gulls and the sound of the waves.
6. Right now i (think)am thinking about sea gulls and waves.
7. I (think)think that sea gulls are beautiful birds.
8. A : who is that man? i (think)think that i (know)know him,but i (forget)forget his
name right now.
B: Thats Mr.Martin
A: Thats right ! I (remember)remember him now.
9. Sam is at the library. He (sit)sits at a table. He (write)writes a composition.
He(use)use a dictionary to look up the spelling of some words. The dictionary
(belong ,not)doesnt belong to him. It (belong)belongs to his roommate. Sam
(look)looks up words in the dictionary because he (want)wants to make sure that he
doesnt have any misspelled words in his paper.
10. A: (believe,you)Do you believe in flying saucers?
B: What (talk,you)are you talking about?
A: You know,spaceships from outer space with alien creatures aboard.
B: in my opinion,flying saucers (exist)exist only in peoples imaginations.
11. A:Which color (prefer ,you)do you prefer,red or blue?
B: I (like)like blue better than red. Why?
A: According to this magazine article I (read)am reading right now,people who
(prefer)prefer blue to red (be)are calm and (value)value honesty and loyalty in their

friends. A preference for the color red (mean)means that a person (be)is aggressive
and ( love)loves excitement.
B: Oh? That (sound)sounds like a bunch of nonsense to me.

1. A: (Mary,have)Does Mary have a bicycle?
B: Yes,she does. she (have)has a ten-speed bike.
2. A: (It,rain)Is it raining right now?
B:No, it isnt. At least, I (think,not)do not think so.
3. A: (you,like)Do you like sour oranges?
B: No, i dont. I (like)like sweet ones.
4. A : (your friends,write)Do your friends write a lot of letters?
B : Yes, they do. I (get)get lots of letters all the time.
5. A : (The students ,take)Are the students taking test in class right now?
B : No,They arent. They (do)are doing an exercise.
6. A: (you,know) Do you know Tom Adams?
B : No, i dont. ive never met him.
7. A : (your desk,have)Does your desk have any drawers?
B: Yes,it does. It (have)has six drawers.
8. A: (Jean ,study)Does Jean study at the library this evening?
B:No,She doesnt. She (be)is at the student union. She (play)plays pool with her
A: (Jean,play)Does Jean play pool every evening?
B: No,she doesnt. She usually (study)studies at the library.
A : (she,be)is she a good pool player?
B : Yes, she is .she (play)plays pool three or four times a week.
A : (you know)Do you know how to play pool?
B : Yes, i do. But i (be,not)am not very good.
A : Lets play sometime.
B : Okay .That sounds like fun.

1. A : Where are the children?
B : In the living room
A : What are they doing?(they ,watch)Are they watching TV?
B: No,They arent . (they,play) they are playing game
2. A : Ssshh. I (hear)heara noice. (you,hear)do you hear it,too?
B : Yes, I do. I wonder what it is.
3. A: My sister (have)has a new car. She bought it last month.
B : (you,have)Do you have a car?
A : No,i dont. Do you?
B: No,but i have a ten-speed bike
4. A : Sshhh

B : Why? (the baby,sleep)is the baby sleeping?

A : Uh-huh. She (take)is taking her afternoon nap.
B : Okay. Ill talk softly. I (want,not)do not want to wake her up.
5. A : Ron,(be) is this your hat?
B : No,this is not. It (belong not)doesnt belong to me. Maybe it
(belong)belongs to Kevin. Why dont you ask him about it?
A : Okay.
6. A : Johnny,(you,listen)are you listening to me?
B : Of course i am,Mom.You (want)want me to take out the garbage. Right?
A : Right ! and right now!
7. A : What ( you ,think)do you think about every night before you fall asleep?
B : I (think)think about all of the pleasant things that happened during the day.
I (think,not)dont think about my problems.
8. A : A Penny for your thoughts.
B : Huh?
A : What(you,think)are you thinking about right now?
B : I (think)am thinking about English grammar. I (think,Not)Am not
thinking about anything else right now.
A : I (believe,not)dont believe you!
B : But its true.
9. A : ( you,see)Do you see that man over there?
B : which man? the man in the brown jacket?
A : No, i ( talk)am talking about the man who (wear) is wearing the blue shirt.
B : Oh,that man.
A : (you,know)Do you know him?
B : No, i (think ,not)dont think so
A : I (know,not)dont know him either.
10. A : (you,know)Do you know any tongue-twisters?
B : Yes I do. Heres one : She sells sea shells down by the sea shore
A : That (be)is hard to say ! can you say this : Sharon wears Sues shoes to
zoos to look at cheap sheep?
B : That (make,not)doesnt make any sense.
A : I (know)Know.

Kelompok 1
Ayu is erasing on the whiteboard.
Eda is writing something in her book.
Egy is singing in the classroom.
Nia is reading a Novel
Fikri is talking to Eri
Rini is sitting in her chair.
Shinta is looking out the window.
Aan is listening the music
Erhandi is closing the door.
Kelompok 2

Chaca is holding Larass hands.

Tika is opening her new book.
Mai is leaning against the wall.
Aini is scratching her chin.
Linda is smiling to Fetri.
Iqbal is walking in front of the class.
Rika is talking to Tati

1. On
His handphone is on the table
2. above
- My bag is above the cupboard
3. under/below
-Her pen is under the chair
4. next to/beside
-Rani is sitting beside Desys desk
5. against
-The calender is leaning against the wall
6. in front of
-Sella is standing in front of the classroom
7. in back of/behind
- Dika is sitting behind me
8. between
- My chair is between Ranis and Rinas chair.
9. among
-Dicky is walking among the teachers desk.
10. in
-My grammar book is in my bag.
11. on (the) top of
-Flower is on the top of table
12. around

-the picture is around the board.

13. across from
-Gerard is sitting across from Lyra
14. near/close to
-Wendy is sitting near Taras chair
15. (far) away from
-Gitas house is far way from the school
16. in the front of
- i am standing in the front of class. the middle of
-My desk is in the middle of the room.
18. in the back of
- I am thinking something in the back of my mind.
19. at the top of
- the lamp is hanging at the of the wall
20. at the bottom of
-My pen is falling at the bottom of table
21. in the corner of
-Claras desk is in the corner of class
22. on the corner of
-Keishas book is on the corner of the room
1. Mr.Porter is nice to everyone
2. Kathy was absent in class yesterday
3. Are you ready for the test?
4. Im angry to Greg
5. Im mad to Greg
6. Are you afraid of dogs?
7. Sometimes people arent kind to animals
8. One inch is equal to 2,54 centimeters
9. Im thirsty of a big glass of ice water
10. Joe has good manners. Hes always polite to everyone
11. Im not familiar of that book. Who wrote it?
12. Jacks thermos bottle is full of coffee.

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